AWTY 201 - 4D Chess (Birdie Wing: Golf Girls Story)

Hello, and welcome to our week area in exploration and edge education and anime. I'm your anime idiot, patrick dugan.
Speaker B:I am an officially licensed anime expert, dee hollander.
Speaker C:And I'm brenda mccullough, an officially licensed anime perkins waitress who's taking her shot.
Speaker B:Okay.
Speaker C:Yeah, good for her.
Speaker A:I'm waiting to see where this goes.
Speaker C:Well, I figure the only thing I know about today's subject matter is Tiger Woods is nefarious extramarital affairs.
Speaker B:No. Okay.
Speaker C:Correct one with a perkins waitress. Listen, if someone with that much money comes into my perkins yeah, I'll take that shot. I'll risk it. I don't blame her. Get that tip. Yeah.
Speaker B:Did you have to look that up, or did you just know that?
Speaker C:It's, like, the one thing I know.
Speaker B:Oh, my goodness.
Speaker C:Because I never heard of perkins before. It's like a western place. I don't know.
Speaker B:I've never heard of it.
Speaker C:Kidding. My neighborhood's last name was perkins, so it stuck out.
Speaker A:Where are we watching this week?
Speaker B:I'll tell you. This week we're watching an anime called Birdie Wing a girl Golf story.
Speaker A:Oh, just kidding.
Speaker B:Yeah. Says it right in the title.
Speaker C:Super Mario birdie shirto.
Speaker B:I wish this was an anime about berto.
Speaker C:I got a lot of questions about brdo if I'm gonna go, she's trans, baby. I don't respect Nintendo enough to actually do that, so I don't believe it's.
Speaker B:What the Nintendo fandom says. It's what I say. Anyway, I know exactly two things about this anime, and that it's about golf and lesbians.
Speaker A:Those are the only two things I need to agree.
Speaker C:I could just take one of those things. It's not the golf one.
Speaker B:This is, like, I don't know when it ended. There are 13 episodes, and it started this year, so it could still be airing, but it's probably over now, at least this season.
Speaker C:1312 episodes. It's about a season.
Speaker B:Yeah. Have you guys heard of this one?
Speaker C:No.
Speaker B:Great. Do you guys know anything about golf?
Speaker A:I have the history of white man, so, yes, I do.
Speaker B:No golf.
Speaker A:I partially played in high school a little bit, and then I went, oh, I'm bored, and I stopped. But, yeah, I do enjoy a jolf. But jolf, it's not the easiest thing to do when you don't want to seem like a boring, evil CEO absolutely.
Speaker C:Who's just buying up a ton of land and wasting it for generally no reason whatsoever.
Speaker B:Yeah. Like me. I love mini golf.
Speaker C:Golf.
Speaker B:Mini golf at any time.
Speaker A:Oh, yeah.
Speaker B:I actually really enjoy watching golf, which might be surprising, but there's just something about it that's very calming. I like it. I don't understand it. Like, when we talk about all the scoring and stuff, I'm always kind of like, I don't know what's going on, but I'm just having fun watching these guys in funny pants hitting their ball around.
Speaker C:I believe they count backwards to try and get the lowest score just to make it more interesting just to jazz things up a bit.
Speaker B:Yeah, that's right.
Speaker C:It turns out golf real hard when you have almost no depth perception. So I don't play a lot, and I destroyed a lot of my friends clubs. whoops.
Speaker A:How does depth perception did you just hold it like an inch above the head of the club and just, like, slam it into the ground every time?
Speaker C:Yes. Couldn't I gauge how far away the ball is? Right on my feet. And I bent a lot of clubs slamming it into the ground.
Speaker B:I haven't even thought about that. I also have fairly poor depth perception, so maybe I wouldn't be good at real golf.
Speaker C:I need to hit it into a dinosaur's big open mouth or else I just can't do it right.
Speaker B:Yeah, it's not interesting unless I can go inside of a cave.
Speaker A:Well, we're going to go inside of the cave called anime and watch this. We're watching the first three episodes.
Speaker B:Let's Joel.
Speaker C:Caca. What?
Speaker B:I love it. Is that the birdie?
Speaker C:Is that the albatross?
Speaker A:It's one of them. Birdie golf.
Speaker C:Condors one.
Speaker A:Golf golf birdie.
Speaker B:Oh, we didn't even talk about wii Sports Golf. Nice hit. Anyway, nice on. Nice on. And when you get close to getting it in the hole, and the audience is like, so good. Anyway, anime. So in episode one, we open on golf.
Speaker A:Whoa.
Speaker B:I know.
Speaker A:Who to guess.
Speaker B:Yeah. It's a women's golf game, tournament, championship, what have you. I don't know what to call it. And we're with Chris christina, who my throat made a terrible noise. Sorry. We're with Chris christina, who has started in 38th place, but has somehow made it all the way up to fourth, which is pretty crazy.
Speaker C:Pressing time.
Speaker B:My brain turned off.
Speaker C:This is a good episode.
Speaker A:We all have sleepy nap energy. Brendan and I are burned.
Speaker C:I talked two naps today. What's up?
Speaker A:I watched one of these episodes. Had to pause and take a nap before watching the second two. My brain's at.
Speaker B:So her caddy reaches to hand her a club, but she just takes a different one from the bag. She swings, and it gets really close to the hole. And they're like, oh, chance for another birdie. And we see a girl with glasses watching her on a plane. She's watching the championship on TV. And we find out that Chris christina had a leg injury. And ever since she's come back from that, she seems like she's been a completely different person. In my head, I was like, yeah, that'll do that to you.
Speaker C:You have to work around it, teddy.
Speaker B:Find out some wack shit. Hold on. So a girl also on the plane, next to the girl with glasses is like, pouting. And she was like, I don't like seeing Chris play the way she is. She's slacking off. And then after the game, Chris is in a room with Chris, and the Chris that played the game takes off a mask to reveal that she was someone else the whole time.
Speaker C:Just a real Mission Impossible exact copy mask bullshit.
Speaker B:Absolutely insane.
Speaker A:Is this perfect timing to talk about the chess cheating scandal going on?
Speaker C:Is this the one about the beads?
Speaker B:Yes, I heard about that.
Speaker A:The chess champion who was using anal beads that vibrated to help indicate when to play certain things.
Speaker B:Honestly, that's camp, and I love it.
Speaker C:If you can understand a message in, like, morse code through vibrations in your ass, I don't think that's cheating. I think that's awesome.
Speaker B:That takes skill that's elevated that's 4d chest. If we're talking about 4d chess, that's what it is. So this blonde girl was actually playing for Chris, and real Chris says, this blond girl is like, your plan is so convoluted. Like I hate this. And real Chris is like, just because you don't understand my plan. Oh, no, she says, you don't understand my plan because you're not a pro. You're not a pro golfer. And the blonde girl is like, okay, probably.
Speaker C:Didn't you just pay me to copy your entire golfing style and to actually hold back on my skill so it didn't seem obvious what was on you?
Speaker B:So blonde girl leaves the room, goes to the locker room, changes her clothes. We find out her name is Eve. After she changes this cute girl. I really like this girl. Her name is lily. She comes into the locker room, says that the money went through from Chris christina, presumably. So Eve says that they'll have something good to eat tonight. yay.
Speaker C:Hell yeah.
Speaker B:And then on the bad side of town, you know it's bad because there are sirens and dogs barking. Eve and that cute girl lily go into a bar. They have paper bags full of stuff to eat, and there are some kids in there. They get really excited about it, and they climb all over lily being like, give me some. The bartender who I feel like we never get the name of. Yeah, they call her sis.
Speaker C:The show is great because it's very loose with names, which I appreciate.
Speaker B:So bartender gets a call, and Eve just takes the phone from her and says she'll be wherever that person needs her to be because they need the money. So she's going to go do her illicit golfing wherever she needs to this.
Speaker C:World of hustler golfers. Wild. Just buck wild.
Speaker B:Yeah. Okay. So they go out to some train tracks and they meet this gross old man and someone in a clown mask, which in my notes I wrote. That's camp. I love it. Guys, I'm all about camp right now.
Speaker C:Jokerass golfer.
Speaker B:And it was at this point that I was like, I'm getting skate. The infinity vibes from this weird illegal money golf.
Speaker A:Yeah. There is the nice level of like, yeah, we're going to explore a niche interest, but we're also telling some really buck wild stories. About actual fun characters, not someone typically who would be in like, quote unquote golf club.
Speaker B:I don't know if this maybe continues later, but sadly it kind of goes away by the third episode. Yeah, but so, yeah, they're they're playing golf and there's like, by like I said, they're by the train track. So like, that's something to consider in their weird golf course. So the one in the clown mask is the person that Eve is playing against. She says she goes by cc. I should have known.
Speaker C:In hindsight, it's real obvious. Yeah, we know one of the characters name in this show so far.
Speaker B:Yeah. So cc swings first. She does really well and then it's eve's turn. But she has lily go, so she does it. It's not great, but she says it's her best shot yet because she's been practicing. And Eve takes the second shot and the gross man is thinking that he's going to win this game easy and get all of his money back. But lily kind of leans over to cc and she's not like, underestimating you, but she is going to win this. And then we see a quick flashback of Eve laying on a golf green with golf balls, like all around her. And someone is giving her advice. And that advice is to destroy her opponent mentally and make them never want to face her again. And I was like, Jesus Christ. Is that really what you do in golf?
Speaker A:It's all psychological? It's about just systematically breaking their psyche.
Speaker C:Yes, it's all sports anime ever.
Speaker B:So back in the present, she hits the ball. There's a terrain going by and it just schwoop goes through a gap in the train cars and it makes it all the way to the hole, like almost in. And then Eve starts talking to cece saying, you just wanted to see if you were better than me. I let lily do the first shot to give you a handicap for your injured leg because it's the real Chris christina, of course.
Speaker C:Hold on real quick. Didn't go through my mind when I go back. She shoots the ball between train cars on a moving train. Yeah, it ricochets off a rake that's just in the field somewhere and then lands, like, in the hole.
Speaker B:Like she can see all how is.
Speaker C:This the first episode? Where do we go from here? She did the most impossible shot.
Speaker B:Yeah, well, you know where it goes from here and it's less interesting.
Speaker C:Yes, it is.
Speaker B:So she like, flicks off Chris christina's mask and she says, the match isn't over. And we see the girl with glasses and the other girl that were on the plane arrive at the airport. They're in this made up country. I already forget what the name is.
Speaker C:I wrote it down because I was confused by it. I actually looked up. They call it Narfice narfuse, which is an anagram for France, spelled in Japanese so it's just like France.
Speaker B:Got it.
Speaker C:Yeah.
Speaker B:So we find out their names now. Glasses girl is amani and the other girl is Ali. So amani says, you must be tired. But Ali says, no, I want to see the golf course. And conveniently, amani booked her a tea time. So back with Eve. They won the match and won €6000. Not your rose. eurus.
Speaker C:Knew you.
Speaker B:Oh, my God. And it was only on one hole because after that first one, chris christina just gave up. And Eve is disappointed. She says she expected more from her, like she thought it's like Adam. And her name is Eve, which is crazy because it's that thing of like, I want to play against somebody who is worthy of my talent.
Speaker C:Yeah.
Speaker A:I need a perfect sexy game of golf.
Speaker B:Oh, I wish she was like that. I wanted that so bad.
Speaker C:Just unforgivably horny.
Speaker B:But you cannot tell how old they are. We find out they're 15. So I'm glad it's not that horny.
Speaker A:Yeah.
Speaker C:I do like that. Chris christina was like, I can't play in this tournament. My leg hurts. I am going to go to this back alley golf game and challenge the person I hired to play for me so I can prove I'm better than her with my injured leg. What was your process with it? Where did you think this would go?
Speaker B:Where did your brain go? So they get back to the bar and they see the bartender lady up ahead being harassed by a cop, and she hands him some money. And then Eve runs up and just throws their 6000 at him and tells him to leave. And it turns out they're not supposed to be living there or doing business there. She says, if it was just the three of us, it would be fine, but we have the kids with us. We see Eve practicing putting into a can. And there's a montage of dramatic pictures with a song in the background. And the pictures are just of her loitering in various places.
Speaker C:It was weird.
Speaker B:She was just standing in random. I don't know if it was supposed to be like yeah, she was like, homeless and on her own before this, but it's like she's just standing against a wall covered in graffiti.
Speaker C:She's just like, bored in sepia.
Speaker B:Yeah. And then eventually we see pictures of her with lily and the kids and the bartender. And we see also in that sepia tone, so we know it's a flashback. The bartender apologizes for not being on top of things and that Eve has to provide for everyone. Don't come up here, jasper. And then lily walks up and says she has a guy that wants to play a game with Eve. Then we see in a big old corporate building, there's a woman on the phone with amani discussing aui. And amani says, don't worry, she has no chance of losing. lily and Eve are at a real golf course when the man, Mr. Robert, gets there, and he knows he would have no chance against Eve, so he brought his niece. And amani tells awey that it's time to leave the golf course. And awi says, Was that my mom on the phone? And it was. And she's worried about awi making her debut. So this is her big golf debut. And they talk about the nation's champion, a girl named helene Robert, who Eve is about to go up against. Shoot, what a coincidence. Mr. Robert says, I really wanted to win, so that's why I brought helene. And they're doing a three hole match, and it seems like whatever Mr. Robert gets if he wins is like nefarious and icky because he gives lily a.
Speaker C:Look like licking his lips.
Speaker B:Yeah, it's nasty. helene notices that Eve only has three clubs, so she's like, gosh, she's just an amateur. She's not going to be able to handle a real golf course. And in her head, she's pointing out all the obstacles and thinks about what she'd do. And then Eve just smacks the ball. And her strategy, we find out, is just fucking hit it as hard as you can, straight, and it'll just work out. No strategy on gabon.
Speaker C:Go.
Speaker A:I really love that Eve is playing this like anyone playing like a golf video game of like, no, I'm not going to pay attention to the wind. I'm not going to pay attention to the lay of the grass. I'm just hitting it as close as I can.
Speaker C:Nice power all the time.
Speaker B:So it seems like it's going to hit a tree, but then it breaks a branch off and goes through.
Speaker C:Fucking insane.
Speaker B:Helene thinks, oh, her form is a mess, but her shots are perfect. And she asks who she is since she's never seen her before. Are you a pro? Eve says she's not. She's not even a golfer. She just hits a ball with a stick to make money, and I think that's delicious. She said that, and I said, that's so good. Golf is this elitist thing, and that she's doing it and doing it well is such like an insult to these people. Probably so it's delightful. I love it.
Speaker C:I'm amazing at this thing, but I hate it. It's dumb.
Speaker B:Yeah. I don't play this for fun. Like, I literally just want money. So they go to continue the match, but helene just forfeits. She says if she plays against Eve, it'll throw off her game, and she doesn't want to do that with the championship so soon. So she walks away still thinking about eve's game, and she says, God is unfair. I've been playing since I was four, but I wouldn't win against this girl who just fucking hits it. And that's what I'm talking about, baby. So lily takes the money, and Eve says it's good that she forfeited so lily doesn't have to have sex with Mr. Robert. But what was really on the line was a rare gundam, but off brand gundam. I forget what it was. gundala, something like that.
Speaker C:They call it gundala, which is like.
Speaker B:Yeah, I mean, that's legally dissimilar. Not the one we're used to you know what?
Speaker C:Yeah, I didn't check it out. You're right.
Speaker B:Yeah. So since they're there, they decide to keep playing on the course. And that's when allie walks up and introduces herself and asks if they want to play with her. Eve says, yes. What do you want to bet? But right away, allie says, nothing. Golf is sacred, and to bet on it would be an insult to the sport. No. So she pulls out one of her clubs, and it's really long, like, longer than what seems to be proper for her height. And she swings, and it goes further than eve's shot and amani size, and it's like how he's so competitive. And Eve says she doesn't play golf for fun. It's got to be like a proper match. And she says she'll pierce through her with her rainbow bullet. And I was like, that's gay. Hey, that's gay.
Speaker A:Listen to the words you say.
Speaker B:And that's episode one.
Speaker A:So we start out episode two. We see the conversation between amne and eli's mom saying like, oh, she's got what it takes. She has my jeans and her father's jeans. Typically how having a child works.
Speaker C:But.
Speaker A:We see aoe and amen walking through, talking AoE's like, oh, yeah, I'm not super interested in this under 16 whatever it was tournament, because she's so talented. It's just a bunch of kids. But as she's walking through the course, she sees eve's giant shot and is like a challenge. This is a playstyle I've never seen before. Finally, someone who loves Joelph as much as me. So, yeah, we get a little bit of the recap from first episode. She hits it further, and he's like, yeah, I love to play an entire game against you. And amen is like, no, let's do one hole. We don't know this rando. Also, you should be, like, training and stuff. So they go to the most difficult hole on the entire course, a five par L shaped hole that bends around the woods. So you got to hit it on the fairway or else it'll get lost in the woods. You can't hit it straight to the hole, Eve, even though that's what you're going to do.
Speaker B:And it's like isn't it, like on a cliff?
Speaker A:Yeah, hit it too far in one direction, it goes off a cliff. Hit it too far in the other, it goes in the woods. It's a real narrow line, so naturally, Eve is like, okay, this strategy has worked for me so far. I'm just going to keep doing it. And hits it straight into the woods, going straight towards the hole, just cutting a diagonal across the path. Not really surprising, but it was like, the bravery, the raw power. You're using only your strength and not your skill.
Speaker B:Putspa.
Speaker C:She says she's the rainbow bullet. It's the third time we've seen the blue bullet. It's not a lot of colors in this rainbow.
Speaker B:Something else.
Speaker C:It's a lot of blue.
Speaker A:So we see aoe has a flashback to playing golf with her dad. Such fond memories. I sure love this game. And so she's like, all right, I'm more professional than you, so I'm going to stay on the course, and is able to hit it off a hill to make it bank around the corner and basically effectively goes even further than the straight shot. Because remember, kids, going straight never works out anyways. We see amne, she's in her head like, oh, yes. That's her secret. She'll crush you with her smile. She just loves golf so much. Her passion will throw you off your own game. And they say she's the innocent tyrant because she can play that mental game just by being positive and nice. She's having fun, and we call her a tyrant for that.
Speaker C:And we hate her for that. I'm I'm not a sportser. How many nicknames do people like, athletes actually get like this?
Speaker B:Like, I feel like it happens a lot, whether or not people actually call them that all the time.
Speaker C:Okay.
Speaker B:You know what I mean?
Speaker C:No, but okay.
Speaker B:It's just like a title that they end up being known as, I feel like, and less of like an actual nickname.
Speaker C:Okay.
Speaker A:Yeah. I wish it was more common. I wish it was like a roller derby thing of everyone just has, like, a fun name. Yeah, an alternate name, but yeah. So they keep going. aoe follows Eve into the woods because she's just so genuinely enthused. She wants to see her shot, but she lands in the rough and she's going to keep just making all the reckless decisions. She's in the rough, like, 100 yards from the green, so she's going to pull out her putter. These are the high stakes we have.
Speaker C:In this golf game. Yes.
Speaker A:So she hits it real hard, bounces it off a hill, and it hits the pole. And it doesn't quite go in, but it's like an inch away. Wow. So we get flashback to going back to the street golf. We see someone hustling on the street, like, yeah, if you can sink this putt shot, I'll give you $1,000 or 1000 Euro. Host but there are magnets in the ball, so it's absolutely rigged. But Eve, being just barbarian in this golf rpg game, just hits it, smacks it so hard, the magnets don't affect it, and it gets in the hole. So the girl running the game is like, fuck you, I'm not paying you. All right, then take me to your boss.
Speaker C:You're in on this game, you can't play it.
Speaker A:So she goes and talks to the boss, and they're talking about aoe, who's going to be in this tournament. I honestly got a little confused here. Just the timelines were crossing in my head. So it's like, yeah, hey, check her out. Here's this girl. You want to go kick her ass or what? And that seems to be where we go.
Speaker C:Yeah.
Speaker B:I feel like they get detailed and it's like, here's the gist.
Speaker A:Yeah, because I got thrown off because they were saying, okay. When aoe sees Eve hit the shot, they're getting ready and training for the tournament. Then we go to what seems like a flashback, but it seems to be after the game. We were just watching.
Speaker C:Yeah, I don't think it was a flashback.
Speaker A:Yeah. So we flash forward to after the game, talking about AoE's first actual day playing in the tournament. Then we flash back to the game where they wrap it up, and aoe is like, okay, well, I'm going to sink the shot, so effectively, I'm going to beat you. But this was the most thrilling game I've played in so long. I genuinely want to play a full 18 court whole game with you. And so the street golf boss flashed forward again to the last day of the tournament. She pulled strings and got Eve in as, like, a special contender, only for the last day of the tournament. So aoe and Eve, they can play together like they wanted in a tournament. It didn't need to be these high stakes.
Speaker C:Could have just waited a week and played a game by yourselves.
Speaker A:But yeah. And then the boss offers to help her with Catherine, their secret past. And she's like, it'll cost. Whatever it takes to soothe this heartache gay stuff. Maybe that's where we end episode two.
Speaker C:Yeah. There's a little scene in the credits where Ali is leaving the clubhouse and sees on TV, like, who's playing? And sees a blonde girl playing and then runs out. Like, if you catch even the smallest glimpse of your girlfriend and you go sprinting at full speed to see her, like, yeah, it's gay, not gay. She fell in love with the first putter. I don't know.
Speaker B:We knew howie was 15. They told us. It was a little shocking to me that Eve is also 15.
Speaker C:Yeah.
Speaker B:I was like, are they lying about her age? She feels like a woman in her 20s, but that's probably just how she's supposed to feel, like she's had a hard life or whatever.
Speaker C:That's just danae.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker C:Also yes. Episode three starts off the night before where the last episode left off. So a little bit of a flashback again to do. good's point. A little confusing.
Speaker B:Jeremy baramy baby.
Speaker C:And we see also eve. They're in Fantasy France, so it's not actually Yakuza, but she's effectively a Yakuza ball. She's bad. Ash and Stylish, we don't get her name until, like, the end of this episode, too. And then her sister, who is running the golf hustling in the previous we don't ever get her name.
Speaker B:They're my favorites so far, though, these two goth queens.
Speaker C:Goth crime golfers. Like, hell yes.
Speaker A:Such a strong brand.
Speaker C:It's amazed no one's cornered to that market yet. But yeah. So it's the night before the tournament, and we see a very fancy redheaded lady sitting in a very big building, big crime syndicate building, sort of layout. And we see her talking to the yakuza lady. And Eve saying like, I want to get Eve in this tournament. Like, well, she's good, but is it worth my time? I don't know. She's not that good. And Eve says, I'll do anything. You can do anything with me. And she's like, ha ha. I'm interested in men. It's like habitat, considering where this shit is going. And she's like, either way, not interested. So the yakuza boss lady is like, what about if we accept your previous offer? And the rich lady, I guess Catherine is like, done. It's like, oh, what was that previous? She was very excited for that previous offer, but we don't find out what that is. So it's concerning.
Speaker A:It's on the forehead, a knife with.
Speaker C:The yacht as a boss. So we don't find that out. And Eve says like, all right, well, I guess I'll go play in the room. And her boss is like, no, you look like garbage. You're going to borrow a bunch of gear I have for one of my stores. So she gets all decked out in like official golf gear. And then after her, then we cut back to present day where she hits her shot. We see howie running out to see her. And then they lock eyes and she points at her, basically saying, like, here's our rematch. And then we get like the opening sequence, which is generic.
Speaker B:I do not like the song in the opening.
Speaker C:I'll say it ending is all right. Opening now. Yeah. And then ali's assistant, I couldn't bother the name I just wrote, eda. She's got this short of dark hair and follows the rules, I feel.
Speaker B:It's been so long.
Speaker C:It's been a minute. I kind of just wanted to do anita. Yeah. So eda catches her up on catches up to her and sees Eve. A Leon is here. Interesting name. She had no name previously, so they made one up. And she looks at the roster of who's golfing in the tournament and she's like, what the Eve Law. Eve is in the tournament.
Speaker A:What's your last name?
Speaker C:Eve last name? She was Eve redacted. It looked like she got a special invite to play in today's tournament, which is strange. And if you didn't know it was fake before. Her birthday is one 1, January 1, which if anyone's visited over 18 website, you know, that's what everyone's birthday is.
Speaker B:Super weird. Her birthday is 1122.
Speaker C:Yeah, she was just born. She is an itty bitty baby. Yeah. And this is where we also see she's 15, which is like, whoa. And we see. Ali wants constant updates on eve's games. Telling your assistant, like, let me know, and we see. Throughout the episode, she's given just hand signals and stuff and just giving numbers and stuff, which I don't know, it's never addressed, but it feels like they're very secretive. On giving updates on other players in the tournament, is that not allowed? Is that against the rules? That feels weird.
Speaker B:See why not?
Speaker C:If it's secretive, why are you putting it on a giant scoreboard, like out in the middle of the golf field?
Speaker B:I think it's just how to do it, like, subtly, because she can't go up to her and tell her, yeah.
Speaker A:We requested that amenity. Tell her Eve score every three holes. So I think it's a little bit like I don't want to obsess over it, but just give me these updates every once in a while.
Speaker C:I just don't know why she's given like, hand signals while Ali was on the green, when she could just wait until she's done shooting that hole and just tell us. I don't know why it was like, secretive. And then we cut to the two street thug golfers, the goth queens themselves. They were at the tournament as well, watching Eve. And the mob boss is like, yeah, we're using her for advertising for our brands, like, ah, money. And then she says her and eve's golfing style is very back alley golf, which I guess is a thing in this world, but it's very just straight ahead, straight to the hole, overwhelm your enemies with just superior power and use it as tactical warfare, like psychological warfare, to scare them by how powerful your shots are. And she said it's very good at one on one golf. So you can rattle your opponent's nerves and then you basically win because they never recover. But she's not sure how it will work in a tournament against multiple opponents. Turns out what she's given this recap, we're seeing, it's working very well and Eve is able to rattle all of her other competitors and scare them with her playing style.
Speaker B:Delightful.
Speaker C:We love it.
Speaker B:Fuck these girls.
Speaker C:No thoughts, head empty. Just smash the ball and we see. This golfing style is also how she got the name Rainbow Bullet, because she just hits it like a bullet and goes straight ahead without any fancy gay. And she's gay. Meanwhile, we see helene Roberts. She forfeited the match previously with the EU because she didn't want her nerves rattled before the tournament. Too late. You're rattled, you got shook. And she is still doing well, but definitely behind awey and not doing as well as she normally does. So she can't get Eve out of her head and she hears other people talking about this new girl at the tournament who came out of nowhere and is doing really well and is like the top three already. And she's like, what? Who could this be? And she runs over to sea. It's Eve.
Speaker B:Oh, wow.
Speaker C:Whoa. Nowhere. And then we come back home to the bar and we see lily making a gundam figure. And she's like, geez, I wonder where Eve is. She's just gone. And the little kids are like, I bet Eve abandoned lily for a boyfriend. They all tease her about that. And then one of them just hands her tablet and be like, oh, eve's here. She's at this tournament that's being live streamed down the road. And she's like, oh, that makes sense. Probably should have figured that one out. And then we see cut back to the tournament itself. We see Eve continue to crush the other girls in her bracket. So we see Allie is getting updates on Eve because they're playing in the same tournament but in different groups, so they don't see each other a lot. But yeah, her ida is giving her updates with hand signals and that motivates owie. So right, if she finds out an update, she just nails a shot and gets it in like an albatross, a seagull turkey vulture. I don't know what the golf art.
Speaker B:Show.
Speaker C:A puffin. She does good at golf. She gets motivated by a flying and then we cut back to Japan and we see a bunch of girls at a golf course practicing. They're just at, like, the driving range. And we see one girl sitting on the bench not practicing her shots. And another girl goes on to be like, hey, girl, I didn't write her name. A caddy. Why aren't you practicing with everyone else? Don't you want to be a great golfer? She's like, nah, I'm too short to be a good player, but I want to be a great caddy one day. One of the world's best caddies. Okay, weird dream.
Speaker B:I mean, it's a thing. Apparently, caddies do have to know how their player plays. So it's a thing.
Speaker C:Yeah, I guess it's just a coach like in any other sport. Just I don't know the name caddy feels yeah. dimmer or yeah, I imagine like an 18th century paper boy. But yeah, she wants to be like one of the best caddies out there and stuff. So she's not really interested in playing herself, but like, you know, getting the data on everyone else and figuring out how everyone else plays and stuff. And the girl talking to her is like, why don't you be my caddy? You know what they used to say? I was pretty well viewed as ali's old rival back in the day. A cat of girl was like, ah, cool. But you're not now because you're nowhere near as good as her anymore. It's like, shit. And we see all the girls in the club are watching ali's tournament on the TV, and she's like, hey, why don't you come and watch it with all of us and the cattle girls? Like, why bother? Ali is going to win. She always does. She's the best. If you know the outcome. It's not fun to watch, but she doesn't know that eve's playing and shaking things up. Cut back, too. We see Eve going to her next hole, and we see her mob boss be like, hey, Eve, and throws her a burger. And she's like, eat up before the next game to get your strength back. And when she opens up, the rapper, it says, like I think it's like Japanese, like, four under, fifth hole. Like, it's Awey's positioning in the tournament, which is, again, is why is the secretive, why why isn't she just like, hey, ali's, you know, negative four on her fifth shot?
Speaker B:Like, yeah, that one was a little weird.
Speaker C:That's what confused me. I'm like, do we not talk about it? What's happening? And then we see EDA is watching Alley, and she's just happy. Alley having fun again. She's getting all hyped for golf again. She's always loved golf, but now she's in the mode, she's in the spirit of it. And we see Eve starting to take her games more seriously as they're on the later half of the holes and after she finds out ali's position in the tournament with her. So we get little shots later. And then we see EDA actually run to watch Eve play. And it's hole 14 again. You know that sinister hole with the curve that they shot through the forest? That one the only other hole we've seen.
Speaker B:The bad hole.
Speaker C:The plot relevant.
Speaker B:Hole.
Speaker A:Go again.
Speaker C:We drew this whole hole out. Golf's hard to draw. We got to get the same background, same assets, and she's thinking, there's no way he's going to get an eagle in this hole. We already saw her not do it. It's preposterous. There's no way she does it.
Speaker B:She does it. She goes and does it.
Speaker A:She learned and got better.
Speaker C:Not really. Not really. I argue against that.
Speaker B:No, that's true. She did not learn, but she did get better.
Speaker C:Eve lines up her shot. Everyone's ready. And she takes a hard turn to the right and aims for the trees again. And everyone goes, woo and hits at full strength exactly where she shot it yesterday. The difference here is two days ago. The difference here is since she already shot it there, she already broke that branch that stopped the ball last time. So this time it goes through the exact same path and doesn't get stopped and lands back on the fairway after one shot, even closer than ali's shot previously.
Speaker B:It was all part of the plan, baby.
Speaker C:And then she's able to easily land an eagle on her next shot because it was able to get through. I personally feel like this is insider knowledge. And she went off the green and broke part of the course and use that to her advantage. I would argue this is straight up cheating, but the fuck do I know about golf? And we see she uses her red bullet shot, which I think is, like, more vertical than other I don't know. They never explained the shots. She just reads them. And when EDA sees us, she's terrified. She's like eve isn't just a competitor of owie. She's her archnemesis. All right, calm down. These girls, they're in love. It's jaw. Relax. And then we get, like, a montage of just howie and Eve just shooting all their shots, but we get a montage of them skipping through most of the tournament because even the golf shows, like, hey, golf's kind of boring, and just speeds through it. So we just speeds up, and we get a shot of the girls back in Japan watching the tournament as well, and everyone's watching, noticing that Ali is actually one stroke behind Eve as they're closing in on the last holes. There are different groups, but overall, in the whole tournament, eve is in the lead. And then we see lily and her sister show up, and they're like, hey, we came to watch eve. She's like, cool, I'm already done. It's over. It's like, all right, neither of them needed to be there. This didn't need to happen. It was a weird scene. And they talked to her while she's going to her next hole, and he's, like, sweating a bit. And then eve talks to the mob boss, who now we find out, is named Rose. And eve saying she's like, yeah, I'm getting a little tired. I'm used to playing one on one matches or, like, one holes or three holes. I'm not used to playing a whole tournament. And Rose tell her that Allie is one shot behind her, so you better keep this up. You got to keep your lead. And right as she says that, allie catches up at another hole. She's able to sink it a shot earlier, so she's able to tie it up with eve. And eve tells lily that she enters the tournament to keep her promise to her girlfriend.
Speaker B:The romance.
Speaker C:She's talked to this girl for, like five minutes. If you're not in love, this is a lot to do for just an actual stranger. And then we see eve finishes up her last hole and heads on over and watches ali shoot her last hole. And as ali sees her and gets motivated I got to impress her. I got to do good. Even though they're not in the same groups, they're still competing. And we see it hurt the ball. We see it rolling down towards the hole, but right as the ball gets closed, it wraps around the hole and does not sink. Ali doesn't get it, which means eve is still in the lead. So when Allie actually sinks the shot, she's one point behind eve. And Eve, I think wins. It ends, like, right here. So not 100% sure, but I think eve wins the tournament.
Speaker B:We're on the edge of our seats full.
Speaker C:But then real quick, at the very end of this episode, we get a quick shot of Rose, the, like, mob boss, standing in front of the sun, like, leaned back with her hands clawed out, saying, oh, I didn't know it was like that, with, like, an evil villain laugh pose standing in front of the sun. And it's like what? And then it ends. It's. Like what?
Speaker B:That's crazy. I missed that because it didn't seem like there was enough time for an after credits scene.
Speaker C:It wasn't after the credits. It was like I think it was at the very end. Maybe it was after the credits, but it was just like, what was that shot about? What was that pose? What was the implication? It seems like Rose is like, it's falling into my master plan.
Speaker A:It's.
Speaker C:Like what? What's happening? It's golf. But yeah, that's episode three.
Speaker B:Yeah, we did it. We golfed.
Speaker C:We golfed. It's the most I'll ever play because, like I said, I've been to a lot of clubs. No one trusts me anymore.
Speaker B:Was this on par with.
Speaker A:Yeah, this was interesting because they definitely gave much more personality to what would normally be the main characters of, like, theme. Okay, this is a very sneaky girls club show, but isn't about school. It's just about golf. So it has all the trappings of it, but I don't know, it's really trying so hard to make golf interesting. And they're burning the they're burning up the fuel so fast.
Speaker C:Handle it both ends.
Speaker A:Like, truly mentioning the train thing, episode one. Everything after that is not as exciting. So you really just shot yourself in the foot there.
Speaker B:Yeah. I would hope that later she introduces Allie to that kind of stuff.
Speaker C:That'D be fun.
Speaker B:Yeah. I mean, who knows? But yeah, like I said, when I was talking about it, I was disappointed that it wasn't like I thought it was going to be, like skate the infinity of this weird, underground, illicit golfing.
Speaker C:Club, golf criminals, galley deals, clown golfers.
Speaker B:Yeah, but I mean, with the weird, seemingly mob stuff, that does seem like it could be interesting and that it'll come back to that kind of thing. But yeah, it got a little boring and long. Like, it felt long just because of how much they talk sometimes. I like the style. I think the art style is really nice, and it was fairly interesting. I don't know if I'll keep watching it, but it was golf.
Speaker A:Yeah, the gayness was too subliminal. Definitely there, but I think you got to give us state levels. Yeah.
Speaker B:Supposedly influence subliminal later. I don't know.
Speaker C:There was a lot of talk of, like in the first episode, even being on the edge and looking to get satisfied. There's a lot of double entondre language where it's like, this feels like a horny show. And they find out she's 50 and it's like.
Speaker B:It'S okay.
Speaker C:But yeah, I agree with you, Dean, where it's like, if this state back alley crime golf. The world definitely seems to be centered around golf and much more interested in golf. Like, allie's mom is like, I'm the corporate CEO, head of a giant company. I rule the world of golf. And it's like, okay in parentheses of golf. Golf. Yeah. It definitely seems like in any anime, the world is vastly more interested in the subject matter of the anime than the actual world is. You will see, like, random people in the background being like, hey, football is going on. Golf is the only sport in this world. And yet, if it was, like, ski the Infinity and just insane and just leaned into that hardware, definitely would have had my interest. But when they're just like, actual golf, it's like, you started with crime golf and you went down.
Speaker B:How do you backpack keep introducing people? Like the stuff in Japan with the haruka. That was the name of the golfer girl and then the caddy girl. I have a feeling the caddy girl will probably be she'll probably have a.
Speaker C:Bigger role later, but replace lily as eve's caddy or something. Or maybe yeah, I was surprised by lily. She is like the plucky sidekick character, but wasn't that annoying?
Speaker B:Yeah, she was very cute. I liked her a lot.
Speaker C:Yeah. But yeah, it started on a high note and just kind of petered out by episode three. Yeah, we aren't there yet.
Speaker A:Yeah, well, it didn't cause me distress. So I'll take it this next group of 100 episodes is off on an okay foot so far?
Speaker B:Sure is.
Speaker A:If you would like to help us keep that streak alive, you can send us good anime rex to our email, or you can reach out to us on Twitter, Instagram, or TikTok at arwaveriet on all three.
Speaker B:You can find me on Instagram and TikTok at honey d or on Twitter at honeyd eight. Honeydart. Honey is spelled H-U-N-N-I-E. Find me on Twitter at abts.
Speaker C:Brendan stands for Almost Better Than Silence, which is a video game podcast I did 420 episodes of because weed.
Speaker A:Thank you to camille ruley for our artwork, and thank you to Louisong for our theme song stories. You can find all of louie's music at Louisong Thank you, and we hope you'll join us next week as we learn to live with anime.
Speaker B:Goodbye.
Speaker C:I want to see Eve play. Mario english.
Golly, would you like to watch a gold anime? I know I WOOD! We watch Birdie Wing: Golf Girls Story!
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Thank you:
Camille Ruley for our Artwork
Louie Zong for our Themesong "stories"
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