Are Weeb There Yet?
An Exploration and Education in Anime!

AWTY 26 - "Hungry" for Murder (Elfen Lied with Doug Coleman)

5 years ago
Speaker A:

All she says is new. New seems like a good name.

Speaker B:


Speaker C:

Hello and welcome. You are weeps area and exploration and education and anime. I'm your anime idiot, patrick dugan.

Speaker B:

I'm an anime expert, dana hollander.

Speaker D:

And I'm brenda mccullough. Your anime dwarven truth because we're watching elphin lied. All right. And this is my co host from almost better than silence, Doug Coleman.

Speaker A:

And I'm your anime guest. Yeah, me. Doug. I don't watch that much anime. I have to be honest. I probably have seen, like, maybe ten or so different ones, but this is one of my favorites, and I'm really glad to be on your show. Thanks for having me.

Speaker C:

Join the club.

Speaker D:

I will say Doug loves kingdom hearts, which is the most anime thing I can think of, so I feel like he's qualified.

Speaker B:

True. That's pretty anime.

Speaker A:

One thing I have to say, though, about you saying elfin lied, apparently there's a big controversy of how to pronounce this anime title. I think from what I've read, it's supposed to be pronounced elfin lead, and it's because it's a German thing, and it, like, translates to elves song or, like, song of the elves or something.

Speaker B:

I've always said lead.

Speaker A:

I've always said lied, and I feel like I've been lied to.

Speaker D:

If they wanted it pronounced that way, they should have spelled it that way.

Speaker A:

I agree. It's definitely confusing.

Speaker C:

Yeah. What's with all these confusing anime names?

Speaker B:

I don't get it.

Speaker D:

Oh, God. I mean, I still just give them nicknames, so I'm not one to judge.

Speaker B:

Yeah, I don't know if you're a listener, Doug, but when we did the modica magica episode, we just gave them all sonic names.

Speaker A:

Oh, yeah. No, I am definitely a listener. And it's funny you say that, because on a recent episode, the serious the yeager episode, I heard you say, we watch the gore, so you don't have to. I feel like that's very appropriate for this episode.

Speaker D:

Oh, no. They'll say scared.

Speaker B:

I look forward to it.

Speaker D:

Oh, yeah, we'll get that out up front. Either of you have any experience? Because I know Doug and I have both already watched the full series.

Speaker B:

I watched, I think, the first episode a very long time ago, just when I was getting into anime because it was a popular one, so I was like, got to check it out. And then I never watched any more of it.

Speaker C:

Surprise, surprise. I'm going in blind, as I say, almost every week.

Speaker A:

Whoa, that makes sense.

Speaker D:

This is a good one to go in blind, though. I like people not knowing what this is, and oh, God, the first episodes.

Speaker B:

I don't know what it is.

Speaker D:

Well, you know, it's an anime. You've heard of it, you've seen one of them.

Speaker B:

I know that it's an anime.

Speaker C:

Otherwise we wouldn't already get negative points from me.

Speaker D:

Oh, God, your test scores are terrible. Do you get.

Speaker C:

But all right, without further ado yeah, so we are watching the first three episodes. Unless you lied. We already made a lying joke.

Speaker B:

Let's watch it.

Speaker C:

Boy, howdy? This is an anime.

Speaker B:

That was a tie anime.

Speaker D:

Oh, boy.

Speaker A:

They don't have any punches.

Speaker D:

They don't have hands anymore.

Speaker A:

They're invisible.

Speaker D:

I'm glad that we brought Doug on because this is one of his favorite shows.

Speaker A:

And I feel like a sticker for saying that.

Speaker B:

As you should. I'm not going to beat around the bush.

Speaker A:

You're right.

Speaker D:

We don't king shame here. But hey, Doug. What the fuck?

Speaker A:

No. All right.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

All right. First thing I want to say about the show is the music. Right off the bat, it's like an atmosphere. It's just like this strange work of art. I feel like just watching the first three episodes will never do many shows justice. This one particularly, especially the end of the third episode. It leaves you at a cliffhanger shit's about to hit the fan. I definitely recommend watching more than three episodes, but I have a feeling already it has turned a couple of you off from continuing.

Speaker B:

Just a couple? As if there's more.

Speaker D:

Just half the podcast.

Speaker A:

It's understandable.

Speaker C:

It's the only two people who have not seen it already.

Speaker A:

It is very dark and gory. And that's the thing. I'm kind of someone that steers away from gore stuff. But then again, I'm looking back on the animes I actually like. I'm like. Oh, castlevania afro samurai. I'm like, fuck all these are just super gory.

Speaker D:

Super gory.

Speaker A:

Yeah. But it's especially interesting because my fiance, she's someone who has watched next to none anime. And I remember showing her this show and a few others. And this is one of the ones that she actually liked. And it blew my mind because I was thinking to myself, this is one of those just out there shows. But she was able to find it enjoyable. So I feel like it's capable if you stick with it through the end of the show. But there are going to be plenty of moments where you are cringing, whether it's from awkward tropes or whether it's from extraordinarily gory moments or just like painful scenes. It's definitely just like a tragic anime. And something about it, it just feels like, really, it should be exalted the way it is. And I think it's important for people that like anime to experience it. But yeah, it's understandable for you to be like, that's not my bag of chips at all.

Speaker D:

I love how much you feel like you need to defend it immediately.

Speaker A:

I know I do. I'm sorry. Yeah, it feels necessary.

Speaker C:

I will never shame anyone for liking anything. You are your own person, and I totally allow that. But yeah, this especially going in blind, especially if this is like your first anime, just not knowing what to expect. This is so much of so many different things all at once.

Speaker A:

Yes, it's a lot.

Speaker C:

So, yeah, let's dive right on in, shall we?

Speaker D:


Speaker C:

So, starting off, I watched all three episodes dubbed.

Speaker B:

Okay. I actually watched the third episode, subbed, which is not yeah, not usual for me.

Speaker A:

I watched the second episode, subbed, and it just was because I was watching them on Daily Motion because I lost all my anime. I don't know where it went.

Speaker B:

All of it is gone.

Speaker D:

It's just gone. I can't find my anime.

Speaker A:

I had a shit load. It's gone.

Speaker D:

I did dub sub dub as well.

Speaker C:

So, yeah, we start off with the Op, which is just it very much reminded me of the witch nest art style of puelo magica, of sort of that very surrealist painting sort of look and just immediate Titties.

Speaker B:


Speaker D:

Get those goods right out in front.

Speaker C:

Yeah. I mean, if you need to sum up a show, you put everything right up front and yeah, titties is a good summary of this show.

Speaker A:

There's plenty of them.

Speaker B:

The opening is actually, like, the most vivid memory I have of the show. Beyond that, I was just kind of like, what's happening?

Speaker D:

Understandable it's a naked character hugging a lot of random people in front of religious hymn music and stained glass paintings. It's weird. I get it.

Speaker C:

Intriguing. It was interesting that it was trying to evoke that sort of renaissance art sort of look, but it did not match the rest of the show at all.

Speaker D:

And someone who watched all of it still does.

Speaker C:

Not good to know they don't start a nunnery at some point.

Speaker A:

Is that a pronoun crusade?

Speaker C:

So after this beautiful opening, we get into a research lab, some sort of highly secure facility where a caged creature, basically hannibal lecter style, is locked up in a cage and we see just body parts falling off these guards.

Speaker D:

I can't hold all my limbs.

Speaker C:

Oh, no, they're so slippery. So we have a sort of prolonged escaped sequence of this creature or a woman in a sort of, like, metal xenomorph type mask. Sort of just escapes and nothing else. Yes. Fully nude beyond that.

Speaker A:

And that's the one question I did want to say is, was her nakedness needless? I think. So it's definitely just like because it's anime and they're like, Why not? But it seems also, like, potentially it would make some sort of sense if she's some kind of test subject or genetically modified human. I don't know. It doesn't really make sense for her to be naked. But they decided to do that.

Speaker C:

Yeah. I do understand in context if they're like, oh, she can well, spoiler. She's a psychic and can throw stuff around with her mind or her they're actually called vectors.

Speaker A:

It's like her invisible hands that she has. All these creatures. We'll get to it. But they're called the Dicolonius, and they're genetically modified creatures with horns and yeah, they just are born with these vibrating arms that can go like, a certain range that can just cut through anything, essentially.

Speaker C:

Yeah, that's explained a little bit further in. At this point, we're sort of just seeing, like, body parts fly off without context. So it looks like psychic abilities, but yeah, there's four basically invisible hand tendrils coming off this woman as she just rips through, I think they say at the end, 23 guards in five minutes.

Speaker A:

That is correct. Yeah. That scene was pretty insane to just start off the show, I got to admit. And one of the people that gets killed is this clumsy character. I don't remember her name. It was crap, I'm forgetting.

Speaker B:

But it really doesn't matter. It doesn't matter.

Speaker A:

Within a minute, she's gone. And it was just so unfortunate because it seems like the show is starting off. It's like, let's introduce this character. Why? She just gets her head ripped off in no time. So that was upsetting.

Speaker B:

Literally, my notes involving this woman are, whoa, this dipsy girl can't carry coffee right now, dummy.

Speaker A:

It was so not right. It was definitely upsetting because, yeah, she's like, today I'm going to get it right. And yeah, her job is just delivering a coffee, and she does it wrong. And isn't there like, an alarm going off as this speaker is trying to escape? And she's like, still like, my goal is to deliver this coffee even though we're in lockdown mode.

Speaker C:

No, she literally stumbles into this is like the final line of this psychic getting to the outside world, and there's like, literally a dozen soldiers just, like, crouched down. And then she just stumbles in with a tray full of coffee, and it's.

Speaker B:

Like, oh, no, my boss.

Speaker C:

I'm sorry, I can't do anything right. As there are a dozen armed guards.

Speaker D:

Pointing guns at her and her head is ripped off. And then her body is used as a shield as they all shoot at the test subject.

Speaker A:

Yeah, and that's the thing. Machine guns are useless.

Speaker D:

You think they would stop using them after a certain point because it doesn't do anything.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

Okay, so this scene was eight minutes of them trying to shoot at this character that they can't shoot. You think at some point they'd be like, oh, hey, these guns aren't working.

Speaker C:

Weird. We've tried bullets, but did we try bigger bullets?

Speaker A:

But wait, at that moment in the final stand, one of those guards, just a random bro, just runs up. He's like, I'll take this bitch and tries to hit her and then not.

Speaker D:

See anything else but my favorite part she should have punches his heart out of his body.

Speaker A:


Speaker C:

Throws it onto another guard.

Speaker D:

It's like, compound. He just pops his whole chest plug out of his body and has holds his heart and just like you guys, you're testing on her. You know what she is. Why do you think this would work on her? Like, what's up when testing if you don't know how to stop her?

Speaker B:

They've all been guarding her for presumably a long time.

Speaker D:


Speaker B:

And they think that this is going to work.

Speaker A:

Yeah. It would make more sense to invest in, like, a better containment system because apparently that failed on top of having machine guns. nothing's working for them.

Speaker D:

How about you just seal off, like, the room and you just fill it with, like, knockout gas or not bullets. Less bullets, please.

Speaker B:

Okay. Well, again, this is just the first eight minutes of the first episode.

Speaker C:

She escapes, obviously, because the guards aren't doing anything. And she's about to jump into the ocean off of a cliff. And we see a sniper with the, I guess, head scientist at this facility, and they basically shoot her in the head. She is still alive, but falls into the ocean where they cannot recover. So she's still alive, still a threat out there, but damaged in the head somehow.

Speaker A:


Speaker D:

She's fucked in the head in more ways than one.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

As if she wasn't before.

Speaker D:


Speaker C:

So from here we go to a sleepy Japanese village that hard tongue away. We see a woman at a train station. She is meeting her cousin. Her name is yuka, and her cousin is coda. Apparently, this is their hometown or the town. They're both going to college where they grew up. But their cousins, they're reuniting for the first time and they're reconnecting. These are our two main characters. Two of the main characters.

Speaker A:

One aspect of this show that I have to point out, and I feel like it's something that has to be always pointed out when discussing this show is the freaking cherry blossoms that are falling during, like, almost every scene, especially in the first few episodes. You'll notice, like, the animators went ham with the cherry blossoms just, like, flowing across the screen whenever they're outside. But then later in the series, they stopped doing it as much. And then I think there was like, one episode where they brought it back and it's like, pretty noticeable, but it's just funny. I feel like it's beautiful, but it's also just like you guys are overdoing it. Yes.

Speaker C:

We blew all our season budget on the first episode.

Speaker B:

For real.

Speaker C:


Speaker D:

Just scraping up the ball like an orange.

Speaker B:

The cherry blossom budget was so high.

Speaker D:

Sky high, along with the blood budget that's also really high in the show.

Speaker A:

Oh, yeah.

Speaker B:

Blood and cherry blossoms. That's it. Nothing else matters.

Speaker D:

That's Japan.

Speaker C:

So, yeah. These two are reunited and they go to the ocean where they grew up and spent their childhood, and they remember a lost family member. kanye, who aged is, I believe, koda's sister.

Speaker A:


Speaker C:

So, yeah, they're reflecting over this lost family member when they see our psychic appear in the surf. Yeah.

Speaker D:

Hey, look at them titties.

Speaker A:


Speaker C:

Washes up. Super naked on the beach. Yeah. We can't express this enough. She is naked about 90% of the time. Time.

Speaker D:

Yeah. I'd like to say it changes.

Speaker B:

But not watch a hentai. This is it.

Speaker A:


Speaker D:

If you want blood. If you want blood and titties and not Game of Thrones, here you go.

Speaker C:

If you want equal parts blood and titties, this is the show for you. So she washes up on shore. She can't really talk, so they give her some clothes and then they take her back to the place where they're staying, which is an abandoned restaurant that koda is staying at for free while he's in school. As long as he maintains it, that's a sweet deal. Yeah. They say it's like a ten room house, basically. I'd give anything for that.

Speaker B:

Yeah. He's like, what do you mean? I'm like a servant. And I'm like, that doesn't sound that bad. My guy, yeah, he shut up.

Speaker D:

Free housing.

Speaker C:

They're not going to check up on you. Just clean it like once a month. Relax.

Speaker B:


Speaker D:

If no one else is in there, it can't get that dirty.

Speaker C:

It was literally abandoned until you step in. It's not like they expect it to be like super clean.

Speaker B:

I hope no one's around to get blood or piss anyone.

Speaker C:

Yeah, crazy psychic girl can't say anything besides me. Like, n apostrophe y ou is how I wrote it out. So they just call her that pokemon style. They're like, yeah, that's all you say. We're going to say that's your name. She freaks out and pisses on the floor immediately.

Speaker B:

Like when you bring a new cat home.

Speaker C:

Not house broken. Yeah. So we flash back to the lab and we see that they're assembling their elite swat team to go catch who they call Lucy, who is the escaped psychic, and we are introduced to this elite mercenary. I did not write down his name. Did anyone else?

Speaker B:

I think it's there.

Speaker A:


Speaker D:

Bando? Yeah, Bando.

Speaker C:

Bando calrissian.

Speaker A:

Oh, gosh bando.

Speaker C:

He is this elite hotshot mercenary and he's just itching to kill.

Speaker A:

Oh, he's a real prick.

Speaker D:

He's a psychopath.

Speaker B:


Speaker C:

Just a fine piece of shit.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

One scene that defines him as a piece of shit was him in some training simulation. And he's like, I just want to kill real people, or whatever. And then he's like, standing around in that room and some lady's walking up to deliver papers or something to him and she's like behind him and he just spins around and bitch slaps her off her feet. She goes flying. And then he's like, never sneak up on face and never sneak up on me, stupid bitch or something. I was like, oh my God, this guy needs to die already. He's set up as like, you're meant to hate this.

Speaker C:

You are rooting for him to just get ripped apart.

Speaker A:

Yeah. Well, good news. Good news.

Speaker D:

Just wait.

Speaker C:

Deliver. I'll give him that. So we see that this team is being assembled, but we flash back to the abandoned restaurant where everyone's settling in their unpacking bags and coda finds the shell that his sister kanye gave him when they were at the beach as children. So he's reflecting on this fond memory and Lucy grabs it out of his hands and just snaps it in half.

Speaker B:

Who's Lucy?

Speaker A:


Speaker C:

Lucy is what the science lab calls her. Sorry, I got my notes mixed.

Speaker B:

I know.

Speaker A:

Well, she's the same person I was.

Speaker B:

Putting on airs for the podcast.

Speaker D:

151St Pokemon.

Speaker C:

Yeah, it's our standard anime thing of everyone has 18 million names, pretty much. So she snaps it and naturally koda is like, hey, what the hell? That was the only keepsake I had my sister, you idiot.

Speaker B:

He goes off, though. Yeah, like, he freaks out.

Speaker D:

That's the most emotion we've seen from him so far.

Speaker A:

It's a pretty special object, though, so I can understand him having that association. But still, even knowing that New is, like, very much like a pet and not human in a way. She clearly looks like a human, but she doesn't understand English or show that she's really getting anything. It just seemed like she was just instinctually breaking it to just kind of like I don't know, if you're playing with something, you break it. And it didn't matter to her whatsoever, but to him, he thought, like, it was a sick joke and it was like, why would you do this?

Speaker D:

Burn, bro.

Speaker A:

Yeah, I don't know. He should have recognized that it was not something she did maliciously.

Speaker C:

Yeah. More animalistic than human. sadistic.

Speaker A:


Speaker C:

So as he's freaking out, new is, like, starts crying and runs away. But as you do, as you get screamed at by, at this point, a relative stranger. So yuka is sort of going through it, and it sort of shown that lucerne broke it because she was sensing that it was making koda sad. So it was sort of a way to stop his sadness because of the sad memories associated with his dead sister.

Speaker A:


Speaker C:

So in in that, like, child, like, animalistic way of bad thing go away, you know, sad no more.

Speaker A:


Speaker C:

And that's basically where we end this episode.

Speaker D:

We see, like, the swat scene coming in with bando and black ops helicopter, and he's all excited to kill a minor. So fucking charm.

Speaker B:

I thought I'd see the day they let me kill a minor. Things are looking up in the world.

Speaker D:

Yeah. Real nice.

Speaker A:

Was it just great end of that episode or the beginning of the next one, where he's, like, got a gun to a guy's throat and he pulls the trigger, but there's nothing in it. And the other guy shows up. He's like, Stop playing grab ass. And it's like it just shows how these guys are real hard.

Speaker C:

Yeah, that's the start of the next.

Speaker B:

The end of the first one. Oh, it is.

Speaker A:

Okay. Yeah.

Speaker C:

Start of the next one.

Speaker A:


Speaker D:

Same thing. Yeah.

Speaker B:

Well, here we go.

Speaker C:

Like, right here.

Speaker B:

Too. Yeah, it doesn't match at all.

Speaker D:

No, it's still the same, like, religious hymn sort of music. And Lucy curled up in a ball naked and still weird.

Speaker A:

I like the music. I can't help it. I feel like a lot of people say they dislike it, but to me, it's just very atmospheric. Every time I hear it, it just makes me remember all the episodes. And I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

Speaker C:

I think the music is like the end, but it just doesn't fit.

Speaker D:

It's out of place.

Speaker A:

That's fair.

Speaker B:

Yeah, that's what I was going to say. The ending song is nice. Like, it's a cool song, but it also just super doesn't fit, in my opinion. So in the beginning of episode two, it's raining. We're in a dump. There's garbage everywhere. And we see a child with a puppy, and she's talking about how they're hungry.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

And then she hears the helicopter is approaching. And we get the crew being briefed by the head guy, the head honcho. And he's like, hey, so she has some special weapon that she can use within 2 meters of you, so be careful. And this guy what's his name? Bando.

Speaker D:

Yeah, Bando. Yeah.

Speaker B:

So he just gets up and opens the hatch of this helicopter, and I'm like, is he going to jump from there?

Speaker D:

Hell yeah.

Speaker B:

Is he really going to do this?

Speaker C:

How would you identify him as a badass otherwise?

Speaker D:

He's so horny for murder.

Speaker B:

So horny for murder. I got to get out of here. I'm so horny for murder.

Speaker D:

That's the tagline of the show elephant. I horny for murder.

Speaker A:

God damn it.

Speaker B:

Horny for murder.

Speaker A:

I'm mad at how accurate it is.

Speaker B:

All right.

Speaker D:

Bandai jumps out.

Speaker B:

Not jump, unfortunately. No, he doesn't. I don't think so. At least we don't see it happen. But we do get a shot of you, like, digging around on the beach. And it's pretty much just a shot of, like, her ass in some boxers and a loose tank top.

Speaker C:

You got to know that there's still a butt and titties under there.

Speaker B:

Just so you know.

Speaker D:

I don't have object permanence. They might have disappeared.

Speaker B:

And we see koda back at the abode, and he's looking at the clock, and it's very late. And now he's, like, regretting yelling at you. And then there's a knock at the door, and the police are at his house.

Speaker C:


Speaker A:


Speaker B:

There'S definitely, like, a good cop, bad cop thing happening. One of them shows him a picture of you and says, hey, have you seen this girl? She's missing. And then he says, no, I haven't. And I'm like, what?

Speaker D:

He pauses, though, for, like, a solid minute.

Speaker A:

Yeah. No, it was to the point where it was very clear he was lying. And I was like, that's why this show is called elson Lied.

Speaker B:

Yeah, but so I was like, so he's just going to lie to the cops that are looking for a missing person. Cool.

Speaker C:

Especially someone who seems to have many issues that need to be addressed, not in a solid mental state to be on their own.

Speaker D:

Definitely. Because at this point, he has no reason to believe that she's anything special other than an actual missing person with.

Speaker C:

Amnesia who can only say one phrase.

Speaker D:


Speaker C:

The standard for being a normal person capable of taking care of themselves.

Speaker B:

Absolutely. So he decides to leave after they leave, he decides to go look for New. And as he's leaving, he turns around. He's like, Shall I lock the door? nah. And then he runs away. And I thought that would be addressed later. I was really excited about it. And then nothing happened.

Speaker C:


Speaker D:

I think it was honestly them filling time.

Speaker B:

Yeah. Hey, we need five more seconds in this episode. What should we do? Let's have him question whether he should lock a door. Perfect.

Speaker D:

Did I leave the oven on?

Speaker B:

So Bando and another dude are walking along the beach near that dump area, I think. I don't know.

Speaker D:


Speaker B:

And the other guy is just kind of talking about the situation and the target and whatever, and Bando just wants to kill him. He's just like, shut your fucking mouth or I'll shut it for you.

Speaker D:

He's just a real hassle to everybody.

Speaker C:

Yeah. We have this high priority target that can wipe out humanity. Let's put the most reckless non team player in, like, a leadership position to apprehend this person. We know it's going to take a whole team. That's why we put them together. Let's put the one guy who will ruin the entire team in the process as their leader.

Speaker B:

Yeah, let's put the loosest cannon. So we think that they spot her on the beach because he's like, oh, there she is. And he licks his lips, which is a terrible thing. I hated that.

Speaker D:

I'm sure our audience did too.

Speaker B:

And then we get a quick shot of yuka. That's her name, right? Yeah, the cousin. I didn't get her name when I was watching it, so I just kept putting cousin. Cousin. She asks the same police if they have seen New, but not specifically. She's like, hey, I'm looking for someone. And that's all we see. And then you're back on the beach with New, and she looks up and she sees koda. So you're like, oh, thank goodness the cops did not find her. But surprised they did find her.

Speaker D:

Got you.

Speaker B:

They fake you out twice.

Speaker D:


Speaker B:

So they approach and they bando kicks coda to the ground. And he's like, hey, so we're allowed to kill witnesses, right? And the other guy's like, I don't think so.

Speaker C:

That was never explicitly said.

Speaker D:

What are you talking but I want to kill people.

Speaker B:

Let me kill I want to kill him.

Speaker C:

Also, another thing that bugs me about this was he was so excited because it was a kill on site order. He even says, like, oh, I don't even need to talk to them first. Great. Let me talk to this person before I shoot them.

Speaker B:

Yeah. He suddenly gets very excited to try and fight her.

Speaker A:

Yeah, he's got like a boner for the danger. It's awful when he realizes the severity of her being a killer, eventually he's just like, how cool is this? As she's, like, trying to kill him.

Speaker D:

I mean, we've all had danger boners, right? That's a thing?

Speaker B:


Speaker D:

Okay, just me.

Speaker B:

So I guess they knock koda out and then they drag New away. And then we get a shot from the police station of yuka going there with the cops. And then she just suddenly remembers, like, oh, she's probably at the beach by.

Speaker D:

Basically, I think she sees the two detectives talking to the cops and that they have a picture of mew. And she's kind of like, oh, they're also looking for her. I better not tell them anything. And then she takes off towards the beach.

Speaker B:

I don't know if that's true, though. I don't think it's that deep.

Speaker A:

Oh, I do, though, because imagine if she went there and was like she was looking for New, and they find that she's associated with that other dude, koda, that they were at his house and they were like, did you see this lady? And he said no, then he would be in trouble. But then again, she wouldn't know that, so I don't know. I'm not 100% sure. I think brennan might be right, though. Or at least that's what the writers of the show were trying to portray.

Speaker B:

Yeah, I guess. I just think she's so stupid that that wouldn't occur to her.

Speaker D:

That's also possible.

Speaker A:


Speaker C:

Can I know her to be one of two places, my house and the beach. She's not at my house. Where could she be?

Speaker D:

Pretty much.

Speaker B:

So we get back to Bando and New, and they are going to fight. He wants to fight her so bad. And at this point I'm just like, what the fuck is happening? What's he going to do to her?

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

I was very concerned, but so he kind of starts rough housing her, like beating her up a little bit. And she's kind of unconscious on the ground, or at least we think so. So she doesn't fight back. And he's like, you shoot her, the other guy? And I'm like, what?

Speaker C:

You were so horny for murder two minutes ago.

Speaker B:

What about your murder, blue Ball?

Speaker C:

All you ever wanted was to kill an unarmed civilian without causation. That was the whole reason you took this mission.

Speaker B:

That was your whole thing.

Speaker D:

He was also, like, roughing up mew. And the other black ops guy was with him saying, like, hey, let's just take her back. And Bando just chokes them out and just saying, like, I'll fucking kill you too. Let me get my rocks off on this murder scene, and throws them down and. Then later, when bando gives up, it's like, at whatever. You do it. The other guy is, like, awake and conscious and has no problem with being choked out by banda. He's just like, all right, sure. I'll do whatever you want, boss.

Speaker C:

Yeah, it's not like I the victim. Also have a gun.

Speaker D:


Speaker B:

So bando turns around to light a cigarette, and while this happens, we hear and see some nasty shit go down. As bando turns back around, the other dude just has a hole in his torso because New Lucy has awakened.

Speaker D:

Do you have too much blood? Do you need it removed from your body physically?

Speaker B:

Good news.

Speaker D:


Speaker C:

It's like a giant cookie cutter was just placed in this guy's torso and just took a solid chunk out of him.

Speaker B:

Yeah. So he turns around and he's somehow still okay. ish he's not okay? But he's still he's not okay. I'm wrong. But then she like, rips him apart and he dies. And then he's like, oh, fuck. Cool.

Speaker D:

Now I get a fight.

Speaker B:

So now he gets the fight that he was so horny for.

Speaker A:

Yeah. This is the scene where he's literally I think a quote of his is like, how cool is this? As, like, she's attacking him and shit. I'm like, oh, my God.

Speaker B:

So they start tussling, and we see her vectors at this point, and he's like, wow, she got two meter long invisible hands. That's incredible.

Speaker D:

Thanks for that exposition.

Speaker B:

Yeah, he's, like, hiding. And then he comes back out, and then she also has a gun part.

Speaker C:

About this that was fantastic, because you're like, oh, psychic will only use psychic weapons. It's like, no, she can use a gun.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

And he's, like, seeking out, like, I don't know, like, an obscure Enemy, something like just like, out there and bizarre. And then yeah, so she's got these invisible hands, and what she do is she just freaking uses a gun to shoot him down.

Speaker B:

Perfect gun.

Speaker D:

He's purposely staying away from the two meter length like, he's trying to stay out of her reach, and it's just like yeah, it's just like Die Hard. It's just like, ho ho. Now I have a gun.

Speaker B:

Yeah. So she shoots him down. He's laying on the ground, and she stands over him. And previously, she's had a very high anime voice like New, and then damn. Her voice drops about four octaves.

Speaker C:

I've killed some people.

Speaker B:

Essentially, she's like, fucking disgusting.

Speaker C:

You you motherfucker.

Speaker A:

That would have been epic.

Speaker B:

And she uses her vectors to gouge his eyes out, which, wow, he's satisfying because yeah, he's terrible. So this is satisfying, but also like, oh, God.

Speaker A:


Speaker D:

She also cuts his hand off and breaks his other hand.

Speaker B:

Yeah, so his arm gets cut off and he's ruined. And then what triggers her to go back to New?

Speaker D:

She starts strangling him with her vectors. And then while she's doing that, she looks at her hands and then runs off. And we see later. She has another shell similar to the one she broke for Koda.

Speaker B:

All right. Yeah. So she goes back to being dumb, and she looks completely different. Like, her eye shape changes from being Lucy to being New, which is a choice.

Speaker A:

And so do the colors. Her eyes are like super dark and red or something when she's Lucy and she just looks like an evil killer.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

She likes completely different.

Speaker C:

She has like the grudge hair of just like going straight down over her face. And just in one slit you see one, like, blood red eye in Lucy version. And then when she's in new form, she's just full on anime girl.

Speaker D:


Speaker B:

Yeah. So then we see that little girl with the puppy again. And I got very concerned because I was like, oh, no. What's she going to see? Is she going to die if you.

Speaker C:

Hurt this goddamn puppy, I'm turning this show off.

Speaker A:

Well, I don't want to spoil anything.

Speaker B:

Yeah, no spoilers. Hold on, hold on. So she she actually sees New running by. And so I was like, phew. And then she goes and finds bando. And she's like, I'm going to call an ambulance. I'll be right back.

Speaker D:

But she also ties off his arm so he doesn't bleed out.

Speaker B:

Yeah. Which is I mean, that's scary. Like, he's laying there unable to see and just waiting for this girl to come back with an ambulance. Terrible. And so in the meantime, Yuka found Koda and took him to the hospital. And this part cracked me up. He wakes up and he says, what is this? Where am I? And Yuka goes, what happened? What's going on?

Speaker A:

And I was like, you can't it's.

Speaker D:

Not how this works.

Speaker B:

This isn't how interactions work. No.

Speaker D:

It's also a very silent hill as a hospital room. It's very empty and really creepy looking. I did not like the scene.

Speaker A:

Why was coda even in the hospital? He got, like, banged up by bando or somebody. When he gets released or the doctors are like, yeah, you don't really have significant wounds, so you can just leave. And I feel like you didn't need to be yeah. It didn't require going to the hospital at all.

Speaker C:

Yeah. Why was he admitted to a room? He should have just been in the er. And they'd be like, yeah, you're fine.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

He had like, a gown on. His head was bandaged as if he suffered, like, some terrible head trauma.

Speaker D:

Because it's cheaper to draw a big empty room and him in a bed than it is a busy er.

Speaker A:

There we go.

Speaker B:

So the cops come in and I don't remember how they got there.

Speaker D:

They just followed them.

Speaker B:

Yeah. So they come in and they're like, hey, dude, so obviously you've been through some shit. What's going on? Did you see any witnesses to this event? Like, what happened? And he's like, oh, I wasn't alone. There was a girl with me. And I was like, idiot. Now you have to tell them that you know Lucy. But he was prepared. He said, oh, I said she was a girl. She's college age and a little overweight. And I was like, oh, it's me. But as the good cop is leaving, you can kind of tell. Or as they're both leaving, but Good Cop specifically kind of says something that makes it seem like he knows he's lying. Like he says it's better to just forget all this happened.

Speaker D:

Along those lines, koda tries to tell him, like, we got ambushed by this black ops guy who had a machine gun. And the good cops like, no, that's probably just a motorcycle gang. And he just got worked up when he got hit in the house.

Speaker B:


Speaker D:

So he started to play it off.

Speaker B:

Yeah. So they go back to the house. They take a taxi back to the house. And it was at this point I was like, oh, leaving the door unlocked is going to pay off. It didn't. Nose sitting outside in the rain. She did find a shell for him, like a replacement shell for the one she broke. And I was like, oh, that's cute. That's sweet. And then we get Yuka in the taxi, and she's having a flashback of.

Speaker D:


Speaker B:

Of some time with her cousin. And it's at this point that I'm like, does she have a crush on her cousin?

Speaker A:

It's definitely that trope. And they go into it hard, and it's very awkward. And that's another reason it's hard to defend this show. Because putting the weird things aside, the nudity, the extreme gore, the freaking trope of yeah, it's like also just a harem. There is incest with the dichlones too, because they try to keep their blood pure and shit. So there's all sorts of just negatives there. But if you could put that aside and look at it, it's still flawed. No, it's hard to even say that because I definitely think it's super flawed in those regards. But I guess it's necessary as part of the storytelling. I don't fucking.

Speaker B:

But so she realizes that she forgot to give Koda the house keys. So she's like, Taxi Driver, go back. And then Koda and you are back in the house. And her shit is drenched. Her nipples are out.

Speaker D:

Point turkey stone.

Speaker B:

That's disgusting. I hope you never say that around me ever again.

Speaker A:


Speaker D:

Say the words.

Speaker C:

I promise.

Speaker D:

I promise. Never say that again.

Speaker B:

Thank you so much. Because I hate the word nipples enough and the fact that I have to say it so many times.

Speaker C:

For plot points. You should not have nipples in that.

Speaker D:


Speaker B:

He's actually got clothes for her to change into. And he's like, oh, no, you don't know how to change your clothes, do you?

Speaker A:

Guess I have no choice but to change you myself.

Speaker B:

And we get a prolonged shot of her wet tank top and her breasts just exposed. And nothing else is happening. It's just her tits. And I'm like, oh, my God.

Speaker C:

In case you forgot, they are still here.

Speaker A:

Titty they're there.

Speaker B:

And I am also at this point, like, you don't even know her. Why do you want to protect her so desperately? So he takes the shirt off. He gets the new shirt on, but not quite all the way, and then he's like, now I have to put your underwear on for you. And this whole time, I'm like, you really don't.

Speaker D:

You really don't?

Speaker C:

No, you super don't also dry off the clothes.

Speaker A:

It's absolutely important to point out that he's trying to keep his eyes closed this whole time. So it's like, you're going to do this, but then you're still going to try to maintain being you already saw her naked. Yeah, exactly. If you're actually trying to help her, you should probably just get it over with. But you don't need to. That's already been established.

Speaker B:

Yeah. And while he's putting the shirt on, he does accidentally touch her. titties oh, nosebleed. Oh, boy, this was something. So she's laying on the floor with her legs spread, and his hands are on his eyes, and he's like, okay, it's time to take off your underwear. And he's like, One, two, three. Here we go. And he rips them off. And of course, as this is happening, yuka comes back and opens the door.

Speaker A:

The timing was so good.

Speaker B:

Yeah. She's like, oh, wow. Cool. I'm very jealous of my cousin.

Speaker A:

And that's ended episode, isn't it?

Speaker B:

Yeah. But we get introduced to Nana.

Speaker A:

You're right.

Speaker B:

So we're just back at the lab, and the head scientist dude, presumably whoever he is, they're talking about number seven, and he goes in there and she says, Hi, Papa. And it's just like, oh, cool, let's get into this.

Speaker C:

Let's get more daddy talk in there, too.

Speaker A:

And she's just covered in blood for no reason.

Speaker D:

Change it all.

Speaker B:

And that's the end of episode two.

Speaker A:

That's right.

Speaker D:

God, do you have a kink? Did you find it from this episode? We tried to cover them all.

Speaker C:

This show has everything and nothing I want.

Speaker B:

Much like sirius the yeager, it caters to nobody.

Speaker A:

Oh, man.

Speaker D:

Who is this for? Teenage boys?

Speaker A:


Speaker D:

So episode three start off with Yuka walking in on them, changing Lucy, and she quickly throws down the keys and tries to leave, saying, like, I see what's going on here. I don't need none of this. I'm too good for this. Trying to walk out. And then you could ask on the way out, you could ask if kota remembers the festival when they were kids, and he doesn't. And this is what sparks her to slap him across the face, not the changing of a nude, helpless girl.

Speaker A:

Okay. And that's the thing. It seems like she's completely fine with the fact that he's just taking her clothes off of a girl that he's taking advantage of. She doesn't even speak English or English, whatever language there speaks Japanese.

Speaker B:

She doesn't speak anything.

Speaker A:

She's just taking advantage of what do you expect he's going to do by taking off her clothes? It seems like he's going to rape her. And she's like, that's fine. She just keeps walking by him. I was like, this is not okay. What is wrong with it? And then yeah, what you're saying is she's so mentally obsessed over this memory she had when she last saw her cousin, where they were like eight years ago. Yeah, it's like this like puzzle thing. I honestly don't know what it is. But this Japanese thing where you use some kind of tool to cut out a little shape and there's different ones that you can do and sometimes it breaks. Yeah, I'm sorry, but yeah, it's basically her remembering a fond memory with her cousin. And it's just funny that to him it happened like, what, eight years ago? So it's like probably meant nothing to him. Unfortunately for her.

Speaker D:

Yeah. So she slaps him and calls him a jerk and runs out crying. And then we get to cut away to the man in the suit talking to the other pink haired girl. This is when we find out yeah, her name's Nana. She calls him Papa. It's weird. It's not going to get better.

Speaker A:

He likes it when she calls him Big Papa.

Speaker D:

God damn it, dog.

Speaker B:


Speaker D:

I mean, I'm glad we got you on this episode because you're clearly never coming.

Speaker A:

I know.

Speaker D:

I feel like everyone here has said something irredeemable on this episode. We've all went to a bad place.

Speaker B:

Have I yet? I don't know. For the past couple of weeks, I have talked about gifting.

Speaker D:

Well, there it is.

Speaker B:

Did you make it to four?

Speaker D:

I hope not.

Speaker A:

Most downloaded episode.

Speaker D:

We're big in the furry community, so yeah, we get the little scene with NA and Papa and they're talking for a bit and then that's really it. Cut back to Yuka going back home in her apartment. And yeah, she's remembering that things established.

Speaker B:

In that scene, though, were there.

Speaker D:

I kind of zoned out. I'll be real.

Speaker B:

Yeah. The other scientist is like, she's never killed anyone, but she's been tortured beyond torture. And then he asks her to kill somebody.

Speaker D:

I think I have that.

Speaker B:

She's like, I can't do it.

Speaker D:

I think that's right.

Speaker B:

After you, Daddy.

Speaker C:

Oh, God.

Speaker D:

Yeah, that's right. And then yeah, we got a little further.

Speaker B:

I'm glad I said it now.

Speaker D:

There you go. So you go back in her apartment, remembering this festival, and we see her open this box of all these weird colorful animals and symbols and stuff. And yet at The Festival, it's her and Koda, and they're doing this Little Game that Doug is talking about where it's almost like a tile, like a piece of tile for, like, a bathroom or something. But it has these shapes in it of, like, animals, and you're supposed to poke them out with this sharp needle, and you're supposed to poke out the object without breaking it because it's such a fragile tile. And coda's doing it, and he's just knocking out of the park doing a bunch like, no problem. And when every time Yuka tries it, she breaks it and her slaughter just like, you can't get it, you fucking idiot. It's just like, damn, coda, you shut your own baby, you're savage pratt.

Speaker B:

And that's how she fell in love.

Speaker D:

And that's the moment. Goddamn. And she makes a bet with him, saying like, I bet if I can do this, or I bet I can do this good one day. And he's like, fine, I don't believe you. So if you can actually break one of these out without breaking the tile, I'll do whatever you say. She's like promise. Promise. And that's the lifetime promise they make that Koda doesn't remember. And she flushed back to current day. And she has like 20 of these animal tile things that she's only been practicing on for the last eight years because that's healthy. And then that's when we cut back to Papa and Nana at the murder lab, and we find out that she calls him Papa, not because he's actually her father, but because it's like a weird coping mechanism where if she didn't attach to someone, she would have gone insane and became Lucy and just murder everyone. So they're trying to explain, like, this is why she's more stable despite being tortured and murderizing everyone. And it's at this point they bring her out and kind of tell her, like, hey, you dieclorians. The clonians mediclorians can sense each other, so we're going to release you out into this town and you're going to hunt down Lucy for us. She promises she'll do it, but she can't fight Lucy. She doesn't want to murder anyone. And we get seen like a little later between the two scientists saying even if she wanted to murder Lucy, she couldn't because she's weaker. But sending her out to find Lucy would be worth risking her dying just to be able to pinpoint exactly where Lucy is now. And before they send her off, she asks her papa for a favor and then it cuts. And then we I was so curious.

Speaker B:

I was very excited to see what that favor was again. Does it pay off?

Speaker D:

No, not really. No. Is this where we cut to? No, not yet. Yeah, we come back to Koda and he's sick after running around in the rain looking for Lucy all the time. And this gave me a lot of weird, like after the last airbender vibes, when they're sick and they're trying to get momo to bring them water and he can't because that's exactly what happens with Lucy. I need water. And she comes up with a slipper. And then a later scene, we see she just brought back a ton of shit and none of it water. And I was like, Dude, I know.

Speaker C:

You'Re sick, but, like, just get up.

Speaker D:

She could have gone.

Speaker B:

This actually reminded me dugan might be the only one that gets this, but in in the Good Place, when Janet.

Speaker C:

Just keeps bringing cacti, do you promise in your hand? Anyway, you have the plan, not a cactus. Yeah.

Speaker B:


Speaker D:

There we go. Anyway, and around this time, yuka comes back and drops off more clothes that are actually for mew instead of just using koda's old clothes. And she goes to drop them off, and then she can't bear to look at Koda anymore, so she runs off, and that's when the door open. She says, don't bother stopping me, coda. I don't need none of yo shit right now. And it's mew who just hurt her, I guess, and ran out and tries to bring her in to try and help Koda because he's sick. So when she comes in, she sees coda sick and was like, oh, I forgive him. I'm not angry about him anymore. And while he's there, she asked him, like, let me try this again. Do you remember the festival? Even though I asked you 10 hours ago and you said no?

Speaker C:

I'm sure in your feverish state, you've had such lucid memory that you could go back and figure it out, but.

Speaker D:

Yeah, and Koda basically says, like, no, I don't remember a festival. I remember the last time we were here and we hung out together. I was with my dad and my sister, and then after we left, my dad died in a car accident. And then after that, my sister died. So it's been a rough fucking ride for me. Yuka didn't get off my ass. And this is when Yuka kind of steps away to get him water. And so it's kind of like monologue to herself. Like oh, God. He repressed all his memories, like, all of them, because of, like, the traumatic events that happened right afterwards. So that's why he doesn't remember the festival. But she says, like, but his dad couldn't have died in a car accident because they took the train home. That's where I last saw him, was at the train station. So he must be misremembering stuff.

Speaker B:

Does he say he died in the car ride home?

Speaker D:

Yeah, he says it was a car.

Speaker B:

Accident, but specifically on the way home.

Speaker A:

I know what you're saying. It couldn't have been a few days thereafter, but it was after the festival.

Speaker D:

I don't know if they specify, like, that day or, like, a week after.

Speaker C:

You drive a car to a train station and then you still have to get back in the car on the way back.

Speaker A:

But then the thing is, yuka would not have been there in that later time to see them, so it almost would be like, the last time she saw them getting would have been him getting I don't know. I'm not sure.

Speaker D:

Yeah, I think they're trying to it's not that important. They're just implying that, like, hey, Koda doesn't remember everything as clearly as he thinks.

Speaker A:

Maybe his dad's not dead.

Speaker D:

Maybe you know what? Maybe he's just on a wild bender and he's just extraned from his family. Who knows?

Speaker C:

His dad was shot, but they went to the knife factory afterwards.

Speaker D:

How could he have been shot? Can't be shot with a knife. And then we cut back to the murder lab, and we see bando on a slab, and he's just all fucked up and all bandaged up, and he's still alive somehow. I guess they got to him quick enough. And this is when Papa comes in and says, hey, give me them balls. We got a cash treaty, boy. And it's just bando freaking out, saying, like, all right, I got to talk about yarn.

Speaker A:

I take them.

Speaker D:

My boss, for me, it's just like, we have no idea what's happening right now, and he's just screaming about his testicles yeah.

Speaker C:

As you do.

Speaker D:

And they're saying, yeah, of course. To be fair, though, making sure this asshole can't continue his genetic line is beneficial to everyone. So I get it.

Speaker A:

They try to say it's for the betterment of humanity because of the reasoning, but I'll let you explain why.

Speaker D:

Yeah, this is where we get the whole monologue of, like, papa talking about the clonians and their vectors. They give vibrate through anything, and that's why they can cut through anything, as well as being, like, 2 meters long and a bunch of invisible hands. And he says, Lucy is a rare one of these creatures because she can breed the way they breed is through their vectors. That's right. She cut off his arm, and now bando is pregnant. Man pregnant. That's another fetish. shag that off. We got them all.

Speaker B:

I mean, that's what I thought.

Speaker D:

That's what he's implying.

Speaker B:

Yeah. I was, like, explaining some of this to me. He hasn't watched it, but we were talking about it, and he was reading stuff to me. This was before I watched the episodes, but he was like so I guess I was like, did they get the men get pregnant? And he was like, I don't think so. And I was like, from what I've.

Speaker A:

Been told, I think the way it works is the men have their, like, sperm infected or something. So if they were to then have sex and impregnate somebody that way, that person would then give birth to a dichlonius neither. I guess the dad and mother wouldn't be dichloneous themselves, but they'd be, like, creating another one.

Speaker C:

Yeah, I believe they said it was a genetic disease, so he would become a carrier of it rather than infected himself.

Speaker A:

Right. Okay.

Speaker B:

All right.

Speaker D:

Anyway, I need those balls. Give me a ball.

Speaker C:

These will make a fine addition to.

Speaker A:


Speaker D:

That'S what he's been twirling around in his hand this whole episode. So we cut away to yuka offers to call the cops for Lucy. Koda says, like, don't bother, I don't trust the cops anymore. Because sure, he knows best for this vagrant with amnesia. And that's when Yuka says, like, hey, I don't trust you either. I'm moving into the house. We're all going to live together. Because haram anime, it's good. And this is when we see Nana getting ready to leave, like, to go hunt down Lucy, and I lost my notes getting ready to leave. And it turns out her favor is she wants a pat on the head if she succeeds at this mission, she just wants her dad to pat her on the head.

Speaker B:

She wants his tie.

Speaker D:

Well, she gets that as, like, a good luck charm.

Speaker C:

But isn't the favor no, the favor is favorite tie. All she wants for a reward is a pat on the head.

Speaker A:


Speaker C:

Like cliffhanger. Hey, I need one favorite. Oh, what could it be? I want your tie. Okay, cool.

Speaker B:

Daddy, can I wear your tie, please?

Speaker D:

Stop saying daddy. dana. It's daddy hitting a point now. Yeah, she doesn't even wear it right. She wears it around, like, a headband. But we see that at the very end of the episode. But this is where her papa says, like, yeah, I'm willing to let her die just to find where Lucy is. So he has no attachment to her because he's an asshole, too. Everyone is in the show. And then we come back to koda's cleaning the house, and Mew is running around helping him. And while they're cleaning, he accidentally bumps against her boob. And then she gets all bashful. Classic takes his hand and puts it on her boob and gets really close and intimate. And it's getting really weird.

Speaker A:

That's the thing. This grown adult woman is living with you now that doesn't speak, like, why isn't she at the police? Why are you hiding her from the police to fulfill your sexual fantasies?

Speaker B:

She seems like it at this point.

Speaker A:

Yeah, like, that makes me think less of Koda.

Speaker D:

Hey, Doug, I hate to break it to you. The shoes back. And at this point, Yuka walks in and sees it because of course she does, and get another slap, slap. And then right around here, we hear, like, a knock at the door. And it turns out it's a little girl from the last episode with the puppy. She found one of their umbrellas that I believe Code had, and when he dropped it, he got knocked out. Or when he got knocked out, he dropped it. And it has the restaurant's name written on it. So she hunts it down, I guess. Okay, so she's there to return to the umbrella, and this time she says, like, oh, yeah, I was at that beach, too. And cody gets, like, real intense. You're at the beach.

Speaker A:

What'D you see?

Speaker D:

Tell me everything. And kind of scaring the girl. Meanwhile, the dog is waiting outside, tied up. And then he brings her inside, and they talk a bit, and Yuka walks in and sees her man with another girl. And by her man, I mean her cousin, because incest. Yeah. Meanwhile, lucy's still cleaning, and she sees a box that Yuka had earlier, and she's kind of looking at it and slips on the wet floor and drops it. And once she drops it, it opens up into the music box playing. But when she slips, she hit her head. And mew is now Lucy again. I think I already messed up calling her the wrong name before, but all right, whatever. She's murder modi.

Speaker B:

Is it because she hits her head, or is it yeah, music.

Speaker D:

She hits her head. So I think the music was just like a background piece to be playing while she's in her murder mode.

Speaker A:

Yeah. She has different triggers, like the seashell getting hit in the head. It's all dependent.

Speaker D:

It makes no sense. It's real inconsistent.

Speaker A:

It's good for moving the story forward.

Speaker D:

Maybe a good story is better for moving the story forward. Anyway, so she gets real murderous, and when they hear her fall, everyone comes out and checks up on her. And we see the vectors. We can see them, they can't going around Koda. So Lucy is about to murder them. And then this is when we get a real quick flashback of a child, koda crying, saying, no, please stop. And that is enough to stop Lucy. And she wanders off, and we don't really know what that's about yet. So while she's wandering off, everyone was cleaning up and, like, in the music box and just trying to take care of everything. And you could say she brought the music box because it was from the last time she saw Code as a kid, eight years ago. So she thought it'd be, like, a nice way to remember. And the whole time, the dog outside is barking, and Lucy walks outside and sees the barking dog, and she fucking murders it. We see her, like, we see one of the vectors go up, and then it cuts away as we hear, like, a sharp slash, and then it cuts back to the little girl inside getting ready to leave. And he says, like, oh, where can I find you? Like, where do you live? And she's kind of, like, dodging the question. She doesn't really want to tell him where she lives because, as we saw earlier, she's was at that abandoned pier and hungry.

Speaker C:

Technically, I'm home.

Speaker D:

She's john ralphio. So, yeah, she implies that she's homeless and doesn't want to tell him. And when she goes outside, she's at the leash for the doggies cut. She starts freaking out. And this is some of the best acting we see in the whole show. That's not a good sign. And.

Speaker A:

Ha ha.

Speaker D:

Got you. Anime bamboozle. The dog's not dead. You know that good old dead dog trick. Thank God we got you. Yeah.

Speaker C:

The dog so angry. Like beyond redeemable. How are you going to have this real sad? Like, I don't care about Lucy. I don't care about you. If she's a dog murderer, you can't do that to me. You can't play with my emotions can't be reversed.

Speaker D:

John wick so, yeah, for some reason, Lucy just cut the dog free and let it run off. But it would still stay in the area. And then yuka comes out and talking to koda, and she brings in the music box and asks if he wants to ever feel her up. She's like, hey, how about my titties? You want a couple of feel of these?

Speaker B:

Oh, yeah.

Speaker D:

And he's just like, oh, casual. Yeah, just really just like, okay, this is what's happening now.

Speaker C:

You know how you talk to your cousin?

Speaker D:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker B:

Hey, cuz, do you ever think about feeling my titties? Is that something you ever think about?

Speaker D:

He does. We're not exaggerating. It's in the shape.

Speaker A:

I know, and that's what's upsetting me. It's like, there's still a decent plot, but why did they have to throw that shit in there?

Speaker D:

And then we cut to Lucy on some steps somewhere, and Nana is walking up and she's got the tie tied around her head. And she's like, oh, Lucy, you're going to have to come with me. And then that's it. That's the end. Episode three.

Speaker A:

Yeah. And dude, what a place to leave off, because the next episode shit hits the fan. And I know you guys aren't going to tune in, but God damn, it gets wild. And I mean it. That's one thing. A reason to stick with this show is the dicloneus on die clonius action. That sounds like porn. I meant die clonius versus category.

Speaker C:

Careful the way you describe anything in this show. There's a lot of hands and a lot of fists. Some are invisible.

Speaker A:

It's interesting. But no, I do recommend there's another character later that has like, 32 vectors. She's in a wheelchair. It's an interesting show. I definitely recommend checking it out.

Speaker D:

The hard sell.

Speaker A:

Yeah, it's not really I don't know. I'm not the best. Yeah, it's definitely interesting. There's a lot of downs, but how.

Speaker B:

Many episodes is it?

Speaker A:

13 total. Yeah.

Speaker D:

So we're like a quarter of the way through already.

Speaker B:

Okay. I'll give it this it's so terrible.

Speaker D:

I'll give it this one thing, but.

Speaker B:

I would it's like a soap opera, though. There's so much dumb shit going on that I kind of want to keep watching.

Speaker A:

I can't take my eye for. There you go.

Speaker B:

You got one person like, you know what I mean? Especially because it's so short.

Speaker A:

Yeah. Follow through and tell me what you think by the end of it all and be like, was that good? I think so. To be perfectly honest, I do.

Speaker D:

I mean, I've said that I'll let you know.

Speaker B:

Keep watching.

Speaker D:

Okay, I prompted that's. Why? A lot of reasons I like anime is because here's a neat idea. Here's 13 or 20 some episodes and we're done. It's not like there are the rudrar outliers, like nervous. That's just like 1000 episodes. But for the most part it's real brief. So even if it's not that great, you wasted maybe like 4 hours at most. You can break through them real quick.

Speaker A:


Speaker D:

So it's not bad. But yeah, the things that always hung up with me, especially for the show, are the voice acting is not good and it's not better than the Japanese. The eyes and just like the general face design for the main characters like the main characters we see in the title sequence. The cousins and the little girl are much different than everyone else in the show. And it never stops freaking me out. Like, they're very cheebey for those characters.

Speaker B:

That the whole budget was on. Cherry Blossom.

Speaker A:

Definitely the cherry blossoms fault.

Speaker C:

Cherry blossom blood and titties.

Speaker A:

Wow. That should be the title of this episode.

Speaker D:

No, it has to go on itunes.

Speaker B:

But I mean dukes. Are we there yet?

Speaker D:

No, we're not sure.

Speaker A:

Dukes. We knew this going in.

Speaker C:

Yeah, I'm not going to beat around the bush. The biggest thing for me is I don't think any of these characters are likable at this point because we have murdered dog.

Speaker D:

The dog. That dog.

Speaker C:

And you still use it as a way to toy with my emotion.

Speaker D:


Speaker C:

So, yeah, you have Murder girl who either fluctuates between just diabolical Weapon of Destruction or a literal house cat. You have the boy taking advantage of said house cat while also just being an idiot, just like every choice he makes is bad.

Speaker D:

Yeah. Jamie and cersei lannister. Yeah.

Speaker B:


Speaker C:

You have the cousin who rather than seeing, hey, this girl is in trouble, let me help now. Let me leave her with the cousin I'm jealous of sexually. You have all the scientists people who are just the worst. You have all the military people who are just the worst. You have the cops who are also kind of the worst. Like, there's not really any redeeming people. I think it's just the girl with the dog is like the most likeable person.

Speaker A:

That's fair, but more or less you got to feel bad for Lucy because who she is and how she gets it gets established later in the show. How young cota even knows, or kota knows who Lucy is. Like when she had that moment when she could have killed him with the vectors and didn't it it's because when they were children, they actually knew each other. And it's like really deep. The plot goes really hard and I don't know, it's sad. The story of Lucy is 100% a tragedy. And I think the interesting thing about the show is to understand and watch her story unfold. And it does get really emotional towards the end. I'm recalling exactly how it ended. I saw the show so many years ago. But just rewatch the first three episodes for this podcast. But it does get really good. I'm probably going to continue to rewatch it. My fiance and I will because I know she enjoys the show. And we'll let you guys know.

Speaker D:

This show the tragedy.

Speaker C:

There is a version of this show I would like the unfortunate comparison because it involves actual children that I do not want to associate with this show is it's very Stranger Things in that Lucy is sort of eleven, this, like, psychic that escapes a facility and needs to be taken care of. Like that that storyline is in there that could be done, but then they throw in tits and blood and swearing soldiers. Yeah.

Speaker A:

It's funny you say that, because the creators of Stranger Things have already cited that this is a work they, I don't know, not paying amit to. But yeah, they were influenced from. Yes, absolutely.

Speaker C:

And I'm looking at them with a much darker light from that on.

Speaker A:

It's because it's an artistic masterpiece. You got to watch it to the end. I'm telling you. It'll change your mind if you watch it in its entirety. But I don't necessarily think it'll change your mind and be like but I think you'll see it in a new life. I really do. Because it needs the conclusion. You can't just get this far and be like, oh, well, that's fucking crazy.

Speaker B:

Here's what I'll do. I will keep watching it. I'll make that sacrifice.

Speaker A:

I appreciate it.

Speaker D:

Bless you, dana.

Speaker B:

And every time I watch it, I will send a text to dudes of a synopsis of the episode so he is forced to know what happens.

Speaker C:

I'm actually ideal viewing scenario for me in the show. I would love how the plot pays off.

Speaker B:

Everybody wins.

Speaker C:

But I do not want to watch anymore.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

This is a new tier of decision making for dude.

Speaker A:

Well, and actually out of the you have ten more episodes ago. There's going to be some traumatic ones, but it's still worth proxy.

Speaker D:

Yeah. Without spoiling it, we get the little lost girl and the puppies like backstory. Like, episode five. It's a fucking rock.

Speaker A:

That one actually is like hitting rock.

Speaker C:

Bottom of oh, shit.

Speaker A:

I feel like shit.

Speaker D:

Don't have anything planned for the rest of that day. dana, when you watch that.

Speaker A:

All right, that is a good preface.

Speaker B:

I'm down to clown. You've got me your congratulations.

Speaker D:

I like this watching by proxy thing we have set up, though.

Speaker B:


Speaker C:

Me and my New England puritanical soul. I need that divide there.

Speaker B:

So now, just to be clear there's, yes, I would keep watching this. No, I would not. Make me and watch him by proxy.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

All right.

Speaker D:

So what's next week?

Speaker C:

What's going on?

Speaker D:

Next week.

Speaker B:

So next week we're watching the first three episodes of scum's Wish, or as I always calls it, call it kuzuno honkai, which, I don't know, it sounds like a nice feel. Good to go. But I really like it. Yeah, sure. I really like it. So I'm excited to watch it again and see if I still like it. Came out a couple of years ago, but we'll see.

Speaker C:

All right, well, thank you so much for joining us. If you would like to suggest a show, hopefully we don't invite you on and shit all over what happened this week.

Speaker B:

Don't sweat it.

Speaker C:

So, yeah, if you have a show you would like us to watch, feel free to send it to us on social media at Are We There Yet? On Twitter and Instagram or our gmail. Are we there You can find me at Mr. Patrick dugan on Twitter and Instagram.

Speaker B:

You can find me at queen. Period. weaboo on Instagram and Queen underscore Weebu on Twitter.

Speaker D:

You can find me on Twitter at abts brendan it stands for Almost Better Than Silence, which is the video game podcast I do with Doug.

Speaker A:

Oh, yeah, definitely check it out. Almost better than silence.

Speaker C:

Any other plugs or anywhere you would like people to find you online?

Speaker A:

Doug not particularly. I try to stay away from social media, like my personal stuff, but if you want to check out my record label, it's missed out, lots of tapes. And I got my first vinyl release coming soon.

Speaker D:

There you go, dudes. You're a big music guy.

Speaker C:

Got to stay posted for that.

Speaker D:


Speaker C:

Speaking of music, thank you to Louis zong for the use of our theme song stories off the album beats. And thank you to camille ruley for our artwork. And I got those mixed up, so I'm out of my rhythm. But thank you for joining us. We hope you'll join us next time as we learn to live with anime.

Speaker B:

Thank you.

Episode Notes

Most episodes are NSFW, but BOY HOWDY this one is messy. Doug Coleman of Almost Better than Silence joins us to talk about Elfen Lied!

Twitter: @Areweebthereyet

Instagram: @areweebthereyet


Thank you:

Camille Ruley for our Artwork

Louie Zong for our Themesong "stories"

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