Are Weeb There Yet?
An Exploration and Education in Anime!

AWTY 190 - Aux My Veins (Healer Girl)

1 year ago
Speaker A:

Hello and welcome to our reap. There yet an exploration, education and anime. I'm your anime idiot, patrick dugan.

Speaker B:

I'm an anime expert, dee hollander.

Speaker C:

And I'm brenda mccullough. Your anime, florence nightingale decided to keep the intro a little short this time and not a paragraph long.

Speaker B:

Excellent. We love to see that.

Speaker A:

Does that include your explanation on why.

Speaker C:

I changed the form of your damn, it got me. You know what? I don't need this.

Speaker A:

No, I'll start another podcast, parentheses at the end of the fallout voice song. So it's technically a different part. Even though it's the same title, it's fine.

Speaker B:

Oh, no. The girls are fighting.

Speaker C:

Presidential alert. The girls are fighting.

Speaker A:

Well, yeah, it's good we got a nurse on standby this week because we're going to need it for the healing. We're watching Healer Girl.

Speaker B:

We're watching Healer Girl.

Speaker C:

Keep going.

Speaker B:

We got it.

Speaker C:

We got it. I tripped and fell off that segway accident. Fucking sprained my ankle. Like, I can't go on anymore. It just was such a rough land.

Speaker A:

I've accepted that reality is going to be a disaster no matter what I do. So I'm just leaning into it at this point. This was a show that I found recommended on a polygon livestream talking about recent animes to check out and seemed unoffensive.

Speaker B:

That's what we look for here yet.

Speaker A:

But no, it looks like just a cute girl do nothing show. Possibly a little bit more complex than that. But it's girls who can heal people by singing. So get a little music, get a little not beating the shit out of each other in anime, but the exact opposite.

Speaker C:

I hope. We just see combing just like dancing in the background in one of the shots. Just vibing putting together. Girl group.

Speaker A:

Is this a series either of you are familiar with?

Speaker B:

No. I know there's a character in my hero academia called Healer Girl, but she's a little old lady who heals people with kisses.

Speaker C:

She's great. We love Healer girl.

Speaker B:

I don't think this is that one.

Speaker C:

She gets a spin delist side character gets a spin off show.

Speaker A:

No, I mean, I'll be real. When Brendan mentioned that other character a second ago, I was just going with it, but in my head, that's who.

Speaker C:

I was thinking of.

Speaker A:

Yes, she will show up because she is a healer.

Speaker B:


Speaker C:

No, last show we watched, we watched no. I don't know anything about this. I just know it's new. So I see it like, floating around, but I haven't seen anyone really talking about it. Or at least not in the circles I travel in, which are few. People scare me.

Speaker B:


Speaker C:

Yeah. Going in blind. If it's perfect, if it's anything like the other girls doing nothing anime series of watch, I'm probably going to cry.

Speaker B:

Oh, no.

Speaker A:

We better sing those tears back into my eyes and let's watch the series, shall we? We're watching the first three.

Speaker C:

Sorcerer in all Brooklyn.

Speaker A:

I was waiting for you to finish that to transition us back to the show, but I think you just did.

Speaker C:

God did.

Speaker A:

Classic kirkland accent. Thank you. It's better than anything I was going to come up with. So we're back. Hello everyone.

Speaker C:

That was entrapment in a warm reply.

Speaker A:

I sat here silently and you just went off.

Speaker B:

Anything in this podcast can be used against you.

Speaker A:

In a word of law.

Speaker C:

I've said a lot of illegal shit.

Speaker A:

I'm the editor, Brendan. Forget I pull the strings.

Speaker C:

Pulls on color.

Speaker A:

Let's talk about singing. Right?

Speaker C:

Cool. Okay. Wow, I'm so touted so good.

Speaker A:

Let's stop talking about singing, I guess.

Speaker C:

Shut that one right there.

Speaker A:

Yeah, we're only going to focus on the medicine side of this, so it won't make sense for like half of it. Sorry. Starting episode one. I am actively holding this up. anyways, so we start out, we see a girl just full on Disney princess mode doing a full this boy skinned his knee here, let me sing to you in this beautiful little plaza in the town and just full on music moment where she's just immediately singing to these characters we don't know. And his scraped knee, it heals because you know how he said it's like singing is like medicine. You got it?

Speaker C:

Yeah, I promise.

Speaker A:

So, yeah, she's like, here, I helped you, but don't tell anyone. That was super illegal.

Speaker C:

She hit an F sharp and I'm suing her for malpractice.

Speaker A:

Yeah, she broke my other knee.

Speaker C:


Speaker A:

Yeah, so she is this is Conna, one of our main characters. She is studying to be a certified healer because they're the three types of medicine eastern, Western, and music.

Speaker C:

Classic, of course, favorite hemisphere music.

Speaker A:

So she's training, but again, not actively certified, so she shouldn't be practicing medicine on strange children. So she meets up with her two friends. This is raymi. Very clever music show doe, raymy.

Speaker C:

Dude, look how dumb this joke is. Oh, wait a minute, I just got.

Speaker A:

It just feels out of place because no one else has these sorts of names or I'm also an idiot and not picking up on yeah, they're all like advanced musical things.

Speaker C:

I am a genuine music idiot. So the whole show might be full of stuff and just I never caught any of it.

Speaker A:

Yeah, that was the only one that was like, okay. But yeah, raimi and hibiki her two friends, but one of them very good friends is like, oh, you were making us weight. That's so unprofessional punctuality. blah, blah, blah. And the other one's like, yeah, you got here, we're fine.

Speaker C:

You showed up.

Speaker A:

So they're going off to go apprenticing for the day. So they all work, learn. Sure. They hang out at a clinic and they are there assisting the two people working there. We have the master healer, karasuma, and I didn't get the other woman's name.

Speaker B:

Doctor friend, the one that wears the lab coat.

Speaker C:

Yeah, cool.

Speaker A:

She's dressed like the doctor, but she's basically like the admin receptionist, it seems like, and everything she's doing because the other woman does all the healing. So I was a little confused about the dynamic. But I digress you two are dating.

Speaker C:

Which one's the receptionist? Which one's the singer?

Speaker B:

They're wives, though, these two characters.

Speaker C:

They're right 1000%.

Speaker A:

Absolutely, 100%.

Speaker B:

There are so many girlfriends in this show.

Speaker A:

So yeah, they're all eager to train. Blonde Ramy is very eager to train. She is in love with the main doctor and just wants to learn everything because she idolizes her so much. But karasuma is like, no, not today. I have a lot of work to do. And they go through the day montage singing for sick people. That old chestnut.

Speaker C:

Of course we all do it.

Speaker A:

But they're like, oh, yeah, we're not going to train you because we're going to go get drinks, me and the other adult. You're welcome to join us. Children yeah. Doctor mom. I'll call her doctor.

Speaker C:

Mom. That's good. Yeah.

Speaker A:

Doctor mom. She is super into those tequilas that have snakes and turtles and shit in them. She's like, yeah, we're going to drink some of these. We're super into health here.

Speaker C:

Yeah, she's introduced being like, hey, I got this pit viper like booze. Do you guys want some? And I was like, oh, they're in college. And we said, no, they're in high school. And then the singing teacher mom comes out and she's like, yeah, we're going to go out drinking. We went out drinking last night, but we're doing it again. I'm like, this is a bad introduction to these characters.

Speaker A:

Yeah, the introduction of these just bright eyed children being like, oh, we're learning from the best in the world. And we show up and they're like, yeah, I'm not teaching you shit today. We're going to go day drinking.

Speaker B:

We have a date. Sorry.

Speaker A:

I mean, we come up to that point later on where I thought so. Yeah. So we see them doing all their chores and whatnot around the clinic. And Kana is lamenting about how I'm only learning breath control. I want to learn how to actually sing. But her friends are like, oh, no, it's the fundamentals, blah, blah, blah. And they're like, I know what will cheer you up. Let's sing a song. So they put a vinyl on and they do just I truly appreciated this. Just like, all right, we're singing a song now. Let's get all the backstory bullshit out of the way.

Speaker B:

As a theater kid, I did like this one. And then in episode three where they do these, like, musical numbers, I was like, oh, this is so cute. Like, we've seen anime about music, like last week with ya Boy, Kong ming. But this one had, like, musical numbers. And I was like, hell yeah. This is so cute.

Speaker A:


Speaker C:

All the fun of Ballet girl, but without the drama of ballet girl.

Speaker A:

Yeah. It truly feels like this is the most distinct musical number in quotes that I've seen in an anime because last week there are moments where like, okay, like theatrical or cinema style music breaks of I'm going to sing the single pop song from the soundtrack where it's like built in. But this truly feels like come on. Why are you here? Well, here's my I want song. And it's like, oh, okay, cool. We're actually getting musical in this show about music. What an interesting thing I haven't seen before.

Speaker C:

Yeah, it's like the difference between like a music video in a show and like a musical theater performance.

Speaker A:

Yeah. But we sort of get some backgrounds and whatnot. So Hiviki. She's just like super talented. She was kind of recruited. She has like, family elsewhere. And they talk about how she gets lonely sometimes. But as long as she's got her pals by her side and a song in her heart, she'll be fine. And then raymy, she again is obsessed with kara suma and is like, I worship the ground she walks on. I want to learn everything from her. She is the best healer in the universe, so I need to absorb all of her energy. So this episode jumps around a little bit as there's just a lot of like, yeah, we're not quite info dumping. We're just going to take our time with some casual scenes and just be like, yeah, look, this is us relaxing and chilling. And we have like an existing dynamic. Right? Cool. It feels organic.

Speaker C:

This is how friends talk to each other.

Speaker A:

So we see. Doctor mom. She's given them a break. They're about to start another day and we see sorry, it got lost in my notes. Anyway, so they open up the clinic for another day and we see a little.

Speaker C:


Speaker A:

The clinic for a day? What are these businesses? Hours? Oh, God. Okay. So they're closing up the clinic and a little girl is there to pick up her grandma who she lives with. And she's being all cute and she's like, oh, I made these hair pins in school. You can have them, you and your friends. And they're like, well, it's against the rules to have flair, but I guess it's after hours.

Speaker C:

Anti tgi fridays.

Speaker A:

Not allowed.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

Daniel voice only. So next day we see karasuma sleeping and raimy tries to get karasuma's cat. Just like, I'm obsessed with you because you're like her favorite thing. So you're my favorite thing. And just gets overly aggressive and tries to cuddle the cat ants not into it. So we see some actual training. Just a day of them doing like a bunch of cardio and breath control and like, okay, do like lunges but also hold a note and be able to sing in any position, blah, blah, blah. And Dr. Mom offers them some recovery drinks and more booze with more dead animals. In them.

Speaker C:

I think she's just drinking formaldehyde, which is poison.

Speaker B:

Those smoothies did sound good though. Honey lemon milk smoothies. Yeah.

Speaker A:

And let me just pour some of the turtle booze on top. Just a little floater right here.

Speaker B:

Perfect. That's going to be our signature cocktail at our wedding.

Speaker C:


Speaker A:


Speaker C:

I imagine like a scarf with like a little wedge of lemon, but instead of the wedge of lemon, it's the shell.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

So we see the adults, they're going off to a conference, but the way they talk about it, they're like, all right, we're going out. We're staying out late. Don't wait up for us kids. And I was like, yes.

Speaker C:


Speaker A:

Gay. They're going on a date, saying it's for work. And they tell the girls to lock up. So they're all just hanging out in Hibiki's room. And they're like, okay, yeah, we're going to sleep over. The adults are gone, so we're also going to be hanging out in one of our bedrooms alone. And Habeki is like, yeah, that's fine if you are cool with ghosts. And just points up to a corner of the room and everyone freaks out because they hear a voice. But it's not a ghost. It's the little girl from before. Oh, no. Check off Grandma. We should have known. We were introduced to a sickly old character. Of course she's going to have problems immediately. So she goes in there asking for help. Of course, the adults we see, they're actually at a conference. Boring. They can't answer their phones because they're giving a presentation. So they're like, oh no, we have to help. But we're not certified. Who cares that a person is dying? So kind of runs over and the other two just keep trying to get like, 911 and the adults on the line. But kanna is running there with the little girl, and they find Grandma coughing on the ground. One of those classic yeah, she's hurt. Nothing distinct. She was standing in the living room and fell.

Speaker B:

Nonspecific old person disease.

Speaker A:

My bones.

Speaker C:

We all get it one day.

Speaker A:

So as conna in her head is debating like, oh, it's so forbidden. If I get caught, I'll be banned from healing people. But then she gets a flashback of that mysterious stranger that helped her one day on an airplane. And she vowed to always be there for people that need her. So she's like, okay, I can sing to heal you, and that's illegal. But what if I sing just good enough to make you chill out a little bit? What if my singing was a great anesthetic? So she's like, cool. I'll help ease her anxiety so she can at least breathe better, and then that will give us more time. But as she starts singing naturally, the adults and the whole gang arrives to see her beautiful song. She has like, the projection of her soul, or however they phrase it. We just see like, beautiful lights and flowers and just a great music video around this medical emergency. But they're all surprised by how powerful she is. But she stabilizes Grandma enough to get to the hospital, and she's going to.

Speaker B:

Be okay, thank goodness.

Speaker A:

And Katasuma saw her, and she's like, hey, I know what you're going to say. You didn't actually do the medicine singing. You did singing. Singing. I appreciate that. That was the right call. You're going to go far, kid. And Connor is finally motivated.

Speaker C:


Speaker A:

And that's where we end episode one.

Speaker B:

Yeah. I'd love to say this now. I have a bone to pick with Karl suma's hair, because for the most part so in the beginning of this episode, the first time we see her, she has long bangs. They're pinned back, but she has long bangs. Then when they go to the conference, she has straight across short bangs. And I was like, okay, she got a haircut. Great. Love it. But also because her bangs were, like, pinned back a lot, I was like, oh, I don't know.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

But then after that, we see her again, and she has really long bangs again. And I'm like, so which is it? It can't be both. There is literally no way. Like, you can sweep straight across bangs to the side, but this is not that.

Speaker C:

No, there's no way. She sings her hair back to grow.

Speaker B:

That's the only possible explanation.

Speaker A:

She heals it once it gets cut.

Speaker C:

Because we don't see it ever again. So we're like, okay, maybe it was just, like, a one time thing. And then in the preview for episode four, we see it again. I was like, no, that's a thing, I guess.

Speaker B:

God damn it.

Speaker C:

And with the three main, we're going.

Speaker A:

To set up a twin thing. One has one hair, one has the other. We'll find out in the series finale.

Speaker C:

And then with the three main girls, they all have undertones me, too. It's got, like, strawberry, like, red hair on the outside, green underneath habiki's watermelon. It's got pale green on top. And then like a pastel pink underneath and ramen, and it changes. So I thought it was just shadows. I thought it was just supposed to be, like, the lighting, because raimi puts her hair up and there's much less purple underneath her blonde hair than usual. But then that just makes less sense if it's just shadows.

Speaker B:

Yeah, well, I feel like with ramy and hippiki, it looks like it could be, like, a stylistic shadow choice. But with Kana, there's like, no way. Because it's bright red and bright green. Yeah, not enough contrast. Anyway, enough about hair gripes. Episode two. funnily enough, my first note is more funny hairstyles because we see a girl with white hair and a little braid and a girl with a black hair and a bowl cut. They're walking past kana's classroom, and they overhear her classmates, talking about how she's going to become a healer. Oh, my God. How exciting. And kanna says, oh, I still have to pass, like, my provisional license exam. And all of her friends are like, well, you have to treat us when you do. And the girl with white hair seems surprised that Conna would be a healer. And then we get the opening. The opening and the ending are just like them singing.

Speaker C:

It's cute.

Speaker B:

It's the rest of the show.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

At the clinic, Ramy is making fun of Conna for oversharing with her friends. And Conna is worried now that if she doesn't pass the license exam, that her friends will make fun of her.

Speaker C:

Shitty friends. That's just shitty friends.

Speaker B:

That's true. They'd support her no matter what. ramey says that, well, if that happens, you can always transfer to my school. But it's very hard to get into because she is rich. We see a little preview. She's got a maid and stuff.

Speaker C:

Money, I think. We hear about their parents. I haven't seen a single parent in the show. We see the one girl's grandma that fell and got sick, and then we see the doctor moms, and that's it.

Speaker B:

Yeah. We hear about Dabiki's family in the next episode. But Conna and rainey? No idea.

Speaker A:

Yeah, because they talk about, like, oh, that little girl, she's so brave to live with an elderly person. And it's like, hey, child, you are effectively an orphan. Dare to elaborate.

Speaker B:

It's scary to live with old people.

Speaker C:

I was raised by my maid, my opare.

Speaker B:

So they're cleaning up the clinic, discussing the provisional licensing exam. They say it's the next step to becoming real healers. And now that they're all 16, they can take the test. But it's not just like singing. They also have to take a test about, like, basic medical knowledge and pharmaceuticals. And I think that's really interesting that this isn't just like a magic thing where it's like, yeah, we sing and we heal people. It's like, no, we're doctors. I love that. I think that's great.

Speaker C:

Oh, no, this patient's appendix erupted. We got to sing a song. No, not for galicious that will never do.

Speaker B:

So Conna is like, oh, no. Written tests are my weak point. And they're like, oh, well, we all have time. We'll help you study Conna, but you're definitely going to pass the singing test, right? And Connor is like, no, I kind of need help with that too. So we see her practicing a song, but has trouble with the key change. hibiki and raimi can both do it, and she's like, oh, how did you do that? And they're like, we just do get good came naturally. And they say, Connor can do it a capella. But once she does it with the accompaniment, she has trouble. And you can't fumble up like that when you're with a patient. So they suggest that she gets help from the mistress, which is what I kept calling her, because that's what they call her kara suma. I'm just going to keep calling her mistress, but they need to wake her up because it's time for her to work, and raimi is eager to do so. So they go up to her room, and the cat is blocking raimi from the doorway. He's, like, hissing at her and stuff. She approaches him, and he leaps on her face. And then they go into the oh, no, I scrolled too far.

Speaker C:

Go back.

Speaker B:

Where did I go?

Speaker C:

We need to go back.

Speaker B:

We need to go back. Shit. Okay. So they go in her room. She's still asleep. She, like, wakes up a little bit. In her half asleep days, she grabs raimi, thinking that she's the cat. And raimi is like, yes, yes, because she is in love. Then it's time to open the clinic. cona is working with the mistress, and in between appointments, she tells her about how she's been struggling with key changes. And the mistress says, the problem is that you're listening first and singing second. You got to do both. They run parallel to each other. So what you should do is just listen to a lot of skilled singers and pay attention to what they do after work. Connor complains that after that, she never got to hear the mistress sing, so she couldn't focus on that. And she's like, oh, maybe I should get sick. Then she'll sing for me. But the mistress walks up and offers her books on singing and is like, Just read these. Study. And then the next day, she's tired at school from reading all night, but the books didn't actually help. And then we see the girl with the white hair, and she tells Kana to meet her after school. It's vaguely threatening, meeting about a flagpole. That's exactly what I thought. So we jump ahead. kanna meets her outside the school, and the other girl with the bull cut is like she's always with her. Those two are always together. As I mentioned before, girlfriends.

Speaker C:

I honestly think at the medical conference, we see one guy like lena be like, wow, the mistress is really good. Yeah, she's really good in her field. I think that is the only male character that speaks in these three episodes.

Speaker B:

God bless you. Love to see it. So Kana sees these two. They're like, hey. And then Kana runs in the other direction.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

Later. And then the girl with the white hair catches up with her. And Kana is like, my parents always said not to go off with strangers. Shut up. But so they introduce ourselves. Girl with white hair is Sonia. Girl with black hair is shinobu. And Kana does in fact, know who they are. So that's why I said it was stupid that she ran away.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

She's like, oh, yeah, I know who you are, Sonia. People talk about how pretty you are and that you've been living overseas. And Sonia is like, yeah, I know, I'm pretty well.

Speaker C:

Good for you. She's like, Why did you run away then? Kind of like my impish nature. I'm like, all right, that one from yeah.

Speaker B:

So sonya reveals that she knows the mistress, and instead of explaining it herself, she's like, shinobu, tell her. So shinobu explains that sonya is so good at school that not only did she skip some grades, she also is a C rank healer. So she does look younger. If these girls are 16, she's probably, like, 13. And then there was, like, this confusing moment where shinobu says, it was confusing for me. She says that sonya's parents were transferred overseas. So sonya is living with shinobu and her grandmother, who has a clinic. But then I was like, well, when was sonya overseas? Then? When did this all happen? And then I was like, I guess it doesn't matter.

Speaker C:

Yeah, it seems like Sonia was overseas when she was younger, and then they moved back to Japan, and then her parents go back overseas without her.

Speaker B:

I think something like that. But it doesn't come up again. Yeah, it's just important that she lives with shinobu.

Speaker C:

Child living alone. Check.

Speaker B:

So they're back at shinobu's grandma's clinic, where the grandma is the head physician. Kana asks she no boo if she wants to be a healer, too, but she actually prefers to make the songs that healer sings. That's cool. Kana compliments Sonia on being a C rank healer, and Sonia is like, Well, I should be an S rank based on my talent.

Speaker C:

Sonia sucks.

Speaker B:

Yeah, she's like a kid.

Speaker C:

I stand by what I said. Yes, kids sucks.

Speaker A:

She's annoying. I'm praised for being talented, but not praised enough.

Speaker B:

Tell me more.

Speaker C:

We've all seen dookie howser relax you're. Not that.

Speaker B:

So Connor asks, like, Why did you bring me here? Sonia says that she wanted to meet one of the mistresses students. And Sonia complains about being too young to qualify for higher ranking or even take the test. She can't take the test. And Connor agrees that old rules are lame. And because she says that, Sonia is like, okay, what do you want from me? You're agreeing with me. What do you want? And kanna is like, okay, can you teach me how to sing? Like, if you're so good? Sonia makes her beg, claiming that she won't help her enemies. And she says this because her goal is to surpass mistress as a healer. So this 13 year old girl has a truly just, like, completely childish fantasy of, like, I'm going to be even better than this, like, 30 year old woman. Which may be one day, but definitely not yet. So they're walking outside after that, and Kana and shinobu are kind of hanging back. While sonya is walking ahead, kana talks to shinobu. She's like, hey, sonya is kind of like a tyrant. And shinobu is like, well, actually, she's helped me express myself and speak up for myself in the past, so I'm really appreciative of that. But she makes shinobu do things for her, and it's like, well, that doesn't.

Speaker C:

Justify yeah, she treats you like a servant. Sonia telling me to speak for her is forcing me to get better at communicating. It's like, cool. She still sucks. She's still rude as hell.

Speaker B:

She, like, makes chinobu, pour her tea and stuff.

Speaker C:

Yeah, there's a lot of stuff that doesn't excuse it.

Speaker B:

Yeah. But yes. So she's just trying to be like, yeah, sonia is actually a really good person deep down.

Speaker C:

Stockholm syndrome. We've all been there.

Speaker B:

So then Sonia comes up to them and tells them to stop talking, but also, don't talk to me. So then she walks ahead again, and she sees a pregnant woman who's having stomach issues. She, like, runs toward her. She says she's having pains in her stomach. So shinobu and Kana come over, and Sonia tells shinobu to call an ambulance. But there's a fire nearby, so the ambulance won't be able to come right away. So Sonia decides that she's going to help the woman and that Kana will help, even though it's against the rules.

Speaker A:

Breaking the law.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

But then it is revealed that she can help a sea rank healer as an assistant. So thank goodness she's not breaking their rules, technically following the law. So sonya starts singing. Kana joins in. The image, it conjures, is like them on, like, a lava clip, and there's, like, a phoenix that wraps up.

Speaker C:

The mom just really call me fucking off guard. The imagery went crazy.

Speaker B:

It's funny because they never really explain what this is, but it seems like only the healers can see it. And he beaky draws. Like, she sits in on the mistress's sessions and draws the images, and it's like, well, why is this happening? And maybe it gets explained later, but at this moment, it's just kind of something that happens. And we're just like, okay. So, yeah, they're singing together. It seems like it's working great, but then the woman's pain gets worse. It flares up again. The song isn't working. The image is, like, crumbling. But just then, thank goodness, Mistress shows up. We saw her in the background of another scene.

Speaker C:

I did appreciate it.

Speaker B:

Check off coming in clutch.

Speaker C:

She's putting a lot of work in this animation.

Speaker B:

So she comes up, her song super works. The image is so powerful, it transforms from scary lava cliffs to, like, this big green field. And then there's, like, water, and the pregnant woman is, like, floating in the water, and everything is chilling. everything's better now. And Mistress is, like, sitting on the bench with the woman's head in her lap. The woman says the pain is gone, but they're like, oh, you should still go to the hospital to get it checked out. Which, again, I love. I love that it's not like, yes, you're healed. Everything is better. It's like, no, you had a. Medical emergency. And even though I made the pain go away, you should definitely still get it checked out.

Speaker A:

I just appreciate your homeopathic medicine.

Speaker C:

No, you misunderstand.

Speaker B:

So the ambulance comes the ambulance comes and takes the pregnant woman. Great. kana tells the mistress she's so impressed with her healing. Of course. Why wouldn't she be? And the mistress actually recognizes sonia and shinobu. She's like, oh, shinobu, your grandma owns that clinic. sonia is acting standoffish. She says that she knows she messed up. And the mistress is like, well, it's just a lack of experience. You guys were only focusing on the mother's pain when you also needed to focus on what might have been happening with the baby. And then sonia does a very childish thing and is like, I will surpass you one day. And the mistress is like, okay. I'd love to see you do that. I believe in that. Children are the future. That would be at the ending. And after the credits, conna told hibiki and Raimi about seeing the mistress sing and how it motivated her. And then I think Dr. mom's name might be shoko, but I never wrote it down. But anyway, she comes in, and for whatever reason, makes fun of how the mistress sleeps. And then the mistress walks in and says, dr. Mom also looks funny when she sleeps. And that's the moment that I was like, they have to be wives. There is no other explanation for this. And then the mistress gives them their tickets to the provisional License exam, and that's episode two.

Speaker C:

They just have sleepovers a lot. Every night, in fact, in the same room, wearing matching pajamas.

Speaker B:

It's very normal.

Speaker C:

It's super normal. They're just two gal pals. Yeah, I wasn't expecting an anime fantasy battle over a lava pit with two singing doctor, high school students, and a pregnant lady. Because why the fuck did anyone expect that ever in their life?

Speaker B:

A brand new song.

Speaker A:

Don't you watch any anime?

Speaker C:

Don't do this. Don't come at me. I watched too much anime. Also, I like that this show is like, you point out, like it's like, yes, you still need to go to the hospital. Yes, it is important. But also, 911, like, emergency services in this world fucking suck. Because they are always held up by something. The two instances we've seen so far, it's like, oop, ambiels. Can't get here. It's like, that's not good, you guys.

Speaker A:

Hey, you know how you have this whole medicine based around singing, right? And you have this system where people call you on the phone, just hire someone at the 911 call center to just be like, oh, you got a broken arm.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

$5,000, please.

Speaker B:


Speaker C:

They didn't mention that the vinyls that they play is basically, like, over the counter drugs, where it's like, it works better in person, but I'm like so, like, in theory, you could just, like, download an epipen. You could just spotify a morphine drip.

Speaker B:

You wouldn't download xanax, you fuck.

Speaker C:

You think I will? Pass me like jewelry, corp. Cool. What are you going to play? Jazz. It into my vein. So we start off with episode three. It opens with everyone going about their morning, everyone waking up, going about their routines. And we kind of see the three different lifestyles of the three main girls, essentially classified of rich, middle and lower class. ramy gets waken up by her maid, and there's everything done for her. And God, there's really not much like to like about her at all. She seems to treat the maid well, but that's expected of human beings. We see Conna just fully falling asleep, like, through we don't see her do anything. She's asleep this whole time and sleeps through, like, five of her alarms and then runs out with a piece of toast in her mouth. That old trope. And then hibiki, we see up early making her doing her chores, cleaning the place, making her breakfast, eating it. And we see her, like, writing letters back to her family who are back in the countryside as they're like a farming family. So it makes sense why she's up early and getting stuff done.

Speaker B:

Yeah, she lives at we, like, mentioned it briefly, I think, but not like she lives at the clinic learning directly under Mistress all the time.

Speaker C:

Yeah. And yeah, it seems like the clinic isn't their school. It seems like the clinic is like after school stuff. So I guess she goes to school normally and she just is living at the clinic as a dorm. So we see that, and then we get the opening. And then after the opening, we see all of them cleaning the clinic and singing. And then while they're cleaning and singing, they're also studying and like, reviewing stuff for the exam. And most of this episode, I'd say like 65% of this episode. No, it's failing. A passing grade of this episode is them sing talking a lot. So just imagine any dialogue in this episode has got a little hint of musical flair to it. That night, they're like, while they're doing their work at the clinic, they're like, hey, Mistress, we're going to have everyone sleep over tonight with hibiki, and we're going to have a study party. So they're getting ready for the exam. So you actually make a practice exam to go through and time themselves. And once they do it, hibiki gathers up all the exams, like, let me grade them. And I'll see how we all did. And while she's doing that, Khan is like, looking around her room. You're like, oh, you got this book. Oh, this is cool. I got a bunch of sketches in this sketchbook. Yeah, I was in the country side. Not much to do to sing and sketch, so it's already part of the job here. Might as well just lean into it. And she's like, a photo album. It's like, oh, wow, you got a bunch of siblings. She's like, yeah, I'm the oldest of six. Everyone else is back home helping out with the farm. Still like, wow, you got a bunch of family and backstory that none of us have as main characters.

Speaker B:

Wow, you're the most interesting of all of us.

Speaker C:

It seems like it. And so hibiki is grading them, and while she's going over to exam, she's like, wow, she kind of gets, like, shocked look on her face. Doesn't say anything, but she sees Khan. I got a 92 on her test. She's like, wow, she knows her stuff. That's a good grade. Goes over and, like, pat's Con on the head. She's like, what are you doing? It's like, oh, you're a good little kid. Like, what? And then she never really explains it, so I was like, okay. And then they do the pharmacology exam, which is kana's weak point, and they do the test, and she got a four out of 100.

Speaker B:

Not great.

Speaker C:

Real bad. I know it's always played up in, like, animes and shows being like, oh, they really don't understand. I genuinely can't imagine getting that much wrong on it, even guessing. You get like a 40 or something. So they're like, all right, we really got to work on kind of, like, pharmacology college she got done. So then we see the teacher eavesdropping because I guess she also lives at the clinic. So she's eavesdropping all the stuff and being like, they're working hard.

Speaker B:

Well, of course she lives at the clinic. They're married.

Speaker C:

It makes sense. And let me see as we're going to bed, kana's like, hey, we did good today. I feel like we made a breakthrough. Let's not study tomorrow. I feel like you need it still. So Connoisse was like, why don't we go to a shrine tomorrow and pray? It's an anime after all. We need to go to a shrine at least once. So they wake up early. They go to a shrine nearby. Of course, they all pray for good grades. Khan is like, really praying, like, saying it out loud. And while there, they see a few shrine maidens there rehearsing a ceremony for, like, purging evil spirits from the shrine and stuff. It involves a dance and some sort of bit of singing as well, and habiki comments on it and reflects that between them, what they do and what we do. There's a lot of similarities. We don't dance, but there's a lot of singing for them. And they're perching like the bad spirits from the shrine. In a way, we're purging bad spirits from the human body by healing them. So there's, like, a lot of overlap.

Speaker B:

I thought this was taking a weird religious turn that we don't normally see in anime, where I thought they were going to be like, yeah, our healing powers must come from God. And I would have been like, what? I really thought that's where it was going.

Speaker A:

Guys, I just learned hymns are so much more powerful than song.

Speaker B:

It doesn't become even, like, buddhist or anything like that.

Speaker C:

It's Christian. Oh, hey, looks like this anime was made by kirk Cameron. He sucks. Slide that one away.

Speaker A:

Whoa. You know who else? No, I can't.

Speaker C:

I'm sorry.

Speaker A:

I had to bail.

Speaker B:

Sometimes it's best to know when to do so.

Speaker C:

Yeah. The only Jesus in our anime is St young man, and we see Raimi even comments like, yeah, we still don't know the exact science about the sing healing. Like, why some songs are better than others. I'm like, that's weird that this is a medical practice if we don't really understand it. I don't know. I mean, it's a prison wine in the toilet. Drink that and you should care off your toothache. What?

Speaker A:

No, don't especially when they're like, yes, the three channels of medicine. Respected western medicine, respected Eastern medicine. This thing that I guess works. We're still figuring it out, but it's on the same level as the other two.

Speaker C:

Does tap count as singing healing? Can you tap?

Speaker B:

Oh, my God.

Speaker C:

Shirley Temple godsend.

Speaker A:

That's chiropractic here.

Speaker B:

That makes sense.

Speaker C:

It's a lot of questionable some people aren't sure about it. You know, we won't get into it, but yeah, they all raimi talks about it being like, yeah, we're not sure about, like, some songs, but in others, what? As we've joked about, it seems like pop modern songs aren't really involved. They all seem like musical songs, very emotion filled. But she said that one thing they've seen is it seems to be stronger the more that the singer cares about the patient. So the more you care about healing your patients, the better of a doctor you are. What a concept.

Speaker A:

I don't understand. Slow down, anime. I'm from America. We need this localized. How does this work?

Speaker C:

So for American audiences, it's like money. So the more money, the better of a doctor you are. But this is caring about the patient and actually healing people.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

I see.

Speaker C:

Yes. Instead of taking that sponsorship deal from that big pharmaceutical company that's pushing a drug that isn't technically approved by the FDA or on the market yet and just getting another yacht. You want to heal people. It's a novel thought I know. Anyway, hot taste here today, baby.

Speaker B:

First religion, now this.

Speaker C:

Philadelphia'S got a lot of farm and go bullshit in it that I feel like it needs to be double checked. Anyway. Practice montage. We get a lot of montage in this episode. Here's the first one of them just practicing, studying, going through a routine, cleaning the clinic, all that stuff. And we see the girls actually taking the exam. So they've done their exam and they are fried. They are burnt out. They're craving so much for that exam. That's all they were doing for the last few weeks. And now that it's over, they don't really know how to live their life anymore. And they're kind of going on autopilot and kind of struggling and messing stuff up. That is super simple. And they should have caught. And this is when they're so burnt out, they sing, talk, everything from this point on until pretty much the end of the episode. And so they're just zoning out and struggling just to get through the day. And Mistress is like, hey, I got an idea. There happens to be a town wide sports meet going on. And it seems like the entire town is into it, which is a first for me. There's a lot of people here, so they're like, this will get your body moving. You don't have to think. Just sign up for the events, do them and just kind of relax, but also keep you busy. And when they get there, if they see sonia is also there, wonderful. Another chance for her to shove her rivalry on. This 35 year old woman and the.

Speaker A:

Mistress, my one true enemy. Oh, hey, adorable kid.

Speaker C:

And she's like, I'm here to beat you once and for all, Mistress. It's just like, dope. I'm here for the medical team. Like, I'm here, like, to heal people that get injured.

Speaker B:

I'm here to work because I'm an adult with a PhD.

Speaker C:

Kind. Yeah.

Speaker A:

How is coloring today, kid?

Speaker C:

Sonia is like, oh, you're scared of me, but you can't face my head on. And sonia's like grandma is there. It's like, hey, sonia, shut up.

Speaker B:

It's sheenobus grandma.

Speaker C:

It's Shinobus. Sorry. I truly do not care about these characters. But she talks sonia down, being like, hey, stop trying to fight adults, small child, because she's talking shit to the mistress. Raimi gets up and to defend her love honor. And they're like, all right. Each time you win one of these events, you get a lay around your neck of flowers first. Whoever gets the most lays. Whoever wins the most contest is the winner. Yeah. All right. Your challenge is on.

Speaker A:


Speaker C:

So they compete in all the events to see who can win the most. So we see rainy wins the first one. It's toting her lay around. We see Sony wins the next one toting her lay around. And they go back and forth for a bit. And we see everyone else losing their events because no one else is nearly as competitive competitive as these two girls. So we see everyone else struggling a bit. And they're off on the side, like, talking, like shinobu and Ghana. And hibiki comes up, and we see shinobu flustered and having trouble talking. So really showing she is shy. And ramy and sonia come up and they're like, hey, what are you guys doing? You were supposed to be in that event right now that's ending like, oh, sucks. Sorry about that. And ramy is like, don't worry, kana. I signed you up for the next event. I'm pretty sure you're going to excel at this. And I don't know what this event is. We just see kana crossing a finish line with a piece of bread in her mouth. So I guess it had to do with food. I don't know if this is a type of race in Japan.

Speaker B:

I'm thinking it was like a donut on a string situation. And he said that the donut in their mouth first, got to run first.

Speaker C:

That's kind of how I saw it. Yeah. Tear it on the string. And we see Conna like, come back after the after she wins the race. And she goes, hey, rammy, we're going to have to talk about what your image of me is. And I thought that was a great line. I was like, oh, that's very clever for Conna. And then we get ourselves another montage of them doing all the events. And we just see them piling on the lays around the Grandmother and around Mistress, like stacking up. So it's like seven and four and at seven and seven and twelve and 14 are just going back and forth of them, basically winning every event and tying every time at the end. And we see the Mistress and Chenobus Grandma, like reflecting on the girls being like, they're working so hard, and they're all singing while doing those events, which is a little needless and shinob's. Grandma is like, well, singing brings out the best in sonia. So if she's singing while she's doing something, she's doing it at her peak. So maybe she's bringing that out and the other girls as well. And she says, yeah, she's got the rivalry with you, Mistress, but make sure to knock her down a peg. She's like, whoa, grandma. She's like, keep her humble. Like, she needs to be reminded. So we see the next event is a big race. It's the final event of the day. And they say, hey, for an added bonus for the winner of this race is getting a reward from our corporate sponsor. Weird tie in, weird moment to announce that. But we see it's just like the mascot for the company, and it's just this big, plush, like dalmatia. And we see the Mistress kind of looking at it kind of like flushing a bit. Like we see rami get like a flashback going into her mind palace, into mistress's room and zooming in on the shelf. And she's got a bunch of merchandise of these mascot dogs and being like, I have to win it. The mistress loves them. And sonya's like, I'll win it too, to take it away from the Mistress. Ha ha. It's a God he's, spiteful little child. And so we see this just seems to be a standard race. They just run around a racetrack, so they're going head to head and everyone's miles behind them. Connor is struggling, and the two of them are racing against each other singing the entire time. They're racing shit to love it each other.

Speaker B:

I love a rival song.

Speaker C:

And we see as they keep going for a little bit, they're getting close to the end, and out of absolutely nowhere, Kabiki comes flying out from behind everyone. I'm pretty sure she started the race like ten minutes late and still ends up catching up to everyone because she just is so far past. And she flies past everyone running like the T 1000, like, just real stiff and angular and very strange. But she is going much faster than everyone else. Everyone's like, how are you this fast? What happened? And all she says is like, I guess I'm in the groove. Guess I I got a second wind going. That's the excuse for her running past Hussain bolt and winning the race. And they're like, oh, wow. Well, hey, habeki, you got the giant plush dog. You can give that to Mistress. Like, you want it for our group? And she's like, no, I'm going to give it to my siblings back home. I'm going to send that to him. It's like, okay.

Speaker B:

It's cute. They like, the dog.

Speaker C:

Yeah, I like her reasoning better than I am obsessed and in love with my teacher, and I want to win her affection. Yeah, that's a better reason. So once they're finally done the race, they finally stop singing, talking, and just speak like human beings. And sonia is mad and hungry for wrench, like, you won this time, but I'll be back, and runs off. And ramie is like, sorry, T shirt, I didn't come in first, so I couldn't give you the big plush dalmatian that they were offering. But I did get second place, so I got the smaller plushivu enu that's got like a smaller plush dalmation with it. It's like two mascots for the company, I guess, and the teacher. And the Mistress is like, I love it, and hugs Raimi, which breaks her, fundamentally. It short circuits her. And then we get the post credit sequence because every new anime is a marvel movie now. And we see the girls all waiting for all waiting downstairs at the clinic saying they got their exam results back. And the teacher has mistress. I wrote teacher my notes. Mistress has them. So she's going over them in her office, and they're all anxious to figure out what happened with the exams. And eventually Mistress comes down the stairs, says, I don't know how to tell you this girl is after getting your results. I guess I'll just say it. I thought she was going to break out the song at this moment, I don't know how to tell you it, so let me sing you it. And yeah, sure enough, they all passed their exam. They all got their provisional licenses. yay.

Speaker B:

Yay. Why this is in an aftercredit scene is beyond me. Feels pretty important to the plot.

Speaker C:

Feels pretty important, yeah. And then we see hippie Key sent care package home to her family, and they open up this duffel bag, which I have to assume the delivery person is like, there's a body in here. They killed a man. I have to call the police, all that. Her siblings open up the duffel bag and it's the giant plush dog and there's a picture of all the girls holding up the provisional licenses saying, we passed yay.

Speaker B:


Speaker C:

And that's episode three.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

Yeah. Beautiful. Thank you.

Speaker C:

Thank you.

Speaker A:

Yeah, this had a lot going on and not much of it was of a plot.

Speaker C:

It might have been the shortest notes I've taken for a show yet.

Speaker A:

Yeah, they're definitely doing some fun stuff, like the element of, wow, we're getting musical numbers in a conventional American way that we don't typically get in anime, but it is sporadic. It's not good a lot of the times when it is just like sing talking for no reason for half an episode, but yeah, it's pleasant enough. It wasn't bad. I enjoyed the episode I take notes on and then I was like, okay, I got it.

Speaker C:

A brain shut down.

Speaker A:

They're going to sing and learn medicine.

Speaker C:


Speaker A:

And then I was like, all right, yeah, now there's a sports day and they're doing the same thing of rescuing this person right at the end of the episode. In episode two, I was like, okay, I think I got it.

Speaker C:


Speaker A:

So, yeah, I don't think I'll be continuing.

Speaker B:

Yeah, I've pretty much already said what I've enjoyed about it, of like, it has interesting things where they're magical healers, but also they have medical knowledge. And the ones I constitute as musical numbers are like the one in the first one where they kind of sing about their back stories a little bit, but even then doesn't feel like a real theatrical musical number. I really like the one in the second one where it kind of starts as them practicing definitions. Like one of them will say crescendo and then the other one sings the definition and then it kind of turns into an actual musical number. I liked that one, but yeah, it's strange, it's fun, but yeah, not a lot going on story wise.

Speaker C:

Yeah, I think I agree with you, Dean. If it was like full blown musical, weird comparison, like bob's burgers, there's just like a musical number in each episode. I'd probably enjoy that. But all of these kind of felt like the musical starts where the scene starts and then it kind of just trails off and there's no real end to it. So it doesn't feel like a musical sequence. It just kind of feels like, yeah, they're just singing, talking a lot and sometimes there's backing music with it and sometimes there isn't.

Speaker B:

Yeah. I also couldn't help but think about like, obviously in this world, it's just what happens, but I couldn't stop thinking about how cringey it would be to have to sit in a room and have someone sing at you one on one. Especially in the very beginning of the first episode where she just literally she tells the kid to keep it between them, but she's walking across the street toward him, singing loudly. And I'm just like, girl, you didn't keep it a secret that you did this. And I just imagined me being injured, sitting on the street and someone's singing, walking up to me, and it slowly gets louder. Oh, my God.

Speaker A:

It's like, no, please, I'll limp to the doctor. Please don't perceive me.

Speaker B:

It's like when they say Happy birthday that you would arrest me.

Speaker A:

That's exactly what it is, just a slow realization. And when you see the swarm of people coming at you, but you're also in pain and it's a stranger.

Speaker B:

Yeah. I feel like if this was, like, a straight up magical girl kind of situation, it would feel better.

Speaker C:

It was like a medical practice.

Speaker B:

Yeah, but I like that too. It was interesting and fun.

Speaker A:

Yeah, like, definitely some fun ideas that they just kind of they're like, cool. We have a premise. Oh, should we develop it? We already made the show. Oh, too late.

Speaker B:

Okay, we'll just go episode by episode. It'll be fine.

Speaker C:

Because all I think about is the weird medical situations where someone has to sing and what song you sing to them. Like, hey, I'm hungover as hell. Can you sing The boxer by Simon and garfunkel to just cry me out real quick and just purify all these toxins? Or, hey, I got stabbed. Can you sing? It's not easy being 22. Or whatever that Taylor Swift song album is.

Speaker B:

Can you sing it's Not Easy Being Green by kermit the frog. And can't you do the voice, please?

Speaker C:

You have to do the voice. Medical benefits don't apply too high. I'm bleeding again.

Speaker A:

So sorry. You have a deadly skin infection. Do you like pedia co op?

Speaker C:

My leprosy. It's cured.

Speaker B:

Thank God.

Speaker C:

Yeah, I have no strong complaints other than sonia sucks. But that's the rival character in every anime, so that's not unique. But, yeah, I have no real complaints about it. It's a pleasant, pretty looking show. I qualify this as, like, the after dinner mint of anime, where you have one, you're like, oh, that was nice, and you have, like, five in a row. That was a mistake. I regret that because I'm much more interested in all the bizarre scenarios about singing medicine now more than I am about the actual plot or development of these characters, because they're real generic. Not bad, but not interesting.

Speaker A:

Well, dear listener, if there's an anime series that puts a song in your heart, like a good one, not wailing, just painful wailing or wailing songs, we'll take those.

Speaker C:

That was big on TikTok. Like, three go, right, kids?

Speaker A:

Yeah. Send your anime shanties to or you can reach out to us on Twitter or Instagram at rwibaria. On both.

Speaker B:

You can find me on Instagram and TikTok at honeyperiod or on Twitter at honeyd eight and honeydart. And honey is spelled H-U-N-N-I-E. You can.

Speaker C:

Find me on the Internet, skulking around up to some mischief scampin like an animal. Or instead, you can put your time to something useful and girl in the glim graphic novel. Once again, recommending it. Very good. Check it out.

Speaker A:

Oh yes, while we're doing recommendations, please watch the Netflix series Dead End paranormal Park because that is number one. Very good. And number two is one of the first shows I outcast a lead character on doing audition stuff and it's also a transactor playing a trans role. So it's kind of a big deal to me.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

And also keep eyes out for a show called Rock Paper scissors from nickelodeon. They're starting to show stuff online and I'm very excited for it because it's very good and very fun.

Speaker B:

Yay, dugan.

Speaker A:

Sorry, I blacked out. What happened? Hopefully I didn't self promote right? That would be so weird for me in this show. Thank you to miel ruley for our artwork. And thank you to Louisong for themesong stories. You can find all of louie's music at Louisong Thank you and we hope you'll join us next week as we learn to live with anime.

Speaker B:

You should watch shrek the Musical. That's a good one.

Speaker C:

This is a good one. donkey is a little weird looking, but it's good.

Have you ever head a song in your heart? Well that can cause a blockage you might want to check it out. We watch New Musical Medicine Show Healer Girl!

In our First episode, Dana and Brendan introduce Patrick to the wonderful world of Death Note!

Have an anime series you want us to watch? email your recommendations to us at!

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Thank you:

Camille Ruley for our Artwork

Louie Zong for our Themesong "stories"

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