Are Weeb There Yet?
An Exploration and Education in Anime!

AWTY 125 - Bug Bed (Sleepy Princess in the Demon Castle)

3 years ago
Speaker A:

Music. Hello and welcome to our week there yet in exploration and education and anime. I'm your anime idiot, patrick dugan.

Speaker B:

I'm an anime expert, D hollander.

Speaker C:

And I'm brenda mccullough, your anime Mr. sandman. Bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum sand bum bum bum bum bum, bum, bum I got.

Speaker A:

To craft it into a man.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

A new layer.

Speaker C:

Going to go for a sandwich, but yeah. Okay, let's make it some man.

Speaker B:

Hey, Mr. sandman, bring me some sand so I can make a new sandman, thus rendering you obsolete.

Speaker A:

I'm here to train your replacement back.

Speaker C:

Tenure don't mean shit here, but yeah.

Speaker A:

Why the sand? Are we finally doing oops? All beach episodes today?

Speaker B:

That would be fun. Write that down. That's a good idea.

Speaker C:

I mean, I got chose, but it's going to be horny as fuck.

Speaker B:

That's fine.

Speaker A:

Okay, I'm ready if it's all beach episodes, of course. It's all about them hot bods, them tingle bitters.

Speaker B:

Yeah, today that's not what we're doing. Today we're watching Sleepy Princess in the demon castle. Yeah, I heard about it on YouTube, in a YouTube video, and the person said it was really, like, sweet and just kind of fun. And I was like, okay. And then I looked up, like, reviews, and it has a good rating, so I think it'll be cute.

Speaker A:

I mean, the first two words in the title are Sleepy Princess. It can't be, like, gory and violent.

Speaker C:

With a tiny who knows Manoka magic.

Speaker A:

Yeah, we've been wrong before, but there's.

Speaker B:

An anime out right now that I'm very excited to watch called Wonder Egg Priority.

Speaker C:

I'm sorry.

Speaker B:

And you would not guess that that's a horror anime, but it is.

Speaker C:

Aren't wonder eggs. What is it? German candies. It's like a chocolate eggs. Kinder Eggs. Isn't that maybe I'm thinking of kinder egg and a wonder ball.

Speaker B:

I don't know why it's called that, but I'm interested. Maybe that'll finally be a good horror anime. We'll see.

Speaker C:

Some titles are just Wild and magnus. I mean, Fucking bleach is named that because it was the creator's favorite nirvana song. There's no reason for that. Like, fuck you, name whatever you want.

Speaker A:

All ryman reason goes right out the window when it comes to anime. So why why hold any standards to it? At this point, the expectations are just on us, so we can't let ourselves get burned. Yeah.

Speaker B:

And this one, it seems pretty straightforward, so of course I wanted to check.

Speaker A:

Clearly I know nothing about this show because yeah, I don't know anime, but brendan, is this a show that you've heard about?

Speaker C:

No, it came out after y two K, so it's out of my realm of knowledge. I'm old.

Speaker A:

All right, perfect. We have high expectations, but as very cautiously often. How do you have expectations that it will not at least be, like, pornographic?

Speaker C:

The more we talk about, the more hesitant I am.

Speaker B:

Maybe we should just watch it.

Speaker A:

Yeah, we'll just jump right into it. Plug your nose. Ready to dive in?

Speaker C:

Wow. No.

Speaker A:

So the rest of this episode is going to be in asmr just to keep the vibes in tune with the show.

Speaker B:

Should I start chewing gum? Do you want me to go get some gum?

Speaker A:

Let me let me just start scratching.

Speaker C:

Oh, shit.

Speaker B:


Speaker C:

No. I might have fucked up. No. Okay, we're good. I clicked on the recording and tapping away. I might have hit a key. I think we're good.

Speaker B:

Okay. Thank goodness.

Speaker C:

Every time I do that, the rest destroying my computer.

Speaker B:

Slight panic in this asmr episode.

Speaker C:


Speaker A:

Do we need to abort?

Speaker C:

Oh, no. Imagine like, a nuclear meltdown in asmr. It is. Code red alert. Please get to the nearest stairwell because the fires have destroyed the elevators.

Speaker B:

That's my favorite asmr role play. How did you know?

Speaker A:

Hey, gang, let's do our latest chernobyl session under the desk.

Speaker C:

Cover your head and kiss your ass goodbye. That bombs a truck.

Speaker A:

Put your kids on the bus as they go up the stairs.

Speaker C:

Well, anyway, what are we talking about?

Speaker A:

Yeah, so we got some extremely sleepy vibes for many reasons.

Speaker B:

Yeah, this was a very sleepy show. Let's talk about it. There's a lovely little kingdom and this takes place in a time where humans and demons coexisted. But that doesn't necessarily mean they got along.

Speaker A:

Sound familiar? It's every show.

Speaker B:

Yeah, I was going to say humans.

Speaker C:

Get doubles of part time revives real quick here.

Speaker B:

Yeah, the demons. Not demons. The humans live in the United Nation of good Rest with an E at the end.

Speaker A:

I don't know how pronounce that's how you know it's fantasy.

Speaker B:

But then the Demon King steals the princess, and to have her return, they must submit to demon rule. And I regret to inform you all her name is Princess cialis. Why is her name cialis? We really don't know. I for 01:00 a.m. Desperate to find out. I googled it, can't find any explanation.

Speaker A:

The only indicator is like the sub is the only thing I could find. I don't think there's a dubbed I don't think it's dubbed yet, but I don't know enough Japanese. But whenever she had just like z's subtitled, like snoring, she would just go see. So I don't know if it is just sort of some sort of like Japanese ton, but I hope so. Very unfortunate translation.

Speaker B:

Very unfortunate because canonically, her name is sya, I think. Space lis. I don't know why they would do that.

Speaker C:

I didn't have this problem because I forgot names immediately.

Speaker A:

It's fine. That's the only name that matters.

Speaker B:

Yeah, we just call her Princess anyway, so don't worry because the great hero donner will save the Princess from her suffering in the demon realm. She's being held prisoner in the Demon castle. She looks around and she's like, there's nothing to do but sleep. I don't have princely duty. Prince princessly duties. They're treating me well. I get three meals a day. I guess I'll just sleep. But there are too many demons hanging out outside of her cell, and she can't get a good night's rest.

Speaker C:

Cool bar.

Speaker B:

She could sleep so well back home. Maybe it's the bad pillow. She needs better bedding. New quest. Find a new pillow.

Speaker A:

Yeah, there's a strong old school video game aesthetic around this of just like, each task is a quest. It gets very video gamey with the enemies. So that is a fun little through line to it of like, yeah, this is within a video game, but no one really acknowledges it.

Speaker B:

Yeah. So some little teddy bear demons bring her a meal. They hand her a fork and knife, and she grabs the knife, and she's like, they look soft.

Speaker C:

She went to murder stab them.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

This girl is ruthless. I want to know how she's going.

Speaker C:

To run a country efficiently.

Speaker A:

She's the type of person who runs out of gas on a road trip and immediately turns to cannibalism.

Speaker C:

Why is everyone looking at me?

Speaker B:

Instead, she grabs a brush and brushes them to get all of their excess fur off. And they're, like, happy to do it. They're very, like, soft and sweet. They're like, thank you, Princess, for brushing us.

Speaker C:

They love the brushes.

Speaker B:

They love it. And to get brushed more, they give her the key to the cell. So now she's just walking around the castle.

Speaker A:

There were just enough point and click adventure vibes to this of like, oh, you get this item if you do this random task. It just, like, scratched that part of my brain. And I was like, yes. Great.

Speaker B:

I love jump start games.

Speaker C:

I do like how we see other guards. How does she keep getting out of herself? Like, well, who has the key? These tiny, dumb, adorable bears that have no responsibility whatsoever. Probably them. Stop giving the bears the key.

Speaker B:

So guard. It says quia dio. He's a big porcupine thing. He's like, wait, how did she leave? And she's just right behind him. She takes some quills from his back, and she's just like she's all over the castle, causing mischief. She goes up to a headless guard, and she's dressed like an old lady. And she's like, the princess is dying and needs these herbs. And he's like, oh, shit. Come on in. Take them. And she does. And now she has everything she needs for a good night's sleep. She makes a lovely new pillow with these herbs inside that help her sleep. A deluxe princess pillow.

Speaker C:

Hooray jumping off the video game aesthetic. A nice little resin and evil reference with the herbs of the red, green, and yellow herbs. Oh, yeah, you mix them together in the game.

Speaker B:

It just reminded me in shrek when they send donkey to find a blue flower thorn.

Speaker C:

So much easier if I was like, colorblind.

Speaker A:

The only reason I was able to remember the door code to my therapist office is I would recite the number combination to that river.

Speaker B:

Hey, it's helpful. Songs are helpful. So she falls right asleep and the.

Speaker A:

King so just real quick, if you like that, get ready to see it about eight more times because that's the format. That's the format that they're going to just keep on doing for the next hour.

Speaker C:

Quest and sleep.

Speaker B:

Yeah. And then also part of this formula is that the king comes to talk to her about how she shouldn't get out of her cell, but she's asleep and the guards and him don't want to wake him up, wake her up. They're just like, oh, no, the little girl is sleeping.

Speaker C:

We did kidnap her, but we don't want to be rude.

Speaker A:

Yeah, she just stabbed some of the guards, but just let her sleep. We'll talk to her tomorrow.

Speaker B:

Yeah. So next time she makes a headband yay. She gets scissors from a guy that delivers food to her and his arm is made of scissors. I really like the designs. The character designs are so fun.

Speaker C:

Yeah, this guy I think I have a note later on, but yeah, I like how all the guards are different. It's not just skeleton A, skeleton B, skeleton C. Like, they're all very different over various yeah.

Speaker B:

And she trades her real crown for these scissors. She just doesn't care.

Speaker C:

No, it's great.

Speaker B:

She just wants to sleep.

Speaker A:

Yeah. That is much more important than ceremony for a kingdom she is no longer in.

Speaker B:

Yeah. So now she has these giant scissors and then she decides she needs better sheets. I do like this that she clanks the brush against the bars of herself for the teddy bears to come give her the keys because she's like, come get your brushies.

Speaker A:

Just shaking the treat bags. And the pets come running. Exactly.

Speaker B:

So she's going cloak hunting. She's going to steal some cloaks to make her sheets and she's just stomping around the castle snipping these giant scissors. And then she's after this beautiful, soft looking cloth that she saw someone wearing and she finds out that it's alive. And she's just like, oh, I don't need the header arms. And she just chops it off.

Speaker A:

It was like the ghost shroud. It was just like a ghostly figure on someone's back. And she's like, snip, I need her torso only.

Speaker B:

Sorry, bud. Let's see. There's stuff going on in the human world, but it super doesn't matter. They're just trying it's just for comedy for them to be like, oh, yes, the battle is so difficult. But I'm sure it's nothing compared to the torment the princess is going through, when in reality, she's just being babysat by a bunch of demons.

Speaker C:


Speaker A:

They're all just too polite to actually put their foot down.

Speaker B:

Yeah. So now she can't sleep because the demon snores are too loud. So she goes to try to find a new place to sleep. She gets lost and winds up in the Noble armory. And she finds a wind idol. And she gets caught up in the Wind idol's gust of wind. And she's like, this is really comfy. I want this. So she removes the gem that produces the gust and she overhears the Demon King say how important that shield is and that it can't be broken. And she just looks down and it shows that she's just completely destroyed it. And she just takes the pieces and puts them in a trunk because why does she care?

Speaker C:

I like that she's also just banging at it with like a diamond and like a sock and just wailing on it. And the damage talking is like, hey, what's that clang? You know, it's like the blacksmith's nearby. It's like, ah, he's working hard. It's like fucking idiots. They're all idiots.

Speaker A:

And also it's a sentient diamond. So it's also like, oh fuck no.

Speaker B:

Why are you doing this? So on her way back to her cell, she ends up in like some lava caverns. And some guards are like, no, princess is dangerous in there. And she's like, what? And then she slips on a little slime monster and dies.

Speaker C:

Just fucking dies.

Speaker B:

And episodes just fucking dies.

Speaker A:

Episode is over and we're done. Are just the credits played over and over for 22 minutes.

Speaker B:

It's crazy. But she wakes up in a coffin and she's like, this is really comfy. I like this. So she sands it with the cleric's horns, which is fucked up. And then she gets back in and falls asleep. So they just carry the coffin to her cell. So now she's just like, great, I have a comfy new bed. And this is when the Demon King asks himself, he's like, did I kidnap the wrong princess? Because she's kind of fucked up.

Speaker C:

She's kind of dumb.

Speaker B:

This girl's got me fucked up. But yeah, that's episode one.

Speaker A:

Yeah. I really liked I appreciated the sort of layer to it of like from the guard's perspective. This is what it's like to be a video game enemy. When someone is playing on like, easy mode and this small child is just destroying everyone and there's nothing we can do to stop her.

Speaker B:

She's too soft.

Speaker C:

It's like when you commit to role playing a character and fall out of skyrim, it's like, I'm not running through killing everyone becoming like the God King that rules the world. It's like, nah, I'm just going to be like, I'm going to I'm going to serve my sentence as a prisoner, but I'm going to have like dankass emerald coded bedding and like crazy ass stuff in my cell. I was like, what? Why are you doing this?

Speaker B:

I'm living in the lap of luxury.

Speaker A:

I don't need to explore the mines in stardu Valley. I have this dope bed. They gave me the default bed and I upgraded it. And that's all I need.

Speaker C:

What else is there? Yeah, so we got episode two. It comes up with the heroes venturing through some underground labyrinth. And the king arrives at me like, ha ha. You'll never escape. Every tunnel you go down to leads back here. You are fools like, gosh, you name it, King. That's it. And then it cuts back to the demon castle. And we see this little willow wisp figure, and it's like, rhino, rhinoceros, beetle like demon just cleaning the towers like the outside of the towers because they can fly up there. And they're like, oh, we got to make sure it's all spic and span and shiny for the Phoenix Eggs. And the camera pans up to the top of the tower, and there's a nest with, like, five gold eggs in there. And they're like it's. The Phoenix eggs. They laid at the first century. We got to make sure they're taken care of because they're so special and powerful, something like that. And it's like, yeah, once we're done cleaning whoa. And they turn and they just see the Princess climbing up the tower, like, towards the eggs and like, what the fuck? oops. And then we get the opening and yeah, pretty standard opening.

Speaker B:

Yeah, it's just cute. Just whatever.

Speaker A:

Yeah, I loved it. It was a bop, but yeah, it's like yeah.

Speaker C:

And then we see cuts back to a little earlier than where the cold open starts, and we see the Princess in her cell, like, waking up. And she's like, God, what the hell is this? Why is my hand did she oh, bug bite. She realizes there's just, like, a giant window in her cell and then windows up off her and stuff. And the cell has bars on it, so it's not an actual door, so it's just too open of a cell for her. And bugs are getting in and biting her. And she's like, I need to get a mosquito net like I had back home to cover my bed so I don't get bit of my sleep. She says, well, I can't use the cloak I've got from the ghost shroud. I need something bigger. I'll cover the whole bed. And then right on cue, we see, like, the king of the ghost shrouds. It's like a ghost shroud bush is bigger and swearing like a crown. And he's like, why did you doubt of my ghost shroud minions? I hear you're cutting them up. What kind of psychopath? And she just pulls out the scissors and cuts him up. And he's like, why the hell yeah, dude, scissors. What do you expect?

Speaker B:

Do you think I care? That's funny.

Speaker A:

I think this is one ding to the show specifically because it sort of takes away any goal that they set up, because she goes, hey, here's an objective I need to finish before she finishes the sentence. The exact right monster comes in and is like, hey, I'm here. And you can beat me easily, okay? She didn't even have to search for something. You just happened to be in the.

Speaker C:

Same room he ran in. He he voluntarily offered his body to her. Yeah. So we see him her cut him up, and then she starts, like, hanging the sheet. She's like, I got to hang this around my bed, but I can't hang this from anything in the cell. Where can I look at the window and sees the tower with the phoenix eggs right outside the window? She's like, make a string and then tied from that tower down to my bedroom, which is like a fucking mile away, but sure, okay, we can do this. She could hang the sheet from there, and that'll be like the bug net around her bed. And right as she knows that tower, we see a little kitty cap, some big old hands come walking there.

Speaker B:

I thought she was going to cut off this cat.

Speaker C:

She's brutal. Yeah, this cat's like it's like the stamp cat, and it's walking on the walls, making little footprints as it walks. And it's like, hey, princess, I came here to take away your dishes. And she's like, oh, you're not allowed to wear shoes in my cell. It's against the customs. You have to follow the customs. Oh, sorry, princess. Let me pop those off right away and just hops out of its own feet. And it's got regular feet underneath us wearing, like, big clown shoes, size paws. And it hops right out. And she just immediately snatches them. She's like, let me bar these. She's like, you lied to me. Why would you lie to me, princess? She's like, let me borrow this.

Speaker A:

But you just trusted you.

Speaker C:

And I like, that. She just, like, immediately grabs them and is just hoarding them. It's like, let me borrow this. Let me borrow this. Let me bar this. Let me borrow this. Just repeatedly. I kind of got me. So yeah. She ends up stealing the cat's feet and is able to use them to climb up the tower that we saw her doing earlier. So when the Willow Wisp and the beatles ceaser doing that, they fly off and tell the demon king. And he's like, oh, shit. She's after the eggs. They got super healing properties. She's going to give it to the heroes so she can escape guards. So you got to get her. So we kind of see the standard guards. We see it's like the cool out the big porcupine guide, like some frankenstein guy, a minotaur, and a skeleton or in a goblin all flying at her own dragons. Band of brothers, band of idiots. And they're all trying to figure out what she's doing. We got to stop her. We got to make sure we get her before she reaches the eggs, because who knows what she'll do with that power. And it's a cut back and forth, like her climbing and then flying in her climbing and then flying in. It's like, oh, it's tense. And then she gets to the top and just ties the rope, and it slides down. She's like, all right, I'm done. And when she was that close to the eggs, it healed her bug bite. She's like, fantastic.

Speaker B:


Speaker C:

Anyway, back to bed, and the guards start arguing with themselves, like, whose idiot idea was this? And they started beating each other up. Meanwhile, she sets up her new bugbed bugbed bug net. It's the opposite of bugnet.

Speaker A:

It's just a bed made of bugs. They were the lowest level enemies. So she's like, yeah, just get into the sack, and that's my map.

Speaker B:

This seems good.

Speaker C:

She beat up oogie boogie and just turned it into a pillowcase. And then yeah, we cut back to the underground. We see here is escaping from the underground labyrinth, and it turns out they got to fight the area boss, the Sand Dragon. Anyway, back at the Demon Tower cares. Who cares? Back at the Demon Castle, we see there's a council of demons meeting, and there's, like, a forest elder demon. And he's like, all right, this week we got to talk about the new crop of healing or sleeping potions we got. Now, this week, we got a hook, and the sleeping potions gone, just that the princess snuck in and stole it. And he stops her right before she gets out of the room. It's like, hey, what you do in there, champ? She's like, oh, I need this. He's like, Cool, but we need that. And you're the hot. No, give it back.

Speaker A:

We reserve this conference room.

Speaker B:

Yeah, I love that. She doesn't say anything, though. She just smiles. She's like he.

Speaker C:

Yeah, that's right.

Speaker B:

She's galaxy me, little me.

Speaker C:

And at least this forest elder is like, no, I need that. I'm not letting you just have that. Like, all the other damn season, putting his foot down.

Speaker B:

I must have some control over this situation.

Speaker A:

This is as firm as a prison guard has ever been, and he's just.

Speaker B:

A sweet old man saying, no, no, honey, we need that.

Speaker C:

Go back to your room. I need this as daddy's toy.

Speaker A:

You can have it later.

Speaker C:

So, yeah, she she doesn't end up stealing the sleeping potion and gets sent back to her cell, and she's like, I'm just going to steal it from storage like I did before. That headless guard is an idiot.

Speaker A:

Yeah, that was as much adversity as she faces in this whole show.

Speaker C:

Just have to wait five minutes, and she'll just take it from somewhere else. So we see her sneaking out of her cell. She's going back down to storage with a cloak around her, going to try and convince the headless guard. And while she sneak around, we see a shadowy figure with glasses following behind her, making note of all the castle violations she's dealing, breaking out her cell like, impersonating demon and getting into the storage area and all these different rules she's breaking. It's like glasses. Loves rules. That's EDA. That's EDA if I've ever seen them.

Speaker A:

I wrote him down as EDA enu.

Speaker B:

Because he's an Eden dog.

Speaker C:

She's a big old dog.

Speaker B:

Good one.

Speaker C:

So, yeah, we see her we see her walking around, actually, for a bit, and she sees a bunch of mushrooms. She's like, Damn, they look comfy. I'm going to doze off on those and dives head first into the mushrooms. She falls asleep and also dies because they're poisonous.

Speaker B:

She's just cool with it. She's done it before.

Speaker A:

Yeah, again, there are no stakes in this castle.

Speaker B:

No, absolutely not.

Speaker C:

But I like how we cut to after she dies. We cut to, like, the demon clerk talking to the Demon King, being like, yeah, man, she dies, like, once a week now. Like, she dies on the rag. And he's like, what do you mean she dies on the rag? She's kind of dumb. She cuts her cuts to the demon cleric, reviving her, sitting her down and having, like, a talking to, being like, repeat after me. I will value my life. I will not dive headfirst into danger. She's like.

Speaker B:

You'Re not my dad.

Speaker C:

He kind of has to punish her. Be like, stop dying. Stop killing yourself.

Speaker A:

This medicine is so expensive. God. Oh, man, you are bankrupting us.

Speaker C:

Too many diamonds I have to use to revive your body. And yeah, so we see her escape again, and ida is falling after her again, and she's talking to his guard, and she can't stand because he's an idiot. And when she's leaving, EDA stops her being like, hey, guard, if she really needed this, wouldn't she have to have a signed document from the demon king himself proving that she needed? He's like, yeah, I guess so, but it's an emergency. He's like, that's not part of the rules. I don't care if emergencies are in the rules or not. She needs to follow it's. Just like so we kind of get his introduction, and he's the leader of the siberian Demons to the cloaks that she was stealing in the previous episode. So he's like, you steal from my subordinates, you break all of these rules. That's it. We're going back to your cell. I'm reprimanding you for all your hundred violations you've done so far. And when they get back to the cell, he's like, yo, this place is nasty. You're filthy. You live like this, bitch.

Speaker B:

Nasty damn bitch. You live like this.

Speaker C:

She's like, what? He's like, Why do you have all these coffins? It's like, because they keep confiscating them when I take them to sleeping. Like, why do you have all these ghost route sheets? Like, you were murdering all these ghost routes? She's like, they make my sheets. They're comfy. He's like, what is this?

Speaker B:

Yeah, that gave me that gave me a good laugh. In the beginning of the episode, when you see in the corner that she's just accumulated all of these coffins and all of these ghost shrouds.

Speaker C:

She's been busy.

Speaker A:

A true representation of a game's inventory of, like, yeah, I have all these magical shrouds. I guess I'll put them in a chest in the shack that I have.

Speaker C:

Yeah, I think she also has a bunch of, like, superior healing potions, but they're all empty. It's like, Why did you even take these?

Speaker A:

I keep dying, idiot.

Speaker C:

Yeah, true. There's just a tree growing out of her cell now. He's like, what is this? She's like, oh, I just found the seed laying around. It wasn't laying around. It was locked in a chest in the treasury by guards that's not just laying around. And it's like a holy tree seed that, like, grows fruit and stuff. It's like, what the so much stuff that she's just stealing from everyone else. And he starts lecturing her. I'm like, you can't be doing this. You got to do this. Oh, no, wait. He also finds one of the teddy bear demons in her stuff. He pulls it out. He's like, what the hell? Why is he here? She's like gimme. He's my pet gimme. He stops her saying he goes, yeah, okay, that's fair, and I toss.

Speaker B:

You can have this one.

Speaker A:

Yeah, he does seem happy.

Speaker C:

He doesn't even argue with it. So he starts, like, lecturing her about all the violations she's done so far. It's like, you broke this rule and this rule, and you can't be doing this and this. And she's immediately just checked out and be like, I'm not paying attention to any of this, but this lectern kind of reminds me of a lullaby I got as a kid. And he's so fluffy. She puts her head on his chest, like, on his big, like, fur, and she just conks out. She's like, this is it, just a lullaby and a big fluffy bed. It just falls asleep on top of him. And that's episode two.

Speaker A:

Yeah, third episode. Same as the first two, but not necessarily worse. Yeah. So we get the introduction of these powerful books called grimoires. They contain all the knowledge of the universe, but they will take your sanity if you try to read them. And of course, the princess is like, bedtime story, and immediately goes to their forbidden chamber where they're all locked up and just checks them out. It's fine. She takes out the books, starts reading, like, the most basic one, and she's like, It's draining my MP. We see a little monkey of her becoming exhausted because it's eating her sanity. But she's like, It's not making me sleepy. It is boring. Don't get me wrong, but definitely boring. It's just exhausting me. Not making me sleepy. Ready for bed. So she sees there's, like, a chamber where the most severe grimoire is locked up, but she's so physically exhausted from being drained that she just rolls down the stairs and accidentally. Activates the puzzle to let her into this chamber and just does it perfectly and rolls in fine. So she gets in there, and we see this gnarly book with, like, teeth and eyes. And it's all grim and locked up. But she spooky just clearly. Even if it was a normal book for bedtime stories, you're going to have nightmares reading that one. But she opens it up and, oh, no, there's a magic boy in here.

Speaker B:

Where did you come from, magic boy?

Speaker A:

This was Alazith, the spirit of the grimoire. And he's like, oh, boy, thank you. You rescued me. Now let's use my magic to escape this demon. And she's like, no, read me a story. He's like, are you sure? I've been locked up here for, like, centuries. So we could probably both get out of here. But I want to use, like, fight the enemies, like, put them to sleep.

Speaker C:

And she's like, whoa, whoa, whoa. Stop. Right?

Speaker A:

You have sleep magic? Like, oh, yeah, I can definitely use sleep magic. So he cut to the demon king, who has, like, new sentries that are basically, like, little security camera eye bat things so he can just keep an eye on what's going on around the castle. But we see that cialis uses the sleep spell, and the magic boy is like, all right, this is the most powerful thing I have. It's going to use up all your mana. And she's like, I don't care. Just put me to sleep.

Speaker C:

Just do it. Hit me, big man.

Speaker A:

So he activates it, and a big magical spell glows over the whole castle and puts everyone to sleep except for the princess. And she's like, hey, dude, what the fuck is magic? And he's like, well, it would be stupid if you cast a sleep spell and it put you to sleep. That's very bad for, like, combat. And she's like, I not try to fight. I just want to nap. Oh, this fucking sucks. Well, I guess I'm using your book as a pillow and just lays down on it and goes to sleep.

Speaker C:

So let's talk.

Speaker A:

But yeah. So the whole castle was asleep for three days. So she's like, okay, I used this book as a pillow. I guess that's about as restful as I'm getting. So quest complete. So we start the next quest, which is she's going to play around with pressure points to just immediately knock her out. So she gets this book about pressure points from Alazaf, who's now just her librarian, I guess.

Speaker B:

He's like, I'm the most powerful grimoire in existence, and you just want to use me to get other books?

Speaker A:

Yes, more useful guardians on staff, like.

Speaker C:

Penguin guard in the library. I love them.

Speaker A:

But yeah. So she's messing around with pressure points, and she's like, all right, teddy bear demon, let's give this a shot. Little paws are too squishy to actually, so she's like, okay, I need someone stronger. So she goes out, sees like, the collective of guards that we see always grouped up. And she's like, about to ask, but remembers, oh, that ida enu is going to lock me up again if he finds out the specifics of what I'm trying to do. So of course she's like, hey, I need one of you to touch me. And they're like, oh, I'm sorry. What?

Speaker B:

Princess? Absolutely not, child. What the fuck?

Speaker C:

Let's be intentionally vague.

Speaker A:

No, it's fine. I just need you to come to my bedroom and touch me. And they're like, that didn't help at all.

Speaker C:

There's like a hundred better ways to say that. And then you chose at the absolute worst.

Speaker A:

So they of course all run away. One is like, okay, I'll do it. And the rest are like, no, shut the fucking up. Like the one guard that got it. Yeah, I'll give you a back rub or whatever. The others are like, no, you pervert. We're all leaving.

Speaker C:

It's always the frankenstein monster looking one just like.

Speaker A:

So she's like, okay, I need someone else. Someone without claws or pointy things that will just stab me. So she goes to the cleric. He has, like a sermon going. So there's a crowd in there. She just walks up to him and is like, hey, I need your special fingers to touch me in the bedroom. And he's like, no. And it just faints.

Speaker B:

I'm a man of God.

Speaker C:

Man of the demon god?

Speaker B:

Yeah, well, it's a man about God.

Speaker C:

Oh, God. Just an evil one.

Speaker A:

So he faints things like and she's like, okay, got to find someone else. So she's walking the hallway, and finally she goes face to face with a demon king. So the king is like, I need to really establish myself because clearly she's walking all over me. So he goes into this big boss villain speech of like, princess, you dare roam my castle? And she's like, yeah, shut up. Come to my bedroom and touch me. And he's like so she just grabs him by the hand and takes her back to the cell. And he's like, what a dark purpose? What escape attempt is she trying? And she just holds up the book. And he's like, you see these spots? Just press them, poke me. So he's like, okay, I'm going to subdue her. I'm going to do something to incapacitate her. And he presses on her back. And she just immediately falls asleep and is like, thank you for the massage. He's like, okay, you can go now.

Speaker C:

Bye bye.

Speaker B:

She used me.

Speaker A:

But yeah. So that's next quest complete. Once again, third quest, same formula. She's like, okay. I keep waking up in the dark in this perpetual night of this hellish demon castle. My circadian rhythm is off. I need some form of sunlight. So she looks out the window of her cell and is like, okay, in the forest, I see a shining light. I'm just going to you know, escape this castle.

Speaker C:

Easy peasy. Yeah.

Speaker A:

So she picks up, no problem. Yeah, she has her gear, she has her big pair of scissors and shield and coffin and all that stuff.

Speaker C:

Breath of the wild her way out of the castle.

Speaker A:

Yeah, truly, she just glitches her way out. So we see some guards sort of like commenting, being like, what? She's walking out? She can't escape as she just easily just dancing through all the mazes and puzzles and monsters that are in her way. She just easily escapes. So the alarm goes out of like, okay, red alert. She finally has gone too far. She's escaped the castle grounds. So all the guards gather up and they're like, okay, we got to shut it down, we got to get her back. She's going to escape. She's going into the forest of treasures. So the demon king is like, okay, oh fuck. I hid in the forest of treasures. Basically my magic final boss sword. And it could completely destroy us if it falls into the wrong hands. We got a beater to it.

Speaker C:

I mean, hid is a generous term because it is perpetually night and it is a goddamn lighthouse. It is just a beam of light shooting out of the forest.

Speaker A:

Yeah, just true master sword situation. Just completely obvious, completely findable. But she finds it and is like, I was just trying to find some sunlight, but if it's an item I can bring back to my cell. Cool. Even better. So she just picks up the sword and walks it back. But yeah, all the guards go out swarmer and are like, okay, she's going to try to fight with the sword and she just walks through the line and politely goes right back into the castle. I think we need to recontextualize what she's trying to do because we have been so far off for the last hour. But yeah, she takes it back to the castle, puts a sheet over it, and every morning she'll uncover it so she can wake up to some sunlight. And that's where we end the episode.

Speaker B:

Yeah, pretty basic, pretty simple premises.

Speaker C:

You got the goof. We're going to play off that goof for 13 more episodes.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

Yeah, they know what they're doing, but that's easy because they're doing one thing. Let's turn a fun sketch or short into a twelve episode series. So the vibes great, the concept good, execution extremely repetitive.

Speaker C:

Yeah, it's not bad. It looks nice. All the characters are fun designs and stuff and yeah, the songs and music is catchy and stuff and there are genuinely funny moments like we've said, but just like, yeah, it's just the same thing over and over. That's really the only complaint I have.

Speaker B:

Yeah, it's a fun watch for the most part. It's fun to see a cute little princess be utterly ruthless in some cases.

Speaker A:

Yes, just completely devastating. This final boss area with very common.

Speaker C:

Gentle antics it's a good check your mind at the door, non challenging show you can just put in front of your empty eyes.

Speaker B:

Watch it before you go to sleep.

Speaker C:

Yeah, that's a good idea actually.

Speaker A:

Yeah, we were all talking about like, as what we were watching. It like, yeah, we all just want a nap now because of that.

Speaker C:

It's one of the little teddy bear demons.

Speaker A:

Yeah. This is a great show to put on as you're getting ready for a nap because when you wake up, it's going to look about the same as when you went to sleep.

Speaker B:

You will not have missed anything.

Speaker A:

We have the adventures on their way. I assume towards the end there's going to be an actual attempt at a showdown, but she's still just going to waltz out of it with no trouble. Yeah, it's fine. Put it on in the background, fall asleep, wake up, and yeah, you've seen one episode. You've seen them all, it seems.

Speaker B:

Yeah, we didn't hate it.

Speaker C:

Yeah, didn't hate it. Probably won't continue watching it though.

Speaker A:

Yeah, those are our thoughts on the show. Are we there yet? No, it's fine to watch for this, but probably not for everyday life. Unless you need a nap show. But even so, laid back camp is probably better for it.

Speaker C:

Oh, god.

Speaker B:


Speaker C:

There's a corgi in the recent episode. That show is fucking gunning for me and they got my number. I love it.

Speaker B:

They listened to the podcast.

Speaker C:

They knew we got our demographic. This is one guy, just one sad man. Makes me happy. They got an android coming out.

Speaker B:

All those figurines look so good.

Speaker A:

But yeah. So since we're in such a nap heavy mood, I figured we can get some planning. We can start planning for our anime naps. So I would like to introduce you to a segment tempora pedic weeb system.

Speaker B:

Oh, wow.

Speaker A:

This is our own fantasy anime nap time. So, like this show of just taking elements of an anime to make the perfect nap, I'm going to ask questions on what animes will help you build your ideal nap.

Speaker B:

Oh my god, I'm so excited.

Speaker C:

When you said that, I was like halfway crawling into my bed, right?

Speaker A:

Yeah. listener, this is a perfect time. Yeah. Let's bring the five back down to asmr intro. So hey, everyone just chill out. Just meditate on this perfect anime nap to begin with. We see so many soft and fluffy things in anime. We need an anime bed. This could be a character to take a nap on, an item that we've seen at some point. What is the softest, most ideal squishy thing for you to take your nap on totoro?

Speaker C:

Does it have to be something we've actually covered on the podcast?

Speaker A:

You can pull from whatever source you need because if it's anime, it's probably soft and squishy. Unless it's pointy and demonic.

Speaker C:

Unless it's darn logging. I would say it's a show we have and watch, but we definitely will get to it eventually. But from the ancient magus Bride there are these little bug creatures that float. Not little, they're actually quite big, but they're basically sheep bugs that fly around and they're very woolly. And at 1.1 character actually is sleeping on just a herd of them, like grouped together into a bed. It's like the koala sheep from After Our Last airbender when he's asleep deprived and they have to knock him out in that episode. It's very similar to that.

Speaker B:

Wow. Train zone. Very soothing.

Speaker C:

Chugga. chugga. This is your conductor on the asmr Junction.

Speaker A:

Yeah, it's like when you're in a dream and a train runs by, but like a train on your TV in real life.

Speaker C:

Just hormones. It's either those bugs from ancient magus Bride with the sheeple, or from us or massume just some big old anime master girl titties. Okay, if I'm going out, I'm going out peacefully.

Speaker A:

I mean, yeah, they're going to be big enough for you to fully lay on and soft.

Speaker B:

Okay, yeah, you could lay on that snake girl.

Speaker C:

Yeah, I was thinking the spider one.

Speaker B:

Yeah, she's pointy though.

Speaker A:

Anyway, my thought was that just a nice waterbed of that water filled porpoise from Ride Your Wave.

Speaker B:

Just lay on your water boyfriend.

Speaker A:

Gentle squishy.

Speaker C:

I want a Waterbeat with my dead by ex boyfriend.

Speaker B:

And he could whisper sweet nothings to you. Yeah, just as you drift off.

Speaker A:

Just making sure you're as comfortable as possible and goodnight.

Speaker C:

You let me die in the ocean. She didn't let it die.

Speaker A:

Okay, let's continue on that note. So we need some sort of location. What is the perfect anime nap location? Nice and calm and serene. It could be a setting from a show or a specific building or place, but where do you want to settle down for a little nap?

Speaker C:

Oh, man, where would this be?

Speaker B:

I don't know.

Speaker C:

We watched so much aggressively loud shows. I don't know of any chill ones.

Speaker B:

I need to look at the list of anime to be reminded honest of what exists.

Speaker C:

I was thinking of maybe out in like a field, maybe the sun's out but you're in the shade so it's not too hot and you got like a nice breeze going.

Speaker A:

Yeah, that was my thought. I'll throw one out while you think. I was thinking of the land of the lustrous. Just that like serene, calm, wind valley of just laying out in the sunshine, avoiding the actual sunshine of things trying to kill you. But direct sunlight, just a nice peaceful you know it's empty because you are the only human there and it is just so gentle.

Speaker C:

Animal crossing movie dumb. That little animal crossing island.

Speaker B:

Just sleep in animal crossing. Just live in Animal Crossing.

Speaker C:

Never leave.

Speaker B:

I feel like it would be nice if it wasn't rained out. That crater in your name, that's just a big quiet field.

Speaker C:

Oh, yeah. Open the mountaintop.

Speaker B:

Yeah, that would be nice.

Speaker C:

What about that forest in or Anti episode with all this big titty horny out?

Speaker A:


Speaker B:


Speaker A:

When I said sleep, I didn't mean, like, sleep with but you're going very horny with all your answers.

Speaker C:

I'm looking at the list, and I saw it again, but yeah.

Speaker A:

So next up, there's so many sweet, gentle anime songs. What would be a great anime lola by to lull you to sleep? Either some, like, closing music or something within a show. What do you think would be a nice, gentle sleep time number?

Speaker B:

The opening of Princess Two Two.

Speaker A:


Speaker B:

Just chill. Extremely quiet. I also immediately came to mind. I don't think we saw it, but in Promised neverland mama hums a lullaby, so that's what I thought of, but I'm gonna go with Princess Two Two. That's great.

Speaker A:

Yeah, that's a good one. I was thinking as soon as I started that sentence, the thought left. My brain is back. That was a great journey. I'm thinking of the carolyn Tuesday, like, loneliest Girl in the World song of just, like, a nice, gentle, soothing, repetitive song.

Speaker B:

Yeah, that's a good one.

Speaker C:

It's tough for me because most of my anime music is bobs of bangers. It's the shit that slaps hard. It's hard to think of something that's, like, chill.

Speaker B:

What about, like, background music from an anime? Oh the entire your name soundtrack.

Speaker C:

Perfect. A very cottage core cover of Smile Bomb from yaka show.

Speaker B:

I want to know how that would.

Speaker C:

Sound because it's the guitar of, like, something from Silver spoon. Silver spoon is a good time.

Speaker B:


Speaker C:


Speaker A:

Yeah, that'd be good. Just some, like, ambient meat laid in there.

Speaker C:

Yeah, just the far background noise. Lovely. Beautiful.

Speaker A:

Okay. How about something that is such a good sleep aid is just some sort of food or drink. There's so much good anime food. What's something that would just immediately knock you out? What would give you the best sleep coma to take a nap and sleep off.

Speaker C:

That's tough.

Speaker B:

I know we all want to try the food that Shahiro's parents eat and spirited Away.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

That spirit buffet. I want to eat all of that.

Speaker A:

Yeah. I'm thinking a nice pork cutlet bowl from yuri on Ice.

Speaker B:

That would be good, too.

Speaker C:

I think I might have to double down on Silver spoon and just go with really anything in particular when they have the rice with the eggs, which we talked about isn't my favorite, but good God, does that look tasty in that show. Rice.

Speaker A:

So, like, hot and creamy and just immediately settle you down.

Speaker C:

Just a lot of carbs. Knock my ass out.

Speaker B:

I made some omu rice recently, and it actually came out really good, and it wasn't that hard. So if you want to try to make omu rice, I highly recommend it.

Speaker A:

It's been on my list, but I'm.

Speaker B:

Scared if you don't worry about shaping the omelet. I just put the runny side of the omelet on the rice and that turned out beautifully anyway.

Speaker A:

But, yeah, a nice delicious little treat. I think that'll do it. Because we have our perfect setting, we have our perfect bedding, we have our music, and we have our food to put us down. And I think it's about time that we all take a nap. Immediately after recording this, can I just.

Speaker B:

Say, I thought you were going to ask what our favorite cuddle buddy would be. And Giant All night is mine. Anyway, just wanted to throw that out there. I'd love to cuddle with big all night parallels.

Speaker C:

Safe. He was on the podcast, so I'm going to say Paul.

Speaker B:

Paul, you're going to cuddle with my fiance?

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

I love that for you. He's a good cuddler.

Speaker C:

I would have Mooku from Lovely Mooku as my alarm, because nothing gets you out of bed faster than hearing a dog chewing on plastic. Where did you get plastic? Stop eating plastic. Why are you eating plastic?

Speaker B:

Wait, bring it back. We had such chill vibes.

Speaker C:

Chill vibes. Chill vibes.

Speaker A:

Keep it low. Keep it we're going to just end on these gentle vibes. If there's a chill, sleepy nap time show you would like us to watch, you can send your recommendations to us. Our email is or you can reach out to us on Twitter or Instagram at rwebtheriat on both. You can find me on Twitter or Instagram at mrpatrick. dugan and listen to my fiction podcast echoed location.

Speaker B:

You can find me on Instagram at honey, period D, and on Twitter at honey d eight and Honey dart, and on twitch at honey. D. And honey is spelled H-U-N-N-I-E. Nice.

Speaker C:

You can find me on Twitter at APts brendan. And that stands for Almost Better Than Styles, which is a video game podcast where I'm typically not this chill. That's your warning.

Speaker A:

Yeah. If this is your first episode oh, boy, the antics. This is about as gentle as we get. So thank you to camille ruley for her artwork, and thank you to Louisong for theme song stories. Another just chill ass bop. If you need more nap time music, just some ambient tracks to play while you go to sleep, you can find all of Louis music at Louisong Thank you, and I hope you'll join us next week as we learn to live with anime.

Speaker B:

Don't listen to this episode while driving. Am I right?

CW: Cartoon Death & Dismemberment

As Anime Soothsayers we felt an irresistible pull from the universe, telling us this episode needed to be released the same day as the dub...oh how our powers grow...

We watch Adorable Video Game God Mode on repeat as we watch Sleepy Princess in the Demon Castle (Maoujou de Oyasumi) and play anime nap simulator Tempura-Pedic Weeb System!




Thank you:

Camille Ruley for our Artwork

Louie Zong for our Themesong "stories"

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