Are Weeb There Yet?
An Exploration and Education in Anime!

AWTY 19 - English Child Batman (Black Butler)

5 years ago
Speaker A:

Hello, and welcome to our weave various exploration and education and anime. I am your anime idiot, patrick dugan.

Speaker B:

I am an anime expert, dana hollander.

Speaker C:

And I'm brenda mccullough. Your anime Bob the Butler, starring Tom Green and brooke shields.

Speaker A:

I have no reference of that. I don't think anyone does not surprise you at this point from Steven Universe, The Tiny Butler.

Speaker B:

Is that what it is? I'll think about it too hard.

Speaker C:

Yeah. We'll find it was supposed to be a theatrical movie and then they got bumped down to a Disney Channel original and it shouldn't exist. It's not awful. It's just so bland and mediocre. I can't imagine anyone who actually enjoyed it.

Speaker B:

It's lil Butler.

Speaker C:

Little Butler.

Speaker A:

Lil Butler.

Speaker C:

There you go.

Speaker B:

Got it.

Speaker A:

Already a lot going on, as you can tell from all this Butler talk. We have a Butler themed show for you today, dana, what are we watching?

Speaker B:

We're watching Black Butler karoshi suji. It's a show that I actually didn't back in the day. I used to buy anime dvds without really knowing what they were. Just, like, taking a shot.

Speaker C:

Yeah, the crab bag.

Speaker B:

Yeah. Well, actually, this is, like, the story, and I don't know how I ended up here. I think maybe I had Christmas money. I was like a teenage I was, like 15 or 14. And my mom took me to this place called Anime Jungle, which is now in Little Tokyo. It's a much nicer place. But at the time it was just on, like, a strip mall, and it smelled terrible, and it was just weird. And we went in there. Yeah, we went in there and I bought a Lucky Star messenger bag and I saw The Black Butler, like, the first part of the English dub on dvd. So I just bought it because I could. And then I watched it and I really liked it.

Speaker A:

Yeah, that's a way to find stuff. I used to do that with cds when I was a youngster of like, oh, I like this album art. Hopefully this is a good band. And they never were it never worked out that way.

Speaker B:

I don't think. I had really heard of it before I bought it. So, yeah, I took a chance and it paid off. I don't know how well it holds.

Speaker C:

Up, but paid off at that moment.

Speaker B:

Paid off for a 15 year old weeb.

Speaker A:

That's all you need to set aside the 15 year old weeb in you.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

Brendan, do you have any experience with this show?

Speaker C:

No, I know of it. I've seen a lot of pictures of this Butler E character, but that's about it.

Speaker A:

All right. Yeah, I'm shockingly going and blind. I feel like I say that exact phrase every episode.

Speaker C:

I mean, it's the premise of the show.

Speaker A:

But yeah, this is something I heard about because I feel like this was insanely popular when I was a youth. So I definitely know that this is like a pinnacle anime show for a lot of people, but I have no frame of context for what happens in it.

Speaker B:


Speaker C:

I like to think it's what alfred pennyworth would be if he was Batman.

Speaker A:

And if that I would watch it.

Speaker B:

That would be really good.

Speaker A:

That would be great if it was like, yeah, he is batman's butler, but he is also a better Batman. So he is solving crimes that even Batman can't solve or leaving obvious clues that Batman could pick up on. I'm like, okay, he's my boss. I got to throw him a bone every once in a while.

Speaker C:

He's leaving them like a bread crumb trail of clues.

Speaker B:

I thought you're going to say blues clues. I mean, basically just like an alfred paw print. And alfred is like the kids in the, quote, audience just being like, it's right there, Bruce.

Speaker C:

He's back in the backcape screaming at the monitors.

Speaker A:

Come on, Bruce. Can you see any bloody footprints in this room?

Speaker C:

I don't know. I found an umbrella, Master Bruce. And might be the penguin who's notorious for umbrellas.

Speaker A:

Who do you know that you see weekly that carries an umbrella?

Speaker C:

This is our British demo. Real well, please. Got to let no one hear this.

Speaker A:

All right, so we are doing a little bit of a skip around. We are watching episodes one, four and five. alfred, can you queue up the episode, please?

Speaker B:

Of course, Master Bruce Wayne. I don't know what just happened there.

Speaker A:

It's is some capital. A anime, right?

Speaker B:

Yeah, it is.

Speaker C:

It's not at all what I expected, but still somehow exactly what I expected.

Speaker A:

It's not what you were anticipating, but it's what you needed.

Speaker C:

I don't know I agree with that either.

Speaker B:

Not the anime we deserved. It's the anime we needed.

Speaker C:

I think it's more like the anime we got.

Speaker A:

The anime that flopped down in front.

Speaker C:

Of us, the anime we randomly picked from an anime jungle at 15.

Speaker B:

It's the anime 15 year old dana deserve.

Speaker A:

And that's what's truly important.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

So shall we dive on into episode one?

Speaker B:


Speaker C:

So reluctant.

Speaker A:

So, yeah. We begin episode one. We have a strange boy in this devilish dreamscape agreeing to sign some sort of contract with this raven devil thing. And this is our second anime intro of sign the contract. Madoku magica.

Speaker B:

Oh, yeah, right.

Speaker C:

What's the strong impact?

Speaker B:

Yeah, my brain.

Speaker C:

It's early.

Speaker A:

So, yeah, we get that a deal is being dealt with some sort of creature, and then we get the opening song.

Speaker B:

Oh, yeah. This brought me back, man. Memories of being 15 and gross.

Speaker A:

I thought it was okay.

Speaker B:

Yeah, it's a song. The opening is very like animu with all of the sweeping shots of characters.

Speaker A:

Can you define anime for me, please? It's anime like the Capital A anime.

Speaker B:


Speaker C:

Exaggerated, over the top anime.

Speaker A:

Very trophy. Remember, I have to learn something every.

Speaker B:

Once in a while.

Speaker C:

Yeah. I wasn't sure if this is like a demon. Sort of like it was just like a weird, nebulous void and someone talking to a disembodied voice. And then as soon as the intro started, I was like, oh, yeah, it's demons because you got a fucking pentagram covered in someone's hand bleeding out like hell.

Speaker B:


Speaker C:

It's very on point.

Speaker A:

If you swap with this with the Death Note opening, I may not have noticed.

Speaker C:

I think there's a note I wrote down later. I'm like, wait, is this Death Note? This feels like Death Note.

Speaker B:

While watching it, I was like, Damn. oops. I brought the same show twice.

Speaker A:

Oh, God. So after the opening, we open on an English manor, I believe the it's in the 18 hundreds. I don't have the exact year, but it's old tiny England or old tiny Japanese England.

Speaker B:

Yeah. All of the backgrounds that they were showing, they're pretty, but they're also very dreary. There are no bright colors in this show. And that's another thing of me. I was just sitting there being like, what about? This was good to me.

Speaker A:

It's dark and gloomy, which appeals to many young teenagers, I suppose. So, yeah. We open in this English manner, and we have a butler, a butler dressing a very young boy who is very rude. And he wants to go about his day, but he is told that he has a business meeting later. So he is an important young boy.

Speaker B:

Child business boy.

Speaker C:

The young boy.

Speaker A:

Little baby businessman.

Speaker C:

He's got eyepatch and pierced ears, which is something I don't actually I don't think I've seen in most characters.

Speaker A:

It seems unusual, especially a pirate.

Speaker C:

It makes sense now.

Speaker A:

He's too noble to be a pirate. He has his own butler.

Speaker B:

He's got a company. He's got things to do. He won shark tank.

Speaker C:


Speaker A:

So he owns a toy factory and is Seal Phantom hive. A very prestigious young man.

Speaker B:

Wait, C. L I'm not going to.

Speaker A:

Let you call it Seal, okay? I wrote it down. I cannot remember the pronunciation. Seal.

Speaker C:

I called him Little Lord.

Speaker B:

That's good, too.

Speaker C:

There we go. Wait, Sebastian calls him does he actually have a toy factory?

Speaker B:

Yes. It's called phantom hive.

Speaker C:

God damn it. I miss that entirely.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

Basically, we get shots of this very dutiful butler helping this brat of a child, and we go to the other servants of the house. We have finnian, the groundskeeper, may rin, the maid, and bardroy, the cook.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

How British.

Speaker C:

I don't think I've ever heard anything close to these names.

Speaker B:

Yeah. No, I'm joking.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

It's definitely some Japanese people being like, what are some British sounding names?

Speaker A:

Far reminds me of there was the meme going around of the Japanese baseball game where they had to come up with very American names, and they were just the strangest combination of American sounding sounds.

Speaker B:

I can't remember any right now, but they're all very good and the little.

Speaker C:

Lord, when he wakes up, throws a dart at his butler, who catches it because he's the titular character. I guess he's some sort of martial art or something. And then he just hucks a dart later on at the groundskeeper and just stabs him in the head.

Speaker A:

Yeah, because clearly he is not as skilled in this dart throwing manner. He's not around a small child trying to hurt him all the time.

Speaker B:


Speaker C:

Why the hell would you throw a dart at me? He's like, I'm your lord. I can do whatever the fuck I want. It's like, god, this asshole kid.

Speaker A:

You're right, but I don't like it.

Speaker C:

I'm not thrilled about being stabbed in the head.

Speaker B:

Cl doesn't have a lot of redeeming qualities.

Speaker C:

So he's got the main character syndrome where we're supposed to care for him solely because he's the main character. Not a good person.

Speaker B:

Yeah, okay. And he's a child.

Speaker A:

He sucks throughout this entire show. Well, at least what we watch. So apparently there is a big meeting with this Italian businessman who is running the Phantom hive, or Phantom hive toy company in India. So it's sort of like a big meeting for this family business. And Sebastian, the main butler, tells everyone else to get to their duties so they can go and prepare. And all the other servants are so incompetent that they just need to impress Sebastian this one time. So they vow to do it. Yeah. These are fun characters. Yeah.

Speaker C:

Wait, they wanted to impress them?

Speaker B:

Yeah, they were trying. That impressive.

Speaker C:

I thought they were actively sabotaging them. Like, hey, this guy is making us look bad, so let's make him look bad by sabotaging all of his hard work today.

Speaker B:

Nah, they want it to look good, man.

Speaker A:

They have a company huddle and they're like, hey, we keep fucking up. We're going to surprise him. We're going to actually do a good job that he's going to be like, oh, you did great. Why are they very Japanese? Like I'm surprised. Faces.

Speaker C:

Where was I when I was watching this show? Because I feel like I missed a.

Speaker B:

Lot on another plane of existence.

Speaker A:

Don't worry, they fail immediately.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

So we see cl or little Lord walking around, and he sees an old portrait of what we assume is his parents. And then when Sebastian checks on him later on, he demands that portrait to be taken down because he's the new lord of the family. So he wants to be honored and not his parents.

Speaker B:

Yeah. Hello. I'm a child and my parents died. So erase any evidence of their existence.

Speaker A:

It's about me now.

Speaker B:

It's all about me.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:


Speaker C:

Anime. richie Rich is a much bigger asshole.

Speaker A:

So we have this is where Sebastian going to check on everything. Being ready for the meeting sees that the entire crew fucks up entirely. The gardener destroys the yard with the strongest weed killer. He has the cook decides to use a flamethrower to cook everything quickly and just burns down the kitchen. And the maid, having broken glasses, destroys all the fine china for tea. Trying to set everything up.

Speaker B:

The accents. Okay, so I think J. Michael tatum as Sebastian, but I love his voice. I love him, and I think he does a really good job as Sebastian for, like, what the show is.

Speaker A:

Yeah, he does a good job because he's doing a refined, like, received pronunciation accent. And everyone else in the show just goes cockney. Even not taking into account their status, they're like, yeah, they're all London street urchins. This Lord London Street urchins. This Scotland Yard character london street urchin.

Speaker B:

Cl doesn't do cockney. But who plays him? I forget her name.

Speaker A:

She's not bad either, but no one.

Speaker B:

But the accent is not natural sounding.

Speaker A:

Yeah, I should say. I watched Dub for all these episodes.

Speaker B:

Me too.

Speaker C:

I did dub subdub coup.

Speaker A:

So, yeah, with 2 hours to this business meeting, sebastian has to fix everyone else's fuck ups. So he decides to change the lawn into a Japanese stone garden so he can just pave it over and turn it into just sand since everything is dead.

Speaker B:

Get that dirt out here.

Speaker C:

I feel like this would take longer than actually fixing the garden, like, by turning it, like, redoing it into an entirely different style of garden.

Speaker B:

Hey, don't worry about it.

Speaker A:

He's a hell of a butler.

Speaker B:

That's what I was going to say. Delicious. I was saving it for later.

Speaker A:

I'm sorry to ruin it.

Speaker B:

That's okay.

Speaker A:

So, yeah, he basically redoes the entire property. And the Italian businessman, I did not catch his name, but it does not matter.

Speaker B:

Yeah, I forget.

Speaker A:

He arrives and is so impressed in this very strange and exotic display that he sees before him, and he is welcomed in.

Speaker B:


Speaker C:


Speaker A:

I am Italian man.

Speaker B:


Speaker C:

It's about a child.

Speaker B:

Welcome to my home.

Speaker C:

Thank you for coming to our three man play of Black butler.

Speaker A:

Hello, I am Italian man. Hey. I'm a small business boy.

Speaker C:

The accents are kind of at that level, so you're not far off.

Speaker A:

So the business meeting commences. It's being discussed over a board game that cl wanted to play. It's a very Candy Land from hell.

Speaker C:

Sort of game plan. Putting it just regular candy land.

Speaker A:

So we have certain things of like, oh, you lost your leg in the forest. Oh, you were burned alive as you go through this board. And naturally, the businessman is trying to gloss over the game and just get down to business where he says that the factory is booming and he wants to invest even more money into labor so they can make even more money. But the boy is not having it. Little business boy is just so invested in this game. He's not paying attention and just prompting the other guy to keep on playing.

Speaker C:

Well, it would require little Lord to invest all the money for the additional labor. So it's kind of like, we're going to need you to hop up even more money than you already do. So it's kind of like, well, I don't want to do that.

Speaker B:

I don't know about that. Italian man.

Speaker C:

Strange Italian person.

Speaker A:

Yeah, because he asked for, like, $12,000 in old English time, so I assume that's about $30 billion.

Speaker B:

I think that sounds right.

Speaker A:

I just check the math, and I am correct, and I just get a Nobel Prize in math. Wow, it's so quick. They pause the game, and they go and have dinner. Sebastian, saving the day, once again turns this charred beef into another Japanese treat. Don bori raw beef bowls. So the uncooked burnt on the outside beef is perfect to be served as a raw meal. The businessman is like, what is this? And Sebastian totally saves it, being smooth as hell, being like, oh, this is a very traditional dish. This is something you serve when you are celebrating a victory. So please, you don't know culture.

Speaker C:

At this point. I just wrote down, is this butler a weeb? Like, I know it was made in Japan, but this is weird that this butler knows so much about Japanese culture and dining, and it's just whipping it out. So carefree.

Speaker A:

Yeah, they're really showing their hand of being like, ooh, all these Japanese things.

Speaker C:

How do we draw British food? Well, British food is disgusting, so let's draw Japanese food. Deal.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

So they just keep on discussing stuff over dinner. mayrin is assigned to pour wine for everyone, but having broken glasses and being so flustered that Sebastian whispered in her ear in her ear to pour the wine, she's so in love with him, everyone so everything. She naturally starts pouring the wine over the table and missing the glass completely. But Sebastian, again, being a total baller, he pulls the tablecloth just as the wine is about to spill on the Italian man's lap and does the old party trick of pulling the tablecloth without knocking anything over. And when the businessman looks back down.

Speaker C:

He'S like, wasn't there just a table cloth here?

Speaker A:

Just completely missing the amazing trick that was just performed in front of him.

Speaker B:

I'm sorry. How did the Italian man say it?

Speaker A:

Hey, where did the table go?

Speaker C:

There we go.

Speaker B:

That's what I thought.

Speaker A:

But also, forgive me, it's like a.

Speaker C:

20 foot table, but it was when a guest was eating, and, like, in Japanese custom, he has the ball up over his face entirely, so he just missed everything. But yeah, it's like a 20 foot table or something.

Speaker A:

Yeah, especially for an Italian man that just knew nothing about Japanese customs. Like, 30 seconds before, he's like, oh, yes, let me eat this in the traditional Japanese style with these chopsticks. So again, it is saved. cl is like, oh, there was a speck of dust on the tablecloth. We had to have it removed. I'm so sorry. And they completely play it off. And he is none the wiser.

Speaker C:

And I think this is where we get the I'm one hell of butler.

Speaker B:

Hell, yeah, we do. Because I don't remember exactly what prompts it, but the Italian guy, or cl, says something about, like how great Sebastian is. And he just says, well, you know, I'm on a hell of a butler. woo.

Speaker C:

It's like a catchphrase. It's every episode he says this fucking line.

Speaker A:

Yeah, I think in episode five, he says it twice. They definitely are not subtle about it.

Speaker B:

It's the best thing they thought of when they made this show.

Speaker C:

They thought of that line and just built the whole show around that. That was the orchard Point. Yeah.

Speaker A:

So they go back to business. He keeps wanting to play the game, but the businessman is like, I'm tired of this, and has to make a phone call where he goes off and reveals his evil plan. The Italian businessman actually sold the factory and is just trying to swindle this dumb child out of his money.

Speaker C:

But I like, when he's on the phone, he's got the big cigar, like to prove that if he wasn't evil enough, he's got that big angry businessman.

Speaker A:

Cigar smoking inside that's not allowed.

Speaker C:

Like just really trying to evil caricature him off.

Speaker A:

So naturally, the butler is ever vigilant and hears the evil plan and starts to make all the bad things that were happening to him in the game come true. ghostly figures appear to him as the eye of the damned is watching him.

Speaker B:

Bewitched by the eyes of the dead.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

He was extremely slurred.

Speaker C:

We're drunk. We're all drunk.

Speaker B:

The truth come out.

Speaker A:

He falls down the stairs and breaks his leg. So he lost the leg in the forbidden forest. And as he is running away from this ghastly figure that keeps on following him around, he tries to hide in a cabinet made of metal, which never goes great. Bad shot. And he accidentally climbed into the oven where dessert was being prepared. And Sebastian shows up and says, oh, didn't you know English dishes have lots of animal fats in them? Sort of saying like, we're going to cook you alive, you bastard. And so he is eventually let out and runs away. And we see that cl knew what he was doing this entire time and was just toying with him because he tried to screw him over.

Speaker B:

Genius child.

Speaker C:

Let's not gloss over to the amazing dialogue of him limping away because his foot is still, like, broken. So he's just kind of limping off into the distance and he just screams, mama.

Speaker A:

As if he wasn't missed that.

Speaker C:


Speaker A:

Was so happy in the world I was living in. Brendan.

Speaker C:

It could have been more over the top stereotype.

Speaker B:

Just in case you forgot he was happy.

Speaker A:

Let's remind you this mansion is one of spicy meatballs.

Speaker B:

Oh, my gosh.

Speaker C:

That wouldn't have surprised me at that point if he said that. Oh, my God.

Speaker A:

But, yeah, that's basically episode one.

Speaker C:

Yeah. The outro song.

Speaker B:

It's a bop, but it doesn't really.

Speaker C:

It'S super ill fitting.

Speaker B:


Speaker C:

It's like a pop punk song, but all English lyrics.

Speaker A:

Yeah, it was fine. I was not super into the music in this show.

Speaker C:

It really caught me off guard. It kind of reminded me of, like, early paramore.

Speaker B:

Yeah. It sounded like they were trying to be Paramount.

Speaker C:

It might have come out during that time. So, yeah, maybe.

Speaker B:

Yeah. Well, all right, now we jump to episode four, which had a lot of characters that I forgot were introduced in episodes two and three. But also nothing happens in episodes two and three, so I didn't want to watch them. So it starts out with Sebastian cl. They're on their way to cl's country house. Summer home. Summer home, which is his parents, but they're dead, so who cares?

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

And he, like, has a letter. And I can't remember if the letter came to him in another episode. I don't think it did. I think he just has it now.

Speaker C:

Oh, good.

Speaker A:

As you do to introduce important plot devices, you introduce them without warning.

Speaker B:

Yeah, he's got a special suspicious letter. And then they get to his house and madam Red and lao are already there. madam Red is his aunt on his mother's side. And lao, I don't remember why he's there.

Speaker C:

For some diversity.

Speaker B:

If I'm perfectly honest, I don't remember why lao is relevant at all.

Speaker A:

I can answer that. He is not.

Speaker B:

And also, madam Read, her butler is there, grill sutcliffe did grew. We'll get to him. We'll get there. So they're there hanging out. They destroyed his living room looking for some tea. They couldn't find some tea. How british of them.

Speaker C:

British people, like, just a row.

Speaker A:

We have a quick reminder if you didn't know they were British.

Speaker B:

Yeah. And then they discuss some murders that have been going on because yeah. And it turns out there have been a bunch of prostitutes dying and Jack the ripper is on the rise. Prostitutes dropping like flies everywhere.

Speaker C:

The second Jack the ripper cameo in our podcast.

Speaker A:

Yeah, we had some Soul eater action, too.

Speaker B:

Yeah. I also forget why cl is a kid detective.

Speaker C:

Don't worry about it.

Speaker A:

Yeah. It's sort of glossed over in these episodes. I don't know if it's in two or three, but he is the Queen's watchdog. He is sort of in his noble stature. He acts as sort of the Queen's assistant to helping keep order in the kingdom.

Speaker B:

Yeah. I think his parents also helped the Queen with stuff like this, so I think that's why he does it now. More nepotism.

Speaker C:

This is what I wrote down. He got a little detective squad. I'm like. Wait, is cll sherlock before the queen? And then I was like, is this Death Note? This just feels like Death Note. And Sebastian is just reuter.

Speaker B:

I do love both of them. Yeah. So they're talking about going to the most recent crime scene and lao is focusing really hard on how bloody and gory it's going to be and the smell, how terrible that would be, which is weird.

Speaker C:

It don't smell great.

Speaker B:

Yeah. And then they get to the crime scene and Scotland Yard is already there. And cl just walks up and he's like, hello, I would like to see the crime scene, please.

Speaker A:

One murder corpse, please.

Speaker B:

Thank you very much. And the guy at Scotland Yard is kind of like, you're a full child. I'm not going to let you see the crime scene. And then the Chief comes up and he's like, you again. So the police do not like the kid detective.

Speaker A:

Shocking. Another trope that I've never seen before.

Speaker C:

Oh, yeah, we forgot dead parents, Chief.

Speaker A:

Oh, yeah.

Speaker B:

Dead Parents Club. He's not just dead mom's club.

Speaker C:

Both parents got both got the woman combo.

Speaker B:

And so instead of persisting to see the body at the crime scene, CLA is like, I know someone we can go see. Who is a character that I completely forgot about. He's the undertaker.

Speaker C:

How could you forget about this whimsical character?

Speaker A:

Just delightful.

Speaker B:

So delightful.

Speaker C:

I knew it wasn't going to be the Undertaker wrestler, but they're still part of the open. You would have been the Undertaker wrestler.

Speaker B:

Fingers crossed. So they go in to his funeral parlor and he comes out of a coffin and he's like, already giddy. And he's like, oh, do I get cl? Do I get to fit you for a coffin today? Which is weird. And I was just looking at him, I was like, why does he wear that? He looks like he's from Soul Leader.

Speaker C:

Yeah. He's a ridiculous anime character. I guess everyone in the show up till this point is still kind of reasonable. Like, you can imagine someone in that time period actually wearing it. And then he's just a street cartoon character. Yeah.

Speaker A:

Also the wardrobe throughout. We'll get to some of the stuff later on, but there are some just anime ass outfits all throughout Victorian England.

Speaker B:

Yeah. So they tell him that they want information about the murdered prostitutes because I guess he's worked on all of them because he's the only Undertaker in all of England.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

And he says that he doesn't want money, he wants to laugh. So lao tries to tell him a joke. Does not go well. Delivery not great.

Speaker C:

No joke.

Speaker B:

Madam Red tries to make him laugh by telling him some dirty, dirty gossip that she heard. Does not work.

Speaker C:

Lost censored dialogue.

Speaker B:

Yeah. Fun stuff. Fun comedy. Dirty comedy. ooh, edgy. And then so the Undertaker turns to cl and he's like, make me laugh, child. And Sebastian tells everyone to leave and to not come in no matter what happens.

Speaker C:

And he's putting on gloves.

Speaker B:

Yeah. So they leave and they give it a minute. And then the undertaker erupts with laughter and they all come back inside and they're like, what did you do? But we never get to know because Sebastian is very secretive. Sexy. Very secretive. And this is when I wrote the note. I just remembered that Sebastian fucks a nun later on. Wild.

Speaker C:

This is what reminded you of it?

Speaker B:

Yeah, because he's dirty.

Speaker C:

I mean, the demon.

Speaker B:

Not to spring that information on you guys, but they go to a church and they need information from a nun. So he fucks her in the barn out back.

Speaker A:

Oh, boy.

Speaker B:

Isn't that great?

Speaker C:

It's wonderful.

Speaker B:

All right. So the undertaker reveals that in all of the murdered prostitutes, their uterus is missing. And he puts it in the grossest way possible. He says he calls it their precious womanly part in the English tub. Because, I mean, that's the most precious part of a woman, right? Her ability to have children. Her womb. Yeah.

Speaker C:

This is the one I watched sub, so I didn't catch that part.

Speaker A:

Weird. I grant this to being like, oh, it's old timey England. That's what they thought. But based on how the rest of the women are treated in this show, I don't think so.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

Yeah. So he kind of says that maybe they have to have medical knowledge to be able to do this. And on the way home or back to the country house, madam Red says, even I have the medical knowledge necessary to do a procedure like that. Like, they're trying to narrow down the suspects. And I was just like, wow. Not suspicious at all. madam Red.

Speaker A:

Very blatant.

Speaker C:

Thanks for following yourself as a suspect.

Speaker B:

Yeah. So cl tells Sebastian to gather up a bunch of suspects and find their alibis, whatever. And he jumps out of the moving carriage and everyone's kind of like, what? Is he okay?

Speaker C:

But it's going like 5 mph.

Speaker A:

He'd surely die at the speed of a trotting horse.

Speaker B:

And then they return back to the country home and Sebastian is already there with his full list of suspects and their alibis. Yeah, and I wrote the note. Now, how come Grill doesn't talk in this one? Because I really like him. He's a fun character. But this was a fun moment of Sebastian listing all of this stuff. And we just get, like, a closeup of grill's face and he's just, like.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

He's, like, so in love with Sebastian and how well he does his job. Because one thing we missed in episode three is that Grill is very bad at his job. He's a very bad butler. So he wants Sebastian to teach him kind of that makes more sense. So madam rhett is like, how did you ever do this? And then Sebastian says, oh, I'm simply one hell of a butler.

Speaker A:

I love that catch boot.

Speaker B:

So they narrow it down to this. Guy, vic Count drew it, and they figure the only way to reveal him is to go to this party he's about to have in disguise. So they go in disguise, and CL is dressed as a pretty little lady, and Sebastian keeps calling him mistress and stuff, and that just tickles me.

Speaker A:

You can't blow the COVID Yeah.

Speaker B:

And he mentions, like, oh, God, I sure hope lizzy isn't here. lizzie is his betrothed and cousin. I forget if she's his cousin, old.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

But she's for sure his betrothed.

Speaker C:

I will say it is when they're getting dressed up to go to the party and see how in drag in the dress, he's like, Why do I got to wear the dress? And this is when madam Red tells him and leans in, which I specifically checked the dove and sub, and they didn't translate this, but she says, we have to sneak you in. And I'm told Lord druid is a ladies man of Catholic taste, basically implying he's a pedophile, and we have to.

Speaker B:

Dollar you up in the dub. Yeah. She just says he likes any pretty little thing in a skirt.

Speaker C:

Yeah. No, Japanese don't hold back. Yeah. catholics are pedophiles.

Speaker B:

Oh, my God. That's so savage. I love that.

Speaker C:

It's so good.

Speaker B:

All right. Wow. So they're at this party, and lizzy is there, and she's complimenting all of the lady's dresses because she just likes really cute, pretty things. And she sees CL but doesn't recognize him or Sebastian. She knows all of these people.

Speaker C:

CL is at least dressed up. Sebastian is, like, wearing glasses. That's it.

Speaker B:

Yeah. But she for sure knows madam Red, too. So it's just like.

Speaker A:

I also want to know how this is where we got the anime ass clothing that I was not expecting, because it was pretty plain attire for most people up until this point, but, oh, boy, this was so anime everywhere. For the dressed up clothes, very elaborate.

Speaker B:

So they spot the va Count across the dance floor, and sebastian's like, there's only one way to get to him. Dance.

Speaker C:

Of course, of course.

Speaker B:

So he dances with CL across the dance floor very well. It happens.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

And it's also just, like, CL trying to keep from locking eyes with lizzy. So he makes it across the dance floor and hold on. Yes. So he CL runs into the va Count, and he's like, hello, child. Hello, pretty small girl.

Speaker C:

Little Robin.

Speaker B:

Little Robin. So he's kind of talking to the va Count, puts his hand on cl's waist and, like, tickles off. He does say, you might be a little young yet. And it's like.

Speaker C:

Just like, really laying it on.

Speaker B:

Very cool. Yeah. And this is when lizzy has the opportunity to run up to CL and tell this mysterious girl how much she loves the dress.

Speaker C:

I have to tell her.

Speaker B:

I have to tell her. I have to compliment her, which is very relatable when I see a pretty girl. I'm like, I have to tell you how pretty you are.

Speaker A:

My one mission in life, I like.

Speaker B:

To make people feel good about themselves. But before she can reach CL, sebastian saves the day by just slamming down a cabinet. And he says, I'm going to do magic.

Speaker C:

Thanks, Sebastian.

Speaker B:

Everybody look at me. And he has lao, who's also there. He gets in the cabinet, and lao runs swords through it. And he comes out completely unscathed. He's a showman for sure. And the vicount, in the meantime, has taken CL up to a room. And they go inside. And CL is like, what the hell is that smell? And then he faints.

Speaker C:

Oop, you're drugged.

Speaker B:

Oop, you're drugged. Time to get drugged, little child. And then, oh, he's getting worse. Some fan service of oh, yeah, this cut away. The reality of the situation is that Sebastian is tying up cl's corset. But what we see first, it looks like Sebastian. It's fucking CL to be completely that's what it looks like at first.

Speaker C:

Just get it up and we'll just address it. That's what it looks like.

Speaker B:

I'm not going to describe the scene because that's what it looks like. And then it like, pulls back. And he's like, you're gonna kill me with this corset? And he's like, I don't think any woman has ever died of a corset before. So that's fun.

Speaker A:

Ha ha. What a funny joke.

Speaker B:

Ha ha. Funny joke.

Speaker C:

We love it.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

Anyways, moving a million miles.

Speaker B:

That's not true. Hate it. So CL wakes up and he's being sold on the black market by Vicown Drew. It saying like, she's so pretty, you could keep her altogether, or you could sell her for parts.

Speaker C:

Let's bid like a car.

Speaker B:

Yeah. They removed cl's blindfold because he was blindfolded. And as they're bidding, he just says, all right, Sebastian. Come pick me up. Hey, mom. Hey, mom, they're selling me for parts. Can you come pick me up?

Speaker A:

Soccer practice is over, and now I'm in a black market sale.

Speaker B:

Please. So Sebastian comes and beats all the people up in the dark. And then he fucking just bends the metal bars of the cage that CL is in and rips up the rope without even touching it. And I feel like this is the first time at least we're seeing in the episodes we're watching of like, oh, just so you know, Sebastian is very strong super demon because he is a demon. So he he helps CL escape. And they're like, hell yeah. We solved the the murders. We solved the Jack the ripper case. Hell yeah. And then they get home and surprise, while they were at the party, another prostitute was murdered.

Speaker C:

Neither I wrote down or like, oh, we solved the Jack the ripper case. I'm like, no, you didn't. You didn't prove anything. This is just the guy selling people on the black market. Cut to a media next scene. Of like Jack. The Rubber strikes again. I was like, okay, good shocker. I was like, I'm not going crazy.

Speaker B:

Yeah, so that's pretty much and it seems like Sebastian knows who it is, but he's not going to tell CL yet.

Speaker C:

Yeah, he makes a lot of, like, comments of, like, I only do exactly what you tell me, and kind of implying, like, you didn't tell me to tell you who it was. Sort of like wordplay.

Speaker B:

Yeah. So that's episode four. Yeah.

Speaker C:

That was an interesting one.

Speaker B:

That's a bad one. Yeah, not but as a 15 year old, I didn't think it was bad.

Speaker C:

Your standards have gotten higher as you got older.

Speaker B:

Yeah, I know what's bad now, at least.

Speaker A:

I mean, we haven't gotten to the episode, which I feel is the worst one. I'm sorry, I could not with this one.

Speaker B:

This is like having to face the reality of my friends hating me.

Speaker C:

Not you, just your taste in everything you are wondering.

Speaker B:

Keep talking about how wonderful I am. I want to dwell on that.

Speaker C:

Now you know what it's like to be like me when I recommend shows. Anyway, episode five, start off with a Little Lord stalking around because they messed up the Jack the ripper case, and they didn't catch him.

Speaker A:

While he's not what we start with.

Speaker C:

He'S playing chess with madam Red.

Speaker B:

No, we get the person in the murder.

Speaker C:

First scene is actually yeah, a woman tied to a chair, and someone is putting makeup on her in the scene once a little later, but as a.

Speaker B:

Woman, clearly that's a little later in.

Speaker C:

The room and being held hostage by some sort of, like, crazed individual. And we're to assume it's Jack the ripper. And then we cut to the Little Lord of madame Brad playing chess, and he's all upset because they didn't get the case. And after they talk for a bit, then we get a cut back to Jack durber again, like, putting makeup on her. And as a lightning bolt crashes in the background, he messes up the lipstick. You see the woman get a lot more afraid, kind of implying, like, you messed up the lipstick. Now I'm going to punish you for it, or something like that. A lot of presumptions in this scene. It might not be Jack the ripper. It might be just a very innocent couple doing some weird bondage stuff. We're not once this judge we don't know.

Speaker B:

Just a couple of randos that don't matter at all.

Speaker C:

No, not relevant to the plot at all. So then we come back to madame reeds talking to the Little Lord, asking like, why he's the Queen's Police dog. And this is where I found out she was his aunt. I don't know if that's an episode two or three, but this is where I was like, oh, they're related.

Speaker A:

Yeah, I didn't pick up on that until here either.

Speaker B:

Yeah, it's probably mentioned in two or.

Speaker C:

Three, and she's talking about his parents and how they were also in either same position or worked with the Queen and stuff. So it kind of got passed down to him. And as she's talking, she's about to leave, and she says the line, I've come to think of you as my own son. And my God, if that's not like, the death line, I don't know what is. You're absolutely going to die after that line.

Speaker B:

Yeah. I don't know what made me take this note, but it's something CL said, and I put, man, fuck my parents. Am I right? Clantam hive, probably.

Speaker C:

Yeah. He doesn't seem to be, like, mourning them. He's not like, oh, man, I sure miss my parents. It's like, oh, good, they're dead now I can get work done. He just seems like an asshole.

Speaker A:

Yeah, he has no remorse whatsoever.

Speaker B:

Yeah, we love a kid detective, but CL kind of sucks.

Speaker C:

That'S when I wrote check dead parents off the bang of card, because it's where we definitively get confirmation. Yes, they're not away on vacation. They're straight up dead. And then Sebastian is reviewing the case with the little Lord while he's in bed and kind of implying, like, I actually know who the real ripper is. I wanted to go to that weird party to just have fun. I don't know. But it kind of implies that he knows who the real one was, like, the whole time. And unless directly told in order to, he wouldn't do everything the little Lord says. So he's kind of playing cat and mouse.

Speaker B:

So coy.

Speaker C:

And when they find that out, they go out on a steak hunt to hunt down the actual ripper. Now, and this is when the little lord is kind of, like, reviewing the case, talking out loud, saying he's going after specific women. And there's definitely an Mo. And Sebastian talking to all time about, like, long, lush's black hair, gorgeous. And keeps going on on about the hair, the little Lord, the hell he's talking about, and he looks over. Sebastian is just petting a cat he found, like, in the alleyway that's relatable content. When you're at a party, you don't know anyone. You just find that cat.

Speaker A:

When you're hunting a serial killer in a dark alley and you see a cat whoops I mean, we've all been there.

Speaker C:

Yeah, I do the same thing. And then so while he's paying the cat to hear a woman scream, and they run around the corner to try and see who it is, they're too late. She's already moitered. When they kick in the door, they find the woman just carved apart in blood everywhere. The little lord's horrified. Sebastian pulls him out real quick and covers his eyes, say, don't look. Even though you've made a deal with a demon and, like, you solve murders, all that, like, I I don't know. I don't know why this is too far for the little lord. Like, this is too gruesome. Little lord will lord. Yeah, he gets an eye full, a singular eye, because he wears a tie patch the whole time. Hey, the writing is not any worse than the show.

Speaker A:

They're enough.

Speaker C:

And while they're, like, jumping back in the alleyway, sebastian says, like, all right, come on out. Like, we know you're still in there, Jack the ripper. And as he walks out, it turns out to be madame red's Butler.

Speaker B:

Yeah, a twist.

Speaker C:

What a twist. And as he's talking, he's like, I don't know what happened. I was trying to save her and stuff.

Speaker B:

He's like, I scream. And I came to help specialist, like.

Speaker C:

Stop with the yacht, you dumb idiot. We know it's you. And that's when he kind of laughs, and I think he's cleaning his glasses. And we just see, like, fangs, just like shit with a sharp, weird anime teeth.

Speaker B:

Shark teeth.

Speaker C:

Shark teeth.

Speaker A:

I don't know why, but they reminded me of chain chomp teeth, just the.

Speaker C:

Way they perfectly messed together and they curved around. And at this point, I'm just going to start calling him ripper the whole time because I already forget this name, and I do not care.

Speaker A:

It does not matter.

Speaker C:

So the ripper unfurls his, like, long ponytail and, like, shakes his hair around, and it gets puffed out and bigger, and it's all red. Now. It changes colors. And it turns out the ripper is actually a grim reaper. He's not like a demon or anything. He's a servant between death and God.

Speaker B:

And he's I call grill them. Because again, like with crona, we're drawing a lot of parallels to because much like with crona, at the time that it was made, calling people they them wasn't really a thing yet that people like to do mainstream.

Speaker C:


Speaker A:

I don't know why.

Speaker C:

It makes so much more sense.

Speaker B:

Yeah. So in the dub, Grill starts referring to himself as an actress and a lady and stuff like that. But I like to go with them.

Speaker C:

At one point, Sebastian kicks at them and they say, like, you wouldn't hit a lady, would you? And I was just like, oh, I kind of caught off guard with that. But yeah. So it turns out they're actually a grim reaper. And it's weird that they're going kind of just off the rails because if anything, grim reapers are supposed to follow the laws of order more than a.

Speaker B:

Demon would and not just murder people.

Speaker C:

Yeah. Not just go crazy. And they're talking about how much they love the color red and how great it is and stuff. And that's why they were presumably murdering them, because they just loved seeing blood. And then at that time, madam Red also walks out because she's an accomplice.

Speaker B:

What twists about?

Speaker C:

Who would have guessed?

Speaker A:

Twists on twists on twist.

Speaker B:

We heard you like twists, so we put a twist in your Twist exhibit.

Speaker C:

What are you doing here? And this is when the little lord snaps out of his shock of seeing the dead body, and he's like, madame Red, I knew you would be here because we already figured it all out. And it's like, what?

Speaker A:

You can't say you solved the case after the answer is presented to you? Yeah, it's like, how convenient.

Speaker C:

You say you knew the whole time when you didn't do anything to arrest her or stop her from murdering this one woman.

Speaker B:

Well, he just found out the night before. I'm not justifying this, but but he.

Speaker C:

Can'T act like, oh, we knew the whole time. No, we knew, like, five minutes ago. Like, Sebastian knew the whole time.

Speaker A:

Yeah, Sebastian had it figured out, and he probably spelled it out to you. This is the Batman thing we were talking about at the beginning of alfred laying out things for Batman, being like, can I show you how to get there? No, alfred. I'll figure it out on my own.

Speaker B:

I can do it.

Speaker C:

I'm a big boy.

Speaker B:

And this is when my parents are dead. I'm a big boy. cl's parents are dead.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

Cl'S parents are dead and so are batman's.

Speaker A:

He is Anime English. Batman.

Speaker B:


Speaker C:

English child. Batman.

Speaker B:

You mentioned Batman so, so early on. And I didn't even draw this parallel.

Speaker C:

Wow. Is it Death Note Two?

Speaker A:

And Batman and England and Soul Leader?

Speaker B:

This is God at all. I don't know why you guys don't like this.

Speaker C:

It's a perfect show. It's at this point the Reaper pulls out a chainsaw. And I was just like, what fucking year is this?

Speaker B:

Because I tipped his death sip. It's the site tippets back.

Speaker C:

But they don't like being called a sip because they put so much work into it to make it this new thing. And I honestly couldn't figure out what year was in this show the whole time because they like telephones, but then horse and carriages. It was just very confusing. And then chainsaw is just like, all right, whatever. It's parallel world.

Speaker A:

Like, they tried to justify it by CL being like, what is that contraption? But it's still like, no, you can't just pull out a chainsaw. Like, ooh, a fantasy English demon chainsaw.

Speaker C:

That's the thing. If they pulled out, like, some sort of crazy demonic magical weapon, it's like, sure, whatever. But it's not even that extravagant of a chainsaw. It just looks like a chainsaw. It's just red.

Speaker B:

That's the weirdest thing about it, I think, watching it. I haven't watched this show in a very long time, but watching it this time, I was definitely like, everything happening in this show is just weird. Yeah, it's got, like, weird supernatural fantasy aspects and there's too much happening.

Speaker A:

Yeah, they make a bunch of bold choices. Boy, howdy do they not pay off?

Speaker C:

Yeah, they just commit. And it's at this point the little lord orders Sebastian to go and end the Reaper. And then the Reaper is just like, posing with the chainsaw and dancing around with it and looks like axel from Kingdom Hearts. And it's like, with the big red hair now icon. It's just real weird.

Speaker B:

A legend.

Speaker C:

A legend. Sure.

Speaker A:

Okay, please don't talk about anime. I have not seen Kingdom Hearts video.

Speaker C:

Game, and it's also one of the worst animes of all time.

Speaker A:

Oh, I didn't know there is a legit anime.

Speaker C:

It's not, but it is. There's a manga convoluted and full of its own itself, so far up its own ass. It's the biggest perpetrator of all the anime troops we age. Anyway, it's at this point madame Red pulls out a knife. It goes after her nephew, saying, like, you wouldn't understand why I murdered all these people. I never could have a child. But your mother and father could. Tries to stab her nephew and trying to justify why she's a serial killer to him. So, yeah, that makes sense. And it's at this point we get, like, a flashback of her life saying, like, she always hated her bright red hair.

Speaker B:


Speaker C:


Speaker B:

You're skipping a lot here.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

Yeah, okay. So she pulls out the knife on CL and she's like, you shouldn't have been bored in the first place. Yeah, and then Sebastian kind of goes to defend CL, and CL says, no, wait, I changed my mind. Don't kill her. And then Grill is like, oh, you're getting soft now, pussy. Murder your nephew, idiot.

Speaker C:

Do it, pussy.

Speaker B:

But she doesn't want to, so grel kills her.

Speaker C:

Yeah, just chainsaws right through her.

Speaker B:

So her life flashes before her eyes.

Speaker C:

Oh, this is where we have the flashback.

Speaker A:

Okay, I skipped over this because, I'll be honest, I was checked out at this point. Hey, it's very I was counting the minutes.

Speaker B:

It's very melodramatic.

Speaker A:

I was checking Twitter. I was so dumb at this point.

Speaker C:

Oh, man, just wait until we get to my action. Shown in animation.

Speaker A:

Oh, no.

Speaker C:

Yeah, so when madam red's dying, just film explodes out of her body and it's all for, like, memories, and it's kind of like her flash flashing her flash, her life flashing before her eyes. The reaper is kind of saying, like it's a corny way of saying it, but basically so the reaper's job is to watch all of the memories and judge them if they were a good person or not based on the memories. And this is where we get all the backstory of madame Red saying she always hated her red hair. But then one day she met Lord phantom hive, and he said, like, hey, nice hair. She's like, I love my red hair.

Speaker B:

Now, a man helped her love herself.

Speaker A:

The classic story.

Speaker B:

Let a man help you.

Speaker C:

And she immediately fell in love with Lord phantom hive because he said, like, hey, nice hair. And that's it. And that's enough to win her affection over. But then her sister got patrol to him and then had a kid, and they had a happy life, and she's like, I still love him, but I guess I'll just settle for this schlub over here. And he'll knock.

Speaker B:

She said she was happy.

Speaker A:

I mean, sure, for like a minute.

Speaker C:

Not happy enough to not murder people.

Speaker B:

Her life fell apart.

Speaker C:

So she marries the guy, gets pregnant, and as they're riding home one day in a carriage, there's a horrible carriage accident where her husband is dead instantly, and then they had to remove her uterus and unborn child. How fast was this carriage going?

Speaker B:

Because that makes sense.

Speaker A:

This part made me so mad. They had her have a miscarriage in a carriage accident. Are you kidding me? How on the dock can you be? What are you doing?

Speaker B:

But also, just like, in order to save your life, we had to remove your uterus and the unborn child in it. So sorry. And it's just like, what kind of damage was done to her body that this had to be done for her to survive?

Speaker A:

A bomb was placed in your uterus. We had to remove it.

Speaker C:

We could not defuse it.

Speaker B:

There was a whole wheel shoved up there.

Speaker A:

It just trampled you. I'm sorry. It trampled me.

Speaker B:

The horse trampled only your pregnant stomach.

Speaker C:


Speaker A:

Your uterus was trampled.

Speaker C:

She's like it's a carriage.

Speaker A:

What happens?

Speaker C:

Oh, my God.

Speaker B:

Her uterus was removed.

Speaker C:

Was removed, and she continued to living her life, and she's a surgeon at a hospital. I don't know. I kind of was losing track at this point, too. And she had a woman come in who didn't want her child and was like, Get rid of it. I don't want to be pregnant.

Speaker B:

She's a prostitute, okay?

Speaker C:

And she's like, I don't want to have a kid. The kids are dumb. What idiot would have a kid? And it just makes a madam red snap. And she hunts down the woman and just murders her. She's like, Why do you get to have a child and don't want it? But then I couldn't have one of our taking out my frustration on you because yeah, that's a lot.

Speaker A:

The show took a very pro life stance right at the end.

Speaker B:

Yeah. I was kind of like, well, yes, but also, like, she's upset at women for, like, having something she can't yeah, but also yes, I'm not going to argue with that. That is a very strange turn that it took, being like, have your babies, prostitute.

Speaker A:

You want a family. That's what it's all for. I wanted a family. So everyone wants a family.

Speaker C:

And even if someone has a precious.

Speaker B:

Womanly part, even if someone has something.

Speaker C:

That you want really bad and can't have, maybe don't murder them over because you're not getting it now. You just killed that baby, too.

Speaker B:

So just like well, another thing another thing that helped her snap was that her beloved sister and brother in the man she actually loved were burned in a terrible fire.

Speaker C:

And all the fire was red. So now she hates the color red again, despite having striking red hair and wearing nothing but red all the fucking time and calling yourself madame Red.

Speaker B:

Embrace what you hate.

Speaker C:

No, because then you turn into Jack the ripper. So, yeah, she kills her. She kills the prostitute. And then that's when the Reaper comes down for the first time because he's just like hanging they're just hanging around. Like just I don't know, watching people murder each other. I don't know.

Speaker B:

There's no reason why grell loves murder. grel, much like Sebastian, is also a.

Speaker C:

Showman, but like, why were they there at that? I don't know. It's just weird that the Reaper just.

Speaker A:

Happened to be they were coming to.

Speaker B:

Collects the prostitute soul. I don't know.

Speaker A:

There's so much going on. We're right at the end. We can wrap it.

Speaker B:

Can you believe.

Speaker C:

That'S? The whole story of madam Red. And then we cuts back to her bleeding out because the Reaper just chainsawed the shit out of her and steals her coat, which I think is a real petty, shitty move.

Speaker B:

I love it. Grill looks so good in that coat.

Speaker C:

The canoes deserve colors. Throws it on themselves. Oh, god. And that's when the little Lord is like, sebastian, forget what I said earlier. Murder the rebir and gives them the confirmed order to kill him. And that's when it ends. We get the cliffhanger for the big.

Speaker A:

Fight, but we get a fun line.

Speaker B:

Of a girl being like, I'll send you two to heaven together. And then sebastian's like heaven. You're joking. I know nothing of heaven. And I love that because I'm one.

Speaker A:

Hell of a butler. I have to say it for the third time this episode.

Speaker C:

Yeah. These last two episodes were a ride.

Speaker B:

Yeah. Yes. I love garbage.

Speaker C:

I won't tell you how to live your life, but you're doing it wrong.

Speaker B:

No, I mean, I'm not going to keep watching this again.

Speaker A:

I can see how this appeals to the moody teens of the world.

Speaker B:

Yeah. So, dudes, are we there yet?

Speaker C:

No. Do you want to think about it for a little? No.

Speaker B:

Are you sure you don't want to marinade? Maybe watch a few more episodes?

Speaker A:

Maybe if someone forces me to watch this.

Speaker B:

Maybe watch the episode like 15 episodes in where we finally find out who may have murdered cl's parents.

Speaker A:

Oh, wow. I don't need that. I did not want that in these first technically five episodes.

Speaker B:

What a shame.

Speaker C:

And the fact that episodes two and three of a series just like, aren't really important is kind of a bad start.

Speaker B:

Yeah. I mean, obviously there are a lot of character introductions, but I feel like the things that happen in those episodes are just so boring and unnecessary that I just didn't want those be like one, two, and three. I didn't want those to be the only episodes you guys saw.

Speaker A:

Yeah, that's but I mean, it it is nice that we had this little, like, episode one with the introduction of everyone, and then we had a mini arc of hunting down this Jack the.

Speaker C:

Ripper who turned out to be a grim reaper because, yeah, those are things now in this world that makes sense.

Speaker A:

Hey, there are already demons. There are already deaths mocking at demons.

Speaker B:

All right, well, I'm sad and.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

That we didn't like it.

Speaker C:

Sad that we didn't like it or sad that you had to relive that.

Speaker B:

Sad that I understand why you don't like it. Sad that it's not what I thought it was.

Speaker A:

I love you and respect your opinion.

Speaker B:

Thanks. My opinion of this show now is that it should live in my 15 year old mind.

Speaker C:

There we go. There's quite a few animes I just refuse to go back and watch because I'm like those memories are good. And I know that show is not, so I won't rewatch it.

Speaker A:

I mean, let's be honest, there's so many things in general we don't want to relive of our 15 year old choices.

Speaker B:

Yeah, that's true.

Speaker C:

Oh, man.

Speaker B:

Well, let's move on next week.

Speaker A:

Yeah. What do we have going on next week?

Speaker C:

Next week we're actually going to be watching a viewer's pick of steinsgate. Yes.

Speaker A:

This was suggested to us in our Facebook group. Please, we would love to start taking suggestions. So if you have a show you would like to have us watch and be forewarned we may not like it.

Speaker B:

This may happen. Thank you.

Speaker A:

This is a disclaimer. Don't hate us if we don't like your show. Please send suggestions to our twitter are we there yet? Same handle for Instagram or our email, which is, are we there And you can find me at Mr. Patrick dugan on Twitter and Instagram.

Speaker B:

You can find me at queen. Period. Weebu on Instagram and Queen underscore Weebu on Twitter.

Speaker C:

You can find me on Twitter at abtsbrandon. That stands for Almost Better than Silence, which is my other podcast about video games.

Speaker A:

And we have to thank camille ruley for our artwork. And thank you to louie zong for the use of our theme song stories off the album Beats. You can find all of louie's music at Louisong Thank you and we hope you will join us next week as we learn to live with anime.

Speaker B:

I'm on. Hell of a butler. Music. You.

Episode Notes

This week we don our finest Tuxedos as we serve our masters a fine cup of Black Butler.

Twitter: @Areweebthereyet

Instagram: @areweebthereyet


Thank you:

Camille Ruley for our Artwork

Louie Zong for our Themesong "stories"

Find out more at

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