Are Weeb There Yet?
An Exploration and Education in Anime!

AWTY 114 - Perart Fan Fic (You Are Umasou)

3 years ago
Speaker A:

Damn skin.

Speaker B:

Can I go with you?

Speaker C:

Hello and welcome to our reveriet and exploration and education and anime. I'm your anime idiot, patrick dugan.

Speaker A:

I'm an anime expert, dana hollander.

Speaker B:

And I'm brenda mccully. Your anime gandhi tardikovsky's primal. Oh, I was going to go doing.

Speaker C:

Recent with a referee.

Speaker B:

Immediately to take away from your compliment. Originally it was going to go with Brett the hitman Heart, which is restless of the 70s. So I decided to mix it up because that one's going to be harder to explain.

Speaker A:

Yeah. I do actually know what primal is. Yeah.

Speaker B:

And it's very good and made me terrified of long necks dinosaur.

Speaker A:

Oh. I haven't watched it, but I know it exists.

Speaker C:

Yeah, I've heard it's good. And that's all I know about it.

Speaker B:

It's just a visual buffet. There's almost no dialogue. So it's just all conveyed through the animation and just oh, god. It's just getting tartagasi, just going off and doing whatever the fuck he wants. And he does it well. He does it well. Anyway, we're not here to talk about that. That's western cartoons. Fuck that shit.

Speaker C:

Yeah, we're here to talk about Japanese cartoons. Yeah, if you haven't gotten it, that's the whole feat.

Speaker A:

That's superior.

Speaker B:

If you haven't caught up in 114 episodes, that's the plot of this podcast.

Speaker A:

That's our whole deal.

Speaker B:

That's our shtick.

Speaker C:

But yeah. What are we watching this week?

Speaker B:

Today we're watching one. I figured it's around Thanksgiving. That's not an Internet, holly. But something I'm thankful for is this movie called you are Omaso? And it's a very good movie. Or at least well, I like this movie, but that's usually the kiss of death whenever I recommend something. So it's critically renowned, I'll say that other people also like this movie.

Speaker C:

Who are these critics?

Speaker B:

I need to know.

Speaker C:

I've been burned before.

Speaker A:

That mean nothing.

Speaker B:

Yeah, one of those names, crendon. And the other one and Brandon. Brian, friend of the show. Brian, don't actually call him out. I don't know if he's seen this one.

Speaker C:

I'm going to message him right now. We're going to find out.

Speaker A:

We have him right here. Hey, Brian.

Speaker B:

Could actually do that. Don't call me Alex. But no. Yeah, it's one of those movies where it got a lot of recognition and the people that love it love it, or the people that have seen it love it. But I don't know how wildly known it is. I don't know if it's wildly successful or anything. Looking it up, I found out it's based off of a Japanese picture book series. So I'm thinking it's like I don't know if essentially for children, but from what I've seen of it last time I watched it, I definitely get that feeling that it could be like a children's picture book series. And apparently they're planning an anime series off it. But I think that got delayed. But as far as I know, it's just this movie. But yeah, I think there's supposed to be more to it. And I fully welcome it because I really enjoyed it when I watch it. Do either of you know anything about this?

Speaker A:


Speaker C:

I only know that it was released in 2010 because I just looked it up. But that's the only information I have.

Speaker B:

A nice oh, God, it's decade old. Wow time. Why bother? What good is it? But yeah, it's one I thoroughly enjoy. And it's easily broken up into 90 minutes. So got 30 minutes session for each of us.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:


Speaker C:

Sharing is fun.

Speaker B:

And it's not a job.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

It's not like an anime series that was compressed into a movie. Actually, it might have been. Actually, I take that back. I can't be confident in that sentence, but it's one I've seen before, so I know we're not going to get screwed over of like, oh, this is not what we thought it was. It's a five minute miniseries.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

Yeah. But the animation is very unique to it. And that's when initially what hooked me into it and got me to watch it. And the story is also very good. Want to get into it. So I'm looking forward to seeing how you respond to it.

Speaker A:

I'm looking forward to watching it.

Speaker C:

Yeah. I'm so excited to take my dye notes.

Speaker B:

It's about dinosaurs.

Speaker A:

Before looking it up or anything. I had no fucking clue.

Speaker C:

So this was a surprise to me. Same.

Speaker B:

It's just a cute anime about a father and daughter cooking. What? But should be fun. Let's get into it.

Speaker A:

Let's go.

Speaker C:

The world is beautiful.

Speaker D:

The station at the base of sasak has all the charm of an industrial seaport and the invasiveness of a busy market.

Speaker C:

Life is a gift.

Speaker D:

The belabor death of a joyful man is an ugly thing to witness with.

Speaker C:

Kind and giving people.

Speaker D:

If you push past an angry sailor in gloucester, it's a transgression worthy of a trip to the bridge.

Speaker C:

Adventures everywhere you look.

Speaker D:

He knew I never straight far from gloucester and would rather read about the next town over than visit myself.

Speaker C:

And fun around every corner.

Speaker D:

If I followed my guest body mangled.

Speaker A:

Among the meat, would they notice a passenger in there?

Speaker C:

So go explore.

Speaker D:

I bury my face in the pillow and cross silently to sleep. The party continues to be off.

Speaker C:

Make new friends.

Speaker D:

She opened the door crack just enough to be face to face but not to imply a welcome.

Speaker C:

Remember old one?

Speaker D:

He was the only one welcoming in the starlight on its many mile journey.

Speaker C:

And see the beauty the world has to offer.

Speaker D:

I'm glad I could share with him this moment and return it to its rightful home.

Speaker C:

Echoed Locations a traveler's Guide to a Solar Punk World a new audio fiction travel show premiering December 9. Subscribe now on your podcaster of choice dinosaurs.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

Will yeehaw you just associate a southern accent? Dinosaurs specifically.

Speaker C:

While we were on break. I was a little quiet because I was trying to find a clip of the DNA from jurassic Park saying dinosaur, but I couldn't find it. Just that ugly sound bite. So I was like, I'll do my best approximation because DIY or die.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

This movie also does remind you of the good dinosaur. Yeah, but done well, yeah, that's exactly.

Speaker A:

What I was going to say about it at the end.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

Here we are.

Speaker B:

Here we are. But it does have a Western vibe to it, which I realized after watching it the third time.

Speaker C:

Now, there's some feelings going on here. Big roller coaster.

Speaker A:

I am so excited to talk about it.

Speaker C:

I was terrified at the start. I was like, what? Fox and the hound bullshit.

Speaker B:

Are you signing up for.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

It's a little bit like that.

Speaker A:

Here we go. So my first note is dinos with six exclamations. A yellow dinosaur finds an egg in a river. And she's like, you poor thing, I'm going to take you. So she takes it to keep it safe, and she puts it with the rest of her nest. And then we see there's some stormy cold weather, and all of the yellow dino moms are huddled over their eggs. There's more peril. Some carnivorous, weird dinosaurs come and steal some eggs. There's commotions. One of her eggs gets crushed, and then the rest gets stolen, except for one of her eggs and then the one that she found. So she holds on to them tight and prays for them to be safe.

Speaker B:

You can tell which egg is the protagonist because it's a different color than.

Speaker A:

The rest, but it's the less exciting one.

Speaker B:

I'm just imagining, like, yuki over it's like, I wonder who the protagonist out of this group of kids is. And it's fucking yuki with a crazy ass hair. Was that one?

Speaker A:

Yeah. But our protagonist, his egg is just, like brown and normal, but the other egg is spotted and blue. But so hers hatches, and it's really cute. And then the other one hatches, and it's a little like teal blue. So round. I love him.

Speaker C:

Just the aesthetics of this movie are so calming, so pure at times. Don't match the violent toe.

Speaker B:

So sweet.

Speaker A:

Yeah, these are some sweet little baby dinos. And then the other moms gather around, and they're like, he's weird. He's got pointy teeth. That means he's a carnivore. But she's feeding him some red berries, and he seems to be enjoying it. And then the men come to see the babies, and the one in charge sees him and he's like, oh, no, this cannot be. So he's ready to just annihilate this.

Speaker B:

Little baby blue, top him out.

Speaker A:

And he's like, It's best to do it now before he wants to eat meat. But yellow mom won't let him do that, so she takes him away to leave him in a red berry patch. She like, leaves him in a pile of red berries where there are a bunch of the plants around so he can eat. And then she walks away and it starts crying out to her. And I cried. I legitimately cried.

Speaker B:

Seven minutes in, new record.

Speaker A:

I just I couldn't she, like, covers her ears. She, like, collapses down. And I paused it, and I was just like, oh, my God. And I messaged Brendan. And I was like, Brendan got me crying about dinosaurs at 1020 in the morning.

Speaker B:

It's a good movie.

Speaker A:

So at that point, I was scared that she was going to leave. But then I pressed played again, and she went back to get him, so thank goodness. And then there's a time jump, and the adoptive brothers are watching all of the yellow dinosaurs leave. And then they, like, race each other through the forest. And the blue one's name is Heart and the yellow one's name is Light. And they're just playing around. Boys just playing, being brothers.

Speaker B:

Robinson having fun.

Speaker C:

Yeah, guys being dudes.

Speaker A:

And then they're, like, looking for something to eat and oh, no, it's not that. They do, like, a strength competition. And Light is like, hey, you need to be less picky about what you eat, or you won't get strong because I'm stronger than you.

Speaker B:

Yeah. They do, like, arm wrestling, and hart's got little trex arms, so he can't really do much with them.

Speaker A:

Yeah. And then Hart sees a lizard, and he rips off the tail, and he sucks on it. And Light is like, you are so weird. And he's like, it's nice. It comforts me.

Speaker B:

It's comforting. Leave me alone.

Speaker C:

It's like my blankie. Back off.

Speaker A:

It's a pacifier.

Speaker B:

It's a pacifier ripped off an animal.

Speaker A:

Perfect. And then mom comes, and Light asks why they didn't leave with the rest of the herd. And mom is like, oh, we don't have to leave just because it's going to be cold. If we're together, it'll be all right. And I was just like, that doesn't.

Speaker C:

Seem yeah, I was like, that she's dead.

Speaker A:

And then they're in their tree home, eating some food. And Light is eating leaves and acorns. But Hart will only eat the red berries. But he's got to branch out, try more things, like branches.

Speaker B:

Ha ha ha.

Speaker A:

And then the next day, mom takes them out and is, like, teaching them how to sniff around for food. So they go running around, and Heart sees a little squirrel. So heart and light. Go chase it. And they get stuck in a hole. And then they fall down, and they fall far into a river. And Heart has, like, a quick dream of, like, colorful plants wrapping him up. And then he wakes up and he hears a song someone is singing about something called a big jaw with their jagged teeth and rough bodies.

Speaker C:

We get it. You love classical cinema.

Speaker B:

It's all, like, misty, too. So it's all spooky, very spooky.

Speaker A:

And it sounds like someone is coming to eat them. And I did.

Speaker C:


Speaker A:

This is actually pretty spooky. And then they see a dinosaur hanging from a tree. And they're like, wailing. They're, like, really freaked out. And the dinosaur is like, hey, could you not? Because my baby is sleeping.

Speaker B:

That's who I was singing to. shush up.

Speaker C:

Yeah, I was singing the song about murderers to my sleeping child. Relax.

Speaker B:

I thought she was like a giant sloth.

Speaker C:

Yeah, she kind of was a proto sloth.

Speaker B:

Yeah, I like the design. She's crazy looking.

Speaker A:

I liked her tongue. She sticks out her tongue. It's blood.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

And they're like, Are you going to eat us? And she's like, no, I am not the big jaw. But you should be afraid of it. And then she gets a closer look at Heart. And then she doesn't say anything. And she just goes away. She just climbs away, seeming to be afraid.

Speaker C:

I love this because, Brendan, I don't request this a lot. Can you please get a gift of her? Just like, she runs backwards, like emotionless on her face. Just away. It's just such a perfect reaction. It needs to be documented.

Speaker B:

Okay, I'll try and find one.

Speaker A:

So Light is like well, it's kind of because you look like the big jaw in the song. And Hart is just like, what? And he starts crying really loud. And then mama finds them and she takes them out of there and she's like, Light, you shouldn't have said that. Hart looks like big jaw. That wasn't very nice. He's your little brother. You have to protect him. And then he apologizes and they're back home and Hart is enjoying the view of the forest. And he's like, hey. To his mom. He's like, hey, how come I can't eat leaves and acorns like other people? And she's like, oh, it's okay. Don't freak out about it.

Speaker B:

Don't worry about it.

Speaker A:

Stop asking about it.

Speaker C:

Hey, shut up, kid.

Speaker B:

Hey, I heard this new thing. It's really cool everyone's doing. It's called shutting up.

Speaker A:

Quick results. Look at that. There it is.

Speaker B:

That's beautiful.

Speaker C:

Dropped in the chat.

Speaker B:

Just a beautiful reaction. gif.

Speaker C:

No, I'm efficient.

Speaker A:

So she says that Light shouldn't have teased him. And he's like, oh, well, don't punish him for anything. It's okay. And then she pulls him close and she says that she's proud that they're both her children. It's very sweet.

Speaker B:

I was surprised at this point, even this early in the movie, I'm like, there's a lot there's a lot of intimacy in this movie. There's a lot of physical touching between the characters which you don't see too often. And it really wraps you into it and sucks you into the movie real quick.

Speaker C:

Yeah, they just like four colorful dinosaurs. They just establish a healthy, good family.

Speaker B:

Just so good.

Speaker A:

Very sweet. So good. We see. Hart is off on his own. He's running through the forest and he wants to find his own food. He runs and finds a clearing. Well, it's not a clearing. He breaks out of the forest and he's just on the planes. So he's beyond the forest and he keeps going. And then we see mom and she realizes that he's gone. And she's like, hey, like, can you go find him? And then Heart, out on the planes, sees some big green dinosaurs who are shaped a lot like him attacking a triceratops. And they make these Trexes look so cute and round.

Speaker B:

They're like sealed.

Speaker C:

Perfect, squishy friends. A couple of small teeth sticking out to be like, hey, yeah, I'm pointy up here. But it's adorable.

Speaker A:

What I wouldn't give to have a.

Speaker B:

Plushy one of them watching these, I haven't really looked for them, but I'd be very surprised if there weren't plushies of them because it feels like one of those were like we're designing this with the merchant mind first and then we're working backwards for the movie.

Speaker A:

Well, especially if it was kids picture books first. I feel like they must have stuffed animals.

Speaker C:

Well, you're in luck because I'm about to post an ebay.

Speaker A:

Oh, my God.

Speaker C:

For a character we'll get too soon. It's a little ugly. This plush in particular, but still a squishy good friend.

Speaker B:

Impossible. Everything in this is adorable.

Speaker A:

Yeah, I like ugly. Cute. Anyway, so they're trying to attack this triceratops, but it's not going very well because it's fighting back. And then One eye Baku shows up and he is very big, much bigger than the green guys. There's like three green Trexes and then one blue one. And then Baku is a big, dark teal T Rex and he has red stripes on him.

Speaker B:

Just like someone else we know.

Speaker A:

Yeah, just like heart. There it is.

Speaker B:

There's the friend.

Speaker A:

That is a friend.

Speaker C:

We're being vague about this friend because we don't meet this friend for a little bit.

Speaker A:

Yeah, so he because he's bigger than the others. One eyed Baku takes down the triceratops easy. And he's just like, what if I told you guys about this? Don't try to detect triceratops. They're too strong. Whatever. Eat it.

Speaker B:

Too weak.

Speaker A:

Yeah. He's obviously the leader. And then Hart watches as they eat the triceratops and he tries to run away, but they sniff him out. And one of them comes over and they're like well, all of them go over and they're like, you smell like a plant eater, but clearly you're shaped like us.

Speaker C:

You're shaped like Brett.

Speaker A:

Yes. And then Baku comes over and he's very baku is, like, really scary looking, but he's pretty well mannered, all things considered. And I think that's really interesting. He's kind of like gill from Finding nemo.

Speaker C:

I was just thinking about this because I aspire to be this sort of just like, assertive but gentle.

Speaker A:


Speaker C:

Like the ideal movie gang leader that's like, I will show you mercy this once, but if I see you again, I'm ripping your tongue out. It's like oh, okay. Thank you. Very polite young man.

Speaker B:

Bye. That's the thing with all the big dolls we see, it's got very yakuza vibes to it. And we find out the bluer one, kind of like the reddish eyes, is Gaza. I tried really hard not to say that. He's kind of got the punk up and coming yakuza member. Like, I'm going to be the leader. I'm the head shot. But he's just all talk. And then One Eye bach is like, yeah, the veteran, like, yakuza leader with the scar over the One eye. He lets his actions speak for him. He's not all talk, and it's just like, you don't piss off Pocket, he will murder you.

Speaker C:

But even in the gang dynamics, he swoops in for the Kelly. He's like, no, this was your hunt. I just got the last punch. So you all eat, and they're like, oh, no, thank you.

Speaker B:

Thank you, boss. Thank you, sir.

Speaker C:

Rather than, like, typical Western villains of like, no, it's mine, boss.

Speaker B:

Baku is hot. Like, we can all just say that.

Speaker A:

It'S personality. Yeah. So Baku goes over to Heart and he says, Are you hungry? And Baku, I mean, Hart is just, like, scared. Like, he doesn't really know what to say. He's like, do you have parents? Are you okay? And Hart is like, yes, I have a mom. And Baku is like, okay, then go. Get out of here. And as he runs off, Baku stops him and he says he asks for his name, and then Hart gives it, and he's like, okay, well, Heart, be careful going home. And then he leaves. But Hart is freaking out now because he's seen all that happen. I don't think he well, I guess he knows that dinosaurs eat other dinosaurs, but he's never seen it happen.

Speaker B:

Yeah, he's always lived in that safe forest.

Speaker A:

Yeah, so he's traumatized. He falls into the river, and he's, like, calling out for Light, and Light finds him and pulls him out. And he asks him what happened, but Hart doesn't respond. He just calls for mama. But then it turns out Gonza followed them, which is scary. Like I was like oh, shit.

Speaker C:

No, leave him alone.

Speaker A:

There's a carnivore in the forest. And then he asks how they're related. He's like, you guys aren't brothers. And then he pins Light, and Light just tells Heart to run. And Gonza is like, Are you serious? You're a plant eater and you're protecting a meat eater? Like, calm down. And then Light is like, no, we're brothers. And then Hart gets upset, and he rushes at ganza, and Ghanza just, like, grabs him and pushes him into Light. And he's like, you, one day you won't be able to resist eating this kid. And then Hart freaks out, and he clings to the bad guy's tail. He bites it, and then he ends up ripping it off. And Gonza runs away tail lifts.

Speaker B:

Stupid kid to build a big mean.

Speaker A:

And then Heart, instead of spitting out the tail, swallows it. And his eyes go blank like the other Trexes when they were hunting the triceratops. And then it seems like he's going to attack light, but then he gets a hold of himself, and then he freaks out, and he's like, oh, no. I have enjoyed the taste of meat. I got to get out of here.

Speaker C:

I'm a monster.

Speaker A:

So he runs away. And then we hear the big jaw song again, and we see a circle of long neck dinosaurs protecting their babies. And there's been a time jump again. Hart is a big boy now, and he's the one singing the song. And he's terrorizing the long necks, which is like, that's pretty scary. Like, if you were a long neck in that situation, you're just like, oh, my god. So he keeps running around them. The adults get dizzy, and they fall over, exposing the babies. But one of them falls on him, and that's the one that he eats. So while he's eating it, the rest get away.

Speaker C:

I didn't know how badly I needed to see a dinosaur go through a rebellious teen face. It was just so perfect. I'm like, it just lines up perfectly.

Speaker A:

Yeah, it's delightful.

Speaker B:

One of my notes, his heart goes from crybaby to yusuke yarimashi in one time skip.

Speaker A:

I keep saying trex. They call them big jaws. I've also said big jaws. The big jaw gang from earlier runs over, and they're like, you're on our territory. Get the heck out of here.

Speaker B:

Get out of here.

Speaker A:

And then heart taunts gonza for still not having a tail, and then runs off. And then there is a montage of him doing push ups and other exercises to get strong, just in case you.

Speaker C:

Almost forget that we were watching anime.

Speaker A:

Yes. And he has an inner monologue about being raised as a plant eater. So he's trying to get strong because he didn't as a kid. And then we see mom and light. And light is asking if they can return to the herd of yellow dinos. And he is the one that wants to rejoin. And then the leader is like, yeah, sure. Does your mom also want to rejoin? And we don't see it in that moment, but she does.

Speaker B:

She's very sad because hart just ran away, never came back.

Speaker A:

And then Hart finds an egg that's hatching, and he's ready to eat the baby. But then the baby climbs all over him, and he's like, dad. And this is, umaso because it hatches. And Hart says, oh, you look tasty. And then he's like, you said that? That's my name.

Speaker C:

Imprinting. This is how it works.

Speaker A:

We know this about dinosaur, and he's a little hard back. He's like a little spiky shell from Mario.

Speaker B:

He's in kylo sore.

Speaker A:

Very cute.

Speaker C:

They get the hard shell pokemon, the.

Speaker B:

Big blunt bone on the end of their tail and just they're my favorite dinosaur because scientists found archaeologists found, like, the skulls of them and measured the skull capacity. And they said they would have a brain the size of a walnut. And they possibly are the dumbest dinosaur ever recorded. I was like, I love them. I love these big, dumb armored dogs.

Speaker C:

Wow, they're so dumb. Evolution had to be like, all right, let's just make all of you armor. You need something?

Speaker B:

You're too stupid. We're wrapping you in prehistoric bubble wrap. Just get out there, have fun.

Speaker A:

So it climbs up to hart's head, and then he stands up and Umaso is like, that's so cool, dad. You're so tall. You're so cool. This is amazing. And right away, Heart is just like.

Speaker C:

Just like everyone in this moment, heart is like, my precious boy.

Speaker A:

Yeah. And then Umaso falls off of his head, but he catches him. And then he's like, you must be hungry since you just hatched, so let's go get you some food.

Speaker C:

I think the best thing about this character is the running sounds just like xylophone. Just the tiny little legs keeping up with the trex. It's amazing.

Speaker A:

You always know he's approaching.

Speaker B:

You'Re like Heart running and you're stopping here.

Speaker A:

That is my son.

Speaker C:

I'm making a mod to replace all the footsteps and among us with that.

Speaker B:

It reminded me a lot of Homstar from home, Star Runner. He's like, running. Yeah, heart has him, and he's like, all right. He's still itty bitty, but maybe I can fatten him up. Maybe I can feed him for a bit. And then once he's big enough, then I'll eat them. He's like, okay, you keep lying to yourself there, big guy. We all know you're in love with him. So after he hatches, he spends the first night together. And Heart has a dream where it's just berries all around him. And I don't know what it is about dinosaur movies, but these red berries and the star leaves from land before they look tasty. Like, I checked that off for delicious cartoon food.

Speaker A:

And, like, every dinosaur likes these red berries.

Speaker B:

They're great. Who.

Speaker C:

I'm a little put off by the weird, like, body horror pineapples that they come from.

Speaker A:

Yeah, yeah, that was you don't see.

Speaker B:

Where they come from. They sure are tasty.

Speaker A:

Yeah, just piles of red berries.

Speaker C:

It's like a mandrake pineapple where yeah, I'm pretty sure that's flesh.

Speaker B:

Yeah, but so hart's having this dream where he's just surrounded by the berries, and he's a little trex again, a little big jaw. And he's hearing his mom's voice calling for him. He's like mother.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

And he's looking for him. He's like, where are you, Mother? And she's like, oh, we're in your belly. You wait us. And he's like and he wakes up, and it's a nightmare. My curse, my burden. And we see next day Heart. And, oh, God, this one's going to be tough. For me, umaso maso. We'll see what it is. By the end of my section, Heart is with Umasso. And they're just kind of like hanging out. When he's not looking, Heart like, licks him a little bit. And he's just like he's not that tasty, but he's still small. But he's crunchy. And as well, Umaso is sleeping. So Umaso just naturally reacts and hugs heart's tongue. And he's like, dad, my loving father, my eternal protector who will never do any harm to me. He's like, God damn it.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

Get out. And then next day, Heart takes to, like, a flower field. Well, we just see uma still, like, running through the flower field like Pac Man. And he's just leaving little turds behind. pooping. And he's just, like, carving a maze in this flower field. And he's like, dad, why don't you eat with me? He's like, I don't eat grass. No, I can't eat that. And he's like, oh, okay. Hart goes off to get his own food and start running after him. He's like, no, you stay here. I'll be right back. And got it.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

I'll stay right here. And then immediately starts following Heart again. It's like, no, stay. And he puts himself in the little flower field to eat. And he runs off and hunts down another dinosaur, starts munching away. And after he catches something, he's like, you know what? I got my fill. I should probably head back, check on Umaso. And then we cut to we see just a real plump. Umaso just ate a lot of flour for real round. And we see, like, it's another meat eater. But they're all dinosaurs. And you can identify with some of the dinosaurs are, but some of them are just like real cartoony. Like, this one kind of looks like a trex with devil horns. Like big evil horns. And he's like sneaking up on them. Like tiptoeing up.

Speaker A:

Like, hey.

Speaker B:

Like, just real outlandish. And rezzie gets up to almost, like, sees him. He's like, oh, hi. Are you a new friend? He's like, yeah, you're looking tasty. And he's like, yeah, that's my name, tasty. It's like, all right, cool. I'm going to eat you.

Speaker C:

What perfect fortune for me.

Speaker B:

Great. You sure talk a lot for a snack. He's like, yeah, I sure too. um is not getting the danger. And right as he's about to eat them, heart shows up and just drop kicks him out of the sky.

Speaker A:

So funny.

Speaker B:

It just says the other guys are.

Speaker C:

Flying into nowhere because it is super anime.

Speaker A:

He comes in with both of his legs.

Speaker B:

He's flying in already in the air from offscreen.

Speaker C:

Sure, I'm built to use my teeth, but let me just roundhouse kick every dinosaur in the world.

Speaker B:

They got them big old stopping legs. I don't blame them. So we see them going about their day for a bit, and Heart notices that Umasto is not around. where'd it go? where's. The little boy find out? Uma, so wandered off because he smelled berries and he starts finding a bunch of them. And yeah, that's where we find out the berries are coming from these plants, which are just pineapples with the berries on the sides. And it seems like no one eats the pineapple part. Everyone needs this small little dot on this giant, weird fruit.

Speaker A:

That's the good part.

Speaker B:

That's a good one. That's where all the flavor is. And while he's in this, like, berry patch, he's going around and he's gathering a bunch of berries to put him on his back because he walks on four legs. All the other dinosaurs or most of the dinosaurs we've seen at this point are bipedal. He puts them all up in, like, a little pyramid and digs underground. And it pops up from underneath him and was like, oh, it's clever. It's precious.

Speaker C:

He's learning.

Speaker B:

And we see him, like, spilling some of the berries. And he's, like, trying to put him back on his back. And when he's doing that, he hears a voice. And it's another dino tongue. And he's like, oh, you're a little hard shell. He's like, huh? No, I'm uma so he's like, no, but you're a hard shell. He's like, yeah, I'm uma so I was like, all right. His voice dump, but I love him. And we see, like, a point of view from the dinosaur, the old dinosaur he's talking to from his mouth. And we see he's got the sharp teeth. So we're just like, oh, no. I trusted this man right away, explicitly or implicitly. And we see Hart freaking out, trying to find him as like, where is he? Where's my boy? Where's my son? And he's running around all over the place. He's picking up, like, little ties where it's like you see him? Did you eat him? Like, no, we don't need anything, boss. He's like, get the hell out of here. And clearly, he doesn't take shit from anyone. And everyone's a little scared of heart. And when he's, like, finally freaking out, he sits down on a cliffside and, umaso, just runs up. He's like, hey, dad. I got a snack. He's just like, why did you run away? You should leave right away. Danger gets me. And he just starts, like, freaking out. And, umaso, just starts crying. It's like, no, baby. And he's like, I just want to find food for you, dad, because you can't eat the grass. I wanted to find something you could eat. And I thought he'd like these berries crying. And heart tries to like Jeremy. He's like, no, I like the berries. The bears are fine, see? And he possibly like, they're great, right?

Speaker A:

He's such a good dad. He's been a dad for one day.

Speaker B:

He's like, no, you don't have to cry anymore. I'll eat them. And he's like, oh, yay. Thanks. He's like, where do you find these anyway? He's like, oh, this nice old man showed me where. He's like old man. What? Yeah, I'll go take it to him. He takes heart back to the barrier field, refines the old man. I find out it's old man backing or bike it and we find out. Yeah, like we thought he's a big old big jaw. The old trex sort of fella huge.

Speaker A:

Bigger than one eyed Baku.

Speaker B:

Yeah, but he's old and slow and all the plants, like, grew on top of him and he can't move anymore. And it's like, oh, no. So he's like, yeah, my teeth are all old and brittle. I can't choose stuff anymore. Even if I wanted to, I couldn't eat the little hard shell. So some of the others come by and bring me some food. Sometimes adventures don't work on the hard.

Speaker C:

Candy anymore, pretty much.

Speaker B:

And hearts like, oh, so you just eat all the berries that were lying around? He's like, no, a big Joel eating berries would be a disgrace to our kind. He's like, you eat those berries. Don't you lie to me back or bike on.

Speaker C:

You rely on food whenever anyone remembers to bring you some. Don't pretend like you aren't snacking away on the days known gums.

Speaker B:

He even says, like, people aren't coming around too often. It's like, yes, and eat those berries, old man. So they talk for a bit and he warns Hart about one ibaku. And that's what Hart remembers. Like, I met him before. It's like, yeah, he's the king of the planes. He'll fuck your shit up.

Speaker A:

He's bad news.

Speaker B:

Don't test him. He's sort of kinda he's a good boy. He's kind of doing his job. And he tells him a story about how Baku lost his eye, about how these pack of long necks. But he calls them like long necks, but they're like raptors. They're not like padasaurus. It's just these other raptor, like dinosaurs. But they're pretty big. Like, a herd of them came up to the planes and started attacking everyone. And Baku was the one to stop them single handedly. And that's where he lost his eye. And that's kind of how he got all of his respect. He's badass. And he tells hard. He's like, what do you plan doing with, umasso at the end of the day, you're a meat eater, he's a plan eater. It ain't going to work. I don't know what your plan is, but I can tell you it won't work. He's like, we'll see about that, old man. So he takes omasa back to, like they're in, like, a mountain, but there's a big split in the center. And like, that's kind of where their home is. And he takes them back there and then just starts training him. He starts going at home of some, like, charging at him and teaching him how to roll and dodge the attacks. Is it good if you can dodge me? Like, I'm one of the fastest out there. So you can dodge me.

Speaker A:

You can dodge a big job. You can dodge a ball.

Speaker B:

You can dodge a dad. You can dodge a Baku. So he's trained him how to do all the rolls. And we see little omas. Yeah. Once again, it's been like a week almost. Just absolute baby. So it's just, like, really funny seeing him, like, doing intense training. And then after they do a few more dodges, we got ourselves a real montage, a real training montage with the pump up music and just going the distance is great. So you see him see Hart knocking down, like, palm trees with his tail, teaching almost. So to do that because on kylo's, swords have, like, the big bone at the end of their tail. So it's like their main weapon. So you see him doing that. We see him doing, like, other dodges and running us up. It's great. It's just a real true blue montage. And it's fantastic. Father son bonding. And then we see Hart shows up. My notes.

Speaker C:

Hart shows, arrives to his own montage.

Speaker B:

Hey, what are you guys doing here? What's going on?

Speaker C:

He takes over from the stunt double.

Speaker B:

We see Hart shows. It was so how to fight and roar during the oh, my God, I.

Speaker A:

Couldn'T with Umaso's tiny little roar.

Speaker B:

During the montage. We see them giving bike him more food. Like, they bring him some meat for him. And at the end of it, we see Hart, like, tuck Umasso in that cliff side that they were staying at up higher, up on the cliff side because he can do the Jean claude Van Dam split kick and walk up the middle of a split in the cliff or up in the mountain. So he puts them away in, like, a little hole where no one else can find him. And it's a really funny thing, a trex. Do the Jean claude Van Dam split. And Hard goes out and keeps hunting and stuff. And we get, like, a shot of him hunting at dusk and everything's red. It's real ambience, real mood setting. And while he's out hunting, he's wondering how his mom felt raising him because he's kind of kind of in her position now, raising a different kind of eater than he is.

Speaker A:

It's the serp.

Speaker B:

And then a few days later, we see Hart tells Uma. So he's like, we're done. I've taught you all I can. I know no more. You're a man now, son. You got to go off on your own.

Speaker A:

It's been one month.

Speaker B:

It's been one month.

Speaker A:

It's been.

Speaker C:

Grown at all.

Speaker B:


Speaker C:

Have you learned anything? No.

Speaker A:

You learned self defense, but you still have a brain the size of a walnut.

Speaker C:

You are still defending yourself from a crab. That's the end of the list.

Speaker B:

So despite him not being any bigger, he's like, all right, now it's time to go off on your own. And it's just like, yeah, no, fuck that. No, I'm saying when you dead, he's like, no, we can't do that. That's not how this works. You have to be a man. Have to go off on your own as a child, like I did. And he's imprinted on him. He's like, no, I'm staying with you forever, dad. You're going to live together, spend our whole lives together. It's like this boy this boy Hart tells him. He's like, all right. I'm going to be just like you, dad, when I grow up. And Hart's like, don't be like me. You can't be like me. Hart says like, all right. I got it. We'll have a race. We'll race each other. And if you win, we'll stay together. And if I win, we'll go our separate ways. And Emma. So it's like, you're bigger than me, dad. I don't know about that. That doesn't seem like a fair race. And Heart is just like, one, two shit. It just starts running and starts taking off. It was also raining. And we see a little shot of episodes like jumping in heart's footprints because they're filled with water.

Speaker A:

And he's swimming around it's all too much.

Speaker B:

Too much. So it starts running. And he's running real hard. And he's panning. He's sweating. He's running real hard. He's putting all in. And we see Hart give him a little head start, but he catches up to him instantly. And the whole time, their race. And Heart is just right behind him the whole time. And Umasso sees that and starts running harder and harder. And then once he once he gets into a full sprint and he's just running his little heart out, heart slows down and stops and then turns around the other way and starts running away from them.

Speaker A:

Why don't you?

Speaker B:

And we see Uma. So just keeps running and running and running. And we see Heart off in the distance, looks back, and he's just like, be safe. Umasso.

Speaker C:

And then the movie ends. And that's it.

Speaker B:

That's just sad. We're just bump forever. We see Umaso still running. And we see him running into these dangerous old dead woods, like this old dead forest. And we see him running and running around. And he's running so hard as he has eyes shut. So he bumps into ganza and his friends, the other big jollies from before. And then oh, no. And, umao, starts screaming. And he's like, nah, my dad will protect me. And he's right behind me. And all the other big jokes are beating him up. And then when he yells and they start fighting, heart hears the scream and starts running right back. He has to leave his boy.

Speaker C:

He trained him to have such a powerful yell.

Speaker B:

Turns out it's actually kind of hard to beat up a hard shell because they got hard shells.

Speaker A:

But they're doing a number on this child.

Speaker B:

They're still beating the shit, baby. But we do see one of the Trexes with like a big vault on his leg. He's like, carefully. He broke your leg? It's like, he didn't break my leg. He just hurt it because his tail is so hard. Yeah, I almost got him.

Speaker A:

Yeah, he can fight a little bit.

Speaker B:

He's a little guy. So they're beating him up, and after they kind of knock him out, gandhi picks him up in his mouth. He's like, all right, I guess I'll lead him. And right at that moment, Heart runs in and sees them. And Gaza is like, what? Heart, what are you doing here? And heart just goes Farrell. And she's like, my boy. And just starts beating the shit that's my son. Yeah, he heads put the Gaza into spitting Omaso out, and then Heart grabs Omaso in his mouth to keep him safe, and then just starts laying into everyone. This is a big fight sequence that I saw for the first time. I was like, I got to find out what this movie is and watch it. This is gold. This is great because Trexes, all the other Trexes are fighting like a trex would, with their tails in their mouth. And then Heart is just like straight up judo, throwing them across the place and, like, suplexing them and just doing crazy martial arts bullshit on them.

Speaker A:

His mom secretly taught him when he.

Speaker B:

Was a child, and it's so good to watch. And he beats up all the other Big jaws, and one part of those particular burden, he grabs a rock, puts it in, dons his mouth, and it just uppercuts his mouth shut and, like, shatters all his teeth. Oh, shit. Like, he can't hold back.

Speaker C:

That's some bar fight bullshit. Yeah, that's brutal back alley brawl. Yeah. What we didn't see in the timeskip was Heart hanging out in a bunch.

Speaker B:

Of pool halls, just hustling people. He's hanging out with wolverine from the X Men and teaches him how to do dirty tricks like that. Once they're all knocked out, Hearts kind of catching his breath. One eyed. Baku shows up. He oversees the wreckage. He's like, do you fight these by yourself? He's like, yeah. He's like, there's no bite marks on them. Why don't you use your teeth? We're big jaws. That's our thing. That's why we got the name Big Jaw. And he's like, Well, I mean, you beat them all up so close, you're better than them, but you just still beat up my boys in my territory. So I'm exiling you never come back. And if you ever come back here, if I ever catch you in my area again, you'll have to fight me.

Speaker A:

I know. I let you go once, and now I'm letting you go again.

Speaker C:

But next time next time, strike too, buddy.

Speaker B:

Yeah. And that's all we give for Trexes, because we only got two fingers.

Speaker C:

We can only count to two.

Speaker B:

I had a dinosaur class in college, and one day we just watched dinosaur movies. Just calling the inaccuracies. And, like, every movie has Trexes with three fingers.

Speaker A:

I had a dinosaur class in college.

Speaker B:

Yeah, I had to pick one for, like, my jed. It was like an Earth science, like, minerals. And the guidance counselor was like, yeah, the teacher broke her arm and can't do all the experiments in the Earth science class. So now she's teaching her dinosaur class. I was like, Why was that not an option before?

Speaker A:

So good.

Speaker B:

It was great.

Speaker C:

If you wanted people to learn science, you would lead with that.

Speaker B:

Yeah, I was like, I would have picked that first. It was actually a great class. So, yeah. Bachelor tells him to leave and never come back. And Hart runs back to, like, the cliffside, to the mountain areas out of the plains where they're safe. And he checks on Omaso to make sure he's okay. And when he wakes up, Omaso says, hey, dad, you never caught me, so I won the race. So that means we get to stay together forever, right? And her just like he's like, yeah, you got me, bud. We're sticking together and thinking, you got me. I'll stay with you forever. He's super choked up. He's just like, Shit, it's my son. Now he wins. He won, he won. He got me.

Speaker C:

He's beaten by a month year old.

Speaker B:

And then we cut to we see Baku bringing food to old man biking, and he tells about the fight with heart. biking is like, yeah, heart. He's a real rap scally, and he's a little rascal. Kind of reminds me of you when you were at that age. Hey, Baku, what happened to that egg you lost all those years ago? baku's like, Shut up, old man.

Speaker C:

You don't know anything.

Speaker B:

You know, I don't need to talk about it. Leave me alone.

Speaker A:

The reveal.

Speaker B:

The reveal.

Speaker C:

The prestige.

Speaker B:

Hugh jackman holt. And we see a few phases of the moon cycle through all the phases. So it's like, ah, time skip. I wonder how big Omasau Omaso is now.

Speaker A:

I want him to be a big bull.

Speaker B:

He's still a bitty he's, like, maybe an inch tall. Like, he's still super, baby. And now this time, we see Hart at the beach pulling it up like just a giant rainbow, like sturgeon or something. Like a big old fish out of the ocean. And it's like, yes, beach episode. Got it. We see Hart just dragging that fish with him, and he, like, walks out to the, like, the ocean a little bit, and it's like, hey, peru. peru. And we see it's a olimosaurus.

Speaker A:

This bitch deserved more screen. I love this woman.

Speaker B:

It's just like a big old loch ness monster looking dinosaur. Like, it's got the flippers, and it's like a long neck, purpose, pure white.

Speaker C:

Show is your romance.

Speaker B:

Pure white. And just like an adventure type face, just dot, dot, smile, mouth. That's it. That's all the detail in the face. And I'm just like, beautiful. She's gorgeous. And she's just sitting back on a rock out in the ocean, like, playing with the seagulls, like, head twirling around with them and stuff. And we see them talking, hearts out there on her rock, like, eating the fish. And he's like, yeah, I'm kind of worried about what the news the seagulls were telling me. It's like oh, she communicates with Seagulls. She's the crazy pixie dream girl, whitstock the flowers in her hair, she talks to animals, love it. But the seagulls are saying the Egg Mountain, the place where Heart was raised by his mom and with light underneath the giant mountain that had the egg on top. That's the name.

Speaker C:

Do you get it? I know it's a little convoluted, but it's hard to I don't know if it translates.

Speaker B:

And they're saying Egg Mountain is breaking apart. So he's a little worried because that's where his family is in the herd. And we see Heart sharing the fish with Peripheral. And they're talking and they're like, yeah, you might want to go back and check on them. And the periphery is just like, hey, remember when we met for the first time? And it's like, please tell me, please tell me this story.

Speaker A:

I need to know.

Speaker B:

And we see a flashback of Heart falling off a cliffside into the ocean. And pair reperro rescues them and brings them up on shore. And then we see little montage of Heart carrying peripara on land, showing them what the land is like. And we see paraparra carrying Heart and almost all in the ocean, like, swimming around.

Speaker A:

A love story for the ages.

Speaker C:

I can show you.

Speaker B:

It really felt like that. And we see Hart. She like her peripheral warns Hart about the big jaw of the ocean. And we see Hart just like, encounter them and like, running from him. And then he starts fighting them and rips them in half. And just like, Heart don't take shit from no one, land or sea god king. And yeah, we get a little whimsical shot of like, a pterodactyl dropping a berry into the ocean. And my last note is just when's the Peripheral heart ex. Heart fanfic coming.

Speaker A:

Oh, no.

Speaker B:

It felt romantic as shit.

Speaker A:

Maybe the anime you're talking about earlier is going to be a spin off of their love.

Speaker C:

Well, my AMV is in the works, don't worry.

Speaker A:

And this part is really beautiful. The whole movie is really beautiful, but this undersea stuff is gorgeous.

Speaker B:

The waterfalls.

Speaker C:

Yeah, all the background art is just so detailed, so colorful, so beautiful. It's great. It's good stuff.

Speaker A:

Yeah. juxtaposed with a really simple dinos. It's kind of fun, but it's really pretty.

Speaker C:

We don't need this flower to do roundhouse kicks.

Speaker B:

It's fine. It's stationary. It can be pretty.

Speaker C:

So, yeah, Heart is reminiscing conflicted about going back. He's like, I left because I was afraid I'm going to eat my family. And perhaps like, hey, idiot. They're about to die, maybe. So maybe show them you aren't going to eat them. So you take sumaco and they head back to the volcano. So we go back to the woods where all the herds are. And we see that the mountains all smoking up. It's about to erupt. And all the groups are worried. And the Big jaws report that Hart is back in the plains and the smaller dinos are going to confront it. So Baku is on his way.

Speaker B:

It just really feels like a yacht because of the big jump. Hey, boss.

Speaker C:

Hey, boss.

Speaker B:

Hart's back in town. It's like, all right, boys, we got to round them up.

Speaker C:

He's back at his old stomping grounds at the pool hall. So they're about to go into the woods, but gonza is waiting for them. He's like, hey, if you want to go back into those woods, you're going to have to go through me.

Speaker A:

You know, if this was dubbed, that's exactly how he would sound.

Speaker C:

Yeah. This is my audition tape. Patrick dugan. Two takes.

Speaker B:

I just hear this. Cool. borrower from me, you're messy.

Speaker C:

Little snack with you.

Speaker A:

That's it. You've got the part.

Speaker C:

I'm honored. I have to call my mom. So of course, being much stronger, heart just knocks him down like one hit. But as little masto tries to walk past, daniel tries to grab him, and he's like, hey, kid, you know what this big old piece of shit is? He's a bad guy like me. And the best part of the movie also is like, I know he knows he's not his actual son. And I quote, a dad is a dad.

Speaker A:

A dad is a dad.

Speaker C:

My heart. So I paused here for 8 hours and cried.

Speaker B:


Speaker C:

The rest of my notes I have to muddle through because they're just soaked in tears.

Speaker B:

I did like the class routine, harding gonza, because it was like a samurai dual where they just ran past each other and then gonza goes down. And that's it. They didn't give it any more time than it absolutely needed to. And it was just like, ooh. It felt like an old samurai standoff had, like, sundown.

Speaker A:

I was like, yeah, because they fought each other enough.

Speaker B:

Yeah. We just see like a chunk of ghanza's neck missing after they clash. And that's it. It's like, badass.

Speaker C:

He kicked a bite out of his neck.

Speaker B:

He kicked a bite.

Speaker C:

So the volcano finally erupts, and they run back into the forest to go look for his family. They return to the herd, and the herd, of course, is like, oh, shit, a big jaw. Everyone run away. So Heart is kind of ignoring them.

Speaker B:

Just going, where's mom?

Speaker C:

Where's mom? Where's mom? And light is there. And it's like my brother. I recognize my brother. So he's like, hey, light, where's mom? He's like, she went missing yesterday. She went out to go gather food and never came back. She might be at our old house. So Hart is going to go find her. And he's like, Light, come with me. We have to go save mom. And light's like, no, I have to stay and protect the herd. We're terrified of this eruption, so we're going to stay still and do nothing.

Speaker B:

The baby dinosaurs are too young to move. It's like, fucking carry them. brah. Like, what?

Speaker C:

You are strong. So Hart is like, oh, that's stupid. Don't die. And he runs through the herd like, I'm going to eat you. Not really, but get the fuck out of here.

Speaker B:

Trying to scare him off.

Speaker C:

So they scatter, and he runs to go find his mom. And as he's running through the woods trying to find him, he starts having old flashbacks of him and Light playing in these woods. And it's so good.

Speaker B:

When he's running. He's carrying almost so in his mouth. And he even says, like, oh, almost getting big. We can't do this anymore.

Speaker C:

We haven't drawn you any bigger. But oh, you're thick.

Speaker B:

Your shells hurt.

Speaker C:

Like just seven shell all the way through. Just pure solid. So he finally gets back to his old house, the old tree root house thing, and his mom is there. A boy has a beautiful reunion. He's like, okay, we got to get out of here.

Speaker B:

He's like, oh, but I have to.

Speaker C:

Go get the little ones because she has more babies.

Speaker A:

I was crying this whole time. I sent a picture to brenton of me crying.

Speaker B:

I was laughing.

Speaker C:

Heart has little brothers, and they're all adorable. And mom is like, oh, I see you have a little one too. And we get the first time he says, oh, yes, this is my son.

Speaker B:

Oh, my god.

Speaker C:

So they all leave together, big happy family.

Speaker A:

I don't know what it is, but when she said, I'm your grandma, I.

Speaker C:

Was just like, I got to go.

Speaker B:


Speaker C:

Goodbye. I'm going to bed. It's two in the afternoon.

Speaker A:

I need the movie to end here.

Speaker C:

I can't take anything else.

Speaker B:

We even see, like, the little dinosaurs like, oh, you're our brother. He's like, yeah, I'm different, but I won't need you. But everyone else that looks like me will. So careful. I'm special. Don't trust anyone else that looks like me.

Speaker C:

So they run away and mom accidentally tumbles off a cliff. But Heart saves her, and Light comes to the rescue and pulls them all up together. So finally the whole family is reunited.

Speaker B:


Speaker C:

Yeah. So the little one's like, hey, you got to eat us. And he's like, no. But here's a fun song to haunt your dreams and sing the big jaw song of like, look out crying kids, I'm about to eat you. It's cute now because it's a cautionary tale.

Speaker B:

Yeah, I really like how that song really, like, segmented this whole movie of the beginning when Hart's young and learns it from, like, the sloth mom, and when hart's singing it himself before he attacks the long necks and the middle part, and then this part at the.

Speaker C:

End, it's just so good.

Speaker B:

It's very well done because they also.

Speaker C:

Just sing it in different styles. The first one is like, creepy and omnis, and then it's like, Hell yeah, rock and roll, punk.

Speaker B:

Fuck you.

Speaker C:

And now here's like, hey, kids, here's the lesson.

Speaker B:

It wasn't done like this, but it very much had the feel of cats in the crate because Light comes back and Hearts like, hey, didn't you have to do your job with the herd? And I was expecting Light to be like, I got time off from the office. He's very much like a corporate man now that he's older. Just like it very much had Cats in the cradle vibes to me.

Speaker C:

I know we'll have a good time now. So they're leaving the forest. They're back on the planes, but Baku is waiting for them. He's like, hey, you had two chances and you didn't take it, you dumb piece of shit. So he's like, all right, I'm going to fight you. So they have their big final confrontation. Just a wonderful anime fight of just a giant trex and a regular sized T Rex. Just fucking kicking the shit out of.

Speaker B:

Each other, doing martial arts. This is also the first time we've seen Blood, despite the whole movie being about eating other animals.

Speaker C:

Yeah, there's like, intense stuff. But here's where it's like, oh, shit, it's real.

Speaker B:

It's dramatic.

Speaker C:

Now, is it because they are Blood? But yeah, in the middle of the fight, Baku is like, I knew it was you. Say it out loud. He's just like, yes.

Speaker A:

This is for me.

Speaker B:

I know that technique. spits blood. Let's go.

Speaker C:

So there's another eruption and Baku screams. He's like, let's keep fighting. Heart jumps and grabs him by the neck, but Baku just hugs him and body slams them. Just classic bowser off the edge of the level. Super smash bros stuff.

Speaker B:

Get down. Smash off edge, motherfuck. I saw this and I was like baku goes in for the hug and then rok's. Out of nowhere, boom. No one saw him coming. It really looks like he's going to hug Heart and then he just crushes him.

Speaker C:

Yeah, no remorse. I wanted it to be like, odd. You've got the death blow, my son.

Speaker B:

I accept you now.

Speaker A:


Speaker C:

So body slams them. Everyone thinks he's dead.

Speaker A:

I thought he was dead. He is unmoving with his eyes open.

Speaker C:

So the family runs up to him and Baku and his mom are like, yes. Parenting. Just talking over their dead child.

Speaker B:

You're the mother? Yes. You're the father. And it's like, oh, boy.

Speaker C:

Well, it's funny to meet you at the grave site of my son.

Speaker B:

No, wait.

Speaker A:

Sorry. I just killed our son.

Speaker B:

Our son.

Speaker C:

So, yeah, he's like, hey, it took a lot for you to raise a meat eater, knowing it was. Going to grow up to be a meat eater. So I respect you. That's a baller move. I'm going to let you go. And lays down and dies.

Speaker B:

We already got some ash, like coating everything around them. So it's like, oh, that volcano is close.

Speaker A:

Seems as good a time as any. Good night.

Speaker C:

Yeah. So with heart recovers, he makes it. They get up and run away. So they escape before the eruption gets super deadly. And afterwards more time passes. They go back and they meet up with the herd again. And they're like, okay, so we're going to probably not come back here because it's a barren wasteland because the volcano destroyed everything. So the mom invites them all to join the herd. But he's like, no, it's for the best that we go off on our own. So there's the final closure of having that tearful goodbye he didn't get to have as a child with his mom. He's like, let's go, son. And he and Umassa will walk out into the sunset and he goes and marries pero. And it's great.

Speaker A:

I sure hope they go back to that beach. Like, why?

Speaker C:

They had a good place.

Speaker B:

I like that.

Speaker C:

That's the movie I like.

Speaker B:

When he leaves, he sees one of the new kids reaching out, kind of crying too. And it was the one that Hart was carrying, like back through the woods all the time and asked if they would eat her and stuff. So I'm like, she ponded with her uncle immediately. Her big brother. Big brother, actually.

Speaker A:

Yeah. Wow. What a film.

Speaker C:

This is a film cinema.

Speaker A:

I am like, shocked.

Speaker C:

Yeah, this was really good. Okay, so these were the feelings I was expecting last week of parent child relationships. So this is why I was slightly disappointed because I was looking for this.

Speaker B:

Well, I mean, that's the difference between a movie and 13 episode series.

Speaker C:

But still, I was like just a week later, I got the gratification.

Speaker B:

I was looking for delayed pay off. But I mean, I tell you guys weren't thrilled about it. Probably not. Are we there yet? Probably not, right? We're not. hated every den burned.

Speaker C:

I'm not recommending this to every parent ever.

Speaker A:

Once I found out it was dinosaurs, I was like, okay, this is just going to be cute.

Speaker B:

It'D be fun.

Speaker A:

This is going to be a good time. And I was crying literally five minutes in.

Speaker C:

God, a movie with an anime training montage sequence made me cry. distraught.

Speaker B:

Got you.

Speaker A:

Yeah. I really want to watch this with Paul because I know he would really like it. It's just so sweet.

Speaker B:

It's just a good movie. Like, this is a movie where you wouldn't try and sell someone. I'm like, it's anime. Like, no, this is just a heart wrenchingly, beautiful movie. And I think anyone who isn't impatient enough to actually read subtitles because I know that throws some people off for some reason, I think anyone would enjoy this movie. And if you're a parent, it'll be soul destroying. It'll ruin you, but in the best way.

Speaker C:

I was thinking about this because I was like, oh, I want to recommend this to people with kids. And it's like, but our kids going to sit here and read a foreign film.

Speaker B:

It seems like it is based off a kid's book, or if we believe it is. So I think the colors in the aesthetic are enough to, like, draw in some kids. And if anything, this would be a good one to try and get kids to watch, like, a subtitled movie for the first time. This might be a good one to try on them.

Speaker A:


Speaker C:

If you want to raise a young film student in people shit, then this is a perfect introduction.

Speaker A:

Yeah, it just felt like it did feel like a kids movie, but at the same time kind of like how like pixar is now. It had a lot of, like, adult themes.

Speaker B:

It's a lot of death. It's the circle of life. You got to eat stuff to live.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

And also, volcano will come and destroy your child at home as it does.

Speaker A:

This got me thinking about that Disney movie Dinosaur. I don't remember anything about that ugly thing.

Speaker C:

I looked it up because I was like, I know there's a dinosaur that's raised by a family of non dinosaurs. I was like, are they doing the same thing? But no, the plots are different. So I didn't bring it up. But yeah, okay.

Speaker A:

It just made me think about it. Not necessarily in that sense, but I was just like, that's another movie about a dinosaur.

Speaker C:

I was just like, there seems to be a lot of overlap. And I was like, oh, no, I haven't seen this movie in 20 years. There's very little overlap.

Speaker B:

I remember the taco Bell tieins with that movie. And that's about it.

Speaker C:

The little McDonald's hand puppet thing.

Speaker B:

Yeah, that feels like the perfect example of like I see a lot of video games of triple A video game titles where it's like, this is realistic and gritty and it looks like real life. It's like, yeah, but it's also kind of ugly because of that. And then, like, the indie game, which is this movie where it's like, here's our own style, and it's colorful as shit and they're just squishy dumb babies and we love them. It's like, yeah, that more more of that. This is the one. This is the one I want.

Speaker C:

It makes sense. This is the Nintendo version, the Japanese version. Hey, let's not worry about your Microsoft realism.

Speaker B:

Let's make it just appealing to look at instead of realistic because we don't know what dinosaurs really looked like.

Speaker C:

Let's make it something that's still going to be good to look at ten years from now.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

I don't know if I would be super interested in watching a series of this, but I'll definitely watch this again.

Speaker C:

Oh, yeah, definitely.

Speaker B:

Yeah. I think it works. As a movie, I'm curious to see because I know that on the wikipedia page, the anime series says it got delayed because of COVID and stuff. So I'm curious to see if there's more of it. If we see Omaso grow up, if he raises a little raptor baby and keeps the cycle going, or what. I think as a self contained movie, it's fantastic. It's incredible. And as a series, I don't know if we need that, but I'd still watch it nonetheless.

Speaker A:

Yeah. And if I can find the books, I'd love to read them to a child that I may or may not have one day.

Speaker B:

You can read them to jasper. Yeah.

Speaker A:

Great. yay.

Speaker C:

Hey. Please don't eat me.

Speaker A:

What a good time. What a joyous occasion this has been.

Speaker B:

I pick good stuff sometimes. Just most of the time I consciously choose not to.

Speaker C:

Yeah, when you choose to go wholesome, you go very wholesome.

Speaker A:

You did it.

Speaker B:

I know what good content is. I just ignore that instinct in me and go for durrah again.

Speaker C:

Brendan, you turned off your morality computer. What's wrong?

Speaker B:

He's flying right into the black hole. What we got going on next week?

Speaker C:

Yeah, so next week we have a recommendation from Page. First, we are going to watch a show I know nothing about, which is always terrifying. It's high school. prodigies have it easy, even in another world. Some very wordy bullshit. So I'm excited.

Speaker B:

Love a simple title. Easy to remember.

Speaker C:

I mean, we had good luck with beau Fury, so we'll see.

Speaker A:

That's true. Yeah. These titles, they really tell you everything you need to know. Great.

Speaker B:

But yeah.

Speaker C:

So if there's a show you the listener would like to recommend, you can send your recommendations to us. Our email is areweebear Or you can reach out to us on Twitter or Instagram. Are we there yet? On both. You can find me on Twitter and Instagram at Mr. Patrick dugan.

Speaker A:

You can find me on Instagram at queen. Period. weibo. And on Twitter at Queen underscore weebu and Queen underscore weebu art.

Speaker B:

You can find me on Twitter aBTS brendan. It stands for Almost Better Than Silence, which is the video game podcast I do same day. Released on this one mondays.

Speaker C:

Got a good little double feature there.

Speaker B:

Yeah. If you want to hear 2 Hours Worth of Me, God help you. But you can't do it.

Speaker C:

It's possible, but not recommended. It is medically irresponsible to listen to more than 6 hours, but yeah. Thank you to camille ruley for our artwork. Thank you to Louis zong for theme song stories. You can find all of louie's music at Louisong Thank you and we hope you'll join us next week as we learn to live with anime.

Speaker A:

I think we should just end the podcast. Honestly. This is it.

Speaker C:

This is the finale. Egg Mountain. We watch some dinosaurs discover family and how good T-Rexes anime fighting could be. We watch You Are Umasou!




Thank you:

Camille Ruley for our Artwork

Louie Zong for our Themesong "stories"

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