Are Weeb There Yet?
An Exploration and Education in Anime!

AWTY 117 - Short King (Ah! My Goddess!)

3 years ago
Speaker A:

I want to stay here and be with you always. But I am a goddess.

Speaker B:

Hello and welcome to our weed There Yet in exploration and education and anime. I'm your anime idiot, Patrick stitch. Lip dugan.

Speaker A:

Oh, yeah. I am an anime expert, D hollander.

Speaker C:

And I'm brenda mccullough, your anime god. But I need a place to crash for the weekend, so a few days on the couch be great.

Speaker B:

Yeah, I am all powerful, except when it comes to the marriott rewards app.

Speaker C:

Scraping change by. I can't quite afford a full hotel, so just like just some help. Just a little bit. Just a little bit. But also like m god. Still, don't forget, rest until my band.

Speaker B:

Gets off the ground.

Speaker A:

So, dugan, where'd you get your cool nickname from?

Speaker B:

More of a preference for all of you and the slurry lispiness you're about to hear. I had some dental surgery earlier this week and didn't factor in I would need to talk for an hour afterwards. So warning. I'm going to be a little quiet because if I talk too long, it hurts.

Speaker C:

Yeah, that's fair. And for listeners, if you hear any slurring on my part, I'm just drunk, so I'm having a good time.

Speaker B:

This is finally how we cope with reality.

Speaker A:

I'm the most articulate person here. Just kidding. I always have been.

Speaker C:

I was going to say that's not dental surgery, though.

Speaker A:

I had mouth surgery. I love it. I love when people get their mouths done.

Speaker C:

Oh, yeah.

Speaker B:

Oh, I've been living that liquid diet life for a week and it is bad.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

I'm so tired of smoothies.

Speaker C:

I had a cavity form underneath one of my already filled fillings, which needed a root canal, which then I found out the root in that tooth is twisted so they couldn't get it all the way out.

Speaker A:

Oh, God.

Speaker C:

That's just a time bomb in my mouth rate and they go off.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

I have to put a big content warning for the intro of this.

Speaker C:

That dental talk about chief and chief problems. weirdly. Not related to the anime.

Speaker A:

When is there going to be a dentist anime?

Speaker C:

There probably is.

Speaker A:

Oral surgeon anime about my surgeon, dr. Harry schwartz. Yes.

Speaker C:

Oh, God. Just a lot of into endos. Just a lot of oral jokes. We don't want that anime for the.

Speaker B:

Best that we don't have, that we can't weld that into the universe.

Speaker C:

We're here for special anime this time because this week it's Christmas.

Speaker A:

Yeah. merry Christmas.

Speaker B:

Merry crimbo, everyone.

Speaker A:

Happy holidays. If you don't celebrate Christmas, it's also as we're recording this, the second night of hanukkah. So third night.

Speaker C:

Third night of hanukkah Mazzelta.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

Yeah. So Sam and I inadvertently celebrated the first night of hanukkah because Thursday night our power was out for hours.

Speaker A:

Got to make that oil last.

Speaker B:

Yes. We lit up a bunch of candles and then the sunset. And then Sam was like, hey, this is fitting because it's the first night of hanukkah, because neither of us are Jewish. And we didn't realize it was hanukkah until we were already very appropriately celebrating.

Speaker A:

Yes. Wow.

Speaker C:

I just watched the rug grass hanukkah special on vhs. It's that orange vhs tape. It's a special one.

Speaker A:

Love it.

Speaker C:

That's what I do.

Speaker A:

I make mazza ball soup and latkes. Oh, that sounds good because I'm a jew. Anyway, what are we doing today?

Speaker B:

Shut up about the Jewish stuff. It's Christmas time, baby.

Speaker C:

Enough of the old Jewish stuff. What about the new Jewish stuff called christianity? This week we're watching a recommendation from one of our listeners. ripping quest recommended, my goddess. I was going to see ariel monsters.

Speaker A:

Yeah. Is it like ariel monsters?

Speaker C:

I wish it was. It's just crumb with a little hat and a little old Santa beard holding his eyeballs, walking around with a naked man's ass. Crumb p character design. Anyway, no. Oh, my God. This is recommended by Ribbonquest on Twitter. And we were asking for Christmas anime because or rather episodes of an anime that involved Christmas. So that's what this one is.

Speaker B:

Anything thematic snow, anything with snow. People in red suits. We'll take it. We're really scraping the bottom of a barrel.

Speaker C:

And I absolutely refuse to watch Love hena Christmas episodes. So we're not doing that one.

Speaker A:

We're doing love hena.

Speaker C:

Oh, my God. That one I'll actually be drunk for. That one's going to take a lot from me, so I'll have to, but oh, my God is at least, as far as I remember, pretty damn popular back when it came out, like in the 90s, like mid 90s or so, 93, I think. I still don't know much about it, but I remember seeing it a ton. So it was at least prevalent back in the day. And I believe we're watching The ovas, which are only five episodes, so it should be concise, hopefully.

Speaker A:

Fingers crossed.

Speaker B:

Yeah. And this is the second time. Oh, my God. This has come up on the show because we had our segment anime God or Anime Dog. Where was one of the clues? bells. I first got the perfect is this.

Speaker C:

An odd or dog name?

Speaker A:

I love that name. That is the perfect name for a dog.

Speaker C:


Speaker A:

What kind of dog would that be?

Speaker C:

I think it's got to be a bit fancy because it's got dandy in the name. So it's got to be kind of a higher end one.

Speaker A:

Like a golden colored cocker spaniel.

Speaker B:

I was thinking, because it does have that regal quality, I want it to just be like a big, like St. Bernard and just like a very inelegant dog.

Speaker C:

And it's just dandy.

Speaker B:

And then just £200 of dog comes charging at you.

Speaker A:

A pug.

Speaker C:

You can hear it breathing. A myeloid.

Speaker A:

Oh, here comes Bell. Dandy.

Speaker C:

Just like this ugly, deranged little what are those? Like Mexican dogs from like, the movie cocoa, where it's almost hairless. Yeah. Are they sick? It's like no, it just looks like that. You just kind of weird.

Speaker A:

I love ugly dogs. Well, no, I love ugly dogs, but I hate pugs. I feel reiterate once again. I love ugly dogs, but feel terrible for them.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

I love a naturally ugly dog. Not a dog that humanity just fucked up for the sake of fucking up.

Speaker A:

There we go. That's what it is.

Speaker C:

If you ever see the pictures of, like, a bull terrier from a hundred years ago, just like, oh, God, what did they do to your champions? They fucking up real bad.

Speaker B:

You didn't have a football for a head.

Speaker C:

I just feel so much. Anyway, on a happier note, Chris, you'll.

Speaker A:

Get a retro pug. It's got a nice little snout. Anyway.

Speaker C:

Holidays. We're not going to visit family this year because, you know, reasons we can.

Speaker A:

As the game grumps say, the Back Street Boys Reunion tour.

Speaker C:

So we're going to delve in with our true family, the true family we truly hate and despise the most. Animals. All right, we got a team. Where you talk about this?

Speaker A:

Just kidding. I love you guys. I'm sorry.

Speaker B:

The world is beautiful.

Speaker D:

The station at the base of sazak has all the charm of an industrial seaport and the invasiveness of a busy market.

Speaker B:

Life is a gift.

Speaker D:

The belabor death of a joyful man is an ugly thing to witness with.

Speaker B:

Kind and giving people.

Speaker D:

If you push past an angry sailor in gloucester, it's a transgression worthy of a trip to the bridge.

Speaker B:

Adventures everywhere you look.

Speaker D:

He knew I never strayed far from gloucester and would rather read about the next town over than visit myself and.

Speaker B:

Fun around every corner.

Speaker D:

If I fall off my neck, body mangled among the meat, would they notice.

Speaker A:

A passenger in there?

Speaker B:

So go explore.

Speaker D:

Bury my face in the pillow and cross silently asleep. The party continues beyond.

Speaker B:

Make new friends.

Speaker D:

She opened the door crack just enough to be face to face, but not to imply a welcome.

Speaker B:

Remember old one?

Speaker D:

He was the only one welcoming in the starlight on its many mile journey.

Speaker B:

And see the beauty the world has to offer.

Speaker D:

I'm glad I could share with him this moment and return it to its rightful home.

Speaker B:

Echoed Locations a traveler's Guide to a Solar punk World a new audio fiction travel show premiering December 9. Subscribe now on your podcaster of choice. This is an old anime grease on that lens filter.

Speaker C:

It is blurry. Yeah, blurry. Just with the first episode, right when it starts, I'm just like, ooh, this feels like an 80s breakout video. It got a lot of synth in it. I don't hate that. It's just very of its time. Felt like a church's music video.

Speaker A:

Love it.

Speaker C:

Love churches. Anyway, episode one, I believe we said this is the ova. So yeah, it's condensed. We only got five episodes total, so we're gonna be moving a little quick. So episode one starts off we got presumably the goddess, the titular goddess on her planet, casting a spell. I think this is where a little confusion comes. It gives you just get thrown in the deep. But then oh, God. Like, I wrote the name kay. Just call him K. K. She.

Speaker B:

Got it. I got it.

Speaker C:

Let's see how long it lasts.

Speaker B:

In my notes, I just called him Boy. Boy or K. I'm fine with either boy.

Speaker C:

It's like kratos. He wakes up from a prophetic dream. I haven't had that one on the bigger card in a hot minute check. So he wakes up after seeing the Goddess, presumably in the stream to a phone call. Apparently, he's just on phone duty for the whole dormitory because they don't have an answering machine. I know it's the 80s, or at least early 90s. They had an answering machines back there.

Speaker A:

Evening of the muffled voice on the other side of the phone.

Speaker C:

Yeah, the first phone call, like, when he picks it up, there's no not even dialogue. It's like a muppet.

Speaker A:

Like, hurry up, hurry up.

Speaker C:

All right, pull around front. It'll be 495. It's like, all right. Thank you. It's just so good. I love that. So he answers the phone. He's like, yeah, I'll tell so and so. When they get back, I'll give them the message, hangs up. He's like, oh, man, I'm hungry. I better start getting so, you know, I can better see what food we have. Nothing like, all right, I guess I'll get takeout. Picks up the phone again. Now, he's old with a rotary phone that I'm sure no one under the age of 30 remembers ever using and starts calling out restaurants. And it's all of them are just like, hey, what do you want now? We're busy. Fucking call back later. I'm like, I don't know a single restaurant that would ever turn away customer. Like, hey, fuck off, kid.

Speaker B:

Sorry. You want us to bring you you food from a restaurant? Okay. I don't know what planet you're on, kid.

Speaker C:


Speaker A:


Speaker C:

Very indignant restaurant owners. I think one is like, yeah, our business hours are 10:00 A.m. To 02:00 p.m.. I was like, what the fuck?

Speaker B:

You're there?

Speaker C:

You answered. Yeah, it's crazy. So he's calling around, and no one will give him food. No one will deliver to him. And he's like he just starts calling every number. He's like, I got to find somebody. somebody's got to deliver. And he's like, hello. This is the guy's hotline. How can I help you? He's like, what? Food? And he's like, all right. On my way. He's like, what? And then they hang up, and he's like, oh, I guess I got somebody. And then all of a sudden, the mirror behind them starts glowing, and just a full ass woman starts reaching out to him from the mirror. That's some quick delivery. Hello? And turns out this is the goddess Bell. Daniel Bell. I'll never say without chuckling a little bit.

Speaker A:

Yeah, you won't forget that one.

Speaker C:

Won't forget that name. That one's going to stick with me forever. It's going to be my rosebud. As I say on my deathbed. What does it mean? Nothing. It means nothing. So she just falls out of the mirror and she's in this crazy space goddess outfit. And she says, hello. It is my job as a goddess to help people in distress and to grant their wishes. And they grant their charts. truest desire. It's like, what do you want? He's like, food. She's like, yeah, sure. You only get one wish. You better make this one count. He's like, wait a minute. This is a goof. They cut a hole in the mirror and all my doormates are on the other side of the wall. And they push this girl through to try and trick her to trick me into thinking because I don't got a girlfriend. So I don't know. He just for some reason is like, I don't have a girlfriend. They have to be playing a trick on me.

Speaker A:

This is a prank.

Speaker C:

I was like, where is this logic coming from?

Speaker B:

YouTube hasn't been invented yet. You don't know what prank shows are.

Speaker C:

People just don't casually cut holes in their dorm rooms because you're sure shit, I gave them the deposit back for doing that. So he's skeptical. And he's like, all right, I know they're probably a prank on me, so I'm going to prank him back and like backfire their trick. So she's like, all right, what do you want your wish to be? And he says, well, I'm short, so I can never get a girlfriend. I was like, what?

Speaker A:

I love it though.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

And he's like, okay, stand up. And he's like a couple of inches shorter than her. And I'm just like, a short king.

Speaker C:

Short king. We stand short king. I mean, like, it's definitely not common. So it's like kind of refreshing to see. But it's like, is that the only reason? Are you watching a piece of shit like every other anime protagonist that we don't know about yet? But no, it honestly just seems like he just doesn't have a girlfriend. And he assumes it's because he's short.

Speaker B:

So his one he's just fucking white bread.

Speaker C:

There's nothing about him that's interesting.

Speaker A:

Yeah, milk toast.

Speaker C:

And so he says, like, my one true wish is I wish you to be my girlfriend forever. Ha ha. I got you. Got you in a prank. But like, this is all fake. It's all a trick. So like, you don't actually have to do it. Like, don't worry about it. I know this is a goof. And she's like, all right. And then her gem in her forehead just shoots off a fucking chameleon out of her skull and into space. And then she looks back down. She's like, your wish was approved. He's like, what the fuck? Which understandable, given the circumstances that just happened in front of him. So she says that what, a wish is made and is made by the ultimate force in the universe. And so they're bound forever. Now she's going to be his girlfriend, and he starts freaking out. Like, one of the rules of the dorm is it's all guy dorm. No girls allowed. So we'll have to figure out a plan and get you out of here before all my dormates come back. Right on queue. Just like 40 guys come storming into the dorm at once. I guess they were all out together. And there's two iconic ones. One is just a big muscle dude with, like, a mustache. And then the other one is just present Mike from my hero academia. Oh, god, that's exactly who he is. And the muscle dude, I guess, is like the leader or something. And he kicks in and he's like, hey, kachi, party struggling, boy. Hey, boy, we got rules for this dorm. And what's rule 28? He's like, no girls. No girls allowed. Get the fuck out of here. So they all just pick him and the Goddess up and just boot them out the dorm. And he's like, once we figure once you find a new place, we'll send all of your shit there. Like, once you got yeah, it's not.

Speaker A:

Just like, hey for the night because you broke a rule. It's like, hey, forever.

Speaker C:

Forever. I think that's I think that's nice. At least they're gonna get his address and like, ship them his stuff afterwards instead of just like, it's ours now. Fuck you. But I mean, they did just kick him out on the street. Like, you're homeless now, so, like, give or take.

Speaker A:

Good luck.

Speaker C:

And right before they get going, we find another episode. They're all in, like, the Motor or the Auto Club at this, like, tech college. So I guess it explains why it's a motorcycle and, like, a sidecar, which is pretty unusual because I couldn't tell you the last time I saw a sidecar on a motorcycle. And he points out, like, hey, your clothes are kind of crazy. Can you change them? She's like, yeah, sure. And, like, claps. Her hands are close. glow. She changes them magically. And he's like, whoa, wild. I was like, she just shot a fucking lightning bolt out of her skull a minute ago.

Speaker B:

She climbed out of a mirror. She climbed out you met she climbed.

Speaker C:

Out of a mirror and didn't snap your neck like every other horror movie? Yeah, she's magical.

Speaker A:

Hell, none of that's. All that impressive. Changing her clothes.

Speaker C:

That's cool.

Speaker A:


Speaker C:

That's cool. So they get driving around, and we see a little montage of them, I guess, just going to friends or people they know asking like, hey, can we crash here for the night? And none of them help him out. One of them tries to lurt of the Goddess into his apartment by herself. He's creepy. He's a suspect.

Speaker A:

Don't want him?

Speaker C:

No. So they stop for a drink at the park and they just get like a little vending machine, I guess coffee or something. And he asks her, like, why him? Why was he granted the wish? Why did he get to meet the goddess? And she says, oh, you met all the qualifications, like space, bureaucracy, all the preexisting requirements. But she's happy that his wish was for her. She's happy that his wish was just simple and that she gets to just be with him now. So she says, oh, I get a feeling we'll find somewhere if we just head west for a while. If we go 2 km this way and 5 km this way and turn here and turn it just tell me as we go. So they get back on the motorcycle and start driving. And she has a feeling they'll find their destiny there because destiny is the strongest force in the universe. On the way there, they almost get to an accident, and belle Dandy uses her powers to like just flip the motorcycle to the side a little bit to avoid the car. And I guess he used up so much of her powers that she just passes out instantly. And she says, they got to find the old temple, Keith. She's like, yeah, I know where that is. So they get to the old temple right as it starts raining. So he brings her into the old temple and he's like, oh, it's raining. And she was out there in the motorcycle. She might catch a cold. I got to find something to warm her up. Q horny thoughts? No, he's a coat boy. He won't do that. Yeah, he thought about it, but he won't do that.

Speaker A:

He thought about it, but he respected her enough to not, which is low bar. This is an anime.

Speaker B:

Well, this is a cold anime at that.

Speaker C:

So he starts looking through his backpack for something to warm her up. And he just finds a whole bunch of craft like, this isn't useful. This isn't useful. And I like that. He points out, like, what's the point of having all this shit if none of it's useful? I was like, yeah, that's a good question.

Speaker A:

Why do you animators? why'd you put all this shit in my bag?

Speaker C:

So he finds a hair dryer and he's like, ah, this will warm her up. I was like, sure. But he can't find an outlet because it's an old temple, an abandoned temple. They don't have electricity. So he goes, I guess I'll have to use this. And he pulls out a full blanket. I was like, why the fuck was that not your first thought? Why was that the bare minimum? I guess I'll use this. So he puts the blanket on her and he's like, oh, I'm not feeling well. And then he passes out because he caught the cold. And then she wakes up a little bit later. She sees that he passed out with a fever because he's got the little red mark over his nose, which is a clue that he's sick or drunk or morning. It's a lot of things. So she starts crying a little bit and then uses her powers to heal him. And then she leaves to find the spirit of the temple that once lived there, to make a deal with it, to make it beautiful again. So she just goes out into the middle of the courtyard, and I guess she says, someone's the spirit of the temple. We don't see anything. She just uses powers, and it revitalizes the whole temple. So it's beautiful and repaired again.

Speaker A:

She just knows them. She knows a guy.

Speaker C:

She knows a guy. She's got an inside man.

Speaker B:

I use the power of angie's list.

Speaker C:

To get a contractor wickety split, pretty much. So she repairs the whole temple, and then he wakes up the next morning, and he's like, whoa, this whole place looks beautiful. And he walks out and sees belt Andy doing the full Disney princess with birds. She's sitting on a rock, and birds flutter to him. She goes, ha ha. And it's like, oh, shit. She's a real goddess. And she says that it's been decided that they can stay at the temple for as long as they wish because she, like, repaired it. So I guess the ghost won't kick her out. that'd be an interesting turn. Cut to them buying all the necessities, like groceries and appliances and furniture and stuff. He's like, oh, man, I used up all my money. I'm running real thin. We see his bank balance, and it's like, $40 or something. He's like, I don't want to have to ask my parents for money again, but we might have to until dandy says, don't worry. Good luck is just around the corner. I feel it. All right. This is I appreciate it. He's like, all right. I'm not going to argue with a goddess about luck. Thank. Finally, he's not just a complete idiot of a protagonist where she said, yeah, she's a goddess. Don't be like, I hate the scully thing in x files where I don't believe in aliens. It's like, it's season nine. What do you mean you don't believe in aliens?

Speaker A:

You got to you've been up, doctor. You have no choice.

Speaker C:

So I'm just appreciating someone who's like, I've seen her do magic. I accept that. She could do magic. I can roll with this. It's very refreshing. And so he realized he's thinking, well, it's just me and her living together all alone. Horny thoughts return. No, he's a good boy. He's an innocent boy. He won't do that. So she says, like, oh, I'll go make you tea. He's like, oh, wait. You don't have to do it. Let me go help. And as he stands up, he trips over, like, a box or something. And as he trips, he knocks her over. And then they're really close. Their face is real close, almost like they're kissing. Oh, my gosh, Brendan. asmr is the worst. asmr, I have to go.

Speaker B:

I'm too horny.

Speaker C:

And it's just like classic animals. Like, oh, no. He's like Bell Daniel. And then she gets closer. I'm like, yes. And then as she gets closer, we hear the door open.

Speaker A:

Wait, though, because he says, I want to acknowledge this. He says, I think we should talk about before they're interrupted. And I'm just like, is he about to set some boundaries?

Speaker C:

No, never.

Speaker A:

Like, that's wild. I love it.

Speaker B:

I think we need to talk about the best way to silk my dick.

Speaker C:

No, this isn't a modern anime. This is an old school. This is a respectful anime.

Speaker A:

He's a good old genuine good old boy. It isn't for the most part.

Speaker C:

This is like a like it seems like a romcom sort of romance anime. And it is just kind of like he's kind of the goofy, slovy, like protagon. He's kind of like, yeah, real milk toast. Real nothing going for him. But he isn't just like he isn't just horny as fuck. He isn't like, I got to get late.

Speaker A:

It's just in his brain.

Speaker C:

Yeah, he is. But he is, like, looking for a relationship. He did say girlfriend, and it is interesting to see that he just wants.

Speaker B:

To love somebody, especially setting up that first scene of him being like, oh, well, I got to get a girl. I got to get a girlfriend. No, it's going to be too horny. But then he's like, oh, this is too weird. I can't actually go through with anything. Oh, no. Which is nice when any other protagonist would be like, hat, you're my girl.

Speaker C:

It's booby grabble. I do wonder if it's like part of them is, like, scared of, like, I can't piss off a goddess. I don't know what she could do to me. Which is, like, a fair concern. But yeah, they hear a door open, and he turns around, see who's cock blocking them. And it's his younger sister we got. Not a hero, but it's like everyone living together in this collective comedy and house, which is like, you got the younger sibling, you got the best friend, you got the neighbor, you got the weird kid you picked up off the street and cleaned them up good. I feel like that's where the show goes. But since we're watching The ova, it just condensed. So we see. Her name is Mcgoomy, and she comes in being like, hey, guess what. I'm living with you now, nerd. And gives them some money. It's like, well, if I don't have to find my own place, I'll give you the money our parents gave me to rent an apartment. So it's like, there's that good luck that Bell Dandy was talking about. And then cut to all of the guys from the dorm not moving in, but they show up like, hey, we heard you found a place. It's like, cool. It's been 4 hours, like, since you've been here. And they're like, we wanted to celebrate you moving in and us kicking your ass out. So let's all crash your place and get real pissed drunk and just party. It's like, oh, cool. Thanks, guys.

Speaker A:

Maybe they were actually having him move out so he could make a man of himself, you know? It was to inspire him.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

Out of the Navy.

Speaker C:

In retrospect, we could say that they also were just like, hey, you broke a rule. You're homeless now. Like, in a minute.

Speaker B:

So it's like, yeah, also, we're cool, right?

Speaker C:

We're cool, right?

Speaker A:

Like, we're cool.

Speaker C:

We crash your place, right? Because you got a ton of space. You have a fucking compound here.

Speaker B:

You benefited from this arrangement of us throwing you on your ass. We can use your new place, right?

Speaker C:

So they all party, and it just cuts till later that night. We see a bunch of guys, like, inside trunk with a tie around his head and stuff. And we see Katie go outside to, like, kind of get some fresh air by himself. And then belle Danny I can't say that name. Bell Danny comes out with him just to have a little moment to themselves. And as they're sitting outside, he puts his arm around her and she puts her head on his shoulder, and they go all snugly. Episode one.

Speaker A:

Yeah. So we jumped to episode four, and luckily it was pretty easy to keep track of what was happening.

Speaker C:

Not much longer.

Speaker A:

Yep. But so in the beginning, kay is seemingly proposing to Bellmandy. And then she's like she like, takes the ring. But then she's like, I hope you won't forget me, but we weren't meant to be. I have to go. And then she starts to vanish. But then kay wakes up. twas a dream. Yet another dream.

Speaker C:

Check, check.

Speaker A:

Yes. And then Bell, he calls her belle. She calls him kay, but whatever. So Bell Dandy is by his side, and she's like, are you okay? Did you have a bad dream? And he wants to tell her, but then he's just like, no, I don't want to worry her. So he's like, yeah, I'm okay. And then she's like, can I get you some water? And he's like, yeah, thank you.

Speaker C:

I do like that they're living in their own compounds and he still sleeps by himself. Because you can live with your girlfriend, but you can't share a bed.

Speaker B:

That's a sin, not a marriage. No, they are in a shrine. They have to keep it sacred.

Speaker C:

Yeah, he is a monk now.

Speaker A:

And then he's worrying. He's like, what if she did have to leave and go back home? I don't want to say goodbye. And then it's the next day and we see two more goddesses who are Bell. Dandy's little sisters. We have herd and skulled.

Speaker C:

Just who the favorite is bad.

Speaker A:

Like, why? It's clear that their father loved beld Andy the most.

Speaker C:

He said, like, oryx for warcraft.

Speaker A:

But they're having a snowball fight, and erd summons, like, a big snow dude snow himbo. And skulled, she likes to make things. She's like an inventor tech, so she has a little snowball throwing robot.

Speaker C:

I do like that the snowman himbo had pets that were flexing, like, when it was.

Speaker A:

And this dumb little face.

Speaker B:

The best character in this.

Speaker C:

I love it. It's my favorite.

Speaker A:

So kay and Bell Dandy come out to see the snow, and they say that it's unusual for this time of year. And then kay is like, oh, well, I have to get to school soon. I should go see how the roads are. But then there's no snow beyond the temple grounds, and he blames herd for it. I guess they have a playful, teasing relationship. But she's like, I didn't do anything. And then skold says that she can build a snow removal machine. And then kay starts to shovel snow off of the roof, but he slips and falls after something pops out of the snow. But then Bell uses some magic to keep him safe.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

And then erd and scold make fun of him, but he was like, no, I fell, because there was something weird under the snow. And then they see it, and it's like a bunny spider hybrid thing.

Speaker C:

It's awful.

Speaker B:

It's suck to look at.

Speaker A:

It's very ugly.

Speaker C:

So many legs.

Speaker A:

It's very much something that you would see in, like, a rabids game.

Speaker C:

Oh, God.

Speaker A:

And skold just calls it a bug, and she smashes it. And then the snow disappears. Yeah, and then they're talking about the bugs and how they shouldn't be here in the surface world. And then k's T just starts to boil in the cup, which is another weird glitch from the bugs. And then the goddesses are like, hey, did you do anything to make Beldandy mad? Like, maybe that's why this is happening. He's like, no, of course not. And then Beldandy comes in, and kay says that maybe the bugs have to do with the fact that there are three goddesses in the surface world.

Speaker C:

Fair assumption.

Speaker B:

Yeah, that may be out.

Speaker A:

Yeah. And then belle Dandy is like, oh, I can call her father and see what's going on. And then the table disappears, and then kay effectively turns into a magnet, and a bunch of metal things are flying to him. And then scold, she fires up her bug vac, and we see that there are a whole bunch of them around. And then she ghostbusters them.

Speaker C:

Yeah, that's what I read.

Speaker A:

Yeah. So they get all sucked up, and then she puts on some glasses, some special glasses, and she sees that there is a bug entry point between kay and Bell Dandy. So she thinks that their close relationship has something to do with this glitch in the system and that they should stay away from each other to fix the problem.

Speaker B:

Oh, God. It's a real hitchcock situation.

Speaker C:

All right. I thought you meant, like, alfred hitchcock, like one of his movies. Then I remembered that movie, and now I am so mad at you.

Speaker B:

I had to pause when we got to this point. I was like, can I make a reference to the Will Smith movie in this? So bad animate.

Speaker A:

My God.

Speaker B:

It's cockening. It's happening.

Speaker C:

That movie is so good, and the second half is so bad. Anyway.

Speaker A:

Glad I've never seen it. And then the phone rings, and it's their dad, and he tells Bail Dandy that he knows what's going on and it can't go on any longer. So he's giving her a recall notice, and he says that he doesn't want to do this. He knows that she loves kay very much, but she's got to go a little bit.

Speaker C:

Recall notice, like a car. Like, hey, one of the lights is going off on bella Dandy. We got to bring her back and change it out.

Speaker A:

So she has three days to say goodbye, and kay over here's the phone call, and he gets upset thinking that their contract was a lie. And he says that, and she's like, no, I love you. I'm not lying to you. I wish I could stay with you, but I am a goddess and I have to obey. And I think that's great because I just read a romance novel about hades and persephone, and there's this part where persephone gets very mad at hades, and she thinks that he only fell in love with her due to a wager that he was supposed to make her fall in love with him. And he's like, do you really not think that I love you? Really? And she's like, no. And she gets so mad, and I'm like, Shut the fuck up, jeez.

Speaker C:

We have to go back to the 90s for our true love.

Speaker A:

So this was very refreshing to me because I just experienced this bullshit, the.

Speaker C:

Opposite end of this.

Speaker A:

So kay then apologizes for accusing her of lying, and they both hope that once the bugs get fixed, she'll be able to come back, but that might not be the case.

Speaker C:

God, how many anime would just be resolved if I someone apologize and be like, sorry, I kind of blew up, that I misunderstood?

Speaker B:

Like, hey, emotions overtook me, but I took a minute to think, here we are. Oh, you're already dead. Oh, no, you're not bank shit. Oh, God. So much escalated.

Speaker A:

And then kay is off to school, and scold is reiterating that he has to stay away from Beldandy. And he's in class, and people are gossiping about their breakup because I guess Beldandy accompanies him to school all the time. So because she's not there, everyone is like, Where is she? And he misses her and she's soaking around the temple. And then she's like, you know what? I'm going to go to school. I really want to be around him. And then her sisters wonder if there's anything they can do for her because they love her. And then a girl comes into class late, and she sits down next to kay. I didn't get her name, this flower.

Speaker C:

So yeah.

Speaker A:

Scioco. Thanks, Brendan.

Speaker B:

Weird having a name just ready to go like that.

Speaker C:

I can only say it once. Christmas. Yeah.

Speaker B:

Psycho knocker. Join the class.

Speaker C:

The Red Power ranger. It's not even close to her name.

Speaker A:

And she notices that Bell Dandy isn't there. And once class is over, she's walking out with kay and she's, like, trying to get him to hang out with her. And then he sees Bell Dandy across the hall. So as they walk towards each other, all of the windows break. And then before saying anything, belle Dandy just leaves because she's like, oh God, we're ruining everything with our love.

Speaker C:

When the floors, he goes to Comfort Boy. So she sees him or her with him, and it's like he found another.

Speaker A:

I don't think she feels that way, but it could have something to do with it, maybe.

Speaker C:


Speaker A:

And then this happens again in the cafeteria when Beldandy tries to bring him some tea. And then magumi, kay's little sister, comes and sits with him and talks about the rumors of them breaking up. And that's when he tells her that Beldandy has to leave and she's upset for him. And it was at this point that I was like, I actually really enjoy the relationships in this show. Like, it seems like everyone really cares about each other and there's like no malice or anything. It's cool. Like, I was worried that her sister it was going to be like a harem thing and her sisters were going to try and steal him from her. But that's not a thing.

Speaker C:

Yeah. And even with his sister, it's not the annoying little brother of like, get out of here. We've only seen episodes one and four, but at least in this one, they go to the same college. Now they're only a year apart, so they get along. Oh, one really little thing, but I did really like, is they go to a tech college. So it makes sense why there's like, the Auto Club, and we see like a few other guys in the school walking around with helmets for, like, motorcycles, and we see her wearing like a vest for, like pockets for tools and stuff. And I was like, wow, that's just specific setting both being a college but being a trade tech college and then putting the details in the actual characters instead of just its generic building.

Speaker B:

Yeah, I appreciate that.

Speaker A:

A nice touch, carrying around my bag.

Speaker B:

But it's full of wrenches.

Speaker C:

Hey, any little thing helps to differentiate it.

Speaker A:

And it's nice that they're in college.

Speaker C:

They're in high schoolers. It's okay.

Speaker A:


Speaker C:

I can be attracted to urge. She's in college. It's okay.

Speaker A:

So during this conversation, kay says that he hopes that she'll be back soon, but there's no telling, and there's nothing he can do. And megumi says it's tough to have a breakup, but kay doesn't really want that to happen. He won't stop loving her. And then megumi is like, you got to fight for her, then buy her an expensive ring, but I know you won't. And then kay is like, bet. And he leaves. He goes to the auto club, and he's like, hey, do you guys have any job openings that you know of? I need to make some money. And they're like, oh, yeah, meet us here in the morning. Whatever. And then there's also another girl there who calls him senpai, so she's his junior, and she says that she knows about a job at a convenience store. And he's like, okay, I'll take that, too. And she's like, Why are you so why do you need to make money? Did you get bell? Dandy pregnant? And he yells no. And then he takes a minute, and he apologizes. He's like, I'm sorry I yelled at you.

Speaker C:

Sorry for that.

Speaker B:

I love it.

Speaker A:

He is a shortcake.

Speaker C:

We stand shortcakes.

Speaker A:

He's so polite. I love that when he loses his cool, he's always like, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that.

Speaker B:

Why is this the only good anime person?

Speaker C:

Hey, dakota's. All right.

Speaker B:

Otherwise, just so boring. Nothing interesting about it, but he's just polite.

Speaker C:

He's a good polite.

Speaker A:


Speaker C:

Well, when he asks his clubmates, his old doormates, for help with jobs holy Christ, they're fucking giants. Because they are equally double his size, and they weren't in any other shot we've seen before, but in this shot, they're twice his size. And, like, I know he said he's short, but in every other scenes, he's the average height. Doesn't seem any he's not 2ft tall, but these guys are massive.

Speaker B:

Yeah, it's a real mob psycho. Like, athletic club dining, proud Christmas miracle.

Speaker A:

He gives this girl a note to deliver to Beldandy, and she's like, well, why can't you take it to her? And he doesn't really answer, but she's like, oh, I will. And then she hands it off to bel. Dandy says it's from K. And she says, I don't know what's going on between you guys, but I hope that you guys can work it out.

Speaker C:

And then she walks away and doesn't get in their fucking business. It's great. Yes, it's great.

Speaker A:

It's so good. She's not like, what does it say?

Speaker C:

She didn't read it on the way home.

Speaker A:

Yeah. And the note, it just says that he misses her. And then back at the temple, herd and skulled are still trying to figure out what's going on with the bugs. They say that they got to destroy whatever is attracting them. And then the entry point fucking me. And then Bell Dandy is in the school bathroom, and she's going to use the mirror to teleport when Scioko comes in. And she asks her, like, oh, I heard you were leaving. What's going on? But she doesn't really seem to want her to leave either. She's like, you got so popular so fast, it wouldn't be fair to everyone if you just left. And then she also teases her. She says, if you do leave, you better come back soon, because I may just steal K from you. But I love that she's respectful of their relationship. She's not like, yeah, I'm going to fucking steal K from you right now while you're still here, or even right after you leave. I'm going to wait a few weeks.

Speaker C:

I'm going to give it some time.

Speaker B:

I'm going to buffer for sure.

Speaker C:

I think she's like the rival in love, where she doesn't really love kay. She just wants the rivalry.

Speaker A:

She loves the drama.

Speaker C:

Yeah, exactly.

Speaker B:

I'm here for the competition. This is the game show, right?

Speaker C:

I intend to win the Bachelor.

Speaker A:

And then Beldandy goes home and she finds herd's golden K looking at a big tree. And that's the thing that's attracting the bugs. And Bell Dandy sees it and she freaks out for some reason. And then erd is like, do you know something about it? And kay is like, if you do, you have to tell us, because we want to fix this. And then she's like, there's nothing I can do. But at this point, kay is kind of at what is his breaking point, which is still not that bad.

Speaker C:

He's raising his voice slightly.

Speaker B:

Yeah, I mildly flustered. gosh dang.

Speaker A:

It because all he wants is to stay with his lady. So he's just like, I got to know how we can fix this. And she just gets upset and runs off. And kay calls after her. And then she's in her room, like, praying to their father, saying, this is my only wish. Can't you just do this for me? And there's some really ominous music playing as they show the tree. And that's episode four.

Speaker C:

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallelujah.

Speaker A:

I really wanted to see him. We didn't see that much of him, but he was hot.

Speaker C:

He looks of a hot chin. I look when we see the tree. My note for the tree was it's the tree that killed my father? She's been running it for running from it for years, but it finally trekked her down. The way she sees it is as if it was a murderer that slaughtered her family. Just like, no, not the trade. What the fuck is this about?

Speaker A:

Are you okay?

Speaker B:

There's a reason I brought you to this sanctuary shrine.

Speaker C:

Yeah. If the sisters knew, maybe we'd be like, oh, we missed something in those two episodes we skipped over. But no one knows except for Belt. And he's like, the fuck is happening right now.

Speaker B:

So, yeah, we get to episode five, which is very scary when you see the runtime is 40 minutes. But don't worry, most of this is sad montage, so don't worry.

Speaker A:

Not a lot of crazy new information.

Speaker B:

Also, like, half these characters, we don't see them, so fuck them. They're dead.

Speaker A:

Every character you see and Bell Dandy.

Speaker B:

Yeah, every character that's not mentioned in this recap, canonically, I'm saying it a car accident. They're all dead. They died. They tried to fix up a bus. They all get on it, and then it broke down on a bridge and flew over the side. So canonically, that's what happened. So we see everyone. Or.

Speaker A:

You could just say the sister.

Speaker B:

Yes. In my notes, I didn't call them the side gods, but I called them.

Speaker C:

Storm and the other one, that's pretty good.

Speaker B:

If I was like, hey, I just watched this anime about characters named K, scold and Herd. Can you tell me what you think it's about? I'm sure it's not a light romance with Christmas thieves.

Speaker C:

But assume it's the Gandhi TARTAKOVSKY primal. The second time I referenced it in this podcast.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

So they're like, yeah, we don't know why she's being recalled. So erd just calls Heaven, picks up the phone, heaven speaking.

Speaker C:

Hello? You've called heaven. Oh, it's that easy, huh?

Speaker B:

So she's like, can I speak to the manager? I'm the boss's daughter. And they're like, no, and don't connect her. So she's like, hey, what the fuck? What did I do?

Speaker C:

I was using my privilege, damn it. Let me.

Speaker B:

Bell is like, secluding herself in a room because they can't be together. So kay like, apologizes through the door saying like, hey, I don't know why you have to leave, but I'm going to wait for you even if I have to wait the rest of my life. You're the one for me, baby.

Speaker A:

I love you.

Speaker C:

I think he says, like, I'll wait for you even if you never come back. And I mean, it's like, oh, no. jurassic bark from futura.

Speaker B:


Speaker C:

I was like.

Speaker B:

So, yeah, the sisters, they find the tree and they're like, okay, this is the source of the bug energy, where we got to break some godlaws, but we're going to do a spell to ward away this bad juju. I don't know. There's some magic energy jumbo.

Speaker A:

Yeah, the tree never really fully gets explained.

Speaker C:

The tree is full of bad energy.

Speaker A:

It is what is attracting the bugs.

Speaker B:

Washington to chop down this cherry tree. So here we get our first montage of the boy working those odd jobs to save up for that wedding ring. Oh, boy. Don't make an honest woman out for Jimmy Brown.

Speaker C:

Why'D you go off of the circus?

Speaker B:

Yeah, so he gets dressed up in a gorilla.

Speaker C:

Copper gets stuck in accent.

Speaker A:

So good.

Speaker B:

So good.

Speaker C:

Jimmy Brown. He's also voiced by Tom lennon. I don't think we talked about that.

Speaker B:

K is for the boy who ran. Okay, sorry.

Speaker C:

A lot of references. Okay.

Speaker B:

I need to legally mandated over the garden wall reference into this one. Okay. I made my quote up.

Speaker A:

It's Christmas. We can do whatever.

Speaker C:

This is our gift to ourselves.

Speaker B:

Yeah, my mouth was bandaged up. Fuck off. I'll do what I want.

Speaker A:

Yeah, we're just trying to have a good time right now.

Speaker B:

Yeah, so get the montage. She's knitting him a sweater. Just a very good goodbye forever gift.

Speaker A:

Yeah, boy. knits you a sweater of tears.

Speaker B:

Just some real gift of the magi shit happening here.

Speaker C:

But I sold my torso to buy you this hair clip.

Speaker B:

But I cut off all my fingers to get the knitting needles.

Speaker A:

Oh, my God. It was really hard to knit this.

Speaker B:

So the side gods are planning their spell on the computer.

Speaker C:

They are?

Speaker B:


Speaker C:

Just a weird thing.

Speaker B:

Cool. All magic is Mac base.

Speaker C:

That's the fact dot matrix spell.

Speaker B:

But Beldandy comes into the room and they have to oh, no. Turn off the monitor real quick. But oh, no, they accidentally shut down the whole computer so nothing was saved. And they got to start from scratch. Oh, no.

Speaker C:

We lost an hour of work.

Speaker B:

Yeah, it has not been long, but yeah, she keeps on in the sweaters. We get more montage stuff just still working. We see. It's like Christmas Eve. This is the time.

Speaker A:

Just the Christmas thing. Here it is.

Speaker C:

Here we go.

Speaker B:

Christmas. It takes place on the 24th, therefore it's our Christmas episode. yay.

Speaker A:

Yeah, it's kind of like Die Hard and Home Alone where they take place on Christmas, but it's not super integral to the story.

Speaker C:

I was reluctantly seeing some parallels to its Tony Santa. I was like, wow, I don't want it.

Speaker A:

I was thinking about that, too. I was like, fuck. The moon is their special star. I couldn't believe I remembered that.

Speaker B:

I wish you didn't make me remember that. The only anime isn't that once you.

Speaker C:

Get a Super saiyan, it becomes a sexy sant stop.

Speaker B:

Okay. So he goes into a ring store, and it's like, oh, boy, these two are expensive. Wish I looked up the price I actually needed before I started all these odd jobs. But he's still labor, in a way. He comes home, he's dead tired. erd tucks him into bed. He says Bell dandy touch him. And he has a dream memory montage where he's just like, I remember all these things, all the episodes we already saw, quote unquote.

Speaker C:

We were breaking it because we skipped and helped us.

Speaker B:

Also, it's the ova. But he remembers something from childhood. Some weird reverberance in his brain. This makes some pictures break. In the other room, Bell is like, his memory is returning. Cool.

Speaker C:

Magic. Is that what that means?

Speaker B:

Sure. So he wakes up the next day. He leaves a note for Bell saying, like, hey, I know you have to leave today, but make sure you wait for me. I need to give you something before you go, so please just wait. So she finishes the sweater and the gods finish their plan for the spell. So they go out into the yard and start that.

Speaker A:

They sure do.

Speaker C:

Yeah. So drawn circles. Yeah.

Speaker B:

Drawing some occultic shit out in the courtyard.

Speaker A:

Goddess outfits.

Speaker C:

We've abandoned. God in heaven. We turn to the devil now.

Speaker B:

Yeah. And then we start our fourth montage, where it's now bell's turn to go. Look at all the fun we had these last episodes. And I remember, look at this photograph. Every time I do it makes me laugh.

Speaker C:

It's been a while, like nine months. I'm just like, oh, shit. It's been like two, 2 hours for us at most.

Speaker B:

So she's, like, starting to, like take herself out of these memories. She's deleting herself from the photographs. So it's 20 minutes until she leaves, and Boy just gets to the ring store. It's not open yet. It's the morning, but it's 20 minutes before dell Dandy is leaving. So rather than doing this the night before or he doesn't have really any planning. Well, yeah, but still, maybe plan to have the money ready before the day also.

Speaker A:

What a weird time. She must be leaving, like 1040 in the morning. That's when you're leaving.

Speaker C:

Bell Dandy, he was working, like, all those jobs. We see him going from job to job with only like half an hour between them. So he's just working the whole time.

Speaker B:

I know, but still the last my love is going to be gone forever. Let me spend these precious moments window shopping and begging someone across town to take me in.

Speaker A:

There's not much conflict in this show.

Speaker C:

This or the tree again. You don't want to go back to the tree, do you? Yeah.

Speaker B:

So the shopkeep lets him in. He buys the ring and runs back. And Bell Dandy catches the sisters casting this ward, and he's like, oh, no, that's illegal. You're going go to sky jail.

Speaker C:

Where are you drawing, a pentagon? Hey, don't worry about it. Let us do our thing.

Speaker B:

So, yeah, Del Dandy is like, okay, time for me to die, I guess. Boy really asked me to wait until he gets back for me to leave, but my dad's going to be a real mad, so fuck him, and just starts to take off and oh, wait, no. He comes in just in time.

Speaker C:

Nick of time.

Speaker B:

So she's getting beamed up, and he's trying to reach through the beams, like, I have something for you. Just give me your hand. ouch. Being shocked, this person.

Speaker C:

Holy shit. deconstructing my atoms at a molecular level. This is painful as hell.

Speaker B:

He's trying to give her the ring, and belle is like, trying to bargain with God to let her say, five.

Speaker C:

More minutes, daddy, please.

Speaker A:

Sky. daddy, please.

Speaker C:

Papa. We've all been there.

Speaker B:


Speaker C:

She offers up like, even her goddess powers. Like, you can take away my powers and strip me of my classification rubber, and I'll just remain on Earth forever if I can just be with my true love.

Speaker B:

Yeah, but does that work? No, it's the spell the ward finally goes through. The sisters are like, all right, got it. And just an explosion. It blows shit up, tear shit apart. Truly, they just needed some dynamite to blow up this cherry tree. But yeah, it's like a week worth of spell building on the computer. Works, too, I guess.

Speaker C:

Some guy outside of the Chancellor. Hey, you want me to cut down this weird treat?

Speaker B:

No, we got it.

Speaker A:

You'll see, we're going to do some really cool shit.

Speaker C:

It's got to be dramatic. We need drama.

Speaker B:

We're building a real sweet app for this job, so don't worry. But, yeah. So he explodes, reclaiming her soul. Sequence stops, but, oh, no. kay is seemingly dead. belle has to go into his mind and pull him back out.

Speaker C:

Wait, I love the immediate undercut of the scene. So the explosion happens. belle Dandy wakes up, sees kay's body is like and then all the sisters run over. You're like, Is he dead? And hertz he goes, no, he's just knocked out.

Speaker A:

Calm down, Beldainy.

Speaker C:

Relax, lady.

Speaker B:

So Bell goes into his mind, and all these weird memories, all these half remembered things, they all come to life. Apparently, when he was just a wee boy, he met a weird god in the woods.

Speaker A:

Doesn't that happen to everybody?

Speaker B:

Yeah, you know how you do. So, yeah, he saw the same beam of light as a child and was like, ooh, girl, you're my girlfriend now. And then they hang out for a week, and it's just a real cute summer romance. But apparently he accidentally triggers, like, her god promise laws.

Speaker A:

Shit, they make a pinky promise, and to quote the show, all the validity of a god contract.

Speaker C:

I would fucking hate being five years old and having a legal contract. Like verbally. I am now bound to you as an indenture man. I was five. I don't know what I'm doing.

Speaker B:

So, yeah, realizing that his daughter doesn't know what the fuck she's doing, god is like, hey, you got to come back. But first you got to delete this boy's brain, just forces her to wipe his memory. So she's freaking out, and he's like, no, it'll be okay. You can wipe my memory. Well, I'll find you eventually. And he does.

Speaker C:

I mean, he's not wrong. It works.

Speaker B:

Yeah, so, yeah, he wakes up with his memory and brain restored, and then just a lightning bolt shoots down and some text permanently imprinted in the sidewalk. Yeah, you're cool.

Speaker C:

We're even now. Oh, by the way, your sister's on God got demotions.

Speaker B:

Yeah, she was demoted.

Speaker A:

I love you, my beautiful daughter. Bell Dandy, I'm so happy that you found the love of your life again. Also earned and scold. You're fired.

Speaker C:

Who do you think you are?

Speaker B:

You're banished to Earth.

Speaker C:

You're done. I mean, you already brought up hades once, but it really feels like that here's. My precious, sweet golden child seuss. Everyone else can feed, shit and die. It's like, wow, okay, cool.

Speaker B:

But yeah, kay finally can give her that wedding ring and they're finally together forever and it's a Christmas miracle.

Speaker A:


Speaker C:

Well, the message, I wrote it down because it confused me. The message specifically says, that which has been sealed away has been eliminated. So they're recalling like the recall notes, and I was like, wait, that which has been sealed away has been eliminated. The memories that were sealed away are now gone. And when Case sits back up, bell Bell Dandy, belladonna bel Dandy says, you seek, keep your promise. And he goes, what? Promise? I was like, wait, did they just wipe his memories anyway? And now it's just like, hey, like your kid memories are fucking gone, but like, right now we're cool. Like the last week or so, nine months. And I'm just like I don't know, I just had this question of like sealing away cause the problem, but if we just erase them entirely, we're cool. It's like, why did they do that to begin with? I don't know.

Speaker B:

Yeah, who knows? I don't know. It's not super clear.

Speaker C:

Love overcomes all.

Speaker A:

There we are.

Speaker C:

Thank you, Santa. I mean, Bell. Dandy.

Speaker A:

Thank you, Bell Dandy, for delivering this gift to us. This is so delightfully uncomplicated that I just enjoyed watching it. I started the first episode and like halfway through I was like, oh no, I actually kind of like this. I like how much he respects her. Like we've said, he's bland, but he's so nice.

Speaker C:

That's all you need.

Speaker A:

He's so fucking nice. And it's so nice to see.

Speaker C:

It's so refreshing for one.

Speaker A:

Like, it feels so much like, I don't know, like a splash. What that movie is called?

Speaker C:

Tom hanks.

Speaker A:

Tom hanks. Yeah. It feels like that where it's just.

Speaker B:

Like everything's fine, don't even worry about it.

Speaker C:

Yeah, I think it was because we've talked about this a little off here. When we're recording, I think it's because it's the ova and it's kind of streamlined. We get that because in the flashbacks, it definitely was like a beach episode we missed. And I think even if we watched all five, it would have been fine. But looking to show up, there is like 40 episodes of the original series, and then there was like a reboot of it. So those are like you have 40 episodes, you got stressed. That shit out much further. So I think there would have been a lot more like we miscommunicated. And that's the whole plot of this entire episode and those trophy stuff, because they have to fill the time versus this was like a two hour movie or two and a half hour movie. And we're like. We got our plot and we're just going to burn through that.

Speaker A:

We're just going to make everything work out.

Speaker C:

We're going to wrap it all up.

Speaker A:

Yeah, like a present for Christmas.

Speaker B:

Perfect. Exactly what we needed. Just very mellow, simple. Is there much conflict? She's going to go away, but, you know, she's not, so it's fine. Sit back, relax. You're going to have a good time with a respectful young man with a.

Speaker C:

Very blurry camera lens.

Speaker B:

This anime is your granddaughter's first boyfriend of like oh, really?

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

He's just a pleasant lad, just a good dude. That's all you want, that's all you need, and that's all you're going to get.

Speaker A:

This is the antithesis of ISU daughter my sister.

Speaker C:

It really is. And there were a lot of because it was like the Christmas one or it takes place around Christmas. There were a lot of parallels to it and stuff. And even just seeing K Boy running around in like a Santa outfit when he's doing those odd jobs, like doing deliveries and stuff, I did have a mild flashback of like, oh, no, not again. Just seeing anime Santa makes me sweat.

Speaker A:

Now we've been traumatized.

Speaker C:

It's just like God, that shows. And there was a mechanism we didn't even get to. Anyway, we're not going back to that. We're done.

Speaker B:

No, we're free.

Speaker C:

We're free. So I did get titties magical girl, prophetic dream and himbo for the bingo card. I'm counting that snowman as a himbo.

Speaker B:

Oh, yeah, that's fine.

Speaker A:

I feel like the auto shop guys are pretty hamboy, too.

Speaker B:

Yeah, true.

Speaker C:

I was going to count them, but then they kicked them. The first thing we see is them kicking out two people to be homeless, like, immediately. It's kind of a dick move.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

But your hindbow status is revoked, sir.

Speaker C:

You're on a temporary leave from Himbo Academy until you can learn to be nice again. I think in the main show, if they're in it, you see them more, I think. Yeah, I think they definitely come. Like, the good guys. Like ads are a little buddy sort of characters.

Speaker A:

What a delight. I'm glad this was as chill as it was.

Speaker C:

Yeah. I'm happy with how this turned out, especially knowing how much because there's also like an minigodus where I don't know if it's her as a kid or if it's like her daughter or something. So I'm just like, oh, no, there's a lot to this show. This is a big franchise. I'm worried.

Speaker A:

Yeah, this is fine.

Speaker C:

I'm pleasant. This is just like the short ova.

Speaker B:

This is as much as we need.

Speaker C:

Yeah. Will we continue watching it? No, we already finished it. That was the last episode and I.

Speaker A:

Won'T watch it again, probably, but it.

Speaker C:

Was nice while we had but. Yeah.

Speaker B:

So next week we're hopefully going to keep the chill vibes going. I know. At least Brendan has gotten into a cardboard game. What's that game? You picked up from Summer wars.

Speaker C:

Oh, hanafuda.

Speaker B:

Oh, hanafuda. Yes.

Speaker C:

Fucking love hanafuda.

Speaker B:

So, yeah, hopefully we'll get you hooked on another thing, because we're watching a recommendation from Roman braga. We're watching hikaru No Go. Which is the go anime?

Speaker A:

Oh, my God.

Speaker C:

It's shaman King Go. I'm so ready for this.

Speaker A:

That sounds great.

Speaker B:

If there's a show you would like us to watch, you can send your recommendations to our email. Are we there Or you can reach out to us on Twitter or Instagram are we there yet? On both. You can find me on Twitter and Instagram at mrpatrick. dugan. And I have a new audio fiction show called Echoed Locations that has an episode out. So I would really appreciate if you listen to that.

Speaker C:

Yeah, check it out.

Speaker A:

You can find me on Instagram at Queen Period Weebu and on Twitter at Queen underscore weebu and Queen underscore Weebu. Art.

Speaker C:

You can find me on Twitter. abts Brendan stands for Almost Better Than Silence, which is a video game podcast.

Speaker B:

I also do thank you to camille ruley for her artwork and thank you to Louisiang for her theme song stories. You can find all of louie's music at Louisang Thank you and we hope you'll join us next week as we learn to live with anime.

Speaker A:

Happy holiday.

Speaker B:

Happy holiday.

Speaker C:

Go. fucking God. Thank you.

CW: Dental Surgery Discussion

The brutal warriors Skuld, Urd, and K fight to the dea... wait, these characters are in a ROMANCE? We Celebrate a Short King and Christmas with the OVA of Ah! My Goddess!




Thank you:

Camille Ruley for our Artwork

Louie Zong for our Themesong "stories"

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