Are Weeb There Yet?
An Exploration and Education in Anime!

AWTY 12 - Extreme Cats (Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid)

5 years ago
Speaker A:

You cuckold.

Speaker B:

Hello and welcome to are we there yet? An education and excellent exploration and anime. I am Patrick dugan, your anime idiot.

Speaker A:

I'm dana hollander, an anime expert.

Speaker C:

And I'm brenda mccullough, your wife earned butler.

Speaker B:

Pulling out those fancy dragon words.

Speaker C:

Yeah, I play a lot of fantasy games. I don't like outside.

Speaker A:

I want Harry Potter.

Speaker C:

It's actually a common misconception. Dragons have four limbs and wings. wyverns only have two legs and wings.

Speaker A:

Well, there you go.

Speaker C:

There's your nerves.

Speaker B:

Too late to kick you out of this hot mess. Too big.

Speaker A:

That's a rock fact.

Speaker C:

Oh, god. tiz the season.

Speaker A:

Tiz the season.

Speaker B:

So what are we watching this week, Brendan?

Speaker C:

Miss kobi yashi's dragon maid. It came out last year, I believe. Yeah, because me and one of our old coworkers bonded over the show.

Speaker B:

Nice. Got that fresh, fresh anime.

Speaker A:

The presses.

Speaker C:

It might be one of the no, my hero. academia is pretty new, but yeah, definitely one of the newer ones. And it is. Oh boy. Quick summary. Lady goes wandering out into the woods after getting real drunk after work one night.

Speaker B:

Hold on, I need to give you my bullshit guess.

Speaker C:

I do too.

Speaker A:

I haven't seen this.

Speaker C:

Yeah, right.

Speaker A:

Also, we're going to watch it.

Speaker C:


Speaker A:

Your guess.

Speaker B:

So, yeah. Let me guess. I haven't given a wild guess based on the title. Only in a little while.

Speaker C:

You got a big title for it.

Speaker B:

Yeah. So here is my theory. This is the story of a family of dragons where the estranged dad is kicked out and he dresses up as a maid so he can connect with his kids. And it's anime missed out.

Speaker A:


Speaker C:

I was like, why does this sound familiar?

Speaker A:

Oh my god, I hope so. I've heard of it, but I don't know exactly what it's about. So I was just like, oh, miss Kobayashi either has a dragon maid or gets one. But that's great. I like dugan's idea better.

Speaker B:

Why do I not write anime?

Speaker C:

Honestly, mrs. Dragon fire is much better.

Speaker B:

Oh, my god.

Speaker A:

Write it down. Write that down.

Speaker B:

I know the TM trademark. That's ours.

Speaker A:

Dragon fire is my drag name.

Speaker B:

I'm sending this podcast to the patent.

Speaker C:

It's your dragon name. I know they didn't want to do them, I know they didn't want to do them. Mrs. Dowfire sequel. And I agree with them. But maybe a reboot as a dragon anime?

Speaker B:

Yeah, I think it's fair trade to just do anything with anime. Let's just remake all the things we don't want actual sequels of in anime.

Speaker C:

Aladdin anime. Give me a while. There's probably something already very similar to an aladdin anime.

Speaker B:

The firefly reboot will be anime.

Speaker C:

Oh, no, not that I'll put my foot down for that.

Speaker B:

But yeah. David, what do you think's going on with this show?

Speaker A:

Like I said, I literally am just like, she probably gets a maid, but I don't know how or why I've seen the Dragon Maid. I've seen her. I've seen people cosplay her.

Speaker C:

Yeah, the show got very popular very quickly. It's one of those girl legon where the characters are just, like, really good designs. And the cosplay for some of the characters is really easy. Some are a little trickier. But still on the you're not wearing a gun dump suit.

Speaker B:

Yeah, you don't need a foam armor set.

Speaker C:

Yeah, it's very delightful characters, and people got very attached to them very quickly.

Speaker A:

I'm excited.

Speaker C:

Yeah, it's a good too.

Speaker B:

All right, shall we tidy up our house and go watch this mage show?

Speaker A:

We're reaching now.

Speaker B:

Yeah, that was okay.

Speaker C:

We lost all that momentum from before.

Speaker B:

I'm ready. All right, let me hide in shame.

Speaker A:

For a little bit.

Speaker B:

All right. We just watched the first three episodes of Miss Kobiachi's Dragon Maid.

Speaker A:

A dazzling place.

Speaker C:

I missed the flying sequence.

Speaker A:

Well, sure, but also.

Speaker B:

I never knew.

Speaker C:

It's a fun romp. It's a good ride.

Speaker A:

Romp is a good word for it.

Speaker C:

I believe they're getting a second season. I know the manga is still ongoing, but it's it's much shorter. So, like, the manga I don't know exactly. Might have, like, 75 chapters, but they're only, like, less than ten pages each, so it's much easier to burn through.

Speaker B:

Yeah, it seems like something that isn't the most plot intensive.

Speaker C:

Yeah. So that's why we saw there kind of was, like, breaks in between sort of, like, plot and then it seems like a third of the plot, which is a third of the episode, be its own plot and then just kind of be finished in that because those are the chapters. So they have, like, multiple chapters per episode.

Speaker A:

I was into that. Like, little sections. Little tiny arcs within the episodes.

Speaker B:

Yeah, it was nice to get nice little bite sized narratives. So yeah, let's quickly I watched all three episodes. Dubbed me, too.

Speaker C:

I did dub. Sub dub. So I watch episode two sub.

Speaker B:

The Brendan classic. Yeah.

Speaker A:

The Brendan sandwich.

Speaker C:

The substance, the sub sam. It's kind of interesting hearing the dub because I've already watched it once all the way through Salt, and I'm like, yeah, these are the characters I know. And then hearing them again, it's kind of like it's not bad, it's just different.

Speaker B:

Yeah. I really like this dub. I thought the writing was very snappy and very good for an adaptation.

Speaker A:

I've really been into this casual sound that like, newer dubs have.

Speaker C:


Speaker A:

I feel like the actors aren't trying as hard to be like, this is an anime. It's more just like, this is the world I inhabit, and this is normal. And I like that. Like reagan felt very casual in Mob psycho.

Speaker C:

I think it's good, too, because it's not all just the super action he's shown in anime now. I don't know if it's a more popular trend or if it's increasing, but there does seem to be more like, casual, relaxed lounge anime, if you want to call it that. Sure of like, yeah, this is just like a good mental cleanser at the end of a long day, as opposed to like, I'm going to defeat the bad guy and become the top warrior, am I? Like, not everything's intense go off.

Speaker B:

Can't wait to see that waveform in a little bit.

Speaker C:

I'll be sending you my demo real later this week. Yeah, it's very cool to just hear like, I think at one point kobiashi says hella, which is not something I would have expected in like a very.

Speaker A:

Proper yeah, she does. She does say hella.

Speaker C:

I was like, oh, cool. We're South California and Girls in 1997.

Speaker A:

It's norcal. Thank you.

Speaker C:

Excuse me.

Speaker B:

Before a turf war starts, let's hop into episode one.

Speaker C:

So, episode one, there's not much world building we really need to do for it. In this world, there's other worlds where dragons exist and all of those myths and legends from old time are true. And that's about it. So right off the bat, step one, thick dragon. Step two, invade personal space. Step three made.

Speaker B:

Yeah, that's how they it's a fairly simple equation.

Speaker A:

I wasn't expecting to see a whole.

Speaker C:

Dragon, just big old dragon right off the bat.

Speaker A:

She lifted her head above the trees and I was like, oh, that's a dragon.

Speaker C:

She's a big old dragon.

Speaker B:

If only the title warned me there.

Speaker C:

Would be dragons, but still off guard. So we see who we are going to find out. Is toru going to guard dragon mate, because, well, I'm terrible pronouncing names flying into the city and just stomps right down in front of an apartment building. And then we see the titular character, Miss Kobayashi, open up her front door of her apartment and there's a big old dragon face and does I think she roars and then transforms into a maid. And that's Miss Chakobiyashi's dragon maid cuts the intro.

Speaker A:


Speaker C:

Yeah. Starts off just like you get the gist of it from the title, so they're just like, here it is. And then start it off.

Speaker B:

Every word of the title is accounted for in like, the first three minutes.

Speaker A:

There was no waiting to find out what this was about.

Speaker C:

We know what you're here for. You know what you're here for. Let's get to it. And this intro, I wasn't thrilled about it at first, but as I watched the series, it grew on me. I'm curious to see how you guys liked it.

Speaker A:

When I was watching it, at first I was like, oh, I don't really like this. It's just too cutesy for me. But then when I was watching the third episode, I was like, oh, I'm jam into this. I missed it.

Speaker B:

Yeah, it was jazzier than we've heard. Other intros be.

Speaker C:

Yeah, you got that good. I was going to say baseline, but I actually don't remember if there is one. But yes, it's real upbeat, real colorful, real high energy.

Speaker A:

Yeah. I didn't pay a lot of attention to the animations, but the glimpses that I saw, I was like, what's happening?

Speaker C:

It's a lot of weird shit happening.

Speaker B:

Yeah. A lot of just the characters dancing around. Nothing in the sky.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

Super innovative.

Speaker C:

Yeah. There's one shot where they are all flying in the sky, like, spinning. And it's cool because you see a majority of those characters actually in the series. They're not just random background characters. So we do see them a little later, despite how relevant they are to the actual story or not. We get through the intro and we find out that Miss kobiashi got real fucking drunk after work one time and wandered into the woods as you do, it's perfectly safe. Nothing can go wrong. And she finds a dragon and somehow ends up inviting the dragon to stay with her.

Speaker B:

Yeah. They just chill. We get the flashback as Kobia. She's like, oh, who is this maid? What's going on? And then we get the very drunk ramblings of, you should come live with me, big mood.

Speaker C:

Yeah. She's slowly piecing together what she did the day, weekend before, whenever, how long it's been, and she's like, crap. Now I got to live with this dragon who can transform into a maid and still retains her antlers and tail immediately. I was always called off guard by torbur's pink highlights. I don't know. That just seems like you never fit in with her dragon form, but it adds a lot of character.

Speaker A:

It's like fire, like, fiery because it gradiates up from the bottom.

Speaker C:

Okay, no, I see it now. Yeah.

Speaker B:

Well, I will say that they're human forms because, spoilers, we do see other dragons. They don't super line up with their actual dragon forms. Yeah, because we have, like, the big green tail is all we see of Tours dragonness and the antlers. But other than that, there's not, like, oh, big and green themes.

Speaker C:

Yeah, Tours got a big green tail. It got these kind of odd Japanese antlers. I don't know how to describe this stuff, like, antlers cut short, but I like them. And she thick.

Speaker A:

Yeah, they call them horns. Oh, she's very thick.

Speaker C:

She's very thick.

Speaker A:

Her titties are deeper. Dragon.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

Because they, of course, had to throw in that anime titty wobble.

Speaker C:

So while talking, Ms. Kobiachi finds out that she's late for work and has to get there immediately. And the quickest way to do that or, well, she's talking to her room, and, I don't need a maid. I talked to you. I invited you over when I was drunk. That was a mistake. I can't have you living with me. It'll be a mess. And then realizes she's late for work, and it's like, Shit, you're a dragon. Can you fly me to work real fast? Cut to, like, her on top of tourist dragon form going, like, mach five. Like, super fast.

Speaker A:

That's when she says, Hella, yeah. Kobia. She goes, you're hella fast. Wow. lingo.

Speaker C:

I understand kids.

Speaker A:

Whoever was writing the dub. Yeah, I understand kids.

Speaker B:

So good you wrote this. Got them. millennial writers.

Speaker C:

This is also when Life estrange came out, where they were selling, saying hella, every other word in that game. Kabiachi goes to work and then comes back and then addresses the whole having a made problem. And we find out that I wouldn't.

Speaker A:

Call it a problem.

Speaker C:

Not a problem, but the situation. So we find out that find out a little bit here. We find out later on. Ms. Kobia, she's got a thing for maids. She really enjoys mates. You can see in the background of her apartment, she's got, like I guess they're just calendar pages, but they have, like, very old timey Victorian England made pictures on them. And when she sees torres, she starts addressing kind of talking her down, like, Why are you dressed like this maid? Why is this your outfit? Because Tour saw a maid cafe being advertised as she was flying through the city. So she just copied one of their outfits, thinking that's what modern maze looks like. And, I mean, she's not wrong, but it's not quite kobia she's liking. She's a very particular preference on it.

Speaker B:

Yeah. Well, we have a moment to actually teach me something made culture in Japan. I don't fully get you and me broke. Does anyone know more about I know.

Speaker A:

Less about made cafes than I do about idols, but I don't want to say it's a similar idea, but made cafes are like it's just a bunch of cute girls that dress up in made costumes and serve mostly men food. But it is just like a gimmicky thing. Like, girls go there, too. Women go there, too. There's cafes with maids, and conventions have them a lot, but I feel like that's a little more fetishized.

Speaker C:

I feel like a lot of stuff is more fetishized, especially with yeah, but yeah, it's definitely more popular with men. But yeah, anyone can go to it. It's not like hooters necessarily, but it's like the weights have his in particular outfits, and it's just like the idea of the weights of calling you master and making you feel more comfortable, like you're fancy, like you have your own butler and made and stuff, I guess. I don't know. I don't particularly understand it too much.

Speaker B:

Got you. Just sort of the power fantasy of being rich and having a maid.

Speaker C:

Yeah. Yeah, I guess. Yeah. It's weird, but they're very common or popular, especially in Japan. There's always any anime high school event will do, like, a cultural festival and someone puts on a made cafe in their school.

Speaker B:

Got you.

Speaker A:


Speaker C:

So we find out that Tohu can do made stuff, namely cooking by incinerating everything and cleaning by liking stains clean from her clothes because her saliva gets rid of stains, which is gross. And tours got, like, magic, so it establishes very quickly dragons can cast various forms of magic so that's the dsx mocking of just having shit appear and disappear at the whim. And while she cooks a bit for kobiashi, trying to cook her dinner, and she just slaps down a huge chunk of her tail cooked on a plate. I don't know if eating her tail is a euphemism, but it's definitely a big warning joke throughout the series where she keeps trying to get Kobayashi to eat her tail and Kobayashi refused to.

Speaker B:

Yeah, because it's also established that Tohru is very into this.

Speaker C:

Koviashi in every way conceivable. She is in love with it.

Speaker A:


Speaker C:

Kobayashi just got drunk and invited her back for a one night stand sort of thing. Let's see. It's hard with the show because, like we said, there's not, like, a really clear, linear plot. It's a lot of just, like, day to day stuff, so it's hard to remember where it all leads to.

Speaker B:


Speaker C:

So sorry if I seem to be checking my notes more of this episode.

Speaker B:

It is very disjointed and not very plot intensive. There are the through lines, but you'll get, like, one or two quick scenes per episode of, like, oh, dragon world. Oh, how you feel about this world. Oh, all that stuff.

Speaker C:

Yeah. toru says, like, oh, I love you, Ms. Koi ashi. That's why I want to live with you. I'm in love with you. She says, like, very sexually. Or I forget that I didn't write down the quote, but she says, I'm into you sexually. I'm into you in every conceivable way.

Speaker A:

Well, because Miss Kobayashi is like you love me.

Speaker C:


Speaker A:

What do you mean? She's like, I like you sexually. It's not in, like, a weird way.

Speaker B:

She's just, like, straight up, like, I'm into you.

Speaker A:

I'm into you.

Speaker B:

I want you to know.

Speaker C:

And Kobayashi says, like, oh, I'm not into women or dragons, prude, ever.

Speaker B:

Please give it time, sweetie.

Speaker C:

You will be.

Speaker A:

This is the first episode, Ms. Kobayashi. You have time.

Speaker C:

Kobiashi starts thinking like, you know what? Maybe I can have someone, like, watch the apartment while I'm gone. And maybe if I need to do that transportation thing again, it'll be very convenient if I miss the train. So you know what? All right, fine. You can stay here. And she lets her stay with her, but she avoids transportation and mostly sticks to, like, house duty stuff because she doesn't want to have to explain why her maid has a tail or antlers or why she has a maid in an apartment and during the day to day cleaning stuff of housework to recall some of her friends to try and get some advice. So she calls up Fafnir.

Speaker A:


Speaker C:

So we find out that she's got other friends and she's able to stick in contact with them. I guess she just casts a spell on the phone and is able to just call her friends in a magical realm and Fafnir just on media is like, oh, just kill everyone. Just massacre everyone. Just kill everything.

Speaker B:

That's it. Do your dragon stuff naturally.

Speaker C:

It's not even like, asking advice about a particular thing. It's just solution to everything. Just kill everyone. And then we oh, then we cut to Kobiachi at work and we get a little glimpse of her work buddy, takia, who is her main work drinking buddy. They'll go out often after work and booze it up because the plot of the story centers out of Kobia. She gets drunk, I don't know, frequently, but enjoys getting drunk, enjoys getting trash.

Speaker B:

Oh, it seems frequently.

Speaker C:

If it was your significant other, you'd be alarmed.

Speaker B:

Yeah, I would feel a little confident saying she's an alcoholic. Most of the plot revolves around dealing with her hangover.

Speaker C:

That's true. That's a good point. So, yeah. takia asks Koi ashi out to go drinking with them after work, as they usually do it's. She's like, hey, why do you invite me? Why don't you invite a pretty girl? She's like, I'm not looking for taiki says, I'm not looking for a date. I just want to hang out. You're like one of my buddies. So it's nothing, like, weird. You can just hang out and talk. And that's where we see dragon mate. I'm already forgetting her name. It's slipping from me toward you. Is sneaking around, like, watching her, very protective of her, saying, I don't like this guy for no other reason than he's near kobiashi and it's not her. And they see her and they're like, hey, you can come out drinking with us, too. We'll just have a good time. And when they go out, they're immediately just talking about work and just complaining about stuff and just venting steam about that. And then they get drunk. They get real drunk. And we find out where all the made fandom comes from. I wouldn't say Kobayashii has a made fetish, because that makes it sound sexual. If she's like, an otaku, she's, like, obsessed with maid culture and the proper way maids are presented and the different services they have to provide and do for the household and stuff, like, very particular. And we find out. takia, her buddy, is also super into maids, so they really bond over them and get really into the nitty gritty. And while they're drinking kobe, she gets much more assertive and aggressive and kind of violence. I don't know, but it's definitely, like, a dramatic change of character. And they start chastising taro for her cosplay made outfit. She looks like she works at a mate cafe because that's where she got it from. And that's not a proper mate. You look ridiculous. And kobiashi just rips the made outfit off her just in the bar.

Speaker A:

I was like, oh, no. Her titties out in the bar.

Speaker C:

It all out.

Speaker A:

They're all out there. Stop.

Speaker B:

We also skipped over the very good quote. You can't wear the same thing every day. Like some anime must have missed that.

Speaker A:

Because I wrote down the show is meta, and I like, it a little meta. And I was like, why did I write that down? But that's probably why.

Speaker C:

Yeah, it's self aware, but not enough to like, that's the point of the show, so it doesn't distract from it.

Speaker B:

Because it's a very ridiculous premise. To take it seriously at all would be to ruin it.

Speaker C:

Yeah, you got to be pretty tongue in cheek with this type of stuff. And they are, and it's great. So as they're leaving the bar, torus carrying Kobiography because she's just blackout drunk, and she's talking to takia, and he's still clearly drunk, but he's, like, holding himself. He's not, like, darting out like he was. And she's like, oh, if we're being honest, I don't like you, and I don't want you spending time with kobiashi. And then she's like, and if we're being completely honest and then turns into a dragon and shows him her true form power move, boom. Kind of as a threat, kind of like, watch yourself, and then takes off. And we see really quickly, she gets, like, a green tint around her. They explain it and later ups. But that's their way of essentially being invisible when they're in dragon form in the city. So that's our way of explaining it. Yes. She takes kobayashi home. And so the next morning, kobiashi is nursing the hangover, and Tour is holding up the hanging the laundry and, like, licking and sniffing her clothes despite kobe actually telling her not to because Tour is a filthy degenerate.

Speaker A:

I don't know if that's how stains can get out of clothes. I mean, if her spit takes stains out of clothes.

Speaker C:

It'S weird because of how into her she is and the difference of dragon culture and human culture. She's like, oh, this is odd.

Speaker B:

Yeah, your classic fish out of water storm.

Speaker C:

Yeah, sure. And Tour specifically says she washes everything normally after Kobeachi told her to, but she washes her delicates in her mouth. That's a weird one. So Kobia, she goes to work, and Tour is hanging up the laundry to dry, and it's too cloudy and overcast to dry. So she's like, oh, I'll fix this. Gets on top of the roof and just shoots out laser beams, like fire breath laser beams into the sky that just wipes away all the clouds. And it's at this moment we see everyone looking up, like, what the hell? It just happened. The weather is completely different. And we see a little girl saying, like, I know that dragon breath. So it kind of hints at more to come because that's all we see of her at this time. And that's kind of it. At the end of the day. Yeah, that's pretty much it for the absolute. And then at the end of the day, koi actually comes back and lays in the bed. It's a long day, and we see toru squeezing in the bed with her because it's a one bedroom apartment, and she's like, fine, you can stay in the bed. And it's at this point we see Tohru have a nightmare kind of flashbacks of how she got injured and how, like, the situation that led kobiki just saving her. And we'll find out more about that throughout the series. But right now, it's just kind of like a nightmare. And kobiashi kind of talks her back to sleep and comforts her. And at the very end, we see a little glimpse of Tour practicing her greetings of how to greet guests and Kobayashi when she comes back. So it's very small, segment parts of just, like, their day to day life, and it's very nice. And that's pretty much one adorable. Yeah, very precious.

Speaker A:

So in the beginning of episode two, tohru decides to cook with her dragon breath because she doesn't think that the oven and stove are hot enough. So she lights the kitchen on fire.

Speaker C:

As you do lit.

Speaker A:

Shit'S. Lit. So Kobayashi and her go to the market. Kobayashi wants to go to the supermarket, but Tohru is kind of like, I'd rather go to this marketplace that I like. Like the shopping district.

Speaker B:

Yeah, the supermarket reminds her of a castle, and that is she's bad for dragons, typically.

Speaker A:

Yeah. So they go there and they go to all these little individual stands, like the fish one. And everyone knows her. Everyone knows tohru and everyone likes tohru.

Speaker C:

Everyone loves her.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

They keep giving her free stuff, little extra things, winku.

Speaker A:

And Kobayashi is kind of like how Why? And toru is like, people are nice to me.

Speaker C:

People are nice. I'm nice back. That's how society works.

Speaker A:

I was kind of like, Kobayashi, tohu is nice, so people like her and give her free things. Like, sometimes that's what happens when you're nice to people. Not that Kobayashi is, like, rude, but she's definitely just like, man, I wouldn't.

Speaker C:

Say antisocial, but she won't go out of her way. She's very practical, even in social media.

Speaker A:

Yeah. So while they're still out shopping, thief comes and takes someone's purse.

Speaker C:

Purse nature.

Speaker A:

Purse nature. And toru runs after him at full speed, like, full dragon speed, and she stops him. Does she punch him?

Speaker C:

Yeah, well, briefly, before she goes after him, she has kobiashi like, hey, can I go after him? Like, I'm strong. Can I stop him? kohashi is like, yeah, just don't make it clear that you're dragging. Like, don't go all out. Yeah, well jumps and shatters the cement underneath of her because she jumps so fast and yeah, just pops above them and decks them into the ground and creates another crater into the ground.

Speaker A:

So everyone's kind of like, whoa. But then they're like, yes. Tohru, you did it.

Speaker B:

Our queen saved the purse.

Speaker A:

Yes, queen. Yes.

Speaker B:

If this anime was truly hip, they would have said, that a little suspicious there.

Speaker A:


Speaker C:

The anime is not hip enough for me.

Speaker A:

If I was doing the background for that show, I would have thrown in a yass queen. Whether they kept it or not, that's up to them.

Speaker C:

That's up to them. it'd be in there.

Speaker A:

Yeah. But they get back to the apartment and another presumably dragon arrives at kobayashi's apartment. She's the little girl that saw toru's magical dragon breath that got rid of the clouds. So she gets to kobayashi's apartment and she's like, I want you to break up with Tohru. And she's like, what?

Speaker C:

Oh, yeah. toru is out right now shopping.

Speaker A:

Yeah, she's not there. So Kobayashi is kind of like, what are you? Ha ha ha. And then when Tohru gets back, we find out the new dragon's name is conna. She's very cute and she's she's like, legitimately a child. Yeah, she's not that's not just like her human form. Like, she's actually a little kid.

Speaker C:

She's a young dragon. I will say, before tara gets back, she says that Kobiachi seduced her. And Kobiachi is a glass, is wearing slut and a cuckols god damn tada back.

Speaker A:

She's feisty.

Speaker B:

Get this child off reddit.

Speaker A:

Oh, dang. I forgot that when they leave the marketplace, they're holding hands.

Speaker C:

Oh, yeah.

Speaker A:

And that was very exciting to me. They held hands, like, all the way home. I forgot to mention that Kobia, she's.

Speaker C:

Living her away from the crowd. And then Tour knows that she's holding hands. And then Kobiachi squeezes her hand a little harder. She's kind of like, yeah, we can hold hands a little longer. She's like, I love the gays.

Speaker A:

They're so cute. It made me very happy, so I had to mention it.

Speaker C:

It's a very tender moment.

Speaker A:

I had to make a point of.

Speaker B:

It more gals being palsy. pals the sequel.

Speaker A:

Yeah. And kana calls toru Lady Toro, so it's a little glimpse of like, toro must be a big deal in this dragon world. And it was at this point, I was like, is she going to start a dragon collection? Is that what the show is? Collect them all?

Speaker B:

Kana is in the human world because she was exiled for pulling a prank on the dragons.

Speaker C:

I believe this is a reference to, like, a Japanese myth or legend of some kind, or it's like the playful dragon. They say exile, and they kind of compare it to time out. Like, she's going to be here to think about what she does and then go back. But they don't make it clear that they're not like, oh, this is the legend of so and so. But it's definitely meant to be an allusion to a Japanese myth of some kind.

Speaker B:

Yeah, it sort of feels like a lot of the dragons are based on real mythical dragons, because we do see kessel quad later on.

Speaker C:

Yeah, they reference later episode of the. Great world tree of nordic myth and stuff. So it's not even just Japanese myth. It's like all myth.

Speaker B:

Yeah. International.

Speaker A:

And I'm into it. Yeah, it's great because I'm glad you brought that up because I just wrote down kana did a bad and she can't go back.

Speaker C:

She's not allowed to go home, I'll point out. It's interesting, they say that she's always pulling pranks in the dragon world because she never does in this show. That's very much a characteristic. That's why I think it is a clear reference to a story because it's nowhere near her actual character in the rest of the series. So it's odd.

Speaker A:

Yeah. I was about to say, like, in the rest of the episodes, she's kind of just like a little kid. Like, she's just chill.

Speaker C:

Yeah, that's how she is.

Speaker A:

So kobiashi offers to let her live with her, and kana's kind of like, I don't know. Okay, I guess so.

Speaker C:

I don't trust you.

Speaker A:

I don't have anywhere else to go, so I guess I'm here. kana wants to play outside with toru and Kobayashi, which is super cute because they're just like a little family. And I love it.

Speaker C:

Initially, kana starts, like, hitting Kovayashi, trying to shut her off, but she's too weak. She has the proportional strength of a six year older, however young she's supposed to be. And then we see the beginning of this segment. She has her tail plugged into an outlet.

Speaker A:

Oh, yeah. She can charge up with electricity.

Speaker B:

Yeah, because she needs the energy where.

Speaker C:

She gets all her energy from.

Speaker A:

So Tohru kind of just flies them out to the first random field she finds. And Kobayashi is kind of just like, okay, you guys play. I'm going to take a nap. And then Tohru and kana just go at each other. buck wild.

Speaker B:

Yeah. Full on shown in fight and stuff.

Speaker C:

Try them all.

Speaker A:

They're just trying to overpower each other. And that's just like they're just cats.

Speaker C:

They're horsing around.

Speaker A:

They're just extreme cats.

Speaker C:

Little rough house. And this wakes kobia up because nuke just went off by her head.

Speaker A:

She's like, what the fuck? She doesn't say that, but essentially she.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

Sorry, I'm looking at the wiki and my notes.

Speaker C:

She further says, like, you can't go all out. She even says, Are we still in Japan? And Tour is kind of like, maybe.

Speaker A:

I just landed in the first field I saw.

Speaker C:

Yeah. So we don't actually know if this is the real world or their world.

Speaker A:

They are like, yeah, dragons on Earth at least, are like, destroy the world. Powerful. Like, they're super powerful.

Speaker C:

Yeah. And she says, like, you can't rough house like that. It's like, well, everyone can in my world. Even humans can do that. She's like, they can't do it here. And she's like, oh, no, I saw people on TV having this power level. And kobe actually has to explain what fiction is. And like, that's TV it's not real. We can't do that. No one can do that.

Speaker B:

And they get sad because apparently humans in their world are that powerful, which sort of hints to their conflict with the humans, wizards, gods.

Speaker A:

Yeah, all that. Yeah. So the next day, toro takes kana out on the town. And it's kind of just a montage of kana pointing to things and being like, what's that? And tori being like, oh, it's this. And I was just like, Where are you guys getting the money to buy these suites?

Speaker C:

She's like, oh, what's that? It's like, oh, that's a car. It's like, how do you drive? It's like so torra knows, like, enough. She knows a function, but not a ton.

Speaker B:

Yeah. She has been in this world for, like, two days and knows the approximate knowledge of someone who's been in this world for two days.

Speaker A:

Yeah. And they come across a seesaw at a playground and kind of says, what is that? And tor is like and she kind of looks at it and she's like, oh, it's a catapult. duh.

Speaker B:

It's how the young ones learn.

Speaker A:


Speaker C:

Taking down aerial targets. And then she's like, what's that? It's like, oh, that's an ice cream stand and a crepe stand. I'm like, yeah, the food down. You don't know what a catapult is?

Speaker A:

Let's see. I'm trying to remember exactly what happens here because I'm just reading the Wiki. And I'm like when kana asked Tohru about the lack of dragons in the world, I remember Tohru talking about why she came to the real world, the human world, because she was just kind of like, I needed peace. I wanted to find some peace. And kana reveals that people think that Tohru is dead.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

Because sort of that she essentially faked her death to go to the human world and try and find some peace.

Speaker B:

Yeah. In that nightmare we saw in the first episode, it seems like some sword wound was the last thing most people have seen of her in the dragon world. So she is recovered, but needed a break. So she basically retired to the human world.

Speaker A:

Retired dragon.

Speaker B:

Grandpa dragon.

Speaker A:

Yeah. So she says that kobia, she saved her, which is very sweet. And they want to go see Kobayashi work. So kana doesn't know how to do the no detection spell thing, so toru does it for her. And then kana goes into her dragon form, and it's super cute.

Speaker B:

Super cute. Little soft baby.

Speaker A:

And they just watch Kobayashi work.

Speaker C:

We see glimpses of all the dragon forms briefly in the opening sequence during that song montage.

Speaker A:

I didn't notice.

Speaker C:

Very quick, very brief.

Speaker A:

Yeah. But yeah, they watched Kobayashi work, and Kobayashi kind of sees them, and she's like, you would, but no one else can see them.

Speaker C:

They're still in dragon form, but they're, like, far away behind clouds and stuff.

Speaker A:

Yeah, but it's just a cute little ending. And they are just like, a family of when Kobayashi was leaving in the morning, she was just like, all right, I'm going to work, guys. Have a good day. And it's just cute. I love it.

Speaker C:

It was kind of interesting because it's the scene before that is kind of saying, like, I don't trust you. And kovac is saying, you don't have to trust us. You can just live here and be safe. Like, don't have to try and rough it on the streets. And cut to the next scene of her leaving work in the morning. And kana is, like, clinging to her leg, like, no, don't go.

Speaker A:

Yeah, it's so cute.

Speaker C:

They bonded real quick. There was actually a small segment of kobia. She's just throwing food out and kind of catching it in her mouth, like, in the air. kobia, am I domesticating her with food, like an animal?

Speaker B:

Yeah, kind of whatever works. Don't make this murder God murder you in any way you see fit.

Speaker C:

They're kind of like that.

Speaker A:

Episode two is just some cute little moments.

Speaker B:

The family grows.

Speaker A:

The family grows.

Speaker C:

They got a baby.

Speaker A:

Now the collection begins.

Speaker C:

Got nuclear family forming.

Speaker B:

So, yeah, when you get a collection, you need to expand your storage space. And that's where we start in episode three, because in the opening, we see kobiashi sort of trying to do her morning routine before work and just trampling the dragons as she tries to wake up in the morning. She goes into the bathroom and they're just also there trying to get ready, and she says, oh, God, we can't have three people in this small one bedroom. It's time to upgrade each other. So they're on the hunt for a new apartment.

Speaker A:

I do have the note. It just says, tori's titties omg. Because they do that thing of kobayashi's in the fridge and then Toru's titties, like, on her head.

Speaker C:

Yeah. They're the ones that have their own kind of gravity. They abide by no other laws of physics.

Speaker A:

Those D for dragon boobs.

Speaker B:

They exist in the boob dimension where gravity is different.

Speaker A:

Anything is possible.

Speaker C:

Yeah, I think it was either this episode or maybe last episode. They even specify, like, you're not a decom. She's like, Well, D for dragon. So I'm a deco. It's not how this works. Okay, so even though she says that, it's like, that's still not the right size.

Speaker B:

We get, of course, some animated stuff, as you do, but they are starting to look for a new three bedroom so they can all have space. Yeah, so they go shop around. They see most of these places are boring, and they look the same, so it doesn't really matter. But they found one place that has a shared common area on the roof. And the dragon girls are super excited to have a big open space for themselves. So they pick that one and they start going through their packing. They got to get their old apartment ready to move. So as they are packing up all their things, we get a glimpse into the dragon lifestyle of where they live. Because basically, toru says that once you settle down as a dragon, since you can't really get a nice open space to yourself, humans will start trying to kill you because you are now the dragon that lives in the ruins or the dragon in the cave or the dragon in the woods.

Speaker A:

The dragon and the dungeon, like dungeons and Dragons.

Speaker B:

All right, thank you for joining us this week. But yeah, we sort of get to see how they live. And toru turns that around by shaming kobiashi for the slobby living that she has of just you just leave your shit everywhere. You have a bunch of beer cans around because, again, you're an alcoholic.

Speaker C:

Your books are all disorganized and all this stuff. She's like, yes, that's why I live alone. No one gives me shit for my trash.

Speaker B:

Yeah. I don't have anyone to impress.

Speaker C:

For somebody who's so obsessed with maids, you think she'd be a little cleaner.

Speaker B:

Well, as someone who's so obsessed with maids, she wants someone else to do it.

Speaker C:

Fair enough.

Speaker B:

Yeah. And she even turns it around on Tohru, and it's like, oh, well, I'm leaving it messy for you because I love when you clean, darling, and tohru is so exciting.

Speaker A:

You're so much better at cleaning than I am, babe.

Speaker C:

It just falls for it flat out. Because she doesn't love cleaning. She just loves kobiashi and anything that makes her happy.

Speaker B:

Yeah. And will do anything for her. So they start to clean up start packing up the rooms, and.

Speaker C:

They talk about the dragon's hygiene and how oh, yeah, that's right around this time, because how hard it must be to clean a dragon's body, being that big. And she's like, yeah, it usually is. Usually pick stuff out of your teeth. What about bacteria? It's like, too small, doesn't affect us. But sometimes you will help another dragon clean themselves and look each other.

Speaker B:

Yeah, just very much. They are cats.

Speaker C:


Speaker A:

But I was also kind of just thinking, like, that's not how bacteria works.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

It's still there.

Speaker C:

No, too small. It's too small. It doesn't affect them.

Speaker A:

Doesn't matter. It's too tiny.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

Yeah. You know, dragon magic.

Speaker A:

Dragon magic.

Speaker B:

They have another force field just for bacteria?

Speaker C:

Yeah, sure. Why not?

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

So they start packing up, and in the closet, toro finds an old maid outfit that kobiashi had that she tried on and then immediately saw her reflection and was like, no, not for me.

Speaker C:

It's not what an ideal maid looks like.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

They also found baby Kobiaashi pics.

Speaker C:

Yeah. Photo album.

Speaker B:

They get distracted and looking at the little baby kobiashi and love it. kobia is like, don't get distracted, and then immediately starts reading some, like, manga on her bookshelf.

Speaker C:

She gets distracted too. Yeah. I wrote down a quote from tohu of like, those dead fish eyes are so cute. Talking about baby kobiashi, her dead soulless eyes.

Speaker B:

So pure. Those youthful photos.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

Yeah. So they pack up all their stuff, they get moving. And the room configuration, I forget wool dragon's name. kanna and Tohu are sharing a room, which I thought they were each going to get their own room because they got a three bedroom, but all right, that's fine. Have an office more.

Speaker A:

You can't have it all. Maybe with the outdoor space. This one didn't come with three bedrooms or something. I don't know.

Speaker B:

No, they turned one of the bedrooms.

Speaker A:

Into an office specifically.

Speaker B:

Yeah. They say, I'll take this room. This one will be the office, and you two can share this room. It's like, hey, come on.

Speaker C:

Maybe we didn't see how small the office was. Maybe it couldn't fit a bed in there. I don't know.

Speaker B:

It was big.

Speaker C:

I mean, technically, I'm sleeping in an office. It's just with a bed in it.

Speaker B:

Some places consider it like an office rather than a bedroom, but still, like.

Speaker A:

It'S probably Kobayashi just being selfish.

Speaker C:


Speaker A:

Established she's not great.

Speaker B:


Speaker C:

As someone who watched all the series, she doesn't take her home while her work home with her. Like, she's not doing work at home. You're just drinking.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

Her office is just refrigerators.

Speaker B:

This is the bar room that would make more sense.

Speaker A:

Spongebob. When Patrick goes to work and his briefcase is just full of donuts and ice cream. You forgot your briefcase.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

Selfish rooms aside, they are so excited to finally have a room of their own. Since dragons can't settle down. This is their, like, first permanent residence. It's very cute.

Speaker C:


Speaker A:

Yeah. They're excited.

Speaker C:

They're flopping around on the bed.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

So now, finally moved in, kobayashi is taking a bath, and toru, of course, has to come in and says, oh, well, let me help scrub your back because you love when I help you clean. Right. And Kobiaashi is like, you turned my logic, my selfish logic against me, I guess. I'll give you this win.

Speaker C:

And you also have to meet our one bathroom watching someone else's back scene quota per anime.

Speaker B:

Yeah. Basically, when they established there's a titty wobble in the first 30 seconds, you're going to have a bathroom scene within the next five episodes. If there's like a rule of the laws of gravity sort of thing for anime that is on that list, I will say this show sweet, though.

Speaker A:

The scene is like sweet.

Speaker B:

Yeah. It's not pervy, but still.

Speaker A:


Speaker C:

It's hard for me to describe this show because it's definitely got fan service in it. It's definitely fan service, but it's like innocent fan service. I don't know how to describe it. It's not lustful and leering at them. It's kind of like torres got tig old biddies. It's got to happen.

Speaker B:

Yeah. You got to have it. But it's not like overtly sexual. I mean, besides putting her underwear in her mouth all the time, I guess. Sure. But sure. Yeah. So sometimes it's like, that's a little bit much, but it's not, like, too lusty and leering, so I'll give it a pass. There's a lot we've seen worse offenders here. While they're in the bath together, they sort of go over, like, oh, so in your human form, is it easier to clean? And she's like, yeah, it's easier to sense. Everything smaller, but it's still you don't get that, like, full, clean feeling. And you can tell she's very mixed about being in human form because it has its ups and downs.

Speaker C:

Yeah. It's not her first choice.

Speaker B:

Yeah. So after this interaction, Kobiachi says, like, hey, let me take you up to the roof, and hoses her down in dragon form and returns the favor in a cute and she's like, yeah, it's like washing a car is fine on the roof.

Speaker C:

Yeah. When kovia says that, I'll wash you back up on the roof, tour is already stripping out of her made outfit before she's even out the door. She is so brave. My dream.

Speaker A:

It's weird because I think their growing relationship is super cute and, like, the family aspect of it. But at the same time, there are those moments where you're kind of like, oh, they're kind of like pets also, which is a little weird. Like, having to take them out to play and having to take her up to the roof to clean her.

Speaker B:

Yeah. There's a bunch of mixed metaphors with these dynamics that they're oh, boy, if.

Speaker C:

Those are mixed now, it gets more I can't wait.

Speaker B:

But yeah. So the next day or later on.

Speaker C:

Not timeline is it might be the next day.

Speaker B:

I'm not sure.

Speaker C:

Kobiochi wakes up.

Speaker B:

She wakes up. And if it is the next day, we miss the drinking scene because after.

Speaker A:

Perfect Blue waking up and stuff, you never know what day it is.

Speaker B:

Yeah. Because she wakes up with a big old hangover and new building, new sounds. Got to deal with all those noisy neighbors. So tohru is like, oh, yeah. Want me to go kill them? And she's like, no. First line of defense. Let's talk to them. They are people and our neighbors.

Speaker C:

I roll diplomacy.

Speaker B:


Speaker C:

It's like playing D and D. Can I kill them? I hate just wait, hold on.

Speaker A:

They might be nice.

Speaker B:

Keep that in your back pocket.

Speaker C:

Yeah. I like, though, miss kovia, she says, like, make sure your horns and stuff aren't, like, obvious. Try and hide those horns. Proceed to do absolutely nothing to hide her parents.

Speaker B:

She's totally chill with that.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

But yeah, she goes over to the first neighbor who's just this nice older not even older, just a nice woman who's doing cooking and is somehow making a racket. And he's like, oh, can you keep it down? Okay. It goes to the next neighbor, who is a metal musician who is just blasting death metal. And she's like, oh, you sound like satan. He's like, thank you very much, and then goes to the upstairs neighbor, who is a wood carver who just makes wooden figures and needs to drill and do all that noisy stuff for work. So it's sort of conflict of who's making the most noise, who's being the most annoying. And kobiashi just comes out and is like, hey, let's just make a schedule. Since I live in a constant state of hungover, I can't really fault you for doing your everyday life, so let's just make a schedule and then wear your plugs. Whenever someone's too late.

Speaker A:

They show just how likeable Tohru is, because all of these people, they are arguing with each other. They're never like, oh, this is your fault because you came and said that we were all being loud. It wasn't a problem before. toru was just like, hey, why are you arguing? And they were just like, sorry tohru yeah.

Speaker B:

Everyone immediately falls in love with her.

Speaker C:

Sorry, my precious angel from above. I didn't mean to disturb you.

Speaker B:

He wronged. You newest person in the building.

Speaker C:

But then we also get a bit of the dynamic of, like, everyone loves toro, and she's able to talk to them, and they all agree like, hey, we'll try and keep it down. But then they start blaming each other. But then we see the practical logic of kobiashi saying, like, hey, it's great that you're all talking now, but here's an actual solution to our problems.

Speaker B:

Adult still, because Tohru was like, wow, they're fighting. Let me just kill them and make it really easy with that dragon claw and then go beyond.

Speaker C:

She's like, no schedule. So despite being consistently drunk most of the time or hungover, she's still very much the adult.

Speaker B:

Yeah. So, yeah, then the next day at work, there is a work party, some flower viewing. So naturally, Kobiachi is like, no, I don't care for work interactions at all.

Speaker C:

Can I drink a flower? No. Then I do not care.

Speaker B:

Yeah, I can't get drunk off of daisies. So, yeah. She's like, okay, I need a valid excuse to get out of this, so let's throw a party at my apartment. And invites people over from work. And when she talks to the dragons, they're like, yeah, can we invite our friends? And she's like, sure, fine, as long as they aren't pillaging and murdering and doing their dragon stuff.

Speaker A:

Because Tohru is like, if you're going to invite your friend that I literally hate, can I please invite someone I like?

Speaker B:

And Kobiachi is like, yeah, that's fair. So, yeah, they get ready for this party, and then all the dragon friends start arriving. We have Fafnier, who is just immediately opened the door, and this purple beeman is standing there's like, hey, can you can you just be a human real quick? I know it's my master's house. You got to follow the rules. It sucks.

Speaker C:

I get it, believe me.

Speaker B:

So, yeah, he turns into this just emo dude in a suit.

Speaker C:

He turns into a butler because Tour says, turn into the picture I sent you earlier. Tourist specifically told him, like, this is what you should look like.

Speaker A:

Got to keep the aesthetic yeah.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

So, yeah, another dragon is in the mix. A new challenger and merchant.

Speaker A:

Collection grows.

Speaker B:

So, yeah, he is super emo. He was the one that was suggesting to just kill them all on the phone. So he's not into humans. He's apparently a cursed dragon that guards treasure. So he doesn't get out much.

Speaker C:

No, he's the actual only dragon I actually knew. Like I've heard the name before from, I think, nordic myths. So he's the only one I knew before going into this.

Speaker B:

Yeah. And the only one I knew going into this is the other dragon that approaches. That is ketzel quaddle, who in human form is just the least clothed, hot anime babe that you expect.

Speaker A:

This is the cosplay I usually see because it is very easy.

Speaker B:

Yeah. Just like rainbow hair, a trucker hat, a big old black tank top, and pretty short.

Speaker A:

She's a huge titty.

Speaker B:

She's fancy personified capital A anime here.

Speaker A:

If you thought that Toru's D for dragon titties were big.

Speaker B:

Kobayashi, she got W for wife.

Speaker A:

Love it.

Speaker C:

She's got W for why aren't you wearing more clothes?

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

Yeah. Kobayashi is like, hey, are you for real?

Speaker A:

Come on, guys, leave her alone. She wants to wear it's how she's comfortable. Don't slut shame her, Kobayashi.

Speaker B:

Yeah, you literally got slut shamed in the last episode.

Speaker C:

Oh, God.

Speaker B:

She dropped the anger real quick. But yeah, the gang is all there. The work friend, what's his name?

Speaker C:


Speaker A:


Speaker B:

Takia is there. So he's playing demon Dark souls clone with fafnir, who gets super into it.

Speaker C:

The beginning of an obsession.

Speaker B:

Yes, he is getting into it deep, which is kind of weird because he's like, oh, humans always kill demons. And then he's a human killing demons. Yeah, it's a fun parallel. They start drinking. kessel quaddle apparently was cursed with alcohol because early on it's established that dragons can sometimes give in to their impulses and that will lead to their downfall. And that is a reference to ketzel quaddle, who drank a cursed beer and was killed or hurt something.

Speaker C:

Yeah, I feel exactly how because torio says she used to be a goddess. She wasn't just like some dragon. She was fucking way up there. She was real powerful. But yeah, this like, knocked down somehow.

Speaker B:

Yeah. So they all get drunk and Kobiachi rants about me some more.

Speaker C:

As you do when you're drunk.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

And butlers.

Speaker B:

Yeah. And that's sort of where we end up.

Speaker A:

Yeah, it was very sudden, the ending. I was just like, wow, a lot is happening. And then it was over and I was like, oh, all right.

Speaker B:

Yeah, the gang is all here. And that's what they needed to establish. And it was a fun party.

Speaker C:

Yeah. This is the bulk of the cast. There's still maybe one or two other characters, but this is like, most of them. So we got introduced pretty early.

Speaker B:

Yeah, sweet.

Speaker C:

So how'd you like, are we there yet?

Speaker B:

I don't know if we're there. If we're there yet.

Speaker A:

How long is it?

Speaker C:

This is about like twelve seasons or twelve seasons? No, it's about like twelve episodes. I believe there's a second season coming out because there is still a manga ongoing, but I don't know.

Speaker A:

All right.

Speaker C:

It's not out yet. Like we said, it's still newish show, so only one season out.

Speaker A:

I'm not the one we care about, but having not seen it and also having it be so short, I'd probably finish it. Like, if I'm just sitting there and being like, what should I do? Maybe I'll watch an episode.

Speaker B:

I will say that kind of thing.

Speaker C:

As a little teaser. There is a dodgeball episode that they bring on all the other dragons for and just fucking go all out.

Speaker B:

Yeah, I was definitely enjoying it's. A fun, light hearted thing of yeah, fish out of water dragons in the human world. I think I was getting a little tired of it after three episodes of like, oh, yeah, you don't understand human culture. We got it. We've seen the show a million times. So, yeah, it was definitely fun. It was definitely cute. And they were definitely building up to have, like, deeper connections because we're starting to see that toru had some traumatic stuff happen in the dragon world and doesn't want that to continue and actually taking care of each other and all that fun stuff. But based on the first two episodes, the pattern of like, one dragon shows up, doesn't know how human culture works, has to get taught. Second episode, another dragon shows up, doesn't know how the human world works, has to get taught. And now we have two more dragons show up who don't know how the human world works. And I assume in episode four, they need to get taught. Yeah, I get the formula. I have seen it before, so I don't think enough was brought to it for it to be innovative and interesting enough to really grab my attention for the whole series. But I definitely enjoyed these episodes. So I will say I may not continue. But I did like what we watched so far.

Speaker A:

Another new one. I won't keep watching. But I did like it.

Speaker B:

Yeah, I enjoyed it. For what I saw.

Speaker C:

Our chart is getting wildly out of proportion. I'm going to put under no, but it was a good time.

Speaker B:

It wasn't a hard no. Yeah, it was a reluctant no.

Speaker C:

I will say we do get another dragon character later. We see her in the opening sequence. She's one with the singular horn coming out of her forehead with kind of a fishtail. So, yeah, that goes through the whole romp of new dragon. Got to teach them how the world works. So, yeah, you saw the basic formula. Not much. No more dragons get introduced after that. That's the whole cast. But it is basically fish out of water for the most part of how our world works versus how this world works. We find out that the new dragon is a light, good dragon. There's good and evil dragons. There's different teams of them, sort of. So, yeah, there is more. But from what I've seen from the first season, yeah, this is it. So you got your full look at what it is. It will be yeah, it's fun.

Speaker A:

It's fun.

Speaker C:

That's all it's meant to be. There's no hard hitting story with this.

Speaker B:

But, yeah, I had fun. We watched a cute show and that's what happens.

Speaker C:

And now you got some references for why everyone's dressed up like these weird specific maids or weird tank top trucker ladies at anime.

Speaker B:

That will be my next cosplay tank top trucker lady.

Speaker A:


Speaker C:

I'll go with conna and make everyone feel weird.

Speaker B:

Love it. Fantastic. Yeah. Looking forward, I believe. dana, you have the next pick. What's going on next week?

Speaker A:

We're going to watch the first three episodes of puella magic. No. puella. What are the words?

Speaker C:

Take the bugs.

Speaker A:

Dig deep. Hold on.

Speaker C:

I got them. The only way they cover.

Speaker A:

I was right. puela. maggie. monica magica.

Speaker C:

There you go.

Speaker A:

I thought it was two p's and then the two m's. Got it. But monica magica is what most people call it. Yeah, we're going to watch the first three episodes. Another cute.

Speaker C:

Yeah, it's cute. It's cute. I enjoy the animation style. This is one we actually both had on our list.

Speaker A:


Speaker C:

So we both seen this.

Speaker A:

Yeah, we're looking forward to it.

Speaker C:

Yeah, this is going to be a good one.

Speaker B:

Thank you all for joining us on this week's episode of Are We There Yet? We need to say thank you to camille ruley for our artwork and to louisian for our theme music stories off the album Beats. You can find all of Louis music at Louisong And we hope you will join us next week when we learn to live with Ann.

Episode Notes

This week, we take a bath with our servant...pets...? and watch Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid!

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Thank you:

Camille Ruley for our Artwork

Louie Zong for our Themesong "stories"

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