AWTY 86 - A Coalition of Uncles (Summer Wars with Doug Coleman)
There's Yorihico and his wife, norico kunihiko, and his wife, Nana, and katsuhiko and his wife, yumi and their sons, yuhei and Kyohe. Oh, and this is mama's daughter, kanna, and notico's kids shingo and mao. You get all that?
Speaker B:Hello, and welcome to our weave Variant, an exploration in education and anime. I'm your anime idiot, patrick dugan.
Speaker A:I am an anime expert, dana hollander.
Speaker C:And I'm brenda mccullough, your anime man behind the curtain. Pay no attention to me at it.
Speaker B:You're so flashy, but you're just a private nerd of I have so much bling.
Speaker C:Yes, this will make sense. After we watched the movie, I realized that after I said that. But yes, we're watching a movie called Summer Awards that I picked for my birthday. And for my birthday boy for my birthday, my co host of my other podcast, doug's back.
Speaker D:Yeah, I'm your anime guest again. I'm surprised. I didn't think I would ever be allowed back. But it's great to be back after allstate.
Speaker A:Lead.
Speaker D:Who would have guessed? But no. I love summer wars. It's a great film, so I'm happy to be back. Thank you.
Speaker B:Happy to have you back. Every host here has brought a show that is worse. You cannot be the worst offender.
Speaker C:Is it just me and just blind picture?
Speaker B:You brought panty and stalking.
Speaker C:Oh, shit. That's right.
Speaker A:Fuck, I forgot. I repressed it.
Speaker C:We repressed that so hard. I feel like with you digging it's just blindfixed. So you brought worse stuff, but you didn't know it was worse.
Speaker B:Yeah, often that is the case. Some of the worst stuff were like, all right, I guess I've heard this is good. Oh, no. Animated it's everywhere.
Speaker C:Well, hey, hold on. They're also usually my pets. kjo still good. Still defend that choice. But yeah, doug is actually the person who recommended me Summer Wars back when we first met. Oh, God. Six years ago.
Speaker D:It's weird. Brendan, this movie, I think, came out in Japan in 2009. In America in 2010. So this movie's already a ten year old movie about whoa. Yeah.
Speaker B:Was it, like, fresh fresh in the theaters when you brought it to brendan's attention?
Speaker D:Maybe not necessarily, but I found out about it shortly after it came out. I didn't see it in theaters or anything, but people were freaking out about it, and rightfully so. It's just visually stunning as we'll get.
Speaker C:To yeah, and it's also a recommendation from a listener. aj. Guard. Sorry. aj Ganaros.
Speaker B:He tried, I tried.
Speaker C:Did my best effort.
Speaker B:I give the care has messed it up worse. I flipped a couple of letters.
Speaker A:Send us an audio file saying your last name aj.
Speaker B:Give us a pronunciation, or I saw.
Speaker C:You wear glasses on Twitter. I'm going to call you eda. I do with every other character we come across.
Speaker A:Don't force that on him.
Speaker C:But, yeah, this is a movie I really enjoy, and you guys gave me a shit for the last few shows I picked. Maybe a good one this time. Let's change it up a bit.
Speaker B:Let's have some weird. It's not like we've been begging you for, like, two months at this point for good stuff.
Speaker C:Hey, hold on. Let me go through. Let me double check.
Speaker B:The world is dying, Brendan.
Speaker C:Fucking with them.
Speaker D:Positive.
Speaker C:Hey, to be fair, I picked Animal Crossing movie and Silver swoop before this, so like, Barrett not just hatchbell that really, really fucks threw us off. It was only one pick, but God damn, it was at a helmet pick. So do you two know anything about Summer Wars?
Speaker A:I've heard of it, but I never took the time to watch it.
Speaker C:We'll change that today.
Speaker B:Yeah, of course. I know nothing.
Speaker C:Shocker.
Speaker B:I thought it was recommended and that you had it planned for your birthday, and I was like, okay, I don't need to look into this further.
Speaker C:I know what to expect from this guy.
Speaker B:I don't know why I still have blind trust in Brendan. I don't either.
Speaker C:I should have peanut that out of you by now. Even my good picks are bad, apparently, so I don't know what you expect. It's a fun rop. I feel like it'll be a good tone for the situation we're in right now.
Speaker D:Absolutely.
Speaker C:Summer spring, actually, but it definitely has the good summer vibes to it. And like Doug said, I love the art style just by itself, but the movie itself is really well done as well, so I generally enjoy this movie all around, so I look forward to sharing it with everyone.
Speaker D:Yeah, and I'm super biased.
Speaker C:He's the one that told me, so he's already on board. Now we just got to win over we already got half and half, so now we just got to win over one of you, and we'll have majority rule.
Speaker D:Awesome.
Speaker B:All right, well, shall the two sides fight? Shall we start this summer war? Oh, shit.
Speaker A:I forget the Rome. What's? The montagues and the capulets. There it is.
Speaker D:You're going down.
Speaker B:Brendan. You said we weren't watching Digimon.
Speaker C:This you fooled you trusted me one too many times. It's digimon again.
Speaker B:A bitch.
Speaker C:You got played that's hard.
Speaker D:When I first introduced this to Brendan, I was like, yeah, this is one of my favorite, like, anime movies. And he checked it out. He was like, It's digimon the movie. And I'm like, what are you talking about? I've never seen this.
Speaker C:It's on YouTube. It's free. No one cares about it anymore except for me. It's just digimon again. Like beat for feet.
Speaker D:Yeah.
Speaker A:The only one that gives it views.
Speaker C:I watch it every day. It sets me it could puts me to sleep at night. God, yeah. When? After I watched it, I looked it up. Sure enough, same director. It's about nine years apart between the Digimon movie and this one, so yeah.
Speaker A:It'S just he wanted to do it.
Speaker D:Better yeah, Digimon 2.0.
Speaker B:Give me another chance.
Speaker C:I really like this premise.
Speaker B:Instead of a third of a movie.
Speaker C:Give me a whole movie.
Speaker B:Let me prove myself.
Speaker C:I really like the concept. I just don't like the already existing franchise weighing it down with all this bullshit. Let me give it a tick too.
Speaker A:That really is how it feels. Yeah, this feels like his answer to the Digimon movie. Just like makato Shine, kai's answer to 5 cm/second was your name, took it and made it better.
Speaker C:Exactly. And the director, mauro Hazoto, he also did the six one piece movie, which is widely considered one of the best, if not the best one piece movie.
Speaker B:I just learned that there are six one piece movies.
Speaker A:Wow.
Speaker C:Maybe summer child. Oh, no.
Speaker B:I knew there were movies. I didn't know there were that many.
Speaker C:There are 14 one piece movies.
Speaker D:Oh, Lord.
Speaker B:Fuck me, we're going to watch a phone.
Speaker A:I heard six and I wasn't surprised.
Speaker C:It's one piece. It goes on forever.
Speaker D:There's actually 14 pieces.
Speaker C:There's a lot of pieces. He also directed The Girl Who Left Their Time, Wolf Children and the Boy and the Beast, which are all widely considered.
Speaker D:Okay. I'm glad you brought up the girl who left through time. All right, so I as on our list, big fan of the Summer Wars. I'm like, okay, I'm going to own a bluray copy of this. I order it on Amazon. It comes, it's like, oh, by the way, this version of Summer Wars includes a copy of The Girl Who lept Through Time. I'm like, I can't wait to watch that movie because I haven't seen it yet. I popped this bluray disc in and the PlayStation is like, oh, this is a region B bluray disc. You can't play it here. And I'm like, Are you fucking me? And it didn't say that anywhere on Amazon. Maybe it did. I'm just an idiot. But regardless, I'm like really upset with myself and them for selling that to an American who can't do anything with this bluray. And I'm like, it looks cool. And I'm not going to be like that dick that goes and sells it on Facebook Marketplace to someone else who can't use it then of course not. So now I'm just here with this useless piece of memorabilia, I guess put it on display. Yeah. But I do love the movie. And I do want to see The Girl Who leapt Through Time at some point, too.
Speaker C:Yeah, we got that on the list.
Speaker B:Cool.
Speaker A:Yeah. I also have wolf's Children on my list.
Speaker C:Anyway, yes, this is just Digimon again, which means I love it already.
Speaker B:So you get the plot.
Speaker C:Again.
Speaker B:This is part two, the Digimon movie. You know what's up.
Speaker C:Let's get to it.
Speaker A:The Internet plot the same, everything else different. So in the beginning, we are introduced to Oz. It's like a virtual reality world. And right off the bat, I was like, Is this a fucking esekai? I can't do this.
Speaker C:No, I wouldn't do that to you again.
Speaker A:Yeah, but luckily it's not. So it's just like a hyper stylized and colorful world. It's really cool looking. You customize your avatar. They say your info is very safe.
Speaker C:Wink.
Speaker B:Yeah, let's highlight that in the first three minutes of the movie.
Speaker A:So you know it's not yeah, that's relevant.
Speaker D:Yeah, they're pretty good at foreshadowing in this movie.
Speaker A:Yeah. And you can do everything on this online server. You can buy houses, you can buy cars. The government has stuff going on which.
Speaker D:Doesn'T make me feel good at all. Why would they do that?
Speaker A:Why would the government put all their information in online server? Anyway, we'll talk about it later. But it's everything. There's online shopping. It's all there. And then they also mentioned that language is translated through it, so you can talk to anybody. And I think that's really cool.
Speaker D:Super cool.
Speaker A:Yeah, people work on it. I can't believe it hasn't been implemented in real life.
Speaker D:I think Google or somebody's trying to, but it's still not even perfected yet. So by them, like, making this ten years ago, they were thinking we'd have it by now, but we don't.
Speaker C:I mean, there's second life, but then we all know what happened to that.
Speaker B:So it turned horny, like all things on the internet.
Speaker A:Did it turn horny? Or was it always horny?
Speaker B:You got me there.
Speaker A:So, yeah, people work on it. There are, like, virtual offices. It's crazy. Oh, I wrote this down. They said, Pay your taxes through odds. And I was like, no thank you.
Speaker B:I'll do anything else.
Speaker D:Actually, they also mentioned buying cuisines, and I'm like, does that mean it's going to show up IRL what's the point?
Speaker A:Is it like grubhub?
Speaker D:Exactly.
Speaker A:Doordash.
Speaker B:It's just the Internet 2.0 computer print me pizza.
Speaker D:I can't wait for that in Spy.
Speaker A:Kids when they put that thing on the microwave and they get McDonald's.
Speaker B:No, it's great.
Speaker A:That sweet.
Speaker C:Product placement.
Speaker D:Everything's so cute. It's like animal crossing on acid meets wii Sports. Like, I want to go visit Oz. It's so cute.
Speaker C:Everyone gets a cute little average avatar.
Speaker A:But so it's at this point we see the news that you can watch news from all over the world, but we are focused on Japan. And the anchor says something about a malfunctioning space station, which again, I was like, I'm sure that matters.
Speaker D:Yes, exactly.
Speaker C:It's a big shadow. It's like foreshadows.
Speaker A:And then we see two dudes in Oz working. One of them is like, oh, I'm so sad that I didn't get to represent Japan. And you're like, oh, what does that mean? And then his friend tells him to get over it because it's almost summer. And then we see them in real life, and it's just two high school boys, just a nerd. It's our main character, kenji and his friend, which I never got the name of friend.
Speaker D:Yeah, it's funny, I forgot that one too. I tried my best to write every name down except him.
Speaker B:Is so many people in this.
Speaker D:Oh, wait, you're absolutely right. I didn't all the family members, but we'll get to it.
Speaker B:I wrote down like two family names.
Speaker C:That's it. I wrote down Main Boy and Main Girl, and I moved on.
Speaker A:Yes, well, so Main Girl, Natsuki, she barges into the room and she's like, do you guys want a job? And they're like, no, we have jobs. Like we work in Oz. And she's like, okay, well, all it is is a trip out to the countryside with me. It's super easy. And then the glasses boys like, Wait, I want to do it. And then kenji is like, I can also do that. And then we don't see it happen, but they play rock Paper, scissors for it. And then we get like an opening credit sequence and we see some combat going on in Oz and there's like a rabbit looking character that we find out about more later.
Speaker B:Let's be real. It's a digimon.
Speaker A:It does look like rabbit.
Speaker D:I don't know, rabbits are the shit. I guess it's because I grew up on Red Wall and all sorts of other shit like watershed down.
Speaker A:Yeah. So the main character, kenji, he's on a train to meet with Natsuki at a train station, and we find out that he is going with her to celebrate her great grandma's ninetyTH birthday. And on the way there she's like, oh, I heard you say something about going to represent Japan. What was that about? And he's like, oh, I was going to do the math Olympics. Yeah, he's a little nerd hardcore. Yeah, and and she's like, oh really? You must be really good at math. Like, prove it to me. And he's like, okay, tell me your birthday. And she does. And then he says, that was a Sunday. And she's like, oh, really? How do you know? And he was like, I just did math. Like going backwards. Well, she thought he memorized all the dates, but he used math to figure it out, so he's good at math established.
Speaker D:Yeah, but it wasn't confirmed if he was right. So I'm calling bullshit.
Speaker A:I know that I was born on a Sunday so I would be impressed.
Speaker D:That's cool. Yeah. I have no idea what day I was born.
Speaker C:I think I just crawled out of the earth's crust. I don't think I was really born.
Speaker A:And said, hello, you're my mother.
Speaker C:Hello world.
Speaker D:Like a java project.
Speaker A:So they get to another train station and she sees someone. She recognizes it's part of her family. And then they're on another train and the woman is like, talking about the family. And then they transfer to a bus, and Naziki sees her Aunt May and her kids, and then they get off of the bus and they see someone named Nana, and there are just a lot of kids and babies. And they get to the house and it's like this huge estate because the family used to have money. But then the great grandpa blew it all.
Speaker D:Yeah. That property is breathtaking. That scene is just awesome. The music. I was like, Damn, this is like your part time job. This is so easy. You just hang out with this girl, we'll get to what your job is. I guess the whole idea is you're visiting her grandmother at this point.
Speaker A:Yeah. And then they get to the door and it's not to keep his grandmother that greets them and he accidentally wishes her a 90s birthday when she very clearly does not look 90.
Speaker D:What kind of mad genius are you?
Speaker C:Missing the common sense there.
Speaker A:So natsky is like, hey, we're going to go meet my great grandma. Just go along with whatever I say. And then we meet her. And natski, as soon as she sees her, says, oh, I was worried because I heard you've been sick. And I was like, this fucker is going to die. I can't do this. I have cried so much this morning because personally I'll try really hard not to cry during the podcast I put in my notes. I don't like that. Is she going to die? I'm not down for that.
Speaker D:Yeah.
Speaker B:Anyone in their ninety s in an anime, it's like, oh no. Unless they're a magical elf. Something bad is happening.
Speaker A:Yeah.
Speaker C:By the power of the internet.
Speaker A:So then kenji comes in and Natsuki tells her great grandma that it's her it's her fiance. Not just boyfriend, but fiance.
Speaker C:What nanny?
Speaker A:I don't know. I I get it. Like wanting to introduce your your significant other to your ailing grandparent. I really get that.
Speaker D:Sure. But not giving that person the heads.
Speaker A:Up also like them being like 1617, I don't know. Unbelievable. And then great grandma kind of grilled him and she's like, are you man enough for my Nazi key? Would you die for her? And he's just like, yes. And she's like, okay, great, you're in.
Speaker C:It's going to come in handy later. What?
Speaker A:And then she gives natski the morning glory. yukata. And I was like, is that all you want?
Speaker D:Yes. Absolutely. It felt like an elaborate plan just to get a dress. And I was like, oh, you're sneaky.
Speaker A:That's fucked up. But fortunately not fortunately, but I'm glad to know that that's not exactly why Naziki apologizes to kenji. And she's like, I wanted my great grandma to meet my awesome boyfriend before she died. So you are my awesome boyfriend. I said, boy, this shit hits home. I don't like it. I don't like being emotional. It's rough.
Speaker C:Sorry. It's okay.
Speaker A:It's good. I liked it. But so the Naziki tells him like the qualities he's supposed to have. He's supposed to be a college student and he traveled abroad, whatever. So acts lovey dovey around me. And then right after you leave, I'll say, we broke up, it's fine. And then we see a dog. That's fun. And then we just kind of see, like, business around the house. A delivery truck shows up driven by one of Naziki's uncles. There are some people watching baseball. There are kids running around the house. A cousin shota is angry that Naziki is engaged.
Speaker D:Cousin Shota objects he is not okay with.
Speaker B:Excuse me, second cousin.
Speaker D:Oh, you're absolutely right. You're right. Oh, man, what a weirdo.
Speaker A:Yeah. He's also a police officer.
Speaker B:Wow.
Speaker C:I just called him idiot cop.
Speaker A:Paul blart. And then her uncle that brought the fish is like, showing it off and it's all squid. And everyone's kind of like, oh, great, more squid.
Speaker B:Why is it still squid?
Speaker D:Is the one kid's reaction.
Speaker A:Yeah. And then they all sit down to dinner and Natsuki introduces kenji to the whole family, all of her aunts and uncles.
Speaker D:That scene, literally, I physically felt pain from it. It was unbelievable because I am terrible with names just to begin with. Like, just meeting a single person, maybe two, and it's like, oh, five minutes goes by and I'm like, God damn it, why do I always do this to myself? But then let alone and that's the thing. In all reality, being married to my wife now, my family is very small in comparison to hers. So yeah, certain times I'd be introduced to her family. It felt like that scene. And it's always just like, you'll get to know everyone. Right. But that was times ten for this family. Oh, Lord.
Speaker B:For me, what was depicted was a small family gathering for what I'm used to.
Speaker D:Yeah.
Speaker C:Wow.
Speaker B:At least 40 cousins. So, yeah, that's how I react to my own family. Just like I I assume we're related if you're at this dinner, but I don't know who you are.
Speaker D:That is impressive.
Speaker A:Yeah, that's how it is on my mom's side of the family because both of her parents got divorced and both remarried, so I have a huge family. And that's like, always the joke whenever we bring home a significant other for the first time or bring to, like, a party gathering, but gauntlet, they're always like, you're going to be quiz. This is all way too relatable for me. And I hated it.
Speaker C:Yeah. My dad's one of ten kids, so this hit hard. And I think on my mom's side, I was like, 14, and I just went around to everyone. I'm like, hey, I'm conscious now. I know who I am. Can I reintroduce everyone? Because I don't remember anyone's names anymore.
Speaker B:I need to do that. I'm overdue for that. Who are you related to? Just going up to family, just be.
Speaker C:Like, yeah, I'm going to be real right now. Don't know who you are. Let me reintroduce myself. And then just go, yeah, but so.
Speaker A:They all start eating dinner. They're all talking about kenji, talking about what she's told them and like, oh, it's too good to be true. And then her grandpa gets weird and is like, oh, is she pregnant? Is that why you guys are fiance? Come on, I know you guys have had sex. And it's like, Come on, Grandpa.
Speaker C:Yeah, gross.
Speaker A:Not natural. Cousin showed us. Still angry that Naziki is engaged. People laugh at him, but great grandma's approval is all the family needs. The men need to be tough. And then the uncle that brought the squid starts talking about the army that the family fought in. And they're very proud of their heritage.
Speaker D:Definitely. I love the gino uchi clan. And he had a story from the 1500. It's just super cool, like, all the war story stuff was awesome.
Speaker A:Yeah. And then it's nighttime and kenji is on the phone with the friend, the school friend, and he's like, oh, make sure you get cuddly enough to keep. And he's like, I can't.
Speaker D:That's what I mean. If that kid was in his shoes right now, he'd be trying to hook up.
Speaker A:Yeah, I'm glad that kenji got the right boy. And then he gets lost in the house and he finds a really small room that this kid is in that he hadn't seen before. And he's like, what are you doing in here by yourself? And the kid doesn't answer, and then he accidentally sees natski in a towel. And I really liked that. She wasn't like, oh, my God. pervert. She was just like, oh, it was an accident.
Speaker C:Yeah, I love that she's bathing with, like, all the little kids.
Speaker A:Yeah, she's taking care of.
Speaker D:Yeah. I think she even offered him, like, the bathroom's yours now if you need it.
Speaker A:Yeah, I love that. Love anime tropes getting this man. And then after that, after he takes his bath, he's walking past the dining room and he sees some drama. There's this guy there, voiced by Jay mackle tatum. I love his voice. ida yes. eda, kyoja, Sebastian, all of them. And he's, like, calling it his house, and they call him a thief. And he's like, Why are you all here? And they're like, It's your great grandma's birthday. And then he calls her a hag. And he thought she'd be dead by now. And she's like, Same, I also thought you would be dead. But she still asks if he's eaten. And he's like, I don't want your food. But he sits down and he has a beer. And then Nasiki comes in and she is so excited to see him.
Speaker D:Yeah, that was, I don't know, upsetting. Yeah. She's, like, telling kenzie to be all lovey dovey towards her, but then she's being all lovey towards this guy that everybody dislikes.
Speaker A:Yeah. And her uncle, supposedly that's an adopted uncle, we find out, but his name is wabi suke. And they're like, Get away from him, natski. And then we see all of the women in the kitchen talking about him. We find out that he's great grandpa's illegitimate son from America and then great grandma adopted him. And then we see not to keep playing cards with him. And kenji sitting there trying to learn how to play, and she tells him that she wants him to take her to disneyland and Disney World. And I was like, does she have a crush on her uncle? Gross.
Speaker D:Exactly.
Speaker C:Not all anime tropes are subverted in the truth.
Speaker A:No.
Speaker D:Can't escape them all.
Speaker A:Yeah, but so it's nighttime, like I said before, and kenji is in his room and he gets a weird message from Oz. And the subject line says, solve me, and it's just a bunch of numbers. And he spends, like, all night solving the code. And when he does it, he replies and he gets a weird message back. And I was just like, brah, brah, you live online. Don't you know better than to do shit like this?
Speaker C:Nigerian prince and all that?
Speaker D:Yeah, he also thought that one woman was 90 years old who clearly was not.
Speaker A:So yeah, he's not bright.
Speaker B:Yeah, for a math. Yes, he's fucking stupid.
Speaker A:He's got book smarts, but not street smarts.
Speaker C:Yeah, exactly.
Speaker A:So the next morning, he's woken up by two of the young boys and they take him to the TV and on the news, they're talking about some criminal mastermind, and they show a picture of kenji and we find out that his account has been hacked. And whoever hacked his account is using it to spread, like, this virus throughout Oz. They hacked into the maintenance system for Oz, so everything's kind of falling apart. And this is so scary because people use Oz for everything.
Speaker D:Yes. Japanese society depends on oz is like the freaking news announcers say. And I'm like, oh, my gosh, that just blows my mind how everything in the world comes to a grinding halt because someone hacked the system.
Speaker A:Yeah, so he's trying to log into his account but can't. He goes to the kid with the laptop and the kid is like, why don't you call tech support? But then tech support won't even take his call because they don't recognize the account that goes with the phone number, which is also crazy. You should just answer everyone's tech support phone call. And then glasseskid can't get in from their admin accounts either. And it turns out that all of those numbers were the encryption code for Oz and no one should have been able to solve it, but he did it. So he did kind of hack it. He didn't know it.
Speaker D:Yeah, he basically gave them the key, like the entrance key to do that, and what an idiot.
Speaker B:But I love a good puzzle.
Speaker A:He gets a guest avatar and goes online and he, like, sees the virus using his account and it's all spooky. And then he starts fighting him and he's like he turned all of Oz into combat mode, which is whack. And then the laptop kid steps into the fight. Turns out this kid is the bunny from earlier.
Speaker D:Hell yeah.
Speaker A:Cosmic.
Speaker D:Cosmic. I love kasma. It's fantastic. Oh my gosh. The battle mode cosmic scene where it's like he's flying and dodging the obstacles, taking on this creature was like, iconic. It's such a great scene.
Speaker A:Yeah. The family is still kind of unaware, like none of them have seen this broadcast. And we find out some stuff about the virus. Glasses guy says that it's not a human, it's an AI that came from Pittsburgh. And I was just like, so Uncle wabi sukay did this. He's American, and he was looking at something on his phone earlier, and I was just like.
Speaker B:Oh no.
Speaker A:And then the whole family is watching the news and they see kenji and they find out, like, all of the secrets, he's not a college student, he's never traveled abroad, all that stuff. And then on the news, they also say that the satellite didn't release its probe like it should have. Again, sure that matters.
Speaker D:I do want to mention that I love that the ai's name is Love Machine. ridiculously machine. Why?
Speaker B:I mean, that is he's an asshole? If anything is going to take over the world, it's something called the Love Machine. I'm surprised they left off 69 at the end.
Speaker D:They missed that opportunity.
Speaker A:Yeah. And kazuma, which is the name of the child that plays as King cosma, says that he could tell that the AI liked to play with him. Family tracks him down and they get Natsuki and kenji both get reprimanded for lying. And then two of her aunts are like, hey, all of those qualities that you gave him, all those fake qualities, aren't those like, wabi suitcase? And she's like, Shut up.
Speaker C:Yeah, shut up. Don't think about it.
Speaker A:Everybody shut up.
Speaker B:Now is not the time. And then we can unpack this later.
Speaker A:And then shoda is like, yelling at him and they're like, Shota. You're a police officer. Arrest him. So he does okay, but before he gets taken away, he thanks everybody for having him because he's never really had a family like that. And it was nice to spend time with, like, a tightknit family and you could see that. Great Grandma kind of appreciates that.
Speaker D:Yeah.
Speaker A:That'S the first part of the movie, if you could believe it.
Speaker C:So much happens.
Speaker B:So the police officer is taking in kenji. He is bulking them, he gets them all, handcuffed loads them into the car, and as they get to an intersection, they get stuck at a red light. And even though the lights are changing, the traffic has stopped, and the cops freaking out. And then we start to see the world break down because almost everything is connected to Oz.
Speaker A:That's a horrible idea.
Speaker B:Every government agency, every traffic light, every GPS is all connected. So Love Machine. Is able to hack into basically everything. And as we see everything shut down, the whole family is like, yeah, we can't make it anymore. It says, I'm in a different city than I'm supposed to be in, like traffic. I have no updates. It's just gridlocked. I'm stuck here. There's like false fire reports and life alert. Things are acting up so it's all chaos.
Speaker D:I really loved how they kind of even visualized the Love Machine fucking up all of the infrastructure with the domino effect of him and throwing things around in odds and just disrupting everything. That was really cool.
Speaker B:Yeah, just like taking the GPS maps and just shuffling them so everyone just has other people's info and all that?
Speaker D:Absolutely.
Speaker B:So not. skeed chases down the cop car and it's like, this is useless. You're not making it into town. Just come back. He's not going to escape.
Speaker C:It's fine.
Speaker B:There's bigger fish to fry here. So as they go back to the house, they find out that Love Machine is stealing all these accounts linked to oz. And since everything's connected, that's the whole thing. So Granny is like, this seems like war tactics. And she gets on the phone and starts calling everyone she knows because the family is so big. She's calling all the extended family and friends and all that, saying, hey, look out for the elderly, check in on people, make sure offline stuff is being prioritized and sort of just moralizing her side of the war.
Speaker D:Totally.
Speaker B:And we see Love Machine take note of that in the game because she has like a family symbol on her jacket and he sees that connected to phone calls and stuff. So Kenji is able to get back into oz with his guest account. He's finally able to have access to it and it turns out that he didn't solve the encryption. He got the last letter wrong. So the cop is like, oh, so I guess it wasn't you, but I got my eye on you, kid.
Speaker D:But I guess technically since the AI may have randomly chosen the account, apparently we learned that it sent it to like 50 different people and maybe 26 of them were successful. And even though Kenji was unsuccessful, it used his account to, I don't know, screw up the whole system. And that's why kenji's face was broadcasted around the world.
Speaker B:Yeah, I guess someone cracked the code and the AI was like, cool, let me take the code from this user, but put it on this user so it's untraceable.
Speaker D:That's a good point.
Speaker B:Yeah. So he's back online. They're trying to figure it out. They are at dinner that night talking about how all the party delays are happening. They find out that their cousin, who's playing in like a big high school baseball tournament advance. So they're excited about that because the satellite signal to the game was lost. And they're talking about the news says everyone needs to stay off of oz. And they're talking about uniting the entire family against love machine so they can try to fight it. But then the estranged uncle is there, and he's like, oh, yeah, love machine. Yeah, I made that.
Speaker C:Yeah, no big deal.
Speaker A:Shocker.
Speaker D:Unbelievable.
Speaker C:The only person from america in this movie?
Speaker B:No, the bad guy that checks out. So everyone is like, hey, what the fuck, dude? And he's like, ks. Fuck, no. I did it. It was a job. I built an AI. The us. Military was like, hey, this is dope. Can we buy it? And I guess they're testing it. But his whole reasoning for doing this was he wanted to get the fortune that their ancestors lost so they can have money again. So he's like, grandma, I did this for you. I wanted to rejoin the family, and this is, like, a peace offering. But she, being, like, a warrior of honor, is so offended that he sold out military tactics to, like, an enemy force. And she pulls out a sword from the wall and chases him down.
Speaker A:Love it.
Speaker B:Of course, being 90, he just grabs it and is like, well, I guess I'm not wanted here, and you're not strong enough to overtake me. So fucking see howdy NATSKY is sad that he left and is sulking and crying and goes running off? So later that night, granny and kenji are playing a card game thing.
Speaker C:Hanafuda.
Speaker D:Hanafuda.
Speaker C:Hanafuda. Yes.
Speaker B:The whole family knows it. Everyone plays it. That's, like, their game.
Speaker C:And real close to home for me, because my entire family on my dad's side knows how to play kanasta, and I don't know what the fuck it is.
Speaker D:All I picked up from hanafuda was koi, koi. And I don't know what that means. I think double the ante.
Speaker B:Yeah. So granny is like, hey, you're joining the family. Get in on this game. I got a little wager for you. If I win, that means you have to take care of Natski no matter what, because she needs someone to look out for her, and you got to be a strong young man. And he's like, oh, no, I'm just a meek little nerd. I can't stand up for her. I can't die for her.
Speaker D:His actual response was like, I'll try. And I'm like, come on, man. This is, like, a real moment you're having.
Speaker B:Yeah. Hey, I'm 90. This is my 90th birthday. I won't be able to look out for my family. Can I trust you?
Speaker C:No.
Speaker B:Dude, come on.
Speaker A:Just lie.
Speaker D:It's fine.
Speaker C:For my birthday, I wish you would sack up.
Speaker B:Your introduction to this woman was based on lies. Why not continue?
Speaker C:Just rolling.
Speaker B:Just keep it rolling. So she wins, of course. And then she goes to bed. And then late in the middle of the night, what we were afraid of happened.
Speaker A:I can't.
Speaker B:He hears a commotion, and everyone rushes to granny's room, and she has died. So they tried to revive her, but it doesn't work. One of the uncles is a doctor, and he's like, but I had a life alert vital monitoring system for her. I should have gotten a notification, but I guess it's connected to oz, so it didn't happen because everything's broken.
Speaker A:Fuck you, wabikay. Definitely you did that.
Speaker D:It's his fault.
Speaker C:At the end of it was on your hands.
Speaker A:Isn't that so sad? He did it to make her proud.
Speaker D:And it ends up killing her. That's brutal.
Speaker A:It's terrible.
Speaker D:Although it's depressing. She did die surrounded by family. But yeah, it's depressing as hell.
Speaker C:Yeah.
Speaker B:Of a bad situation. Not the worst, but it's still not great at all.
Speaker D:Yeah, exactly.
Speaker C:It was the best way to go in her sleep, surrounded by family. It still sucks she died. Yeah.
Speaker B:That's not a win by anything. Not ski, of course, is a mess. So Kenji goes to her and they hold hands, and he's trying to be supportive because he lost a bet, so he has to do it now.
Speaker A:Oh, my God. When he held her hand and she started open mouth, sobbing, I was like, I can't take that.
Speaker D:That was heavy.
Speaker A:Crushed me.
Speaker C:Yeah, it was like that moment where she was holding it in. Like she's already cried enough. And she says, like, I can't stop the tears. And she was just kind of stoic. But the second she had, like, human contact with Kenji, the floodgate opened up again.
Speaker D:Totally.
Speaker B:So the next day, everyone's somber. They're planning the wake, getting funeral arrangements done, and then angry Fisherman Uncle is like, you know what? This sucks. I swear revenge on Love Machine. Which is a weird phrase to say, definitely. So of course, everyone is like, dude, we have a funeral to plan. We're not fighting a video game. chill. But Kenji is like, hey, he's right, because other people can die, and let's focus on the big picture. But one of the aunts shoots him down, is like, you come into my house and you dishonor my family after our matriarch died? Shut the fuck up.
Speaker D:Yeah.
Speaker B:But of course, the cousin who's the mega gamer is like, I also agree. So sort of a coalition of uncles.
Speaker C:For.
Speaker B:They band together and they're like, okay, we need to do something. Let's band together. We'll figure this out. One of the uncles works at a computer store, so he's like, oh, I need a more powerful PC to fight this thing. Can you get us something? And he does. He gets a super computer.
Speaker D:Yeah.
Speaker A:Very large.
Speaker C:Yeah.
Speaker B:Like, this was going to go to a university, but let's test it out. It's like, Are you sure that $300,000 machine minimum is fine to just steal test out?
Speaker D:Let's take it for a test drive.
Speaker A:Borrowing it.
Speaker C:If the world ends, who's going to miss one computer?
Speaker B:Fair enough. Fisherman uncle brings in his boat and he's like, all right, this will generate enough power to power that supercomputer. Let me just drop it in this pond so he can keep it the engine running.
Speaker C:He also destroys the front gate by just plowing through with the just completely ruined property.
Speaker D:And they already established they don't have money anymore. So it's like, stop doing this, please.
Speaker B:This is all we have left. Especially when they're like, yeah, this is the 500 year old compound. It's like, you can't repair that that easily, know that, right?
Speaker D:That has heritage.
Speaker C:My dad's side of the family has like a 200 year old house that's all my aunts and uncle still live in. And like, yeah, it's a goddamn nightmare to keep it in shape.
Speaker B:Who knows two century old architecture techniques? No one. So another uncle who works for the military brings in a big old antenna, like a big mobile unit on the back of a humvee. And Kenji is like, what do you do for the military that you can just take this? And he's like, don't worry about it.
Speaker C:Don'T worry about it. He, shut up, kid. How about that?
Speaker B:Hey, we don't need to get into that now.
Speaker A:You want to save the world, don't you? Then shut up.
Speaker B:And as everything is set up, fisherman uncle recounts their old family war story of when they were outnumbered. They had a tactic where they did a tactical retreat into a fortress, trapped the enemy, and then took them out. So they're trying to replicate that plan of trapping Love Machine so they're able to fight it easier and isolate it from other resources. So as they do this, gamer cousin challenges the AI to a rematch. He's like, all right, tomorrow at noon. Come at me, scrub lord. So they get to the big fight, they start the challenge, the Love Machine comes up and they start fighting. But the cousin gets greedy and he starts going for attacks and isn't following the tactical plan. The Love machine is taking other avatars, so he's starting to get back up. But Fisherman cousin whips out an old game boy and just starts jumping in and fighting him. It's just like, okay, we have this kid on a super computer getting his ass kicked. This middle aged man has a ds and he's like, I'm holding him off. Yes.
Speaker D:That was such a great moment.
Speaker C:Yeah, I guess. Because oz is just ubiquitous with the Internet now. Anything connected to the Internet now is just connected to oz. So, yeah, we see people on their flip phones. We see them on ds, we see them on computers, like a GPS system. Everything's connected to oz now.
Speaker A:The universal gaming experience.
Speaker B:Finally, this is the future Todd wanted with skyrim. So they're back in control. They managed to lead them into a fortress and trap them inside. And then they start with a super computer, sort of build a major fortress that he can't escape from, and they start flooding it with water from a pond in the game. Sure.
Speaker D:Yeah. And it was also weird because that supercomputer they're using gets very hot, so they had to store ice around it. And Cousin shota moves the ice from the supercomputer, which is clearly in use, to put it around the dead body and be like, Nice and cool for you, grandma. And I'm like, she's dead. I mean, I understand the night, not during this time when there's a supercomputer melting down in front of you.
Speaker B:I understand the reasoning because they're like, okay, it's the hottest day of summer, and we have a corpse that is deconstructing. This thing needs to be on ice. So, like, the reasoning is fine, but to walk into a room that one of the other uncles, when, like, stuff starts to fall apart, checks in on it and walks into an oven, that is that super computer room. So this uncle is walking in and out of just, like, fire conditions, and he's like, Anything for you, Graham. Graham.
Speaker C:Yeah. Also, Granny is, like, a little old lady. She doesn't need that much ice. Like, he takes every block of ice out of the room. He could have taken, like, one and.
Speaker B:She probably could totally he also could.
Speaker C:Have asked that, too.
Speaker D:Yeah.
Speaker B:Hey, this super computer wasn't here before, right? It probably was.
Speaker C:It's fine. Yeah, I was confused by they lure Love Machine into the fortress and start flooding it with water, and we see all the firemen uncles and cousins and their little avatars hooking up to a water system in odds and flooding it. I was like, Why? What does this do? What's happening? Right?
Speaker B:The ui of this game can do so much wild shit.
Speaker D:Can drown other users.
Speaker A:Yeah. If you die in the game, you.
Speaker C:Die in real life, I guess, because it's an AI. The game is its life, I guess. But I don't know. It was weird. I think it was just supposed to be very visual. I don't know if there was a logic to surrounding a computer virus, but yeah, we pick up with Love Machine, starts getting cagey in there and starts breaking his way out of the fortress because the supercomputer is overheating and it's not as strong to keep him in. So we see him breaking out, and it's no longer just this kind of almost budaesque figure he was before. Before it was kenji's avatar, but then when he started fighting, he did evolve into this sort of yeah, you're not wrong. This shaolin monk, he sort of has, like, pants, but then he's got, like, data electronic lines all over his body, and he's got the earlobes, a hat, and, like, the big sun behind him, like a buddha esque figure. It's great design, like, really cool designs. But then when he breaks out, he's no longer that he did evolves again into his mega form, like, Diabor mode. And now he's just all of the accounts that he's stolen so far, which we find out is, like, 400, like, million accounts he's stolen and hacked into so far. And now he's just this, like, conglomeration, like, this giant mad shadow monster. Yeah, it looks, like real shadowy, but it's just all the different avatars, like, bunched together and forming this giant body that he breaks out of. So we see him breaking out, and we see him just grab King cosmo, the rabbit avatar and just throw them against the wall and just beat the hell out of him instantly. Meanwhile, idiot cop cousin comes running, and he's like, what are you guys playing a video game? grandma is, like, in there dead already, but we got to keep her cool. It's really important. And cosmo, the gamer cousin just pops them right in the face like, you fucking idiot. We're trying to stop this goddamn computer virus. And he took all the ice, and you're the one who shut it down. So it's clear that not everyone in the family understands the priority right now. What's going on in oz. And then we see a love machine takes control of all the world clocks. We see clocks just pop up on, like, every digital screen around the world, and they all just it's rattling through a bunch of numbers. And then it stops at around, like, a two hour mark. And then we see it counting down. So it's no longer like a regular clock. It's like a timer. And we see video feeds pop up of different cameras looking at nuclear reactors all over the world. And sure enough, that actually probe comes up on the news again. And it's derailing. Of course, it's not going the way it's supposed to. It's kind of heading for Earth now. shocker.
Speaker B:Weird.
Speaker C:Who would have seen this?
Speaker B:Where have I seen this before, bitch?
Speaker C:The computer virus is taking control of nuclear warheads.
Speaker A:What?
Speaker C:No. This could have happened every nine years on the dot from the same director. Yeah, go figure. Love Machine is aiming to actually probe at the nuclear reactor, so when it comes down, it'll trigger a nuclear explosion. So meanwhile, we see some of the aunts and cousins looking through granny's stuff, getting ready for the funeral and trying to find a picture for her memorial. And Natski finds this letter that says, like, front granite. Says, like, four emergencies open this. She's like, oh, shit. All right, this is an emergency, and takes off running back to the computer room. And we see the special black ops uncle with the military tech that you don't ask too many questions about, saying, like, oh, yeah, love Machine loves games. It's an AI program, but for some reason, it loves competition and going against each other people. That's why I was so easily lured into fighting King cosma before. So this is just a game to him. So to stop the competition, he's going to just kill people? That's what you would do in a game. So that's its logic. It's not malicious. It's just competitive. And it's just toying with everyone. So everyone's getting worried about the situation. And yeah, some of the other family think this is just a game that cosmo has been playing this whole time, but he's trying to get back online to fight it again, but he just gets his shit handed to him by Love Machine.
Speaker D:Oh, yeah. Love Machine eats cosmos avatar and grows ears. It's super depressing.
Speaker C:Yeah. We see the big sun behind him like cracks. And we see Love Machine reach out and grab King cosmos avatar and steal him as well. So everyone's kind of freaking out like, well, we're fucked now. And Kenny says, like, no, can't give up yet. You're not really out until you say you're out. So if we still keep trying to fight, we can. And then that's when he sees Granny's Hanafuda deck. And he's like, ha ha, I have an idea. And naski is calling Wabisque at this time, and she's able to figure out his phone number and stuff. And he's meanwhile driving, trying to get out of the city after Granny kicked him out last night. And he's like, what are you calling me for? Is that old hag, like, wanting to lay into me again? And he just kind of starts ranting and venting about, like, this family, fuck them and fuck this. I worked so hard for years. And nascar cuts off like, yo, Granny's dead. chill your nuts and get back here. And we see him, like, fishtail in traffic, like, do a big uturn and fly back as fast as he can.
Speaker D:Yeah.
Speaker C:She also says that she died because she had her vitals being monitored by a system through oz. That the one uncle was taken care of, but because I got fucked up because of Love Machine, which you made.
Speaker B:It'S good on you.
Speaker C:She doesn't say that, but it's clearly applied.
Speaker D:Yeah.
Speaker A:He knows what he's done.
Speaker C:Yeah. And she calls him out saying, like, I know you still care for Granny because I saw you putting in your password for your phone and it's her birthday, so get over yourself and come back here. And cuts away. And we hear Granny doing a voiceover, like reading the letter she wrote those four emergencies turn title daughter reading it, but it's in Granny's voice basically saying, like, hey, we're a tough family. We get through shit. You guys are going to mourn. That's what you do. But then we're going to pick up and move on and get stuff done because that's what we've always done.
Speaker D:Yeah, and make sure you eat together as a family.
Speaker C:Yes. She says if Wabiske comes home, make sure he eats. Make sure you spend some time with him. She tells a little story of how she met him. Like, oh, first time I met him, when he was, like, four or five years old because it was her husband's illegitimate son. And she took him out to the field, and they're talking, and he didn't say much, but she said, like, well, you're part of a family now. And she felt his hand tighten around her finger a little more. So even though he didn't say anything, she knew, like, oh, it meant something to him, right? And she says the worst pain anyone can ever feel is hunger and loneliness. But because of her family, she's never had to experience either. So she wants to make sure what beast cake doesn't experience that either going forward. So basically telling them, make amends. Don't bury the hatchet. And me, because I'm dead. Tennis.
Speaker A:I'm sitting here in silence because I'm fully crying when you say this.
Speaker C:Sorry.
Speaker A:Goddamn.
Speaker C:I have no chill. It's the fourth time I've seen the movie.
Speaker B:Shocking.
Speaker A:Make jokes to leave sadness.
Speaker C:It's my copy. Yeah. And we see. We go fly in in his car. He actually crashes through the gate into the boat. And his car is like, mangled. And he crawled out. He's like, Granny, I got to see Granny. It's like, oh, shit. And he runs in to pay his respects to Granny now that she's passed. Meanwhile, the family is apparently a big family lunch. And they grab the one hand who's been watching the kids high school baseball games this whole time. She's like, wait, what's going on? And while they're eating, they update everyone on what's happening. She's like, is this a good time to be eating right now? Like, in a crisis? And it kind of alludes to, like, Granny's letter of like, that's kind of the best time. Like, you know, unite as a family over food. Like, this is the best time to be doing that right now.
Speaker D:Yeah. The fishing uncle was like, Granny was pretty clear.
Speaker C:Yeah, let's do what Granny says. And Obesity says he's going to try and hack into Love Machine since he knows all the code. Since he made it, he might be able to get some of the stolen accounts that were taken by Love Machine and get them back and stuff. And he's going to try and work with them now.
Speaker B:Hey, maybe this would have been helpful when they told you, hey, your shit is fucking up the entire world yesterday, my dude.
Speaker D:Right?
Speaker A:Why did you got to wait for a bomb?
Speaker C:Yeah, I meanwhile, we see Soft Machines in this giant, shadowy form now goes to a casino area because he likes he likes games. He likes the challenge. So he's in there, and we see they come up with a new plan, and Nasuki is there with her avatar. It's a little like shrine Fox Girl sort of avatar. And she's going to challenge Love Machine to Hanafuda, because if there's one thing Granny taught her, it's how to play Hanafuda.
Speaker D:Hell, yeah.
Speaker C:They keep showing this game, and I understand it less every time I see it.
Speaker D:I wish I understood this game, or sometimes in the movie, there's text bubbles that would pop up that are not translated because I don't have subtitles. I was like, damn it.
Speaker C:There's a lot it seems like they're making see, like there's no consistency to it. I don't know what's happening.
Speaker B:Well, they do. They try to give the vibe of like, hey, there are millions of people messaging right now. And I'm sure the people dubbing this were like, fuck this.
Speaker C:I'm not sitting here and translating a.
Speaker B:Million messages for this two second shot.
Speaker A:Yeah, but that's part of it is that it's like, from people all over the world.
Speaker D:And that's the funny thing is when people are helping play the game later in the movie, it's like, I bet people tuning in from other parts of the world don't even know how to play whatever everyone else is doing. Yeah, that's what we want to do.
Speaker C:Just jumping on board. Yeah, because we see when they first play Hanafuda tangies there with this mile long piece of paper you're going to play, he's like, I'm still trying to learn this, and he can't figure it out. And I was like, that's probably accurate. It probably takes a lot of rules in explaining, but yeah. Natski says she's going to bet all of the family's accounts. It's like 2030. Some people. It doesn't seem like a lot compared to the world, but it's enough of a bet to get Love machine's attention. So that's the wager we see throughout the movie. They say, what's the point of it's always more fun when you have a bet when there's something on the table, like high stakes. So same mentality with love for cheen. So, yeah, naski is playing Hanafuda against them. And every time they see Koi Koi, which I guess is like, I win this hand or something or whatever, the stakes are doubled. So it escalates very quickly. And we see naski wins her first round and just so confused. They're making like, scenes with all these different very colorful cards and they're beautiful cards priced. And she keeps winning over and over and over again. Koi koi hitting the table. And we see the Avatar counter for Love Machine going down from like 400 million to like a few million to a few thousand. We see her reclaiming some of the Avatars, but they can't find the one that's controlling the probe. Yet there's still one in there that's kind of controlling everything, right? And when naski looks away at the number going down, she kind of gets distracted by that for a second and she loses her first hand. And then it quickly escalates where she loses another and another and then quickly she loses all of them because the stakes get doubled every time. So in no time flat, she loses everything. And now she's only down to 74 Avatars left, which I think is the whole family, or like family and friends of the family. It's just like very local people. Yeah, so because she only has 74 now, though, she doesn't have at the minimum required number to bet anymore. So we keep hearing those voiceover from the game saying, like, you don't have enough to bet. Do you want to quit? Because there's, like, no other options. The feet, it's awful, really hitting home of it's not even like you're not good enough. You just can't even play anymore. And then all of a sudden, we see this little blank Avatar pop up. Just this little very cartoony white character pop up. Hello, I'm from Germany. Use my account.
Speaker A:And we see he's shaped like a fridge.
Speaker C:He's just very rounded and soft, and it takes up to 75, and that's enough to start betting again. And then we see more people start spawning in, like more accounts popping in after him. And all of a sudden, it's just a ton of accounts from all over the world. I think the glasses kid that's back at the school says that 13% of all the accounts on Odds are appearing and showing up, offering up their accounts to be met by Nasuki.
Speaker D:Yeah. And that's the way they visualize that is instead of like a shadow monster, it's like this big, bright, colorful ball of huge little nodes of Avatars. It's just insane to look at. It's very trippy.
Speaker A:Yeah.
Speaker C:Each one keeps their own identity, so they keep their own color and stuff, so it's all individualized and stuff. Like when all the screens pop up in digima, when they're all giving their powers to agama.
Speaker D:Wait, this is my favorite part of the whole movie, though, is when I don't know if we mentioned it earlier, but oz has mascots John and yoko, which are these pink whales. natsuki. A rare auspicious item.
Speaker A:It was so cool.
Speaker C:What a particular way to phrase that. Basic smoking a power up.
Speaker D:Exactly. And it was just an upgrade to her apparel. She gets wings and shit.
Speaker C:She gets cosmetic here. Yeah. I was so mad when they said, like, oh, yeah, those are the guardians. They're John and yoko's. Like, fuck you. But yeah, she gets just a big power up. She gets a transformation sequence, and she comes into, like, fucks trying God like, goddess character looking aesthetic.
Speaker B:And she's a ninetale, basically.
Speaker C:Yeah. Yeah. And so, yeah, the love machine ups the ante. Now at each point is worth 10 million Avatars. So this is the last hand. This is all or nothing because he's he's done. And Naziki just slams down the last winning hand, just knocks him out clean.
Speaker D:That was so satisfying. It's such like a climactic moment where everyone in the whole world shouting Koi. Koi. At their ds's phones and fucking laptops and shit. That was like what the whole movie builds up to. And it's super just satisfying. When that car just slams down, it's just like I don't know, I just felt like. Electrified.
Speaker C:It's interesting because we already had the big fight sequences with Love Machine cosmo. So it wasn't like a big, epic fight sequence, but it was, like, just as high stakes and just as emotional. It just hurts slamming a card down, and we just see the numbers trickled down from hundreds and hundreds of millions to two. Yeah, so it's this big climactic finale. We see the big sun behind his avatar break, and we see all the avatars for a leasing and he goes to reach out to grab Nasuki's body to try and grab her account before it's too late. And we see him dissolving as he does. And when he grabs her, his arm just explodes. And yes, huge explosion of Love Machine falling apart in all the accounts being released. And we see the timer stops at 13 minutes. So kind of close. But while everyone's cheering and freaking out, the timer continues to tick down again. And we notice that out of all the accounts that were released, love Machine still has control of two of the accounts. And the kid on the computer back at school says, like, oh, all the world clocks around the world have stopped, except for yours. Yours is the only one that's still ticking down now.
Speaker D:Yeah.
Speaker C:And then we see a video feed pop up, and it's of the family dog outside barking. And we see a zoom in a few times, and it's like, oh, that's the house. That's the house we're in right now. Love Machine is not going after a nuclear reactor anymore. He's going for just us. Yeah, that she got personal.
Speaker A:Yeah. Love Machines said, fuck you guys in particular.
Speaker C:Yeah, exactly. So now Love Machines are redirecting the asteroid probe onto the house. And we see Kenjien jump onto the computer, and he says, like, maybe we can just flood Love Machine now that he's so much smaller and weaker. Maybe we just flood them with a bunch of, like, binary trash code and just overload him. He'll at least be distracted enough where he'll miss the house. We can't stop it, but we can at least redirect it.
Speaker D:And we see the classic, you think it's over, but it's not.
Speaker C:It's not quite over.
Speaker B:He's not long on the trip.
Speaker C:We had ten more minutes to kill, and we see everyone's getting ready and a lot of the families, like doctors and firefighters and stuff, and they're prepping to run out of the house and warn all the neighbors to get them to leave. And we get shots of the probe entering the orbit. As kenji is working on the code again, love Machine locked out his Odds account again, so he has to solve that giant 80 character code again that he did the one night, like, what, two nights ago now? So we see him, like, cracking on the code and wasuke the uncle says, the fences are down now on Love Machine, now that he's like, so much weaker and he was able to crack into him so cosma can now have a shot at him. And with two minutes left we see kenji figures up code and enters it but then get kicked out immediately and he starts like freaking out and he does it again and gets kicked out again. He's like we see lubricant keeps changing it because he still has control of his avatar. He keeps changing the code and then we see kenji start freaking out. Looks like his brain just melting, his eyes are like vibrating and one of the uncle says like, oh God, he's doing it in his head. And we see him slowly typing on the keyboard like one by one, like the digit to get in and he doesn't even have time to write down the numbers anymore. We see like his nose bleeding a little, he's going full Beautiful Mind and as he's doing it he gets in again and Love Machine goes to change the code on tinge again. And that's right when King cosmo appears the big rabbit and just punches Love Machine like his avatar until bolivian like just crack him in the face.
Speaker D:Fucking ruins him. It was awesome.
Speaker C:So he was able to get there in time to stop him from changing code. And with enough time that kenji is like freaking out and cheek and he's able to put the code in right as the probe is falling and it drifts just ever so slightly, like maybe a mile down the road or something. Like just barely missing the house. And when it hits the ground, the impact of it just blows away like the outer wall of the house, of the property. And even the room, the rain is open up, the walls are open, so all the winds blowing in and it kind of tears up the room itself a bit.
Speaker D:Yeah, it's too close to home, literally.
Speaker C:Yeah, but no one's hurt. So we see the dog and some of the little kids run out and we see just geyser of hot water spring out from where the probe impacted when the kids was like, oh, a hot spring neat.
Speaker A:That's how we can make our money open, a hot spring.
Speaker D:That's another thing I wanted to say all in tangent with this movie. They were also showing updates of the family baseball team and it's like at that point they're like, oh, the baseball team won. It's like, okay, good. It's a happy ending for everybody.
Speaker C:Yeah. After the impact it's like dead silent, you don't hear anything but you can hear the TV in the other room saying like, the baseball team won their game.
Speaker D:Exactly.
Speaker C:It's a metaphor or analogy. The whole movie of the stakes of the movie and love it. Then it fades to black and then it fades back in and the family is singing Happy Birthday and they got granny's memorial laid out and we see everyone in the family is running around the property and stuff, still getting stuff ready or doing something or chasing kids. And then it zooms out a little bit from the house. And we just see, like, this huge line of people waiting in line to pay the respects of granny. It's just like the whole town. And we get a shot of Nasuki looking at kenji. She's got that thirst. She's got that thirst in her eyes. She loves that boy. Now.
Speaker A:Come on.
Speaker C:She loves that boy. And then we see on the news, Wabasuke confessed to making Love Machine, but he also said, like, hey, I made it. I made this, but I sold it to the government. The Us. Government. So they're the ones that started the shit.
Speaker D:Is that how that works, though? I still think you're still somehow in trouble.
Speaker C:No, he's still in trouble. He's still getting arrested and stuff. But he's owning up to his mistake. But he's saying, these are the guys who actually did it. They made the tools. They utilize the tools. So they're in trouble, too.
Speaker B:Yeah, because his was like, hey, in the case of a war, this is a tool at your disposal. And the Us. Was like, So now he's like, no, don't.
Speaker C:What if we test this now?
Speaker A:Seems right that this was the United States.
Speaker D:Yeah. And it was named Machine.
Speaker C:Yeah, it all seems right. This all makes sense. And we get shots of, like, just the family talking and saying, like, oh, now this is all over. You guys, too. You weren't dating when you got here, but maybe you should be dating. The ants and stuff are, like, pushing them and say, oh, yeah, he's a great kid. You should definitely get them while you can. Not sueki and idiot cops screaming in the back because he's still overprotective. And they're like, all right, go on, kiss. Do it in front of the family. Make it awkward, as families do. And natsuki puckers and gets ready to kiss him. And kenji goes, too, but then his nose starts bleeding again because he popped up. He had a brain hemorrhage from doing the code, and he gets distracted.
Speaker B:You know why this anime boy got a nosebleed when he was about to kiss?
Speaker C:Well, then natsuki kisses him on the cheek when he isn't looking. And then the nosebleed just shoots out like a geyser. And he just passes out.
Speaker D:Yes. I love it. And that's the thing. During the Happy birthday to the Grandma, they show a picture of her, and then after the big nosebleed, they show the picture again, and it changed to her, like, laughing. I'm like that's.
Speaker C:Smiling.
Speaker D:I definitely laughed out loud at that.
Speaker C:Yeah. And that's summer wars.
Speaker D:Ten out of ten for me.
Speaker A:Thanks for having me. Love that show. I'm leaving.
Speaker D:I love that movie.
Speaker C:If there's one thing we learned from this, is that Pittsburgh is the heart of all bad things.
Speaker D:I think that's accurate.
Speaker A:Who would travel abroad to America and go to Pittsburgh?
Speaker C:This is disgusting.
Speaker A:I'm sorry. I've never been there.
Speaker C:I actually don't know from around philly. We got a rivalry.
Speaker D:Yeah, exactly.
Speaker C:Yeah. That's summer horse.
Speaker D:What did you think?
Speaker C:Are we there yet?
Speaker A:I liked it, but I had a hard time watching it as Brendan Will attest.
Speaker C:Yeah, I was getting messages from Daniel.
Speaker A:I was like, oh, the Great Grandma reminds me so much of my grandma passed away. And then I was like, if she dies, I'm going to lose it. And then ten minutes later, I was like, Brendan.
Speaker C:He'S messing up. I can't respond.
Speaker A:I knew she was going to die.
Speaker C:Yeah, it was obvious. Very ominous.
Speaker A:But what's also crazy, I sent these pictures to Brendan. I sent the picture of granny from the movie, like, her memorial picture of one of her laughing. And my grandma was and they're like.
Speaker C:This is pretty similar. Even the color of the clothes were pretty similar in, like, hairstyle. I was like, yo, it's crazy.
Speaker A:And she was just like her so, like, rough. But it was really good. I liked it a lot.
Speaker B:I also had an equally rough time because I had to like a digimon movie. So we're on the same play field date.
Speaker A:Yeah, exactly.
Speaker C:Death of a grandmother. digimon, same thing. Same thing.
Speaker B:But yeah, this this was fun. This was good. This is what the digimon movie should have been. Instead of three things swam together. unconnected.
Speaker C:Arguably it's what it was, but better.
Speaker D:2.0.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker A:Great.
Speaker C:Yes. digimon was his practice. He got the footing right. He's like, you know what? That third act, fucking don't need it. Just focus on the one and two. I was like, yeah, you're right.
Speaker B:That's fine.
Speaker C:That's fine. That's all we need. So I'm good to I'm glad to hear that. Thank you for Doug, for bringing it to me back in the day, aj. For recommending it to us.
Speaker D:Yeah, definitely.
Speaker B:This was a team effort because we're all one big family.
Speaker C:Yeah. I brought squid. I've been catching a lot of it in Animal Crossing.
Speaker A:I actually really like squid, so I appreciate good.
Speaker C:There. I had a goat. Are you happy now? I'm going to bring trash next time.
Speaker A:I'm emotionally exhausted.
Speaker B:Yeah, everyone go take a nap. We've all earned it. dana especially.
Speaker C:Thank you again.
Speaker A:Great.
Speaker B:Well, thank you so much for redeeming yourself, Doug.
Speaker D:I'm so happy to do that. I love this show. I love this movie. It just felt like a match made in heaven. So thanks for having me back on your program.
Speaker B:This was doug, you cleaned the slate.
Speaker C:Much less gratuitous violence and amputations in this one. gratuities.
Speaker D:I mean, if you guys have me back again, I will also bring trash. So just keep an eye out for that.
Speaker B:So thank you for joining us for your last appearance.
Speaker D:Second time hearing that.
Speaker B:Where can people find you online. What do you have to promote?
Speaker D:Sure, if you're like Love Machine and like games, you can listen to Brendan, my podcast. It's called almost better than silence. It's a weekly video game show on mondays. Sometimes we have guests, usually we don't. We could barely keep our own co host on the show. But we're doing behind the curtain a little bit. But it's a fun time, hopefully. Check it out. And I also have a record label. It's called Missed Out Records, and you can go to missedout to see what's available there.
Speaker B:All right, thank you so much. If there's a show you the listener would like us to watch, you can send your recommendations to us at or reach out to us on Twitter and Instagram. Are we there yet? On both? You can find me on Twitter and Instagram at Mr. Patrick dugan.
Speaker A:You can find me on Instagram at queen. Period weebu and on twitter at queen underscore weebu and queen underscore weebu art.
Speaker C:You can find me on Twitter at abts. Brendan. That's mostly where I talk about digimon. So there you go.
Speaker A:So don't follow.
Speaker C:Wow.
Speaker B:Block him now.
Speaker C:Rude. It's my birthday episode.
Speaker A:I'm sorry. Happy birthday.
Speaker B:Happy birthday. Thank you to camille Ruley for artwork. And thank you to Louis zong for theme song stories off the album Beats. You can find all of louie's music at Louisong Thank you, and we hope you'll join us next week as we learn to live with anime.
Speaker A:Quite cool.
Its Brendan's birthday! Thankfully this year he spared us from Digi...oh god no...Its Summer Wars with Doug Coleman of Almost Better Than Silence!
Thank you:
Camille Ruley for our Artwork
Louie Zong for our Themesong "stories"
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