Are Weeb There Yet?
An Exploration and Education in Anime!

AWTY 37 - Obligation Socks (Aggretsuko)

4 years ago
Speaker A:

I heard you can poop again. Way to go.

Speaker B:

Hello, and welcome to our weep There yet and exploration and education in anime. I'm your anime idiot, patrick dugan.

Speaker A:

I'm an anime expert, dana hollander.

Speaker C:

And I'm brenda mccullough. Your anime that takes you one step closer to the edge. And I'm a board of work.

Speaker B:

I was wondering what the reference would be, and I was not disappointed.

Speaker A:

What an energy to start this episode.

Speaker C:

With, given the chance. I'll always reference Lincoln Park because everything you say to me takes me one step closer to the edge. About the pressing my skin.

Speaker A:

Okay, that's it.

Speaker C:

That's all we got. We don't want to get fly.

Speaker B:

So, yeah, we're watching the Lincoln Park anime.

Speaker C:

We're watching the music video for oh, God. What's the one song? They have one music video that's all animated. It's actually good.

Speaker A:

Oh, I don't know. I was never deep into the Lincoln Park fandom.

Speaker B:

Yeah, I never paid my admission to the Lincoln Park.

Speaker A:

I was here illegally.

Speaker C:

I don't know if I would say I'm deep in the fandom, but rather, I just have bad taste in music.

Speaker A:

Lincoln park. Isn't that.

Speaker C:

Paul begs to differ.

Speaker B:

Yeah, I don't know how I thought.

Speaker A:

About it and then decided not to say no. Stand.

Speaker C:

I enjoy it. I won't the night. There's still a few songs on my ipod because I still also use an ipod because I'm a dinosaur.

Speaker A:

But I'm not going to talking about Lincoln Park.

Speaker B:

Yeah, we're talking about limp biscuits.

Speaker A:

So let's get into it.

Speaker B:

But yeah. What are we watching this week?

Speaker C:

We're watching Agrit suit go. It's a Netflix original, and I believe it's from the same craters as Hello kitty. I'm not sure. I feel like there's a tie in with them somehow.

Speaker B:

Yes, they are San Rio characters.

Speaker C:

Oh, there we go. And, yeah, it's about well, what do you guys know about it first?

Speaker A:

I've seen the majority of it and then stopped watching it for some reason. I don't really know why.

Speaker C:

Oh, there's not a lot of it.

Speaker A:

No, I I just never watched, like, the last three episodes for, like, zero reason.

Speaker C:

Oh, dude.

Speaker B:

Anyway, yeah, this is one of the rare shows that I have seen. The first three episodes of we're all.

Speaker C:

Going in, already have watched it. I feel like we kind of maybe should have talked about that ahead of time so we didn't waste an episode on something we've all already seen.

Speaker B:

Surprise. No, I'll start with I do like this show. I also had a similar thing of I watched the first three episodes, really liked it, and then for whatever reason, stopped. I don't know what the timing issue was, but I just never got back to it.

Speaker C:

Maybe this will respark some joy and make you guys start watching it again.

Speaker A:

Does this show spark joy at home? That's a Marie kondo reference.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

It only sparks rage.

Speaker A:

Good point.

Speaker B:

So for anyone must keep it in the house forever.

Speaker C:

For anyone who didn't watch the show, presumably because we all did, it's about a little red panda lady who works at an office job and hates her life and goes out and sings death metal karaoke after work to get all the rage out.

Speaker A:

And that's about ella Lit.

Speaker B:

So, yeah, we are watching the first three episodes of these are shorter episodes. I think they're each like 15. It'll be a breeze. This week going to soak up all the corporate hatred.

Speaker C:

I mean, it also might be like a SHIROBAKO part, too. We might just all start getting flashbacks and just fall headfirst into that void. So we'll see.

Speaker A:

Can't wait.

Speaker B:

Let's jump into the void head first. Here we go.

Speaker C:

Trying to think of what she said. Yeah, it's weird.

Speaker A:

I love that.

Speaker C:

I enjoy the show. I was definitely friends with all the metal kids in high school and I was the only one that didn't listen to metal. I was the weird one listening to Simon Agarfunkel and Sticks and other very old music at that time.

Speaker B:

Got to sail away to the record.

Speaker C:

Signal and do your research.

Speaker A:

This music stresses me out, so I can't say that I listened to it ever or enjoy it.

Speaker B:

I dipped my toes into the metal phase in like, 8th grade, of course. Yeah, I was an angry 13 year old white boy.

Speaker C:

It comes naturally to us.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

But I I still do like my my hardcore punk stuff, so I it it did hit a sympathetic bone with me.

Speaker A:

Nostalgic, if you will.

Speaker B:

I still occasionally, when I have a rough day, will just blast as loud as I can the heaviest music I listen to just to get the feelings out in a healthy way.

Speaker C:

Yeah, sure. You dropped metal for a bit and then you picked up picked up picked up scaff for years to come.

Speaker A:

That's why I still listen to scoff. That's a TUCA and birdie reference for anyone who's seen almost all of it like I have.

Speaker C:

Anyway, we're here for very good another show.

Speaker B:

And it reminds me of this show a lot.

Speaker A:

Yeah. So let's talk about it.

Speaker C:

Edgar suka episode one opens with a very optimistic Ritzko, who's the main character starting a new office job. And it's kind of like an office initiation, orientation, orientation, orientation. And the guy is giving a speech like, welcome all the new employees. We're excited to have you. She's like, yeah, I'm going to get a job. I'm going to be contributing adult to society and it's going to be great. Does like the Mary Tyler morser jump out, freeze frame in the air, and then as she comes back down, she lands on her ankle and rolls it. And that's not fun, too.

Speaker A:

Relatable. Cancel it.

Speaker C:

And that's immediately where we get our first death metal scream. We're like, whoa.

Speaker A:

Oh, God.

Speaker C:

That second is right into the opening, where visually, the opening is not anything too spectacular, but it's pretty short. But the music is all like it's got that heavy metal bass line throughout the whole thing. And there's a few points where she's, like, dancing and her head kind of twist in sync with the guitar rift. I thought that whoever was the one editing up that sequence, very nice touch there. And then it comes back from the opening to five years later. You see a bunch of beer cans and, like, convenience store lunches, like, strewn about the apartment, the alarms going off. Redskit was hitting alarm. She's like, god, just ten more minutes or ten more seconds. When she finally wakes up, she's like, where it can bite me. So she's already in that corporate mentality. I'm like, fuck everything.

Speaker B:

We're done here. I'm not going in.

Speaker C:

Oh, God, that's been this whole week for me.

Speaker A:

Today's the day. I'm not doing it.

Speaker C:

Fuck you.

Speaker A:

Fuck it.

Speaker C:

Today's the day someone else is going to deal with this. And yeah, so she went from bright eyed, bushy tailed optimistic to just dead inside within the span of five years. And honestly, if it took the full five years to get there, I'd be impressed. It took me about four weeks. So good for her for lasting that one.

Speaker B:

It doesn't take long for spirits to die.

Speaker C:

No. And we see her getting ready or doing all of her morning routine stuff. And as she's about to leave for work, she's like, oh, right, one more thing, and runs back and picks up a microphone, and she slips into her purse. And then we see her on the morning train, like, commute into Japan. So everyone typically takes public transit, and it just crammed in there. And she's got some big, literal donkey, like, mouth breathing over top of her. And then when she tries to turn away, I think it was a pig who's kind of, like, snorting in her face. And it's kind of like everything sucks. And then once she gets to work, she's walking into the front door of the office and realizes she's still wearing her, like, house slippers. They're crocs, and she's wearing pink crocs.

Speaker A:

Pink crocs. What a faux paw.

Speaker B:

Good never make it in this corporate life.

Speaker A:

Blue crocs is one thing, but pink crocs? I know.

Speaker C:

And they're kind of just her, like, comfy house slippers that you're not supposed to wear outside of the house because they're just so ugly, but they just feel so nice. We all got those. I got sweatpants on right now. And she realizes that. She's like, all right, I'm already at work. I just have to get up. I guess in Japan, it's not too uncommon to have, like, locked rooms and to change into your, like, your work outfit before you start the day. So she's like, I just got to get up to changing rooms before anyone sees me, and I'll be good. And right as she's thinking that sonoda appears or one of her coworkers, one of her least favorite coworkers, not a fan favorite. And she's just this big, bright eyed, like, gazelle. And she's like, really, like, high energy. And she's like, oh, Rescue, what's going on? And Rescue just starts swinging her arms, just trying to, like, dance to try and distract her from not looking at her shoes, which I think, if anything, would probably make her look more at her shoes. I was like, what are you doing? And then you looked up and down the person's body and be like, what's happening right now? You'll see them and that's exactly what happens. The dancing doesn't work, and Sonota looks down and sees her shoes and she's talking about like, oh, I got big shoes to fill, coming up and kind of hints at, like, oh, she saw them. There's no real direct interaction. But Rescue is already panicking, like, oh, no, she's going to tell everyone, and I'm going to be embarrassed. And before she can even react, Sonota is already on the elevator as it's closing and kind of laughing at her. So sonota's a bitch.

Speaker A:


Speaker C:

And as rescue gets up to work, she gets into the office and is immediately just jumped on by this hippo lady who just she's the office gossip and just chat, chacha chat. She's got 1000 things to say a mile a minute and talking about her nephew and celebrity gossip and all this stuff dishing out that hot gossip.

Speaker A:

That's me.

Speaker B:

Bill Bat.

Speaker A:

I'm that one. I'm like, hey, jew here. how's it going? Did you hear about this?

Speaker C:

The scandal this weekend? And Rescue, she's like she's already, like, burnt down exhausted. So it's kind of like, okay, here we go. Because, like, this character, she's not like a bad person. It's not like Sonota where it's like, fuck her. It's kind of like, you're bringing in a lot of energy right now, and I am not ready for it. Just kind of different personalities. Yeah.

Speaker B:

They established later on. She's like the very peppy, like, middle aged woman who's been at the company for forever and just knows everyone knows everyone's business and is just in your face 24/7.

Speaker C:

Yeah. And she comes with good intention. She's not intentionally being annoyed, but we see with some other characters who are a bit more malicious and assholes. And as Rescue gets into work, she starts changing and she bumps into her friend Feneco, who's a fenick fox, as if the name doesn't give it away.

Speaker B:

She's very creative.

Speaker A:

She's also me. I'm somehow both what's the hippo lady's name? I don't remember.

Speaker C:

I don't think they say it in these episodes.

Speaker A:

I am both hippo lady and Fenneco.

Speaker C:

Yeah, the high energy and then also the, like, I guess nihila. Yeah.

Speaker B:

This shows about me.

Speaker A:

It's all about me. I'm every character in it. It's too relatable.

Speaker B:

It me.

Speaker A:

Los hashtag me.

Speaker C:

Oh, my God, I hate the spit.

Speaker A:

Good to know what, bitch, I don't know what you're talking about.

Speaker B:

We're nothing but authentic.

Speaker C:

Authentic to look shit.

Speaker B:

So fancy.

Speaker C:

Anyway. Red skin is being changed with feneko. And they're talking and they're kind of talking about how annoying sonoda is. It's kind of like she's just like, so fake. And Fenegu kind of explains, like, oh, yeah, she's real annoying. But she's definitely got a pattern, especially with her Instagram poster. I don't think she says Instagram, but that's what they're alluding to. She posts pictures online or social media. Fenica saying she's got a pattern. It's like, what was it like? pastry drink. Like selfie. pastry drink selfie, patriot drink, selfie. And a thigh pick. So every, like, third rotation of that pattern, she's just a thigh pick.

Speaker A:

It's every 13 days.

Speaker C:

13 days, okay. Thigh pick, thy pick. And Fennega is saying, like, I noticed she's doing more thigh picks. It's not every 13 days. She's picking up the pace with how many times or when she's uploading the thigh picks. So she's out looking for a guy. She's out, like, going to singles bars and stuff and rescue. Just kind of like, whoa, damn, chill. It ain't CIA or something. But Fenneca's really up to date. And she's like, I hate Sonota so much. I hate her so much. But she's, like, learning all her social media patterns and then immediately cut to, hey, Sonota, how are you doing? I was like, oh, I got my nails done with this new salon. Oh, let me know where that salon is so I can stalk you further. Oh, jeez. So Fennega is very cynical and better, but she still like, can you do the office pleasantries? She doesn't do it to people's faces, not all the time. And that's when we get into the office and we see Mr. Ton, who's just a big old pig in every sense of the word except for the good senses of the word, because sometimes pigs are good. But this one's an asshole.

Speaker A:


Speaker C:

And he is retail well. He's everyone's boss in accounting. Redskit works in accounting, and he's already pissed off because his desk isn't set up the way he likes. Apparently they have a rotation schedule where one of the employees comes in and, like, dust his desk, puts flowers in the vase, does something else, mix tea.

Speaker A:

Guess who was triggered by this?

Speaker C:

Everyone, hopefully it's like three minutes to nine or something. Like when the day supposed to start. And he's already pissed off, like, why isn't this all done? Fenica leans over and it's like, apes, rat's galaxy her turn. She's like, ah, shit. And runs and does it all. And he's like, huh, you did it in time, I suppose, even though she does her job fully. And he's like, well, you also have to make me tea, because that's a woman's job. Go make me tea, woman. And she's like, oh, it's this asshole. Cool. It's one of those things where it's like, I know the shows about the frustrations of the workplace. I still hate seeing it. I know that's the whole premise of the show, but it's just like, oh, God, you're just the worst.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

Just seeing it so overt rather than the typical hints at it.

Speaker C:

Yeah. The subtle reminders, he's just blamed, oh.

Speaker B:

You'Re better at making tea, so you should do it. Yeah, I can't do it. I'm just a dumb boy.

Speaker A:

You're going to remember the coffee order better than I ever could.

Speaker B:

And you just have such a good memory.

Speaker A:

You're so smart at taking coffee order.

Speaker C:

I feel like this is getting to a personal level for some of them. And when he tells her to make tea, we start hearing the metal music and, like, the double bass petals, like, in the background. She's like, yes, sure, I'll do that because you're my boss and I don't want to get fired. So she goes and makes the tea, and when she brings it back, he said she made it wrong or it's cold. I forget exactly how, but she didn't make it to the way he specifically likes it. And he's like, oh, he's talking to this little meerkat assistant. He's like that's. Okay. I'd rather have an incompetent woman than a competent woman. And he's like and that's when we get our first cut to in the show of Rescue. Just in the bathroom, screaming into her microphone, like, doing the death metal howl and all that stuff. And it's just cathartic to see it all out there. But it's still frustrating because it's infuriating because it doesn't address the problem. It's just the stress of the lever. So it's just like, I get it, but it's still frustrating.

Speaker B:

It's the bandaid Method addressing your issues. Let me just scream bloody murder in the bathroom for a minute.

Speaker C:

And I also saw an interview or maybe a posting online or something, but saying they had to get a specifically trained death metal singer to do these lines. It's not just the voice actors, because this would destroy a voice actor's career to do these untrained on the spot. So there's definitely a lot of prep for this. And when she gets back, Fenneca is saying, like, oh, jeez, I wouldn't put up with that shit. If it was me, I would told him to tell them where to stick that t kind of cathartic. Like, this is what I would have done. Even though everyone knows they would have done the same thing because no one.

Speaker A:

Would speak up to your boss.

Speaker C:

You don't want to get fired.

Speaker A:

Wishful thinking.

Speaker C:

Yeah. And that's when heida comes by. I don't think we actually learn his name in these episodes, but we've already.

Speaker B:

Learned it, I think, like, third episode. It is later.

Speaker C:

Yeah, but he's a hyena. haida get it? And I don't know. And he comes by and says, oh, he never actually excuse me. They're lamenting about Mr. tonsto and he's like, oh, you should go to HR. And heida says, like, oh, he would never actually get into trouble. He would come up with some bullshit like, oh, I didn't know I was making Redsko uncomfortable, blah, blah, blah, and just kind of evade his way around trouble because it never gets reported and never gets solved when it does. So just kind of saying there's not much you can really do about it. And then that's when we see sonoda from earlier sucking up to Mr. Todd, being like, oh, jeez, you're going golfing later. Golfing is so cool. What kind of clips? He's just kissing ass just so much and it's just understandable why some people might not like her. And then the gang retzko. Fenneco and hydra are like, let's go grab a drink, like tea or water or something. Let's just get out of here for a bit. And as they're walking to grab a drink, they pass by the I believe you the ceo's secretary and the head of marketing, washimi and gory, who are a secretary. Bird haha. The puns continue. And the head of marketing, gory, who is a gorilla. And they're just kind of, like, strutting by. They're doing like the very successful corporate woman, like strut. And as they walk by, they're like, oh, wow, look at them. They're tough of their game and they're so good at their jobs. And as soon as they turn the corner, gory just bends over. It's like, oh, God, my back. The fucking walks. Killing my back. No, you got to maintain the appearance. Got to be strong.

Speaker B:

Don't let anyone know. Yeah, keep it inside.

Speaker A:

Jackie and I never got to work a Halloween together, but I would have loved to be them.

Speaker C:

That would have been great.

Speaker A:

Jackie and I were them. That would have been so cute.

Speaker C:

We don't see it much in these first three episodes, but these two are some of the best characters. And this is one of the first moments where I'm just like, oh, I like, gory, she's great.

Speaker A:

They're very good characters.

Speaker C:

Yeah. And then the gang is just, like, complaining about work and having drinks. And then we cut to sunda asking Mr. Ton for help with her reports because there's so many reports and she doesn't know how to do it all, and she doesn't know if she can get it all done in time and just handing off her work to him. And he'll just take it because she's playing up the incompetent woman angle that he loves. So he just falls for it. And right as rescue gets back to her desk, there are all those reports that she just had mr. Ton just dumping it on her, just passing the buck.

Speaker A:

Actually. She's a gazelle bazinga.

Speaker C:

Oh, God, no.

Speaker A:

I hate myself.

Speaker B:

We're done here today.

Speaker C:

At least we're all on the same page. And then when all like the paperwork, all the reports fall on rescue's desk, she actually says, like, oh, this is fine. I can do this. This is fine. I'll take this. And we see her still working through the night, and it's almost 10:00 p.m. By the time she gets up and starts making tea. And I guess it's kind of when she's done all of her work and she's reflecting on her life, she's like 25 and working this dead end job she hates with everyone that she hates. And she just kind of goes around when she leaves and goes to the karaoke bar after work. And this is where we see her let out of rage almost every night, just screaming into the microphones to death metal. And that's episode one.

Speaker B:

It really establishes the corporate fee.

Speaker C:

It's one of those very unassuming, like, oh, this is a cute show. And then you watch it for a few episodes, you're like, oh, wow, they really nailed down the infuriating bullshit. And anytime you try and crawl your way out, they knock you back down a few pegs.

Speaker B:

Yeah, no escape.

Speaker C:

Yeah, it's a cute show, though.

Speaker B:

Yeah, cute little rip handed.

Speaker A:

Oh, my God, look at all these cute animals working. There a little job keyboard.

Speaker B:

So for episode two, we open up. retzko is at a department store just browsing. And then there's this very nosy, very up in her face service rep who's just, anything I can help you with? Anything I can help you with? Need anything I can help you with? Just really hounding her, and she, out of obligation, buys a pair of socks because she's the type to buy something so she doesn't just leave the store empty handed. And the sales rep is trying to get her to buy or sign up for the store's rewards card, which she's really saying, no thanks. Just get me out of here. I hate you so much.

Speaker C:

Those source push those cards so hardly even when I worked at Target, they're like, push the red card.

Speaker A:

You really got to save 5% by getting a Target red card.

Speaker C:

Employees only got ten.

Speaker B:

Do you like 18 emails a day?

Speaker C:

Even when I worked there, they're like, employees only get 10% off. But if you want 15% off, you could get a red card. That's just like, fuck all of this nonsense, pushing it on your own.

Speaker A:

We didn't get to use our discount unless we had a red card or we paid with cash.

Speaker C:

The produce area where I worked didn't have cameras, and it was the only place in the store without cameras, so I would just steal food. What up?

Speaker B:

You're on tape.

Speaker A:

I'm calling the police.

Speaker C:

Back in Pennsylvania, that doesn't exist anymore. It's fine. Hello, folks.

Speaker B:

On you the police.

Speaker A:

That's who you are.

Speaker B:

So she gives in, and she's about to sign up for a card, but then this cool cat walks up behind her, a literal cat. Go to hell. She doesn't want it.

Speaker C:

Fuck off.

Speaker B:

Turns out it's puco. Her friend from high school that she hasn't seen in forever.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

So they are out walking around, catching up. puko has been sort of traveling the world and only coming back to Japan when she needs money. So she'll work like an odd job long enough to get her back out into the world. And retzko is just so jealous, so.

Speaker C:

Envious of that lifestyle.

Speaker B:

But puko is saying, this doesn't seem like the life for you. I didn't think you would want it. You're always so responsible. You got a job, like right out of school. I bet you're the type who like, reads the terms and services before hitting. I agree. When you sign up for a new app or all that very technical stuff, like very responsible, detailed, oriented, and then guesses that she bought those socks just out of the obligation and really hits home. The type of person that retco is too real. She goes into work and she is being hounded by one of the other managers. Miss subone, I believe. subone.

Speaker A:

Yeah, I wrote Snake lady.

Speaker B:

She's a snake lady. Miss Snake lady.

Speaker C:

Komodo Dragon.

Speaker B:

Oh, yeah.

Speaker A:

Komodo dragon lady.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:


Speaker C:

Because her mouth is full of toxic bacteria and also words. I don't know if that was a point, but it's a good tie in. komodo dragons have a lot of bacteria in their mouth that can be toxic for other animals when they bite them.

Speaker B:

That's why they're so dangerous. They got that nasty mouth, got those trash mouths. So she's handing off all her work to Retsco, just making her look over all her files and all that stuff because she's a people pleaser and she won't say no. So she's all loaded up. But komodo Dragon Lady notices how tired she is and she's like, hey, I know I'm leaning on you hard, but here's a little lesson. I started jogging and it was just really hard at first, but I just kept at it and I got stronger and it was built up and I got better. It's like, oh, this is a nice little motivational moment. And then she says, so what you're going to do is you're going to do all my work so it'll be easier for you, idiot.

Speaker C:

So I have more time to go jogging. Yeah. She turns real evil real quick.

Speaker B:

And when retzko suggests that, oh, hey, the boss is pretending to golf, he's playing around with his golf clubs. Want to go talk to him and have him help? She's like, no, that's his job. He's the boss. He's not supposed to do the actual work.

Speaker A:

It is his job to stand around and pretend that he does work.

Speaker B:

So the little meerkat toady suck up assistant goes up to the boss and is joining him in the golf mimicry and is showing this like resort golf spa retreat and saying like, this is so great. We've been working so hard. We deserve a vacation. As they are pretending to work, and retzko is drowning in all the papers. And this is where we get this episode's. Metal freak out.

Speaker C:

Yeah, deservedly so.

Speaker B:

So we jump to them, the gang of fenico and what? hyena boy. What's his name?

Speaker C:

Hi duh.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

I don't like your tongue.

Speaker C:

You'll remember the name?

Speaker A:

Heida get it.

Speaker B:

Heidi klum and Fenneca. Art having lunch together, and Ritzko is talking about bumping into her friend, and they're like, oh, yes. You are a people pleaser. Unless all the things that puko said that she is likely to do be reading terms and services and buying socks out of obligation.

Speaker C:

Redskins kind of freaked out of how easily everyone is able to nail her personality. She's so easy to read.

Speaker B:

Yeah, she's a textbook people pleaser team player. And they say everyone dumps on her because she's a team player, and that's why team players lose.

Speaker A:


Speaker C:

If you want to make it in this world, fuck someone else over.

Speaker B:

Yes. So coming back from the break, they see the powerful women that they were fantasizing about earlier, being very jealous that no one makes them put up with their shit. They get to do their own work on their own time, and they're so powerful. And as they turn the corner.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

Was goro and who what?

Speaker C:

Gore and washimi.

Speaker B:

Yeah, goro. Yes.

Speaker A:

Mortal kombat.

Speaker B:

Mortal kombat character goro is now in this show. So, yeah, they're chatting, and they're like, oh, I really wanted to see that, the red panda lady, because my horoscope said that yellow is my lucky color, and she's yellow, so it's great. So retco meets up with puco after work, and they get drunk and they're just venting. Rsko is talking about how shittier bosses, whenever they go out drinking as, like, a company, she has to pour it for him, and he's always a dick.

Speaker C:

About it, requesting being poured a specific way, like the label facing upward when you're pouring for someone else. I don't know if it's common Japanese customs or this just a very old school way that he's holding other people to.

Speaker A:

It seems pretty shitty that when you're out and not at work, that your boss is like, hey, do more work for me.

Speaker C:

Anytime your boss is like, hey, want to hang out after work? That shitty. The answer is no. I went to one corporate party, and I fucking hated.

Speaker B:

So she's talking, and puko is sort of talking about how she's able to keep doing her stuff. And she mentions that she wants to start an import store. Just having being all over the world, seeing all the goods and how Japanese people would love them. She wants to bring them all to Japan and sell them in a storefront. And Etsco is just enamored with this fantasy of just a small shop in a small town, living a simple life, being her own boss.

Speaker A:

Me too. stardu Valley.

Speaker C:

It really is.

Speaker B:

And puka is like, Hey. We would love to have you as an accountant if you want to join us, and it would be so much more fun than where you're at now. And I am not a shitty boss, so if you want me to be your boss, you know the chill cat you love hanging out with and is drunk with you right now, let's do.

Speaker C:

It, dope ass cat friend. Yeah.

Speaker B:

But yeah. So she's walking home and fantasizing about how incredible that opportunity would be, and now quitting. The corporate life is on her mind.

Speaker C:

Yeah. Rescue triumph backs away of like, oh, no, I can't quit my job. puca's. Just like, why? That's kind of like the first time Rescue realized, like, oh, I could quit my job. Why couldn't I? There's nothing really holding me here.

Speaker B:

Nothing holding me here. Just financial security. But now that I could swing somewhere else, the opportunity is viable.

Speaker C:

Yeah. And we get one of those. I forget exactly where it goes. Somewhere in that episode where it was one of the death metal screams and the background is all, like, red and blood spiking. We had some fire going around. She had, like, the black eye makeup, and I believe it's supposed to be a pentagram underneath her, like, satanic devil music. But they added an extra point so it turned into the Jewish Star of David good on Earth.

Speaker B:

They're sending a different message there.

Speaker C:

It's a weird bsa plot of redsky converting to judaism. They addressed it in the last episode.

Speaker A:

I'm in.

Speaker C:

That would be so weird.

Speaker B:

Jewish metal is way less than ten concept of hell.

Speaker C:

There's so much metal music. There probably is Jewish metal. There's so many subgenres there's.

Speaker A:

Christian metal.

Speaker B:

I think you're right.

Speaker A:


Speaker C:

Okay, episode three.

Speaker A:

Episode three starts off with, like, this newscast where this guy is going around and he's taking anonymous interviews for people to talk about their bad bosses. Silly on the street for $1, please talk about your shitty boss. So he's interviewing Retsco, but her face is blurred and her voice is, like, pitched higher, and he's like, hey, you got a bad boss. Tell us about them. And she's like, yeah, I mean, he's pretty bad. He makes me do dumb shit for him and blah, blah, blah. And he's like, Great, well, thank you for your time. And then she just keeps going.

Speaker C:

Can't stop.

Speaker A:

And I wish I had written down what she said, because she said some I wrote down dang. She's talking hot shit about her boss.

Speaker C:

Yeah. Talking about how he makes her make tea because it's a woman's job and kind of just, like, vents everything out there.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

Lazy. He's a chauvinist. He sucks. I hate him.

Speaker A:

Down with the bourgeoisie.

Speaker C:

Eat the rich.

Speaker B:

I'm on TV. revolt everyone.

Speaker A:

She, like, dips down underneath the blur of her face and then comes up on the other side and has, like, her little metal moment where she's yelling and I thought that was very funny visually.

Speaker C:

I forgot about that.

Speaker A:

And then transitions into the opening. And then she's at work and she's making copies, and she's fantasizing about how nice it would be to work at puco's import store. And she in this process has leaned down on the copier and she just makes copies of this very happy face.

Speaker C:

Oh, real quick. I think this is the first time I've heard of imports as a business in a show that wasn't code for drugs or, like, illegal activities. This is the first legitimate import business I've heard of.

Speaker B:

Yeah, it's a pet shop.

Speaker A:

As the copies are coming out, hippo gal picks it up and she's like, wow, Rhetto, you look so happy. What's on your mind? Why do you look so happy? What's happening?

Speaker C:

Give me the gosh.

Speaker A:

She just keeps going and retzko is like, shit, I can't tell her the actual reason. And I don't want her to start a rumor about me quitting my job, which I don't think she would immediately go to. But she doesn't want that to happen.

Speaker B:

When she's describing her face, she's like, it looks like you're seeing freedom. It looks like you've made a decision about something.

Speaker A:

Yeah. So she's like, here's what happened. I had some bathroom trouble. I couldn't poop for days. And this morning I finally pooped. And the hippo girl was like, oh, my God. I knew you look relieved.

Speaker C:

Good for you. But I like, that's the lie of like, it can't be something work related.

Speaker B:

So I got a big old nasty shit this morning.

Speaker C:


Speaker A:

It was so great. I like that. Also, though, she knows that she's going to tell everybody in the office, and she's fine with them knowing that.

Speaker C:

Yeah, that's the thing. She's like, I know she's a gossip, and I know she's spreads of rumors. So let me give her something. Let me give her a rumor that she gets spread that won't get me in trouble. It's like I crank picked out this big old hairy turd. And she's like, what?

Speaker B:

That's the go to hairy.

Speaker A:

All right. I don't want to get into Harry hoops. Brett goes in the bathroom and she's like, washing her hands. And the Feneko comes in and she's like, hey, I heard you.

Speaker C:

Please. Good job.

Speaker A:

Congrats. And then she's like, I also saw you talk shit about our boss on TV. And Ritzica is doing her lipstick, and she just runs it across her cheek because she's just like, what?

Speaker B:

Someone saw that?

Speaker A:

But they blurred my face on TV. I never what's?

Speaker C:

Not possible?

Speaker A:

No. And then we are back in their office, and then haida comes in and he's like, let's go. And she's like, yeah. And he's like, did you have a baby this morning? And she's like, what? No. What are you talking about? And he's like, I heard that you I don't remember what he said, but he misinterpreted. There was a weird game of telephone with this poop story.

Speaker C:


Speaker A:

And it got to him, and he was like, Baby, it was something like.

Speaker C:

She, like, unloaded a lot of weight and, like, a big push. There was, like, certain words that could be used for pregnancy. And yeah, I got misconstrued. But just like I mean, some people call it giving them dropping the kids off at school.

Speaker A:

Hate that. I hate it. I want to sweep over now.

Speaker B:

Take the Browns to the Super Bowl, top it.

Speaker A:

So she's like, no. Did I even look pregnant? And he's like, no. Okay, whatever.

Speaker C:

We get Fenneca's laugh, which is just the best character.

Speaker A:

Oh, the sound wave for that was so fun.

Speaker B:

Now we just want to see it's our time.

Speaker C:

We're playing around now. This isn't for you guys.

Speaker A:

This is my time. Get out. So the Komodo dragon lady calls her over to her desk, and she's like, let's go. Let's take a look at your work. And she's, like, pointing out all these things that she was doing wrong, and she had seen the copies she made of Retzko's face of her own face, I guess I should say. And she was like, you look too happy. Let's ruin it.

Speaker C:

You're not here to be happy and.

Speaker B:

Goof around having fun on company time.

Speaker A:

I never not allowed. So she, like, tapes that picture to Retzko's face while she's telling her all of these things that are wrong with her work. And in her mind, Rzzo's like, why am I putting up with this? This is bullshit. And then out loud, she says, maybe you should have done your job and checked the ledger yourself.

Speaker C:

Hot damn.

Speaker A:

And I was just like, yes, baby capacity. Yes.

Speaker C:

Putting that bitch on the endangered species list pop up.

Speaker A:

Oh, good one. And she's just like, I'm done with this. I'm done with all this bullshit. I'm done working on all her work. Because she literally this komodo dragon lady just gives her all of her work.

Speaker C:


Speaker A:

And why do they give retzko? Everyone gives retzko all of their work.

Speaker B:

Because they know she won't say no to it.

Speaker A:

Oh, that's true.

Speaker C:

Yeah. I don't know if it's at this moment or earlier, but yeah. The Komodo dragon lady points out, like, no, I don't give other people my work. I do my work. And then I gave it to you. I specifically give it to you. She makes it very clear that she's targeting retco.

Speaker A:

But so she goes out for drinks with PuCo again, and she tells her what she did, how she stood up for herself, and puko's like, hell yeah, girl. I'm so proud of you. And then retzko is like, oh, about the import job? And then PuCo is like, yeah, about that. And she's like, Where is it going to be? Oh, is it going to be in this town? Is it going to be in this town? I want to guess. And then PuCo is like, it's online. What are you talking about?

Speaker C:

Digital can't afford to shop right now to start up.

Speaker A:

Yeah, maybe after a while. In a few years, we'll have a brick and mortar shop, but for now, it's going to be all online. And RedCo is like, oh, okay. And then PuCo is like, yeah, and your pay isn't going to be great, but you can move back in with your parents, right?

Speaker C:

To save money.

Speaker A:

You don't have to live in an apartment.

Speaker B:

They live in town. But you're still close.

Speaker C:

Yeah. Everyone loves living with their parents. It's great.

Speaker A:

Yeah, says me, the one who lives.

Speaker C:

With my parents, the one who moved across the entire continent to get away from mine.

Speaker A:

But I mean, it is like, I know that once you move out, moving back in with your parents can be like a rough thing of being like, yeah, I'm financially independent and I can handle myself, and then being like, nope.

Speaker C:

Never mind crawling back with your tail between your legs.

Speaker B:

That was a fun jaunt.

Speaker A:

So rhett goes like, well, I guess there goes that dream. The Stardue Valley dream has been shattered.

Speaker C:


Speaker A:

So now she's back at work and she's making sad copies of her face, and the hippo girl sees them and she's like, oh, ritz, go, you poop so sad.

Speaker B:

You should be riding that high for two days straight.

Speaker A:

Yeah. And then Retico is like some things even a good poop and can't fix. Yeah, I'm glad I picked the episode where they talked about.

Speaker C:

Didn'T let me pick this episode.

Speaker A:

No, I just picked it. I forgot.

Speaker C:

It's probably for the best.

Speaker A:

Yeah. And then ritz goes in the hallway and gee, I forgot sonoda. Her name sonoda. She sees her and she's like, Hi, Ritzko, how's it going? And then she's like, oh, I'm okay. And she's like, I heard you were quitting. And vesco's.

Speaker B:


Speaker C:


Speaker A:

Yeah, I heard it from hippo girl. Never wrote down her name. And she's like, okay. And then she runs away and she's like, why would you tell sonota that? Why would you tell anybody that? And she was like, Well, I thought Sunota was your best friend.

Speaker B:

You know, the girl you hate most here.

Speaker C:


Speaker A:

But it turns out that the hippo girl had actually heard it from Gross assistant boy, timon.

Speaker C:

The meerkat.

Speaker A:

Timon? I didn't realize he was a meerkat. He doesn't look like anything.

Speaker C:

Yeah, he just looks it's very generous. Strong. But I think it's the eyes, because meerkat's eyes are, like, usually small, but with his eyes are so big, it messes the head size up more. So it's kind of like, oh, you're just like a weird rat thing.

Speaker A:

Yeah. Hippo girl had heard it from timon, and then it turns out hip hippo. No pig.

Speaker C:

Man mr. Ton.

Speaker A:

Boss man Mr. Ton wants to talk. uhoh, which is scary. You never want to hear that your boss wants to talk.

Speaker C:

I actually had my boss complain to me. He's like, Why do you please always get so nervous from, like, hey, come into my office. We'll talk real quick, casually. Why do people get nervous with that? I'm like, Because that's what you say before you fire. What do you mean? Why did they get nervous? Why wouldn't you get nervous with that?

Speaker A:

Yeah, last time my boss told me he wanted to talk, I got laid off.

Speaker B:

It doesn't usually go great.

Speaker A:

Yeah, I don't like hearing that. My boss wants to talk.

Speaker C:

Your boss never says, hey, let's talk. I got this new puppy. You'll want to see all these? That never happens.

Speaker A:

No, it's always bad.

Speaker B:

We need to talk. Meet me at the baskin robbins down the street.

Speaker C:

We need to talk.

Speaker A:

Get you some ice cream.

Speaker C:

Meet me on the basketball court. I want to show you my vertical.

Speaker A:

Jump, eight foot vertical.

Speaker B:

I want to practice my alley hoops. You need to set me up.

Speaker A:

So he is in the office, and Retico goes in, and he's just ominously doing math on an abacus. And he's like, I love these things. You kids and your calculators. It's not as clean as this thing is. And he says he's calculating all of the money that they've wasted on her. And then she has this flashback to when she was talking to PuCo, and she's like, I'm sorry, puko. Like, I can't take this job. I have to be able to make money. And she's like, yeah, you know, that's fine. You know, retzko, it's really people like you in the world that let people like me, like, live this way. And it's nice. Like, it's a nice sentiment, but at the same time, it's like, parasite. I don't like that.

Speaker B:

It's a little shitty to say. The only reason I get to be carefree is that you have a shitty existence.

Speaker A:

Yeah, but, like, retz goes, like, I don't know. She's kind of like, oh, that's nice. And I'm like, no, it's not.

Speaker C:

Oh, I'm helping my friend. In an indirect way. It's like, no, your friend's a freeloader.

Speaker A:

Yeah, and you're working hard while she's doing that shit. Nothing.

Speaker B:

Yeah, like, looking at it from the societal aspect of, like, you have the responsible people doing work, so there are creative types, and they serve different purposes for society that makes more sense, but on the interpersonal level of you are an office drone, so I can roam around vienna for the year. That doesn't really feel good.

Speaker A:

No, it doesn't, because you wouldn't want to be one of those people. You wouldn't want to look at yourself as someone who's responsible. That's it. So we're back in the office after that flashback, and tama pulls out her Internet history at work, and she's been looking up articles about quitting her job or finding a new job or can I really live off this much pay? Which I was like, that's an invasion.

Speaker C:

Of privacy bucket, technically not if it's a work computer. There's a lot of laws and stuff, so they're technically allowed to do it. It's still shitty, but it's legal.

Speaker A:

Well, I wasn't saying it was illegal, but shitty. They pretty much found out that she wants to get a new job and Pig Man says, I'm going to call you Calendar, because your days here are numbered.

Speaker C:

And the whole time during this confrontation, there's a laptop off to the side with her street interview from earlier that morning. Like the video pull up just like in the back, just kind of saying, like, hey, we saw it.

Speaker B:

Yeah, that's like the worst kind of punishment of like, you know that they know that you were bad talking them, but they don't bring it up. They just let you know that they know. Yeah, because do you really want to be the person that brings up that you should talk to them, to the entire city news?

Speaker C:

Who would do that?

Speaker A:

But yeah, that's episode two.

Speaker C:

Yeah. I really like this show, even if it's way too relatable now than when I first watched it.

Speaker A:

Yeah, I mean, it was pretty relatable even when I first watched it, whenever that was. But now it hurts more. That shit hurt.

Speaker C:

That knife just went deeper and deeper.

Speaker A:

Yeah, the knife was already in my back, but this time really just drove it in. Not to say that I didn't enjoy it.

Speaker B:

That's what it is, a fun show.

Speaker A:

Just as I remembered.

Speaker B:

Yeah. Even since these episodes were shorter, I went ahead and watched the fourth episode because I was liking it so much. So in real time you get to hear for once in, my God. I actually continue to show every box.

Speaker C:

Here, but it's also like they're 15 minutes versus like 20 or 22. They're not that much shorter because there.

Speaker B:

Are some like way less of a time commitment, which is nice.

Speaker C:

Well, I was thinking like the opposite. There's some short form enemies that are like five minutes is a whole episode. So it's still like 15 minutes of time. It's a good chunk of time, but I guess that five minute difference is enough to be like, I can binge one of these out real quick.

Speaker A:

Yeah, there's something about it. It just feels that way and it happens. This is what I was going to say. It happens so fast, like everything in the show that it goes by really fast.

Speaker C:

Yeah, the energy is very upbeat and high fast pace.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

The pacing is also solid because it doesn't feel like they're rushing through stuff. It just makes the short form aspect of it work better.

Speaker C:

And it's also kind of really highlighting the stress and intense productivity and crunch time of an office job. So that lends way to the high energy of talking really fast and getting through a lot of dialogue and covering a lot of the story and some of those scenes, but I really enjoy it. And I believe they had a good Christmas special and I believe they're doing another season, but I'm not sure. I hope so.

Speaker B:

Yeah, I believe season two is in production. I don't know the release schedule of that.

Speaker C:

Yeah, but hey, so it sounds like we barred there. We've been living in there too long.

Speaker B:

We've been there, we've been there, done that, watched it, cried a lot, reliving.

Speaker C:

Shirobaka all over again. That was very specific to what we did.

Speaker B:

Yeah, that was the anime version of those Facebook ads. Only 90s kids born in September named Emily will get this. Just like that level of specificity. Only people this one was more general, which was nice.

Speaker C:

Only people who are interns at a post production studio will get this too. Real. So that's good. I finally picked one dugan liked. I don't know when the last time that happened was.

Speaker A:

You did it. yay. yay. Brendan.

Speaker C:

Oh, damn, my champlain. We all like that one. Oh, yeah, because it had the weed.

Speaker A:

That's not why.

Speaker C:

I like a good episode, though.

Speaker A:

It is a good episode.

Speaker C:

So what do we got coming up, hooray?

Speaker B:

What we have going on next week. I've heard news about this movie. They're making this movie about this blue dude. I think his name is like no Sanchez or something.

Speaker C:

No, we're not doing that.

Speaker B:

Oh, no, I I remember it's. sonic. We are going to be watching the sonic X anime series. I know nothing about it. I just know Brendan is very hesitant, so I'm sure it's great.

Speaker C:

It's not like the worst thing sonic has done. It's just.

Speaker B:

So yeah, we'll be going fast to next week.

Speaker C:

Got a fast.

Speaker A:

Got to go fast.

Speaker C:

Roll around the speed. Is that.

Speaker B:

No, we're leading with that.

Speaker C:

That's the intro for the show.

Speaker A:

Come with me.

Speaker C:

No, I just slipped into King of Hearts there.

Speaker B:

I already established this is all staying in. And yet you continue to sing.

Speaker A:

That's what we do anyway, to my heart's content.

Speaker C:

We opened the show with that singing. Let's end the show with that singing.

Speaker B:

So thank you for joining us this week. Well, it makes life less soul crushing knowing you're listening.

Speaker C:

Wow. peek behind the curtain.

Speaker B:

I wanted to do a tie into the office soul crushing this, and it just got real. But yeah. If you have a show you would like us to watch, feel free to tweet at us. Are we there yet? On Twitter and Instagram? And you can reach out to our email arewear You can find me on Twitter and Instagram at Mr. Patrick dugan.

Speaker A:

You can find me on Instagram at queen. Period. Weebu and on Twitter at Queen underscore.

Speaker C:

Weebu you can find me on Twitter at abts. Brandon it stands for almost Burden Silence, which is something else that's not that important. Instead, I'm going to take my time and plug another series it's a YouTube animated series called Tales of alaron alethrion, and it's about an hour long for the whole series. And it's just beautifully animated and it's incredibly well done. There's no dialogue. It's all just different tones and eminem and music, and it's just like, so very well done. And it's Danish animated series, and they're working on their second season that's being kickstarted right now, and I already pledged to it, and I really hope other people do because it's so good and I want to see more of it.

Speaker B:

Yeah, I was seeing people on Twitter talking about it, but I haven't watched it yet, so I need to check that out.

Speaker A:

This is the first time hearing of it.

Speaker C:

For their second season kickstarter, they released all of the videos they've done in just in 1 hour video. So you could just watch all season one in one video right now. So I highly recommend.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

All right, well, if cool artwork is your thing, check out our friend camille Ruley. camille Ruley did our artwork. And thank you to Louisong for our theme music stories off the album Beats. You can find all of Louis music at Louisong Thank you, and we hope you'll join us next week as we learn to live with anime.

Speaker A:

Don't let the man keep you down.

Speaker C:

Thanks to corporate mentality.

Episode Notes

Have a boss so shitty it just makes you want to SCREEEEEAM? Then settle in to some relateable content with Aggretsuko!

Twitter: @Areweebthereyet

Instagram: @areweebthereyet


Thank you:

Camille Ruley for our Artwork

Louie Zong for our Themesong "stories"

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