AWTY 238 - Miki Main (Devilman Crybaby)

In education, in anime. I'm your anime idiot, tess Dugan.
Speaker B:I'm your anime expert, D Hollander Gonzalez.
Speaker C:And I'm Brennan McCullough, your anime angel woman, laugh, adult, nice, coherent, live, love.
Speaker A:Laugh, cry, dance like no one's watching.
Speaker B:Bless this mess.
Speaker C:I don't think I've mentioned it before because God knows why would I on this podcast. But Tess actually made me a needlepoint. Live, laugh, love, but a cynical version that says, meh ugg shit. And I still have it hanging up. I love that.
Speaker B:How nice.
Speaker A:I always forget about that one.
Speaker C:It's right by my front door. I always get a little chuckle if anyone who comes in sees it's like, what the?
Speaker B:We both have silly little things from Tess. I still have a Post it note that says, to my number one fan, keep dreaming with their signature. And on the other side is a smiley face. They drew it's laminated.
Speaker A:It's one of a kind.
Speaker B:It truly is.
Speaker C:It'll survive all of us.
Speaker B:It has your dead name on it. I have to preserve it, keep it safe so no one else sees it.
Speaker A:That way, when the court finally is like, oh, the records were under a different name, you can be like, I have proof.
Speaker B:This is the proof, your Honor, Phoenix.
Speaker A:Reich, he cannot be elected president. That's the court case. I'm the first person to win unanimously for president.
Speaker C:Everyone votes for me. Manifest, it surprised president now has standards of what can't be elected. Seems like you can get away with anything. Anime. What anime? What are we doing here, gang? Oh, it's my pick. I derailed. Yeah, you probably tell by the title of this episode. I've done it. I've had enough. We're not delaying it anymore. It's happening. No more last minute audibles. No more quick softs. No more, hey, man, this week's been real fucking rough. Can we not deal with this shit right now? No, we're dealing with this shit right now. So we're watching Devil Man crybaby.
Speaker A:Yeah, it's a bad insomnia day for me. That seems like a good combination.
Speaker C:Hey, oh, let's be real. There's never going to be a good day for this show. It just has to happen. It's like taxes. We just got to get through it and just move on to the other side. Do either of you know anything about this?
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker C:That says it all.
Speaker A:Naturally, I haven't watched it, but I do remember the sensation of it coming out, and the response was just a resounding, what the fuck?
Speaker B:Yeah, I've seen a few episodes also. It's my man Masakiwasa. I had to watch some of it also because of everybody being like, oh, my God, this is the craziest shit you'll ever watch. Obviously, we'll see it's. Not the craziest shit I've ever seen, probably, but it's weird enough for Normies to be like, what is that? EW.
Speaker A:Oh, my God. It's Anime. Let's treat it like it's weird and commodify it.
Speaker C:Oh, you can do that with anything.
Speaker B:But I also like horror movies and weird shit.
Speaker C:It's in.
Speaker B:Yeah, it doesn't.
Speaker C:Like many others. I've already watched it when it came out. Last job. We actually worked on it and had a tour group come in while we were dubbing some of the scenes and had to explain what we were showing on screen. And now they warn people when tour groups come through because of that, because that was a long day of explaining what was on screen. We'll get to yeah, I think if you don't know what it is, if you're just like, hey, here's a popular anime on Netflix. Let's watch it. And you just go in blind? Yeah, it's wild.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker C:But if you're aware, there's an old Devil Man anime, which I never watched. I can't fathom it's anything similar. So if you're just like, oh, I heard of this back in the so, yeah, let's give this a shot. It's a lot different.
Speaker B:Yeah, probably.
Speaker C:But worst is subjective. But if you've been on the Internet long enough, you've seen something similar, so yeah, excited to share it. It's also like ten episodes. Six episodes? It's short. Ten. Okay.
Speaker B:Yeah, it's a shorty.
Speaker C:So no filler, no fluff. We're just going to be shotgunning that plot.
Speaker B:Hell, yeah. That's the way I like to do it.
Speaker A:Sip, sip. Let's watch the first, third or so.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker A:Sorry, I'm getting a phone call. Hey. Hey, Derek. Oh, my childhood best friend. I haven't talked to you since I saw you kill that cat. What? You want me to go do something? Oh, sorry. I'm just really caught up with work. Oh, it's a drug sex party. I think I'm good. I think I'm going to stay in, read a book. All right, catch you later. Bye. Oh, hey. Sorry. And we're back.
Speaker C:How's Derek?
Speaker B:You derek anything?
Speaker A:Derek has some problems. Anyways.
Speaker C:Yeah, that basically sums up ending the longer version of that. Episode one starts off we got a new club mix hitting up. Real popular with the kids, real BOP. It's like a monochrome Kaleidoscope style opening, just real trippy.
Speaker B:It's a very neat opening. I think it's cool.
Speaker C:It's very neat. It's just like, what's happening?
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker C:Then we cut to someone reaching out with their hands, like it's first person from their perspective. And we see a bunch of glowing balls in the sky with people in them. And then we see one of them fall down, and we follow it as it's flying through the universe and it looks like it lands near Earth. And then we get a voiceover of someone saying, love does not exist, so there is no sadness. Or so I thought, great, it's a lot to take in right away.
Speaker A:The imagery immediately, the first thought, false. No, you can still be correct. That doesn't make sense.
Speaker C:I disagree with you from the very beginning. And then we see more light orbs, and then we see some dark orbs, and they're pelting the earth, and it's destroyed, and then it reforms. And now we're in a void, and we see the hands reaching out again, and we see a child reach out, asking if they're okay pulling onto the hands. From the first person perspective, it's a little kid with black hair helping out. A little kid with blonde hair. I refer to them as black haired and blonde haired boys.
Speaker B:Their names are so easy.
Speaker C:Well, we don't get them yet, but okay, yeah, at this point, fine. And we cut to black haired boy protecting a sick cat in a box. It's not doing well. And black haired boy is like, it's got to get better. And blood haired boy is like, Let me kill it. It's like, okay, some bit much.
Speaker B:Let me add it.
Speaker A:That cat owes me money.
Speaker C:Blonde haired boy says, it's weak, it's sick. It's going to die anyway. No sense letting it suffer. Let's just speed it up. And we cut to them having a little funeral for said cat. It's raining. They're on like a cliffside. Blonde hair boy says, like, Why are you bothering? It was going to die anyway. Black hair boy is crying. No, you were crying too. Blonde hair boy is like, Whoa. Cut to ten years later. We're moving quick, big time, skip. Blonde boy is driving around in a fast car. He's all souped up. He says he's looking for Akira's help. Cut to a high school track meet. This seems like it's the same show, and we see a bunch of kids running track. One girl is just in full Olympic gear, and everyone else is just in, like, gym uniforms. So it's just like, calm down.
Speaker B:We all knew somebody way too seriously.
Speaker A:Yeah, I mean, let's be clear why she was wearing it. It's because it was the least clothing possible for wind resistance shown her ass.
Speaker C:Can I get Titties on the board? Titties? There it is. Her name's Maki. We see her running track with the other students.
Speaker B:It's Miki.
Speaker C:Miki. I wrote it. I can read it. I can't say it, though.
Speaker B:Sorry. I don't know why I was so aggressive.
Speaker C:Listen, it's my fault.
Speaker B:I deserve to get called out.
Speaker A:He deserved to be mockied.
Speaker C:Mike Myers is running track and field. Some students are on the sideline talking, be like, Yo, check out that one girl's. Titties, just get in front of at the start, this show's super aggressively horny to the point where it no longer is sexual to me, and it's more just pure body horror. Yeah, so the shit they do. But it is just an extensive amount of nudity and discussions of such truly.
Speaker A:If not, like, plot wise, maybe like, 25%. But most scenes involve either, like, oggling or nudity or humping or porn or some kind of depravity.
Speaker C:I'd say it's more plot relevant, but it's not apparent right away. We get it in later episodes, but in the first three. It just seems real horny for no reason. So we get the guys on the sideline talking about a superstar track athlete at another school. He's the super high schooler. He's breaking all kind of records and accused of murder. What?
Speaker B:He's got it all.
Speaker C:And he says, apparently he's associated with a few parties that are going on that are worshipping Satan. Yet Satanist here too. Who could have guessed about a show about a devil? And then we get our main boy, Aki, or Akira, the black hair boy from earlier. He overhears them and starts crying. They're like, Why are you crying? And he says, he's crying too. And he points at the super high schooler murder suspect, and it's like, oh, super empathetic.
Speaker B:He's soft.
Speaker C:And Miki tries to get them to do a relay. She's all about track, field, and running. She's their super athlete. And then she gets a call. Turns out it's her agent question mark. It's a pervert that takes pictures of her for track and other stuff. And surprise, surprise, he's a pervert. And then we see a club advisor for the track team eat a bug.
Speaker B:That was very funny.
Speaker C:Once again, nothing to do with these three episodes. But it does come in later. And it's just like, that's weird. KATU the super high schooler. I think it's a super high school. We never really see his face. It looks like his manager's there berating him telling him how to handle the situation, how he's got to handle the press. He's fucked up, and he's screwing himself over, and he's making a big scene. And then the manager gets murdered.
Speaker A:Fun.
Speaker C:Cut back to Miki and Aki heading home from school with their friends. Miki says, like, oh, well, Aki, since you're living with us, child living alone. Dead parents club check. Since you're living with us, you should get a cell phone. My parents could buy you one. He's like, I don't really need one. I'm fine. And she's like, oh, yeah, if you're going to look at porn on the family computer, make sure you don't do it in the living room. And then Miki says, like, oh, I got to take a shortcut to go home. I'll see you guys later. And runs off. And their friend is like, oh, man, that's weird. Hey, Aki, you want to go? Oh, he's gone too. Okay. By myself.
Speaker B:Poor girl. Her name, we find out later, is also Miki.
Speaker C:Okay, I was getting confused by I.
Speaker B:Also was very had to, I'm sure know relevant in the terms of being shadowed by other Miki.
Speaker A:We couldn't name them Girl One and Girl Two, so I guess we have to give them at least one name.
Speaker C:I mean, my best friend growing up was also named Brendan. We just went by last names.
Speaker A:But this show just respects women so much. It bends over backwards so hard, literally in some places. And it's like, oh, we know the studio was like, no, they have to have the same name. And you're like, oh, my creative art.
Speaker C:Then we get where was I? Notes. Where was I? See Aki running home another way, and we get shot of Miki's manager or whatever, talking on the phone about the goings on, these crazy drug orgy parties happening that apparently boost people's physical prowess and stuff. It's like, oh, he's taking pictures of a track star. He's tied into all that. And then we cut to Miki down by river on, like, a little just I think she's waiting for him, the photographer. And while she's there, a couple guys just come up on the pier with her and start freestyle rapping at her, right?
Speaker A:Terrifying. This is the most terrifying part that everyone's so scared of, right?
Speaker B:It's very ominous.
Speaker C:And when they're done, they're like, So what'd you think? How good am I at freestyle rapping? And Akira is like, down on a boat beneath the pier. He's like, hey, miki, I'm here to pick you up. Let's get out of here. They're like what? Why? He's like, oh, don't worry about me. I'm a little scamp. Just kind of plays it off real. Like, whimsically.
Speaker A:I also have to say, the writing for the localization I cannot believe this came out in the past ten years. It's so bad.
Speaker C:Don't worry. It was my company. I know how bad it was. And right on queue, blonde boy shows up. His name's rio. He tells Akura it's Akira, but the way they pronounce it sometimes is just really messing me up. Tells Akira to come up with him. He's been searching for him this whole time. He's got to come along with him. And the rapper guys were like, hey, what's going on? You can't just show up here. And Ryo just pulls out a gun and shoots at their feet, and they're like he's just like, Shut up. Don't make me come down there. Akira, get up here. He's like, oh, shit. All right. So he goes with him. Miki runs after him, telling him not to. Always a good sign. And Akura's like, don't worry. Rio and I are the same age. But he's a professor in the States.
Speaker B:This is a super normal man that I know. Don't worry about it, Miki.
Speaker C:I talk about him all the time. This god we're shotgun applaud. It's got to go quick.
Speaker A:They only got ten episodes. I keep dragging it down, but just hey. Oh, yeah, he's a professor. He's 19 years old in America. What? That has no factor into anything? Why? That explains why he has a Ferrari.
Speaker B:No, they had to tell us so he could tell his story about going to the jungle with another professor. Otherwise, that wouldn't make sense.
Speaker C:There can't be any other reason for it.
Speaker A:The only professor I know is Indiana Jones, and that's why I followed in his footsteps.
Speaker C:This show is just real. Like, what if we just go ham on style? It's. Like what's? The substance. We're not worrying about that, right?
Speaker B:Who cares?
Speaker A:It's style, man. I dare you to find it plausible. I dare you. It shouts at me.
Speaker C:So we cut to Ryo driving. He's, like, flying around. Tells Akira he has to get a cell phone because the only way he could find him was by tracking Miki's cell phone. And then he asked Akira why he runs, because no matter what humans can do, they'll never beat an animal without some sort of technology or enhancement. Normal conversation.
Speaker A:Also not true. Humans are endurance runners. We run animals down when they can't rest. That's the whole thing. That's how we evolved.
Speaker C:Sorry.
Speaker A:Excuse me.
Speaker C:Ted's coming out swinging. Then he says, yeah. He teamed up with another researcher. They went to the Amazon for something the guy was researching. Rio is supposed to go there as a translator when he meets the other researcher. The other researcher's kind of in a daze, saying he had to kill all the birds around him because they were keeping him up at night. And he's kind of, like, staring into the void. It's like, cool, not ominous at all. And then they go out later that night to see what this guy's researching, and the guy comes up to Rio, fully naked, swinging a pickaxe, trying to kill Rio. And Rio shoots him a few times, telling him to get back. And the guy starts, like, changing his body's, mutating and being weird, and he picks up a gas can, starts drinking it, pouring it on himself, saying he's got to kill himself while he's still in control, before it takes over. And Rio says what? And he sets himself on fire and mutates further into this crazy flesh blob, cut back to the car. Rio's like, and that's what devils are. It's. Like what?
Speaker B:And that's how babies are made.
Speaker C:He says, devils are what the other researcher was researching. And now he's roped into it, because how can you not, after seeing that? He says, devils can't exist on their own. We never see them by themselves. They're always parasitic. They're always merging off something else, taking the best trace of them and then leaping to the next host. Kind of evolving that way. And Rio suspects that we're now seeing them progress towards humans, preying on them. And he thinks that a human, if they're able to live through the transformation, they could possibly harness the devil's power for themselves. And this is what the researcher was trying to do in the Amazon. He says, there's been strange reports lately all around the world. Disappearances, a lot of murders, athletes getting super powerful, hint, hint, hint, and just general depravity going on. And he thinks that's the result of the devil spreading. So he says it's his mission to expose the devils to the world, because somebody's got to do it.
Speaker B:Why not let it be this pretty.
Speaker C:Boy teenager, this pacey little twink with a hot new car. And right on cue, they pull up to an abandoned church, I think. And he says that's why he wants Akira with them, because they're in this together, and he had to find them, because despite all the risk to Akira and himself, he knows they can get through it together.
Speaker A:But also, one of them very specifically will go through it much worse than.
Speaker C:The and give you a little hint, it's not the One Planet at all. And he says he wants to get to the bottom of this. And Akira's like, oh, well, in that case, if it's us together, then thank you. I trust you implicitly. Nothing will go wrong. You got it? Kicks open to the door to a big naked orgy rave in a church. Just titties out, dicks out. Everyone's tripping balls. And they go up to a girl who's walking around giving out pills. She asks if this is Akira's first time, and Ryo makes up a story of like, yeah, his girlfriend dumped him, so now we're just trying to cut loose. And she's like, oh, cool. She puts a pill in her mouth, kisses Akira, forces the pill in his mouth. He's dosed now he's having a bad time.
Speaker B:Rio. Rio, help him. What the fuck?
Speaker C:Listen, the show's not getting better from here, ethically.
Speaker A:Also, this is how middle school principal writes a drug sex party. Where the devil is everyone's in thongs the devil? This is after school special level partying.
Speaker C:This is a dare. PSA. This entire anime. You know Dare, the anti drug program that actually got kids more into drugs than anything?
Speaker A:War on drug failed.
Speaker C:Dare was a big proponent of it. Rio says that they're calling this the Sabbath, but it's too tame for a devil to show up. It's just people having sex and doing drugs. That's nothing. What devils need is blood. So Ryo just finishes a bottle of I guess, wine, shatters it, and starts just cutting people open and just going on a murder frenzy. And it takes a while, but everyone's like, hey, wait a minute.
Speaker B:Hey.
Speaker C:Being rude.
Speaker B:Can he do that?
Speaker A:Is that part of the show? Is there a program? Let me leave through oh, bloodplay.
Speaker B:It says it right here. Okay.
Speaker A:Oh, carry on.
Speaker C:I guess we consent to it. Akira runs after him, trying to stop him because he's murdering people. And Rio says, don't feel sad for them. They're all scum. It doesn't matter if they die anyway. And right on cue, someone hears that and goes, scum, huh? And cracks Rio in the head with the baseball bat, which is very satisfying. But they start fighting Akira, too, because he's with them. And we see the girl from earlier, akira gets, like, punched psychopunch. And he falls into the girl from earlier, and she's something like, oh, you're having a bad time? And then she starts laughing maniacally. And just explodes out of every orifice and starts mutating. The devils have arrived.
Speaker B:She looks so good.
Speaker C:Oh, my God. Who is she?
Speaker A:Also, again, this was just a normal sex drug devil party. But Rio is the one that turned it into a murderous bloodbath full of devils.
Speaker C:Yeah, he's the one that kicked it. He so she turns into a devil and starts eating people and cutting them in half and killing them a bunch. And Rio is like, yeah, this is what I wanted. These are the devils.
Speaker B:Finally.
Speaker C:I've waited so long, and we see just progressively more people are getting possessed and mutating. If you wanted to see a human orifice eat a person any orifice, you got it here.
Speaker B:All of them.
Speaker C:All.
Speaker B:Check them off the list, one by one.
Speaker C:Where don't teeth belong? They're there now we have to deal with them.
Speaker B:Have you seen the film Teeth?
Speaker C:Yes, I have. That's a fun movie. It's a bad time.
Speaker A:Speaking of middle school levels.
Speaker C:It technically resides in ancient mythology of I won't get into that. Rio takes out the camera and starts shouting to someone named Amon, telling him to come on out and to possess Akira. So again, he's got other plants, and Akira is just like, what's happening? Very goody. Goody two shoes that cries at the drop of a hat. I don't belong here. We see Ryo fighting off devils with his guns, still trying to film Nakira, sees him in trouble and goes to help him. And as he's running to help his body, there's a devil chasing after him, about to eat him. And right as Akira is going to get swallowed, something changes in him. Something snaps, and he rips the devil in half that was about to eat him becomes Hercules, and no, it's a lie. It's devil man. And he starts killing all the other devils. We see his body kind of change, and then we see him go full Devil Man mode. So he's a twofold change. And the whole time, Rio's thinking how he made Akira into a devil and potentially the most dangerous devil this world has ever seen, seems like a bad dude.
Speaker B:He's so hot.
Speaker C:And that's episode one.
Speaker A:Don't worry. We'll see his normal face, and then that hotness thing will change pretty quick. So episode two. We start out kids are gossiping because Akira's different, by which we mean he's definitely just a fully different character.
Speaker C:No, this is the same guy. I'm pretty sure. I have no evidence for that, but I'm pretty sure it's the same guy.
Speaker A:Yeah. This is the anime drawing of a 32 year old actor playing a high schooler and a teen drama.
Speaker C:He went from Shinchan to Jojo bizarre adventure overnight.
Speaker A:Yeah, he's just this lanky goth asshole that just eats nonstop because he has to feed the devil within. He watches porn in the auditorium because he's badass and no one can tell him no. And he goes to track. He used to suck, but now he fucking runs like an idiot.
Speaker C:I do love the.
Speaker A:He runs so stupid.
Speaker C:It makes me think of there's a.
Speaker B:Guy that Paul has seen on TikTok who trained himself to run on all fours. And it makes me think of that.
Speaker A:Yeah, it's definitely that. He's hunched over. He might as well be running on all fours. But his arms are like paddling the way frogs run across water. God, I love the show. And then afterwards, because he beat Olympic records, Miki's like, oh, you're so buff. Let's walk home. You live in my house. They he's like, I don't know how to use my body yet. And she's like, it sounds like you're talking about a different body, which clearly it is. So they walk past the dock again, where the kids are rapping again. And Akira's like, hey, let me get my bag. I left here. And also, I'm tough now, so fuck you. And then he beats him up and pushes him in the water.
Speaker B:Take that.
Speaker A:But Miki, you know the person he's walking home with? Oh, no. She saw somehow. So he just runs away. He's like, I'm a mobster. All right. See you at home.
Speaker B:The shot of him speeding by in the very distance really got me. Just a black dot running along the.
Speaker A:And then he goes home. And Rio, he left him a motorcycle because you're a badass teenager still. Here's your motorcycle license. Go for it.
Speaker C:He's a sugar daddy.
Speaker A:But yeah, he goes to Rio and sees him in the secret agent hospital, whatever it is. So he gets there, and Rio, the guy who started killing people at the party, is like, wow, man. You saved a lot of people at that party. Good for you.
Speaker B:For real. I was like, it seemed like most of them died. I thought most of them turned into devils.
Speaker C:Because when he says that, we can see the camera panned behind Ryo's computer so we can see on the screen of him transforming. I think he's just lying to Akira, knowing he's too soft to handle it. And he's like, yeah, you super saved everyone after you fell unconscious. Don't worry about it. Wink.
Speaker A:Yeah, it checks out. This show just flips rapidly back and forth on do we care about human life and, like, collateral damage?
Speaker C:I don't know if it flips. I think it's just always no.
Speaker A:But then he's like, oh, I'm going to use the power of the devil for good. But also, I'm the fucking devil.
Speaker C:Akira cares about people. Nothing else in this show does.
Speaker A:But he's like, yeah, you have the power to fight devils because you're a super devil. But also, you got the heart of a crybaby. You're like both a devil man. And we'll not say the other half of the title.
Speaker C:Body of a devil. Heart of a man. Just like chainsawman.
Speaker B:Wait, no, that's opposite. Isn't his heart the devil and his body.
Speaker C:You're right, human. Yeah, you're right.
Speaker B:Whatever.
Speaker A:Shame, shame, shame.
Speaker B:Yeah. You claim to like Chainsaw Man so.
Speaker A:Much, name the top three songs Chainsaw Man ever released.
Speaker C:You got me. I'm a jock. I hate anime.
Speaker A:Never watch it, go run track like a fucking idiot. Akira is like, Rio, I swear, if I lose power, if the devil takes the hold of me and I'm not in control anymore, put a bullet in my head right away. Come on. You got to do it for me, buddy. And then a lady with her tits out brings him dinner.
Speaker B:Jenny, Jenny, Jenny.
Speaker A:Thank you. Jenny, Jenny. That's my secretary. She makes doctor money to be topless.
Speaker C:All the.
Speaker A:But yeah, yeah, he has to eat a lot, so he eats, like, a big chicken. Cool.
Speaker C:It is like a castlevania. Like wall chicken. Exactly.
Speaker A:So, yeah, then we cut to the porn paparazzi. They're like, those Sabbath parties are over. Now it's about dark parties. Everyone's just hanging out in a field, and they're like, yeah, let's go take pictures of teenagers naked when they don't even know it gross. And then we see a man in a field. He's being chased by devils. Oh, no. He dies. He got a bunch of watches because he has to be identifiable later. Yeah. Then we see some other devils. They're like, talking about it, and this one devil lady is like, well, I'm here. I need to find someone to fuck me, and I need someone to handle it because I'm a devil lady, so I fuck crazy. And then the other devil's like, perhaps me, the lady. And she's like, no, you couldn't handle my pussy.
Speaker B:Please. I can. I swear.
Speaker C:Pretty much it. Yeah, that's the thing. I got nothing to add here.
Speaker A:Yeah. So we got Miki's family and Akira talking at dinner. They're like, hey, we have a priest friend. He's missing. He loves boy, he sure loved wearing a lot of watches.
Speaker C:It was also have a ton of guns. Yeah, he did.
Speaker A:Yeah. This was 100% written like you're just talking to random villagers in a JRPG. I hear the old man has watches behind his place. If you need more ammo, press B and you can crash into his barn.
Speaker C:But I don't really give a shit about this old man. I heard he had a kid recently. I guess I got to go save him now.
Speaker A:Well, yeah, he matters. So he goes to sleep. He has a devil sex dream. There's sexy ladies and then devil face.
Speaker C:Spooky real quick at dinner. They did just casually pan over to a giant portrait of the last supper.
Speaker B:Yeah, her family is very religious, but he's a devil. Hey, I love they tell her little brother like, hey, don't give in to devil temptation. Billy at the dinner table.
Speaker A:Yeah. And so he wakes up from the sex dream. He's like, oh, I got to think about my parents. Now he just has flashbull memories of my parents are, like, leaving on a train or whatever. So he opens up his window downstairs. Miki's in her room talking to her porn paparazzi agent. He's like, come on. Why can't I take a picture of your teenage titties? And she's like, no, I care about sports. You know this. And he's like, you know that I don't. So he jumps down to her room, and he just picks up the phone, and he's like, fuck you, dude. Leave her alone. I'm the defender of her virginity. And then, yeah, he's like, he's taking advantage of your innocence. Something I had yesterday, but now I'm a fuck machine because I have Satan in me. Or she's like, you're reading into it too much. But then she definitely has a flashback where she was assaulted during a cool. So, yeah. Akira and Ryo go devil hunting in a cargo yard. A witness filmed it. Oh, it's Miki's photographer, dude. He was trying to get some sneaky photographs but accidentally saw a devil attack. But he saw Kira transform, and now he has footage and ran away. That's where we end episode two.
Speaker B:Oh, dear. What will happen next?
Speaker C:It's a real small detail, but I do like when Akira has his crazy devil dream, he wakes up, and it implies that he transformed into a devil in his sleep because he has to lint roll all the hair off of his sheets from when he turned into his crazy, goat, devil legged form.
Speaker B:Got it. I didn't know what that was.
Speaker C:Yeah, it's real weird. And rewatching it now I get it. But it's like, what a dumb little moment.
Speaker B:Yeah. I was like, is that come?
Speaker C:It's so dark. I hope not.
Speaker B:Is that weird devil come? So I was referring to the rapper boys as the SoundCloud rappers, and they're back. I watched the first two episodes subbed, and then I watched the third episode dubbed, and they don't have any subtitles telling me what these boys are rapping about in the third episode.
Speaker C:I love prominent commentary and principal photography through untranslated text.
Speaker B:Yeah, cool. I'm sure it was very poignant.
Speaker A:I'll say none of it was translated in any of the episodes in the dub, so they didn't even bother.
Speaker C:Great.
Speaker A:Brendan. Shame, shame.
Speaker C:I'm not the one to do you don't have to tell me.
Speaker B:So photographer man is driving after his big get that he got the devil footage, and he's watching his videos of Akira as he drives. And he knows Akira because Miki was talking to him in a video call. And when Akira jumped down to her balcony, he saw him. So he knows what he looks like. And he's like, I know that guy.
Speaker A:That guy.
Speaker B:Rio tells Akira that the man filmed enough to get him before he transformed. So they got to keep that footage from being posted anywhere so Akira doesn't get found out. And Rio's like, I'm going to keep you safe no matter what. My good platonic friend, I love you.
Speaker A:Also, remember, my goal is I want the world to know about devils, but I want them to know I found devils.
Speaker C:But not that you're a devil. But everyone else is there.
Speaker B:Yeah. Akira is at a convenience store the next day buying a bunch of snacks. There's a girl bringing him up, and he like, looks again. He looks up something on his phone, but I cannot read it because there are no subtitles. So this scene, I'm sure there's a joke here, and I just don't know what it is because he's, like, mad dogging her, like, really looking at her. He pays and leaves, and he freaks out people that walk by him. The photographer man shows his boss the footage he got of devil man. But all the boss cares about is getting a bikini pic of Miki. So the photographer man leaves. The boss calls the footage crap. And the photographer man is like, I'll just take the footage somewhere else. I'll get a lot of money for it. Elsewhere, at Miki's house, her little brother has dressed their cat up as a little devil. Miki tells little brother that Akira went to stay at his friend Rio's house. And her brother jokes that Akira will be swept off his feet. Wrong. Yeah. Photographer man calls Miki again, and he's like, oh, let's just get together. Come on. And she's like, I don't want to see you. And he's like, just come to the studio one more time, and I'll explain everything. Goodbye. So he's like, I'm going to ask her about Akira, but we see that his car fills up with water, and then it keeps driving, which, weird, I.
Speaker C:Know he's in a heightened state and not focusing. I feel like I would notice my car filling with water while I'm driving it. Maybe before it got to my neck.
Speaker B:And Miki is like, okay, I'll just go tell him I don't want anything to do with him anymore, and it'll be over. Akira brings the snacks to Ryo, and he tells Ryo he needs to eat more. And he feeds him. And you can see, like, Ryo's eyes sparkle. He's like, oh, my God. So he's obviously in love. Rio asks Akira how he likes his phone to tell the audience that he got him one. And Rio also tells him that there aren't any videos of Akira on the Internet yet. And then Akira starts asking Rio about the apartment. How do you make your money? Rio says Akira wouldn't understand even if he explained. Akira's just got a lot of energy. He's like, let's go swimming.
Speaker A:Yeah. This scene also was written like it was localized in 5 minutes. It was like, how's your phone? Oh, good. How's the apartment? Good. You don't know what I do for a living. Let's go swimming.
Speaker B:After that, Ryo figures out who took the footage of Akira and akira also recognizes him as the guy who's been taking pictures of Miki. We see the other girl running. In my notes, I put I forget her name and then realize in a little bit that her name is also Miki.
Speaker C:You only got to remember one name for the girls.
Speaker B:Yeah. And she has, like, a couple quick flashbacks to, like, I think it's her and main Miki running, like, timing each other when they were younger.
Speaker C:Miki one and Miki two.
Speaker B:Yeah. And then another of them in high school. And Miki one passes her. I think she used to be the faster one, and now other Miki, main Miki is better jealousy. She gets home from her run. She's watering her flowers. One of the SoundCloud rappers approaches her and asks about the flowers and recognizes the name on her t shirt. And he's like, oh, you go to the same school as Miki One. And she gets upset, saying that people always want to use her just to get to Miki. And he's like, no, it's not like that. Except it really is, because I saw her the other day, and I'm very interested. My mom's calling me. Let me just make sure it's nothing important. Hello, mom, I'm recording the podcast. Right. Ha. I'll call you back later. Bye. They're in Las Vegas right now with my grandma, who has not been well for the past, like, many months, so wanted to make sure nothing bad happened. Yeah. So where was I? Oh, no. My notes got all messed up right after Sunk. Right. There we go. It scrolled up for some reason, and then we hear a voice calling for Miki, which is now when I realized her name is also Miki. And as she's walking away from this guy, she tells Miki that Miki won. I'm having a stroke. Miki Two tells the SoundCloud rapper that Miki One is above him, above all of these dudes. None of them deserve her. Akira and Rio go to find photographer man. They go to a house, ring the doorbell. An old woman opens the door. It's the photographer man's mother. And she tells them that he's at work. Rio bursts in and goes to photographer man's room, and she's like, don't go in there. He says, I'm not allowed in there.
Speaker C:I do like as they break into someone's house and presumably go to rob them, akira is still taking his shoes off and being respectful, very polite.
Speaker B:Rio's going through the room. He logs onto the computer. And I thought it was very funny that there was a window that said password and then another window that said hacking password.
Speaker C:Yeah.
Speaker B:Logs the fuck in.
Speaker A:Do you want to go in through the front door or the secret back door? It's the same password.
Speaker C:It's an exclamation point in the other one.
Speaker B:So he finds the video of Akira. I can't tell if he deletes it or just transfers it elsewhere. I think that's what he does.
Speaker C:Yeah, he puts on, like, a thumb drive for himself and then remote backdoor tracks where his cell phone is from his laptop.
Speaker B:Yeah, something. Because we see that photographer man's in his studio, and his phone lights up in his pocket. That comes back later, and he's looking weird. He's drooling this photographer man. He has completely white eyes, and rio knows that he's in his studio. He gives photographer man's mom some money and tells her not to say anything and not to look in the laptop upstairs. And she says, I won't. And then they leave. Miki shows up to photographer man's studio. Before they do, he's being a nasty freak, but, like, in a different way than usual.
Speaker C:In a devil possessed way and not a pedophile rapist way. Right.
Speaker B:She takes a shower, and he goes into the bathroom while she's in there, sniffs her undies, of course his boss shows up. Miki is in the tub after her shower, and she thinks she hears photographer man, like, at the door of this room. And she's like, what did you want to talk about? And he doesn't respond. And we see him and his boss in another room, and they turn on a screen that shows mickey in the bath. And the boss takes pictures of the video feed. Gross.
Speaker C:It is the loudest camera on the planet to be stealth taking pictures of someone without their knowledge.
Speaker B:True.
Speaker A:Because she finds out immediately and is like, okay, cool. Fuck you guys.
Speaker B:And she's just going on. She says that she let him take pictures of her because she felt sorry for him because she's lived a privileged life and hasn't been through anything that he has. And I get what she's saying, but the way she phrases it is so funny. Like, she's just like, I'm rich, and both of my parents are still together, and I've never experienced anything difficult in my entire life. You can't blame me for that. So photographer man goes up to the door to where the bathtub is, and the nasty, goo water comes out of him and goes into the room, fills up the room like it did his car and starts to drown. Miki, the guy that wanted to fuck the woman in the last episode.
Speaker A:His name you gotta be more specific. Come on.
Speaker C:What a descriptor.
Speaker B:The demon people that were watching the devils eat the priest, man. This guy's name is cain.
Speaker A:I'm sorry?
Speaker B:Cain. K-A-I-M-I looked it up to make sure.
Speaker C:Sorry. The past tense of come.
Speaker A:Came. God damn it, it's came and jabils.
Speaker B:So this man sees the footage that photographer man took of akira, and he's talking to the woman that needs to fuck, but nobody can handle her pussy. Her name is celine. He's on the phone with her, and she's like, does he look anything like aman? And kame is like, yeah, he does. And she's like, oh, please, let me see this man. And Kame is like, no, you have to wait. And she just wants to fuck this guy so bad.
Speaker A:Kame stop edging her.
Speaker B:Yeah, she jacks off, and she turns into her devil form, which is what.
Speaker C:Happens when you masturbate, which is a sin.
Speaker B:Exactly. You turn into a demon, and then you go blind.
Speaker A:Remember, a sex party is not enough to bring demons out, but masturbation by itself, much worse.
Speaker B:Yes. So back in the studio, Miki comes out of the bathroom and talks to the boss man. She's possessed by the water goo now, and the boss is in on it. So she says, oh, I'll use this body to get to Akira, who shows up right then. What timing. She lets him in. She takes off her robe and hugs him and says, you can do whatever you want to me. And he's like, boobies. The boss man approaches from behind, turns into a devil. Oh, my God. But Ryo shoots him before he can get to Akira, and it turns out they'd been listening the whole time through photographer man's phone. What? Miki or whatever has possessed her runs away the same way that Akira runs. But she's naked, so it's even sillier. Akira goes after her. They're both going so fast. She scales a building. He Mario Wall, jumps up to chase her.
Speaker C:He grabs being someone in one of those buildings, and just a naked woman just scuttle up the side of the building, just like all right, that's it for today.
Speaker B:Sharon, it happened again.
Speaker A:That's it. We're moving.
Speaker B:So he grabs Miki, and she starts fighting him, but it's, like, not much of a fight, because he's way more powerful than her, at least like the body the devil is possessing. He doesn't really kiss Miki. He puts his lips to Miki and drinks the goo out of her like a straw. And he tries to kill whatever devil this is by boiling it inside of himself, but it gets out of his body before it completely dies, and it's like this weird dragon looking thing, and he just punches right through it. Dead. He apologizes to Miki's unconscious body for dragging her into this. Back at the studio, Ryo questions the photographer man, who is now not possessed anymore, and he asks if there are any other copies of the Akira video. The photographer man says no, but Rio shoots him anyway. Akira sees this and is upset. But Ryo says he had to die because he saw you transform. He knows who you are. No one can know. And then we see photographer man's mother try to log into the laptop that Rio told her not to. And when she enters the password, it explodes, which is funny. He told her not to.
Speaker C:That's on her.
Speaker B:Instant karma. Akira starts crying as he's want to do. Rio says that they share each other's fate, and now he's holding the gun toward Miki. But Akira won't go for that. They butt heads, literally. And Rio says that Akira has a choice. Either live with Rio or die with Miki. And that's the end of episode three.
Speaker C:Fellas, is it gay to give your budy an ultimatum living with you or dying with a girl?
Speaker A:I mean, there's gotta be easier ways to ask an old friend to move in with you. If you need a roommate that bad, you don't need to put a devil in them.
Speaker B:True.
Speaker C:Maybe put a little devil in you.
Speaker B:Just say you can't afford it, it's fine.
Speaker C:And then you put the devil in them. You share a room now. It's easy. Are we there yet? Are we crybabies yet?
Speaker B:Well, yeah, before this, I was anyway.
Speaker C:Crybaby would not have to do with this at all.
Speaker A:Yeah, there no I honestly expected more from the show. I was kind of let down.
Speaker B:That's what I'm saying.
Speaker A:Yeah. Truly. When overwhelmingly the response of like, oh, my God, the transformations at the end of the first episode, everyone turns into a devil. I mean, we've seen better creature design. The whole hype around the show that I've heard is, it's so fucked up because titties have teeth. But I love from software games and I love fucked up monster designs, and I feel like Dragon. Yeah, that's sort of the peak of like, okay, if you're getting like, okay, this is so fucked. It has to be better than twelve year old game in terms of character design. Yeah. It was just like cronenbergen. And it was like yeah. Where it's messed up limbs split in weird ways, but it wasn't super impressive design, or really, in my eyes, much of a show around it. So, yeah, I really thought this would be something where it's like, okay, yes, this was oh, it's fucked up, sure. But this is like, art can be anything. We're seeing creative minds. It's like, no, someone just wanted to draw titties eating someone. And they did. And then they're like, oh, fuck, we have to write a story a bit around it, too. Okay.
Speaker C:Can be titties eating people.
Speaker A:Yes. What I very much want to introduce is just all of these shows that are like, yeah, you got twelve episodes because a studio was like, yeah, you're a good designer. Just give these people music videos. Let's make some neat music videos and be done in two to 4 minutes.
Speaker B:This is a show of that music video that went viral. Do you guys remember it? It was a cartoon of those kids in the pool and they were like, having sex, and then one of them turned into a big monster. Yeah, it's that, but a television show.
Speaker A:Yeah. I had that exact thought. I truly was like, Wait, are these the same people? Because the first episode basically ends. I'm like, oh, it's that thing. But yeah, hey, we all talked about it, we all remember it. I don't need to tell you the plot points of that music video. I just go, hey, remember that cool thing where a monster ate some kids that were having sex?
Speaker B:Yeah. I think for me, a lot of people got to the end of episode one and were like, this is so weird and crazy, and oh, my God, freaky. But for me, it was just like, ha ha. He. What a strange, fun time.
Speaker C:What a silly goof this show is.
Speaker B:So it is weird and so breakneck pace and exaggerated in really weird ways. And I don't dislike it. I don't know if I'll finish it. I mean, maybe I will, because it's only ten episodes.
Speaker C:We're a third of the way down.
Speaker B:Yeah. And I'm sure I don't know. Obviously, I haven't seen it. Also, I don't know what it's trying to say, like, if there is some bigger message about teenagers and sexuality and sexuality in general, because that's what it feels like to me. But I haven't watched enough to see if there's anything to be said about that. But, yeah, it's just a weird show that people really blew out of proportion. I think it's fun. I think it's fun and weird, and that's all it needs to be for me.
Speaker C:Yeah.
Speaker B:What to be said about sexuality later in the show, who knows? But it is taking a very weird road about teenage girl sexuality in not a fun way. But yeah, it's just another weird anime that people were like, oh, my God. What? EW.
Speaker A:Someone was on drugs when they oh.
Speaker B:My God, what were they on? Yeah.
Speaker C:I will say it is unfair to pin the hype and expectation brought on by the audience on a piece of media, regardless of what it is, because that is the swiftest way to kill any piece of enjoyment for a movie, show, books, video game, anything I've seen with anybody. It's like, this is what everyone's saying, and it let me down. It's like, don't believe what other people don't listen to other people. People are dumb time and time again. So I think it's unfair to criticize a show based like, I thought it'd be better because everyone said it was crazy. It's like, that's not the show's fault input on that for sure.
Speaker A:I'm not bringing that. Like, oh, I thought this was going to be amazing, but we're here. What year did this come out? Was it 2017?
Speaker B:Yeah, it wasn't that long ago.
Speaker C:Something like that.
Speaker A:Yeah. So, like, six years later, we're still talking about it, are we? We brought it up today to be like, oh, this is, like, a notably fucked up series. And yeah, I'm like, yeah, we've seen more fucked up. We've seen goreier, we've seen more fucked up in terms of sexuality. Even so, it's like, okay, you're not even really pushing envelopes beyond other shows. But, yeah, it just has this cultural impression because people are like, Whoa, you got to check this out in the novelty sense. And I thought it was more of a lasting cultural impact rather than, whoa, there was a weird party scene.
Speaker C:I would argue it wouldn't necessarily need to push the envelope. It doesn't have to one up everything to be noteworthy of like, someone did it better. It's like, well, you can't compare it to always the best in the field of whatever criteria you're putting against. But like I said, I think it's for people who may not be familiar with a genre or are familiar with the old Devil Man or just Toad on Netflix. Because when it came out, they were pushing this hard because I think it was one of the bigger budget ones Netflix produced. So they were advertising the shit out of it. So if you weren't ready for this, it definitely is like, whoa. It's not like Made in Abyss, which I think is one of the most upsetting shows I've ever seen. But I wouldn't expect people to have watched that, to have gone into Devil May Cry Baby and be like, I'm Jaded, so I finished it. So I definitely have perspective on the whole series. Teenage sexuality, not so much human sexuality overall, kind of, yeah. But I don't know how much it says on it. There is reasoning behind it. And it is not very clear in the first three episodes because it's the first three episodes. But it does get to that point. And it ends more on a note. It's not a huge spoiler, but it ends on a note more on par to play the magica and neogenesis evangelion on that par of collective. I don't even know if it's human ethics or morality, but just like human nature as a whole, it gets there. And there is a plot. I think a ton of this animation relies on animation rather than standalone, like freeze frame every scene. And is this objectively good art? It's like, no, that's a smear frame. Why would it be I think all the art is the animation in it and the movement and stuff. So, I mean, it's the fucking legendary creators behind it. This is also a love letter to the Devil Man series of the earlier because it is just a miniseries, they didn't plan on doing more of this. So it's kind of like, this is just a big love letter to that. And also we're just going to go balls to the walls because we have the heavy hitters of animators on it. So I think it definitely has an appeal to it. It definitely is renowned. But I think the idea of, like, this is the most fucked up thing I've ever heard of. It's like, no, that'll never be the case. There's always going to be worse. But I don't know anyone who's still talking about this show. Was it God six years later? Other than just like, hey, they had some crazy animation in it. And I think odly, that's most something.
Speaker B:I had fun.
Speaker C:I liked it.
Speaker A:I certainly watched it. Yeah. I haven't thought about how I'm just not going to get recommendations anymore.
Speaker C:Do we want to out it now? Be like, stop recommending stuff to us? Or do we just want to keep doing it?
Speaker B:I thought it recommendations. 240 is when we could say, hey, we're going to yeah. So you could just say it.
Speaker A:Yeah, I'm just for the sake of it.
Speaker B:Or you could just throw it to me and I can do my thing. I don't know.
Speaker C:What are we going to do? Lie to our listeners? I could do every episode.
Speaker A:If you want to reach out to us, not about this show, but other things, you can reach us on TikTok or Tumblr. Are we there yet? However you type it in both those.
Speaker B:Places, you can find me on Instagram and TikTok at honey. Period. D or on Twitter. No, you can't. Tumblr.
Speaker C:Stop try.
Speaker B:Tumblr at honey doesn't exist anymore. Honey d all one word. Honey is spelled H-U-N-N-I-E.
Speaker C:If you look up honey D on Twitter, you will get a virus and it will destroy your computer. We warned you. That's your fault.
Speaker B:I did it on purpose.
Speaker C:You're like the old lady. We told you not to burns when I weeb Twitter fucking. I don't know. I'm not doing anything. Why are you asking me?
Speaker A:Thank you to Camille Ruley for her artwork. And thank you to Louis Zong for her theme song stories. You can find all of Louis'music at Louisong Thank you and we hope you'll join us next week as we learn to live with anime.
Speaker B:Remember, masturbation is the quickest way to the devil.
CW: Sexual Assault
I have so much love in my heart... for SATAN. We watch Devilman Crybaby!
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Thank you:
Camille Ruley for our Artwork
Louie Zong for our Themesong "stories"