Are Weeb There Yet?
An Exploration and Education in Anime!

AWTY 124 - Feral Teens (Fruits Basket)

3 years ago
Speaker A:

We keep eating out like this all the time. I'm gonna have to buy a bigger robe. Hello and welcome to our are we there yet? In exploration and education and anime. I'm your anime idiot, patrick dugan.

Speaker B:

I'm an anime expert, D hollander.

Speaker C:

And I'm brenda mccullough. Your anime laundry's hamper.

Speaker B:


Speaker C:

I didn't have a lot. This week going to be really fun.

Speaker A:

Just receptacle based humor. That's what you come here for.

Speaker C:

I know some of this show, but not enough to play with it, and I don't know anything else that I can bleach off of.

Speaker A:

This is our valentine's Day episode, so I was expecting some sort of romance or just anything that you sent me.

Speaker B:

I don't think Brendan has that capability, at least not that I've seen. Maybe he could implement someone real good and we just don't know it.

Speaker C:

I just hide it. My family always jokes that they'll only meet my girlfriend when I'm already married to her, and I'm just like, yeah, probably. This family dynamic is fucked up, and I don't want to ruin if I have a good thing going, I have.

Speaker A:

To keep it sacred.

Speaker C:

Yeah, bring it to the first family gathering, and I'll introduce you to my son.

Speaker A:

But yeah. So this is our valentine's Day episode. Naturally, it's anime. We got to watch a romance. We got to watch something smoochy and lovy.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

It's this podcast, so it also has to include furries. So we're watching fruits basket.

Speaker B:


Speaker C:

What a painfully accurate description.

Speaker A:

Obligated to the calendar, but also us being fucking weirdest.

Speaker B:


Speaker C:

Well, we're committed to the show, but you won't stop us from going any.

Speaker B:

Up so we can get I'm so committed to the bit that I'm a furry. It's all it's all a joke, really.

Speaker A:

Yeah, just immersive theater arts throughout this performance piece.

Speaker C:

I'm so committed to this bit. I got a full fur suit that cost me $5,000 to come.

Speaker B:

So committed to this bit that every time I see Bowser, my heart skips a beat. He's just like, dad, I love bowser so much. You can't even you can't tell me.

Speaker C:

Shit that's a derail all of us will commit to, and we can't afford.

Speaker B:

To just I had the thought recently hold on. That maybe Bowser isn't, like, stealing Peach to do anything weird. Maybe he really just wants a good mom for his kids, and he thinks she would be a good mom.

Speaker C:

Maybe Peach owes child support and she's welshing on those payments. And bowser's like, yo, I've been taking care of this kid for 30 years. How old is he?

Speaker A:

I just want you to have a relationship with your son.

Speaker C:

Maybe Bowser is the good parent, peach is the bad one.

Speaker A:

You're just hanging out with that guy and his brother. It's a weird dynamic. I don't like it. I want you to be around for your family, your real family.

Speaker C:

Your real family.

Speaker A:

But, yeah, we're in tangent city. We've been sitting here talking for, like, 20 minutes before we hit record. So we're we're all keyed up. So yeah, fruits basket.

Speaker C:

Fruits basket.

Speaker A:

This this is something that I became aware of mostly because of the remake and people being like, oh, yeah, weird, furry, harem romance thing. So that's about as much context as I have. But I'm more aware of it than most shows we watch. So what what are such a lowball exposures to this?

Speaker B:

I mean, I I know it, but I never watched it. I'm not 100% sure why. Because, like, this is like, twelve year old mes shit.

Speaker C:

That's just a dream show.

Speaker B:

Yeah. So I don't know why I never watched it, but I never did.

Speaker C:

I was familiar with it, and I got a loose premise of like, yeah, it's like a reverse harem, and then some of them turn to animals, and that's about all I knew. So I'm just like, I got enough an idea to know I wouldn't be interested. So I never really gave it a shot. But now that my taste in anime has matured, not at all fine wine.

Speaker A:

Or, like, a fine gatorade put in the back of the cabinet.

Speaker C:

Three years, it hasn't gotten better. It's just now corroded through the bucket. So take that as you. But yeah, I mean, I was I know it's around the same time as, oh, my goddess. And I was delightfully surprised by the ova. I was surprised how much I actually did enjoy it and ended up finishing it. So I'm curious to see how this one would go. Yeah.

Speaker A:

This is a 2001 series and has a baby, Laura Bailey, in the lead.

Speaker C:

Wow. The early 2000s don't feel old to me. And I know that was 20 years ago, and that's fucking me up right now. You could have told me this show was from, like, 87. I'd be like, yeah, that makes sense. Not 2000, anything.

Speaker B:

Yeah, anytime before 2005. I'm like, yeah, that feels old now. Anything after 2005? I'm like, yeah, that was, like, two years ago, right?

Speaker A:

Yeah, I was cognizant, so it has to be recent. I am still baby.

Speaker C:

I'm still young. It's got to be new, right? It's 20 some years ago.

Speaker B:

I'm 24.

Speaker C:

Before we started this episode, I was talking about a new man. I started reading with the main character being younger than I am and with a five year old child, and it hurt my soul. Anyway. Animals in love.

Speaker A:

But yeah, since our souls are so hurt, we need some heartwarming content. We're going to watch the first three episodes. I get the hype now. I get it. Hey, Internet. We're on the same page, kind of for the first time. Wow. Still don't love a lot of what you say, so fucking watch it.

Speaker C:

But we're not friends.

Speaker A:

I'm seeing eye to eye with you on this one issue in that this is a fun anime. But yeah, so we begin episode one. We see our main character tohru Honda. She's looking up at the sky, and she's talking to our mom, who's dead immediately.

Speaker C:

The fastest dead parent club we've ever gotten in any anime.

Speaker A:

I think oron's still was, like, the third line of dialogue. It was, like, within the first five minutes. I know it was very quick, but it counts.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

How are things up in heaven, mom?

Speaker C:

Okay, yeah, got it. Romance anime parents are gone. Kill them off right now.

Speaker B:

At least the mom.

Speaker C:

At least the mom.

Speaker A:

We can't have parents interacting and being like, oh, I disapprove of that furry you're dating.

Speaker C:

Possible. Can't have that in love.

Speaker B:

Takayo's parents are both alive in my love story, and they're very supportive of their son.

Speaker A:

Anyway, that's true, but that's why it's an amazing show. She's living out of a tent. We'll get into why in a little bit, but her mom is dead. Her dad is dead. So she's like, okay, got to live on my own now. We'll get more context soon. But she's on this property. She doesn't realize other people are living here, but she stumbles across a house that has some, like, painted porcelain figures. Of the twelve Zodiac animals from Zodiac Animals, which one are you guys?

Speaker B:

I want to know. I'm a rat sheep. Do you guys know?

Speaker A:

I can't remember. I'm a year before you. I think it was either pig or rat, because I remember being like, I got one of the not as cool ones.

Speaker C:

Everyone wants the dragon. No one gets the dragon.

Speaker B:

Yeah, you're a pig, dugan.

Speaker A:

Okay, yeah, that checks out.

Speaker C:

I'm a sheep. I also buy consumer products and listen to what the TV tells me to do.

Speaker A:

God, open up that third eye. She sees these figures, and the owner, or one of the people who lives here comes out and is talking with her. She's like, oh, sorry, I didn't know anyone lived here, but I love your figures. Weird. But you left out the cat, because in the Chinese folk tale of the Zodiac Animals, we get a little backstory of there was a big banquet that all of the zodiac animals were invited to, but the rat lies to the cat about when it's happening, so the cat misses it, and it gets left out. Tragic missing out on a dinner. Just peak anime tragedy for me.

Speaker B:

I mean, it's a pretty big dinner. It's a banquet with God.

Speaker C:

Yeah, fair. Maybe I got to find out that new calendar, though. I might be a cat just sleeping through a social gathering. Be like, yeah, that might be me.

Speaker A:

Checks out.

Speaker C:

Wait, I was worried when they said, like, you left one out. Because I remember, like, five years ago, they're like, what about that news? Odik signed the Opiccus, which is like, a tentacle monster thing. And I was like, don't go that way.

Speaker A:

Yeah, that gets ignored. They're like, no, we have all our meme pages set up already. You can't throw us off like that. But yeah, we see from this building, the school's pretty boy lives here. This is yuki. He comes out, and Honda immediately is like, who the most popular boy? So he's like, hey, I recognize you from school. What are you doing at my house? And she's evasive and doesn't really answer. But they're like, okay, time to go to school, so let's walk together. And she's like, I'm walking to school with the popular boy. So naturally, getting to school, we see all the jealous girls who are in love with yuki as well. And they start accosting her, being like, hey, stay away from our man. You're not special enough. blah, blah, blah. And then we see honda's friends come. I didn't get their names, but they rule.

Speaker C:

I got their names because they call one girl yankee, which is like a slying term for, like, a delinquent or like, boncho or something. So I thought I was like, oh, her name is yankee? No, I looked it up.

Speaker A:

She was tall and blonde. So I was like, are they doing an American exchange student? And she's just like, oh, the big, tough American is going to come beat us up.

Speaker C:

Yeah, the blond one was the one with saki Hana jima. And they call her just Hana. And they're my favorite. They're the best, best girls. otv I don't care. otani's. Ride or die, bitch. And I love her, and I will die for her.

Speaker A:

Yeah. So Captain America and aubrey Plaza, as I was calling them in my mind, big blonde girls like, hey, I'm going to fight you. And then the quieter Gothur one, they bleep out what she's saying? Because it's so like, I don't know if they're implying, like, she's just threatening them so aggressively that, holy shit, we can't put this in a TV show, or if she was just cussing them out. But either way, these jealous girls run away.

Speaker C:

When I looked up their names, it said, hana always talks about the electrical pulse or vibe coming from people. So she talks about electricity loss. So she was like, I guess implying that she was going to torture them with electricity and shock them to death and stuff. It's like, I love these two so much.

Speaker A:

Torture me. Oh, sorry. But yeah. So they are in, like, a culinary class. They're just cooking, so sure. But they're talking about yuki and how he's the most popular boy in school, but he's also so mysterious. And that's what's lurking, apparently. There's a rumor that a girl tried to ask him out, but he literally pushed her away and disappeared. I loved a little drop kick to girl.

Speaker C:

Yeah, the little animation. They chill for him kicking her away. Oh, also real back real quick to the girls that were cheering for yuki when they were going to school. There's three girls, and they spell out love yuki, but that's four letters. So the one girl has to do double time and do both letters. And I really like that.

Speaker A:

Yeah, this show, like, for being, like, 20 years old, it the humor holds up very well. It it still hits it in a contemporary way. Still.

Speaker C:

Yeah, I thought it was going to be very dated, but yeah, I'm surprised.

Speaker A:

But yeah, because the show doesn't take itself too seriously. They're dramatic moments, but they're like, yeah, we know what's going on, so we know what we're doing. But yeah, they say he's so mysterious and doesn't date anyone. And also, hey, Honda, you've been putting in a lot of time at your part time jobs. Are you doing okay? Are you struggling with tuition money? And she's like, oh, yeah, just got to put the nose to the grindstone and we get the actual backstory of what's going on with her. So when she was little, her dad died, and recently her mom got into a car accident and died as well. So she was going to live with her grandpa, but she's like, I don't want to be a burden. I'm just taking up his life. So when he needed to do some renovations on his house and was like, staying with a family member, she's like, oh, I'll stay with friends. Don't worry about me. I got this. And decided very relatable thing of, oh, I don't want to bother anyone. In being existent, I was going to be grief when my mom died. I'm going to be homeless instead, live.

Speaker C:

Out of the wood.

Speaker B:

No matter what's going on in her life is, I don't want to bother anybody.

Speaker A:

Anxiety icon.

Speaker C:

Once again, I was expecting the show to be very trophy and lovely dovey and romance and stuff. And with that kind of like, the main character girl, usually it's a very ditzy and just kind of dumb we saw with Nana, but after seeing torio no, I get her train of logic and for being a high schooler, like, yeah, this would make sense, just camping out in the woods. But she's not dumb. She has, like, silly moments and she'll hit her head a lot, but it's like, no, I didn't check off unlikable main character, and I was surprised by that.

Speaker B:

This is weird to say, but I like that we know how her mom died. I feel like in most anime, they're just like, yeah, my mom died when I was little, and we don't know why, other than that it's a plot device.

Speaker A:

Yeah, because it also becomes plot relevant. It really explains some of her anxieties getting that knowledge.

Speaker C:

She wasn't killed by a zodiac dragon or something weird.

Speaker A:

It wasn't some curse, but yeah, sorry, she wasn't sucked into a cube. And now she has to play a card game to create her soul. But she's working all these jobs because she's like, I got to pay my own way. I can't rely on anyone. She walks home from school with yuki. ooh, everyone's jealous again. yuki says he hates cats and questions her knowledge of the zodiac mythology and talking about how the cat is shunned and all that. Sort of like just testing the waters, see how she feels about certain characters in the story.

Speaker C:

No reason.

Speaker A:

Yeah, just a fun thought. But they agree to meet up the next morning to walk to school again. So friendship.

Speaker B:

Oh, boy.

Speaker A:

And then we see her at her night job. She's like, cleaning up an office and doing janitorial services. So she gets home at like midnight and we see oh, yeah, I forgot to say, the other person we see with yuki in the house that morning is his cousin.

Speaker B:

Dog man.

Speaker A:

Yeah, no spoiler.

Speaker B:


Speaker C:

He's a dog. He hounds the women all the time. Ha ha.

Speaker A:

But they're walking home, they're like, oh, yeah, bought some dinner.

Speaker C:

Ha ha.

Speaker A:

And as they're walking back, they see Honda getting into her tent. So they're like, oh, fuck. Hey, what's going on? Why are you homeless? So they agree to take her back to their place. She's sorry, I lost mine. They take her home and they're going to have her stay. She sees, like, their house is a mess. And they were talking earlier about hiring a housekeeper. Weird to see her at her night job as a housekeeper.

Speaker C:

Two young boys living together, there's no way they can take care of themselves. They live in literal trash. Yes.

Speaker A:

And she's not feeling well because she's working herself to death and sleeping outside. So she has a fever. And they're like, OK, you're, you're going to stay here. It's dangerous out there. We'll give you, like, an actual place to sleep. And yuki senses something. ooh, there was a landslide out there. So they go back out and see that her tent was destroyed, just buried by a landslide. How convenient.

Speaker C:

It can't go back.

Speaker A:

So she starts freaking out because she's like, everything I owned, like, the only picture of my mom is in there. I have to dig it out. And they're like, hey, no, you have a fever. It's like 01:00 a.m. Go to sleep. We will deal with this in the morning. Just be thankful you were not crushed because you were about to go to sleep when we found you. So they take her home and yeah, so they set her up in her room, and yuki is like, wow, at school she seems so chipper and cool. I had no idea she was going through so much. Yeah, let me go for a walk, wink and not do any digging tonight. So we see. In a dream, Honda is talking with her mom, and she's saying, like, hey, don't be so hard on yourself. Give yourself a break. Just live the life you want and you'll be happy. And Honda is like, no, I'm going to wear myself. Ted death. But yeah, her whole thing is like, her mom sort of had to put her life on hold, didn't get a degree. So she's like, okay, I got to prove that all of your hard work went to something, so I'm going to go get my degree and have that successful life you weren't able to have. Very sweet. Very good. So when she wakes up in the morning, she's greeted by the picture of her mom, some mysterious, handsome hunk of a stranger. dug it out in the middle of the night.

Speaker C:

Yeah. Real quick, when yuki was like, I'm going to go take a walk. And he opens up the door, and his eyes glow a bit, and there's just the sound of, like, 100 scurrying rats. And we see the outlines of them, and they're glowing eyes behind him. If you didn't know what this show is about, that's really fucked. What he meant. Yeah.

Speaker B:

That moment, I was like, he's literally 1000 rats in a coat.

Speaker C:

I was really hoping to do multiple rats. It would have been so good.

Speaker A:

But yeah. So she wakes up, thanks, yuki, for getting her stuff. And they're like, hey, so you've seen what a fucking armpit of a trash. And we know you do cleaning stuff for work. What if we give you a room here if you become our housekeeper? And in the offer, yuki echoes the sentiment that her dream mom gave her, saying, like, yeah, just do what you can and live your life, and things will turn out good. So she accepts, but is still being such a burden. She's like, I need to know all the house rules. You can't pay me. My pay is just room and board. Being like, this is way too kind for you to take me off the streets. How dare you be so nice?

Speaker C:

I won't accept any money from you. That way I can still do my part time job and still not get that much money. It's just like, toro, honey, please stop doing this yourself.

Speaker A:

But, yeah. So she agrees, and they go up to the room, and they're like, okay, it just needs to be cleaned up. Just a little light work. And as they say that, a boy drops through the ceiling. It's raining men.

Speaker C:


Speaker A:

So blonde boy comes crashing through the ceiling and is like, Mr. pilgrim, and just starts fighting yuki. And as Honda tries to push him out of the way and tackle this intruder oh, no. He turns into a cat. And then Wood falls from the ceiling and hits her head. And Shiguri and yuri try to catch her, and in doing so, hug her, and they turned into a rat and a dog. That's where we end episode one.

Speaker B:


Speaker C:


Speaker B:


Speaker C:

Surprise. I'll say that the drum roll. The drumbeat that was going when they were turning in animals was tasty. That was a nice beat. I was like, oh, fuck. Like, if this is the soundtrack for the whole shit, I could get down this funky yeah, kind of like, shit, this kind of slaps. I was not expecting that.

Speaker B:

So in the beginning of episode two, the postman comes around to the house and toru holding all three animals, freaking out. She's like, look, it's a dog, cat and a rat. And the postman is just like, it sure is.

Speaker C:

That's nice.

Speaker B:

Thanks for showing me your pets. Here's the mail. bye bye.

Speaker C:

Have a good one.

Speaker B:

And then they start arguing and she's surprised that they're talking, like, in their animal forms. And then the dog boy chiguray starts explaining that their family is cursed and they turn into the twelve animals of the zodiac. Plus the cat, when they get stressed or are hugged by a member of the opposite sex. And of course, when they change back, they're naked.

Speaker C:

Of course.

Speaker A:

I just love how they sort of gloss over that fact. It's like just a quick thing of like and yeah, we're naked.

Speaker C:


Speaker A:

That's where they are. Okay, we'll move on with plot. Okay, goodbye.

Speaker C:

Are you going to linger on it too long? By what? A specific curse? Like, I could kind of get the stressed out part, but when hugged by a member of the opposite site, why that? Why is that part of the curse?

Speaker B:

So they can never enjoy the touch of a woman, but hey, it's on you.

Speaker C:

I'm gay.

Speaker B:

They're gay.

Speaker A:

It's romance. They have to have some fundamental fatal flaw that prevents them from feeling any sort of love.

Speaker C:

That's true.

Speaker B:

Right? So she thinks back to that story about yuki pushing the girl away, and she's like, okay, that makes sense. And then shigure is cheesing teasing. He's teasing. His name is kyo, the cat boy, for being broody. And then he blows up and he punches the table in half and it smacks tohru in the head. And she like, starts bleeding a little bit. And I wasn't writing down, like, the things they were saying to kyo, but right off the bat I was like, damn, they're, like, really shitty to this guy. And it's funny, we were talking about shitty characters before we started recording, and, like, I like keo. I think, like, part of the reason he's so shitty. Like, it's his personality short, but he's also just, like, relentlessly made fun of and, like, ridiculed by these two.

Speaker C:

Yeah, constantly. And it ends up being shitty. It's like, surprise.

Speaker A:

Yeah, I think that's what works so far. We don't see all the characters, but everyone we see, we're like, okay, you have your, like, character flaws, but, oh, they're supplemented by your kindness in different ways. So it's like, okay, we have a well rounded cast. None of them are complete assholes. They all have their sweet side. So okay, all right. I can see why this works because so many other shows are like, no, he's an asshole.

Speaker C:

He's a beautiful asshole. He's a freshly bleached asshole. But yeah, with the dog guys. Kind of like, he seems nice. And then when he finds out about tarra's situation, he's just laughing that she's been camping out on their property for a week. It's like, yo, my dude, not the time. Yeah, he's a dick. But yeah, we've seen, like, playing nice moments with him too, so yeah, it is refreshing.

Speaker B:

Yeah, but so yuki then slaps kyo across the face for making toru bleed, I guess. And then they're like, you want to go? And then they start fighting.

Speaker C:

You want to take this outside?

Speaker B:

And she's kind of like, Wait, no, please don't physically fight right now. But Chiguray is like no, don't worry. It wasn't anything about this situation. Like, they just hate each other.

Speaker A:

This is their whole dynamic.

Speaker B:

So the fight ends quickly after yuki sends kyo flying out into the garden. And she is thinking about how noble yuki is. She's like, he's the prince of the school, and he's still so princely. And I'm like, I guess he's fashionable. He fought this guy just because he doesn't like him.

Speaker A:

Yeah, he's fist fighting someone and turned into a rat. How princely do you think?

Speaker C:

He's just a well manicured feral delinquent. He's still a feral delinquent.

Speaker B:

So while she's thinking about that, she's like, oh, yeah, school. I got to get going. And her uniform is really dirty. That's something they talk about. And then shigure says he has to go talk to akito, who is the head of the family, and he has to tell him that she knows their secret. And she's just like, okay. And then leave. And then yuki is like, hey, why are you being so open about the family secret? Are you going to erase her memory?

Speaker C:


Speaker A:

I see.

Speaker C:


Speaker A:

Oh, my goddess. I know how this goes.

Speaker C:

I've seen Men in Black, my favorite anime.

Speaker B:

And then shigure, he's like, nah, nah, probably not. I don't know. And he's like, but in the past, we did it before because too many people knew. But she's just one girl, so who knows? Maybe not. And then toru is with her friends at school, and the yuki fan club pokes fun at her again, and her friends defend her, because that's they're good friends. They're good friends. They rule.

Speaker C:

Yeah. I do want to say, at least in the old dub, I think the one friend name is Uatini, but toro keeps calling her, like, uwu, good. And I guess that's just, like, a shortened abbreviation of her name, but I'm just like, ooh, did we find the source? I'm just like, Wait a minute.

Speaker A:

Our archaeological brains just went, oh, we found an artifact.

Speaker C:

Belongs in the Furry Museum.

Speaker B:

So she used a washing machine at some point, and she goes to change her uniform, and yuki is there, and he gets all cryptic, and he's like, I know you'll keep my secret, but you might have to get your memory erased anyway. And she has no reaction to that. Which I think is funny, that she's not like, Wait, what?

Speaker A:

I'm sorry. It's like, no, this is at least the third most surprising thing I've heard today.

Speaker C:

Yeah, once you see people changing animals and then change bag, she's like, all right, I guess magic exists, too.

Speaker B:

Yeah, I guess so.

Speaker A:

Yeah, you can say you can turn it into a school bus, whatever. Who am I to say no?

Speaker C:

Let's go, Ms. frizzle.

Speaker B:

So he explains that when he was seven, he was playing with a bunch of kids and a girl fell on him like a hug, and so he turned into a rat in front of all those kids. And I guess akito erased all of their memories. And we see a past conversation where little seven year old yuki is like, Am I really that weird? And akito is just like, yes. If they knew that you were a rat, they'd hate you. You're a freak. And I'm just like, oh, shit.

Speaker C:

But that's all aikido says for why you can't get close to anyone. It's like, you're a freak and they'll hate you. It's like, that's it. I was worried about being dissected by the government and stuff, but okay, I guess I'll just be ostracized a little bit. Also, Kevin looks like the same age as yuki, at least in the flashback, so I'm just like, who's this shitty little, like, seven and a half year old orcharding on this other well, yeah, his voice, too.

Speaker B:

His voice is also baby in the past, so the half but I'm probably.

Speaker A:

A thousand years old well, he ages.

Speaker B:

Though, because when, you know, Chiguri goes to see him later, we see him and he's, you know, like a teen, so it's like, who, what?

Speaker C:

I was worried about that because yuki says, like, ah, are you going to erase their memories? Like, in the olden days, I was like, ah, Christ, are they a thousand years old? Like, are they the original zodiac? But they do say it is generational and the flashback is, you know, yuki as a kid, it's like, okay, thank God. Like, I couldn't deal with that in the show.

Speaker B:

Yeah, so he's like, I can't go against aquito's wishes, so probably have to erase your memory, whatever. And she moves to make him he's going to leave, and then she moves to stop him, and then he turns into a rat, a very cute rat. And then she's like, I understand if you have to erase my memory if the head of your family doesn't trust me, like, he doesn't know me, it's fine, but I still want to be your friend. So after my memory is erased, like, can we still be friends? And he's like, oh. And then he turns back into a human and she helps him fix his tie and he's so happy that she would still want to be friends with him even though she knows he's a rat right? Now, because that's not what akito said would happen.

Speaker C:

You want to acceptance never.

Speaker B:

Weird, but I'm so cute. He walks her to class and he says, thank you. And we know that it's like a deep thing, but she's just like, yeah, I'm really good at fixing ties. And yeah, this is when we see shigura go to talk to akito. And akito is like, yeah, I can trust her. It'll be a great opportunity. And it's like, okay, what's all this, then? And then they get home from school and tori goes into her room to or maybe it's not her room, but she goes in there to put her bag away. And kyo is in there fixing the roof, and she's kind of surprised to see him. And he's, like, immediately defensive. He's like, I'm not good at controlling my temper, but I just hate yuki so much. But I don't hate you yet.

Speaker A:

Are you crossfire?

Speaker B:

Yeah. And then sugara gets home and kyo books it, and Sugar talks to toru and yuki saying that keto will let her stay as long as they keep their secret. And then yuki talks to sugaray alone, saying it all seems too easy. And then Sugar is like, yeah, just trust that akito knows best. And I'm just like, based on how cryptic he was before. I don't know about all that.

Speaker C:

I also love that keto is just wearing a midriff bearing shirt with some big, fat, chunky cargo pants.

Speaker B:

Big pants, little shirt.

Speaker C:

Yes. Love it.

Speaker B:

I love him. And toru thanks them again for their hospitality, and she gets sustained in a nice house. yay. And then the next morning, there's just a room full of garbage bags, because these men just don't know how to take out the trash.

Speaker C:

I guess it's not that hard.

Speaker A:

This is the trash room, right? The one with the fridge and the sink? Yeah. Those eventually lead to the ocean, so the trash will find its way there.

Speaker C:

Now, one day, the ocean trash will.

Speaker B:

Get up and walk out of the bag.

Speaker C:

I mean, I do say it's not that hard, and it's clearly an over exaggeration, but I did stay with a friend of mine once who lived with his bandmates when he was in the band, and there were flies in their kitchen around their piling of cards. So I'm like, I guess it does happen.

Speaker B:

What need to happen is the thing.

Speaker C:

It's so easy to just take the trash out. It's not a hard job.

Speaker A:

You can just burn it if you're going feral about it.

Speaker C:

But if you're going feral, we create fire. We bought garbage.

Speaker B:

So Shagray is like, oh, I'm going to go out and see kyo. And then yuki is like, oh, I can help her clean. And then Sugar is like, now you're useless. Just let her do it. And she's like, yeah, I can do it myself. So yuki says he's leaving too, and she cleans up. yuki gets back sometime later, and she made lunch nice. He's like, this is the best lunch I've ever had, because it's made with love. And he says, I wonder where shaggy and that stupid cat went. And I'm just like, oh, my God, you can't even say his name. And then she asks him where he went. He says he went to his secret base. And she gets excited, thinking it's like a cool fort or something. And he's like, oh, it's not that exciting, but next time I go, I'll show you. And then kyo and shiger a burst in, and they're already arguing. And kyo is like, I don't like what you're doing to me. I don't like that you just make fun of me all the time. This isn't cool, and that you trick me and stuff. And the Chagri is like, no, that's not it. I mean, it is kind of fun, but he says that whatever it was, it was akito's decision. And toru was like, hey, do you want some lunch? kyo, I want to be your friend. And he just storms out. And Shague says that kyo is mad because he made him take the exam to get into their high school. And he got in yay because previously he was training on a mountain or.

Speaker C:

Something for four months.

Speaker B:

Yeah, so he just hasn't been in school.

Speaker C:

He just got a full feral.

Speaker B:

So it was at this point so he was training on the mountain because he wants to fight and beat yuki, who for some reason is very killing.

Speaker C:

God, death row God.

Speaker B:

And it was at this point I was like, oh, yeah, they don't like each other because yuki is the rat that lied to the cat. Right? Okay, I get it. So kio is at school, and all of the girls are asking him about yuki, but they're also like, well, he's cute, too, though.

Speaker C:

He's related to yuki. He's also hot by proxy, how that works.

Speaker B:

He is cute, though.

Speaker C:

He is cute. I mean, he is the Sunday option.

Speaker B:

Yeah. I just think design wise, he's more handsome as well. But that's just me. It's just each kind of bleach, I think, actually. So, in the Japanese, yuki's voice is more feminine, and then in the dub, they for sure didn't go that direction.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

And I think seeing, like, a deep man voice come out of this pretty teenage boy is weird for me. So, like, watching the Japanese, I'm like, yeah, that's a pretty boy. I like him. But in the English, it's like, I don't like that.

Speaker C:

It's a deep voice. It's just whispered at all times. So it's, like, feels odd.

Speaker A:

Pretty, but strong sounding. I don't know how to handle this.

Speaker B:

And toru's, aubrey Plaza friend, says that there's something about them that seems inhuman. And then kyo gets up to leave all of the girls, and one of them grabs his arm. So just reflexively, he just pushes her to the ground and pulls her arm back. And I'm just like, oh, no, not a good look, bud.

Speaker C:

Bad first impression.

Speaker B:

And then he jumps out the window and toru feels bad for him. And she's like, he must feel pretty alone since it seems like these two chiguray and yuki hate him so much. I want to be his friend. I hope we can be friends. And that's episode two. I can fix him.

Speaker C:

She always told me, you know what?

Speaker B:

She can fix him. Because it's not that he needs to be fixed in terms of his relationship with women.

Speaker C:

Most of the time he needs to be fixed. Like his genitalia as a cat. No, I was going the wrong way.

Speaker B:

It's that he needs to be treated kindly.

Speaker A:

Anyway, I do like that he is.

Speaker C:

A cat and went up to the mountains to train for four months and imagine him going feral. But I'm imagining like, a feral pack of cats. And it's just a feral bunch of teenage boys on a mountain somewhere in an abandoned village. But they are acting like cats. It's just like, God, that'd be weird.

Speaker B:

Looking, eating grass and dead birds.

Speaker A:

See, I like the thought of they are actually feral cats. He's just the one human that's following them around and being like, Guys, wait for me.

Speaker C:

But yeah, he's not in his cat form.

Speaker A:

They just completely ignore him. He's like, Guys, come on. I can't be friends with you either. No one.

Speaker C:

It's a weird anime, lord of the Flies. So, yeah, we start with episode three, opens up with how episode two ended with the girls being scared off by you just said his name and I'm already struggling.

Speaker B:

Which one?

Speaker C:

Cat boy? You know what? Animals, kyo. I wrote it down, but God help me if I spelled it correctly. Yeah, he jumps out the window again and runs off. yuki goes running after him to refer random for like, what the fuck are you doing? He can't just attack people and jump out a window four stories up. Even if you can land safely, you're going to reveal that we're cats and rats and shit. So yuki is saying no. He is saying that yuki is just spoiled because he's one of the true family members and that he's always, I guess, kind of got pampered, or at least like, life's always gone his way up. And kyo always had to struggle because he's got to earn his place. And that pisses yuki off. So yeah, so he starts yelling back at him. And kyo goes to swing at him again, goes punch him, and immediately gets his ass handed to him by yuki, just knocked out, like, instantly. Which, once again, now that you guys find out, wondering, why does yuki know how to fight?

Speaker B:

So, yeah, we might find out later.

Speaker C:

Yeah. But this is also I always thought before it was revealed to be generational, I thought like, oh, they're the original zodiac animals. The cat hates the rat, or the cat hates the rat. But I'm like, why does the rat hate the cat? The rat is the one that screwed the cat over. The rat is just an asshole.

Speaker B:

You're the one provoking him, and for what?

Speaker C:

Yeah, the cat has a legitimate reason to be mad. So, yeah, he knocks kyo out and he starts yelling at him even though he got knocked over. And toro sees all this from behind the side of the building. So she comes running up to help kyo up. And when she runs up, she trips and hugs him. And he turns into a cat, as per usual. And she's like, oh, well, let me help you up. And snaps her like, no, get away from me, stupid girl. I hate you. Don't bother helping me. But really lays into her, and she's like, oh, that's a raw rage right there. That's a pure rage.

Speaker B:

I'm going to let you work that out.

Speaker C:

Yeah, she kind of just walks away like, I'm just going to leave and think about what I did. So we get a little flashback of torre's mom telling her about the cat missing the party in the zodiac. And she's like, I'm going to be a cat. I feel bad for the cat. I'm going to be part of the cat fan club to help him out because I feel so bad. And it just kind of reminded she just wants to help, and she can't. So we come back to present day. We see taro like moping in a hallway, and she's underneath like a fire extinguisher box. And her friends come up like, yo, what's up? You're doing okay? We care about you. We're your friends. And we're actually written well. It's amazing. And she's like, oh, yeah, it's nothing. And she stands up and slams her head against the fire extinguisher box. It's like, oh, god, I made it. She gets hit in the head a lot. Like, so far, every episode she's losing.

Speaker B:

Brain cells left and right.

Speaker C:

And she's like, no, it's nothing. I just got to go help out with my friends. I'll see you later by. And she runs off. And yeah, her friend even comments like, I'd be worried about taro having brain damage, but I don't think she could be any worse than she already is. And I think someone else comments about brain damage later in the episode too. And she's like, yeah, she gets hit in the head a lot. And I'm starting to wonder if they actually do turn into animals or she's just lost touch with her mouth.

Speaker A:

Only one of them is actually an animal. The rest are just hallucinations.

Speaker C:

Yeah, I don't have a cousin.

Speaker B:

What are you talking about?

Speaker C:

What dog? They're just telling tara to wake up throughout the whole anime. I don't know what the twist is going to be, but I got a feeling she's in a coma. So, yeah, she goes running off, trying to make amends. And then meanwhile, back at the selma house, we see kio just kind of laying there, kind of regrettably, moaning about like, I shouldn't have yelled her. I kind of snapped, and I was more pissed off at Hueki than her. And it just kind of let it down, her and dogs just sitting there, I don't know, doing his taxes. I don't know what he was doing. And he's kind of telling him, like, well, if you think so, if you feel that bad or conflicted about living with her and you feel that guilty, make up with her. Get over yourself. Don't go off in the mountains again. You went off to train your body for four months in the mountains. Now you got to train your social skills, and this is the perfect way of doing it. I was like, God, like an actual meaningful conversation with a side character and another side character unheard of. So he kind of makes a good point of like, yeah, this is going to be your training. You're going to have to learn to get along with people, and now some time by living in the house with everyone. And as he says that, yuki comes back, and kyo kind of slinks away of like, I don't want to be seen right now. kio says he missed someone. Oh, no, before that. kio says dog guy says, like, you got to find someone who's, like, willing to be your friend, and you can work with that. He's like, who would want to be my friend? It'd have to be someone with some serious brain damage. It's like, well, I got the perfect person for you. And then, yeah, yuki come. Or yuki comes in and kind of slinks away, and they talk a bit. Then we see toro goes to work after school, so we see her coming home, like, pretty late. And on the way back to the big house, we see someone sneaking up behind her. She gets a little nervous and swings because you know what? Hey, she's by herself. It's dark. That's fair.

Speaker B:

Yeah, she's allowed to defend herself.

Speaker C:

Turns he could have literally said anything to get her attention before he was right behind her. And it turns out kyo and she apologizes for swinging her bag at him. It's like, sorry, I thought you were, like, a stalker or something. He's like, why would you think that? As I sneak up behind you quietly on a dark road. But he basically starts yelling, and it's like, if you're that mad at me, he just hit me again and just get it all out over with. What? No, I'm not mad at you. He's like, well, I don't know. I guess I shouldn't have yelled at you or something. She's like, you tried apologizing before, back when he fixed the hole in the room, and now you're trying to apologize. Now you're just bad at it because you're a little angry boy, aren't you gonna make you fall in love with me and develop your emotional skills so much, you dumb anger block?

Speaker B:

So good.

Speaker C:

I'm not gonna be so fuck you. Let me unload all that anger out of those cargo pockets. You have so many. And yeah, she kind of lets them know, like, yeah, I always liked the cat from the Zodiac. My mom told me the story, and I felt bad for him. So I'm like, I'm going to be friends with the cat one day, and that's you. I'm going to be your friend, you don't blonde idiot. He's like, we got to get home before dinner starts or dinner gets cold. Remembering what the dog man was telling him earlier. And he gets all flustered, can't handle his emotions. So we see. I don't know if this the next day or dinner.

Speaker B:

It's sometime later.

Speaker C:

Sometime later, they're all together eating. And kia keeps yelling, and yuki keeps pushing his buttons. And she's like, got these two just fucking kiss already. See, the next day at school, torre is trying to play a card game with everyone. She's like, hey, why don't we play? I think it's like, rich man, poor man. I'm not sure, but some sort of card game. And she's like, oh, we got to get, like, four people. It's like, oh, who wants to play my two friends, the shining jewels of my life? The two people that have done nothing wrong by me and have only helped me out through thick and thin and are truly the greatest people in the show. God, I love these two characters. Very good. Give us more. Give me a spin off. All right. It's like, well, we need someone else. And I'm not getting her name anymore, boss bitch. She's like, well, why don't we get kyo since he's a little punk ass bitch? If you think he can't beat a couple of girls. He's like, what did you say to me? It's like, yes, the competitive nature. Get these two idiots together.

Speaker A:


Speaker C:

Well, I love it.

Speaker A:

I'll kiss you harder. No, I'll kiss you harder.

Speaker C:

I just love over competitive idiots. They're great. So they pretty much tricked kiyo into playing the card game with them. And meanwhile, we cut to seeing yuki being confessed to by another girl. And she's like, I think it'd be great if we go out to and he stops her. She's like, no, we mustn't. We must only be friends. She's like, oh, god, I feel so bad. Don't say that. And goes to hug him. And he doesn't put his hand on her head, like on her forehead to stop her. He grabs her head with both hands.

Speaker B:

Idiot sandwich.

Speaker C:

Exactly. I just really love how yuki stops the exhaust because it's just very uncouth. It's clearly him panicking. It's like, oh, god, I got to stop her anyway I can. And not like, cool and collected I'm.

Speaker A:

The proper prince of the school.

Speaker C:

Grab your face me away from me.

Speaker B:

Yeah. Why do people still think he's so people call him that, but everybody knows that he does this to girls.

Speaker A:

Yeah, he's cute and all, but he fucking body slammed me into the lockers when I accidentally almost tripped on him.

Speaker C:

I don't know what, but he kicked.

Speaker B:

Me in the shin the other day. It was really weird.

Speaker C:

Yeah, he can cut. He full on concussed me. When I said I thought his shoes.

Speaker A:

Were neat, I tried to give him a high five, and he just with a boxing glove, just punched me in the face.

Speaker C:

I don't know where I don't even.

Speaker B:

Know where he got it.

Speaker A:

He wasn't wearing it. When I went in for the high.

Speaker C:

Five, he said, Give me a moment. He walked away for ten minutes and came back with a boxing glove, which I think had a horseshoe in it. I don't know. And he just laid my ass out.

Speaker A:

There's no boxing unit in Jim. He had to bring it from home.

Speaker C:

He hit that away somewhere. Where did he get it? And she says he's always so distant from everyone that he must think he's better than everyone, and he doesn't want to get close to anyone. And we see that clearly hits a chord with yuki of like, she called out my character flaw.

Speaker B:

She's right. But why'd you have to say it?

Speaker C:

And we see yuki after that go back and kind of peer into the classroom where everyone is, and he sees all of them playing cards, and he sees kyo being like, Ha ha, reading and weep. I got the winning hand. And Boss pitch is like, yeah, think again, dumb ass. And that's where we see all Rick Plaza being like, Reverse or no, bitch, you're both out. I win. It's like, damn, just them one helping each other in his hand in a card game. It's like, I love this. This is my ship.

Speaker B:

Along with her friends. That's a good sign.

Speaker C:

And we see that they made a deal of whoever lost the card game has to clean the classroom that night or at the end of that day. And that's when it just cuts the classroom. Later that day, kia running around the mop cleaning it up because he lost. And tara was there because she's like, I'll help him out because she's nice. And yuki's there talking to her.

Speaker B:

Not helping.

Speaker C:

Not helping. Why would he? And kia starts arguing with yuki again because it's what he does. And tara remembers, like, oh, I remember kia saying he wants to be part of the family. Does he mean, like, the Zodiac family? Because he was skipped out of the party with the other Zodiac. He's trying to earn his place. And we see. Of course, he takes a swing at yuki because he's a little ball of rage. And yuki once again just knocks his ass out. Like, just a swift kick to the bottom of the chin and just knocks him out. And yuki is like, well, he can finish clean the room on his own. I'm going home. And kyo wakes up from being concussed and is like, wow, yuki didn't hold back that time. We didn't have a scuffle. He just went for the kill shot. So yuki must be having a bad day. Tour is like, shit, how do you observe that in your own weird, fighting way? And then we see. Cut to toro at work and getting change, finishing up her shift, and she overhears a couple of coworkers type out like, oh, there's a pretty boy outside. He's so beautiful. Damn, everybody thirsty after this rap. And sure enough, he's sitting outside waiting. He's like, well, kia walked you home last night, and I figured that you need someone else to walk you home tonight, and I've come along with you.

Speaker B:

Kyo walked you home last night, so I have to one up him to.

Speaker C:

Walk you home tonight, but this time, it's further away. I'm at your place of work.

Speaker B:

I didn't sneak up on you. That makes me better, right?

Speaker C:


Speaker A:

I've learned.

Speaker C:

And so while they're talking on the sidewalk, just a couple of drunk businessmen walked by. I was like, uhoh, but sure enough, they walk by and they say, I need to get a bedroom. Why don't you get a room, you couple of love birds? And pushes tohru at yuki. And of course, that leads to a hug, which turns him into a rat. So they're walking home. When he turns to a rat, initially, right there, she picks him up, talks. I'm like, oh, sorry this happened. He's like, yeah, it'll wear off. We'll see. The time varies every time. So we'll see when I turn back. And then it cuts to them walking home. He's still a rat, and he's just walking alongside of her. And they have a little emotional conversation of yuki saying how he always just wanted a normal life. He wanted to go to a normal school where keto, the head of the family, wanted to send him to an all boy school to avoid this happening. He's like, no, I want to go to a normal school and just have a normal life and try and be as normal as can. And he's realizing, like, no matter what I do or where I live or where I go, I'll still be a soma, so I'll still have this curse, so I'll never be normal. But kio isn't part of the soma family or the Zodiac family, technically. And he seems to just get along with people naturally. Like, when he was playing cards earlier, because he was just being himself. He was just being earnest because he doesn't have anything to hide, even though he does have the same curse. So he does have something that I.

Speaker B:

Don'T know, they secretly admire each other.

Speaker C:

Yeah, so kio adors yuki for being in the family and being respected by everyone. yuki admires kia for being able to live his own earnest life, no matter how dumb and thick headed it is. And I love this moment because it's an emotional character growth scene, and he's just this little dinky rat walking alongside this full on girl, like, carrying his clothes, and he's not even his little tiny feet. Yeah, the design of the animals is very simple, and I kind of love that. It's very cartoony. But yuki's rat form is just the shape of the rat, like, the body of the rat and then the eyes, and that's it. There's no other details. There's no whiskers, there's no mouth, there's no nose. And I'm like I kind of love how simple it is because it makes it cuter and sillier when they're having these emotional conversations and he's this dinky little cartoon ass rat. So I really enjoyed that. And tarra says, well, the girls at school seem to like you, so people like you. And he's like, no, they like me because I'm being nice. And I'm being nice to get them to like me. So in that way, I'm not being earnestly nice. I'm being selfish and kind of manipulating them to like me. So it doesn't even feel genuine.

Speaker A:

Also, I'm hot, so that helps with.

Speaker C:

I'm just super hot. So they're just rolling over me and forming fan clubs, which is, once again, I never had the singular hottest person in my school. It just feels weird and fucked up to me before. Everyone's hounding after one person, just, like, so horned up for this one person. But yeah, so he's saying, like, it's it's all an act. And I just it's just me being selfish, trying to, like, get people to like me by being nice. So even then, it's not genuine. And then all of a sudden it starts raining. What? Oh, rain. He's turning back into a human. He's all wet, naked, slippery.

Speaker B:

The show doesn't treat him like that.

Speaker C:

So why are you because I'm the gross dirty pervert on the podcast. We need one now. It's I do like how quick it's like, oh, I'm naked, like, instantly clothed. Next scene. It's just like they don't linger on it. It is a big fan servicey, but it's really quick.

Speaker A:

They want you to imagine it, but they're like, do the homework on your own time. We have a story to tell here.

Speaker C:

Exactly. You'll draw this fan art on your own time. We won't do it for you. He's like, Shit, it's raining. We got to go to my secret base because I'm seven and I have a secret base. And when they run to it to take care of it because of the rain, they find out. Or Toroo finds out. No, it's just a little garden that he takes care of. I don't know why they call it a secret base. It's just a small little patch of.

Speaker B:

I want people to know that he's gardening, god forbid.

Speaker C:

Well, I did know a girl in college that was, like, really into bird watching and didn't want anyone to know because she thought it was lame. I was like, if I watch those birds, man, just do it. Do the shit.

Speaker B:

If that's what you want to do on your Saturday afternoon, fine.

Speaker C:

Go for it. Yeah, there's a lot worse hobbies out there. So, yeah, they get, like, a tarp and help cover up the plants so they would get washed out from the rain and drowned. And while they're getting the tarp ready and helping out, Tour says he says Tour is nice for helping them out. And she's like, oh, yeah, I'm just being just doing what comes naturally, being nice to a friend of mine. But maybe I'm being nice just so you'll like me. Maybe I'm being like you. And he's like, no, you're not that manipulative. You're too empty headed, but full of innocent, like, genuine earnestness.

Speaker B:

How savage of her to be. Like, maybe I'm doing the shitty thing you do to other people.

Speaker C:

I don't think it was meant to be, like an intentional burn on her part. I think she's just like, you just told me this is what you do. Maybe that's what I also do. And she's just scared and didn't think that much about her actions. But that's also the sweet endearing part of her is like, no, it's just 100% genuine. Like, any kindness she gives to people is just earnest. But then she talks about like, yeah, my mom told me kindness comes in many forms. And we get, like, little flashbacks of Tour and her mom at her dad's grave as her mom tells her to listen. Kindness is something you have to work for and put effort into. And it comes in different shapes depending on who does it. It's not something that just happens naturally. So if you don't feel like you're just overflowing with kindness, that makes you a bad person. No, that's not true. You have to put in the effort. I was like, God, good lesson at a weird time at the grave. But like, God, that's a good mob. Tour is basically saying, like, I put effort into it, so that's what you're seeing. And she's like, I think you have your own kindness to it. You're kindness kind of like a candle. It brightens up everywhere that it's at a little bit, but it's kind of delicate, too. So you keep everyone at arms distance so it's not like this shining beacon, like a white house. And you clearly see that it's a cord with yuki. She likes me. She sees the kindness in me. She can fix me.

Speaker A:

She knows I love candles.

Speaker C:

And of course, once they get the tarp over all the plants, the rain stops and they're like, yeah, we did it. Even though we're a little worse for. Weird. They're, like, very disheveled from the rain. They're like, well, while we're here, can we take any of these vegetables home, make it into dinner? And it's like, well, the leaks are ready. She's like, ugh leaks. All right. Burning off. And I think she was also thinking about the hole in her room, and it just rained. Like, my room is probably leaking. But you know what? Maybe yuki says, like, you know what? Maybe next time I can get a hand in the card game. Play around with everyone. Yeah, that'd be nice. Try and emotionally attach to people and reach out. They have a little tender moment. And torres mentions this is the first time she's seen yuki, like, smile. And it's like, huh? Yeah, he's just been the mopey pretty boy up to those points, though. It's the first time he gets an earnest I was going to say wink finger guns. But it's not that. Just the smile. And then we see. They get home. I do like that. They're like, oh, we're kind of disheveled cut to, like, a scene change, like, an angle change. And they're all like they're perfectly back to normal. They're not, like, soaking wet despite being in a borderline typhoon.

Speaker A:

Oh, no, I guess we got to get out of these wet clothes. No, they get changed. They just try again your own time.

Speaker C:

It's just, like, funny. They're having this earnest, heartfelt conversation, and it's just pouring rain the whole time. I just like, Get the tarp down. We got to go. I don't want to be out here longer than I need. But yeah. So they get home to the house, and toro makes dinner, and it's a lot of leaks that they got from the garden. And of course, kyo is like, I hate leaks. And yuki is like, hey, someone made you dinner. Shut up and eat it. And, like, force feeds, I'll meet leaks. And when he force feeds, I mean, just kyo just passes out instantly, because I guess he hates it so much.

Speaker B:

He covered his nose.

Speaker C:

He pitched his nose, and it stopped his mouth of leaks. So he could okay, he went for.

Speaker B:

The kill with this one.

Speaker C:

You'll eat these leaks, or I'll shove them down your corpse's throat. And she wondered. toro sees this. It's like, maybe they can be friends. And she has a little, like, vision of them at a beach at sunset, being like, kyo, I want to amend our friendship and put all the paths behind us. ko's like, yes, yuki, we can get over a hurdle and be friends together. She's like, no, that can't happen. But could it? No, no, but maybe. And that's episode three.

Speaker A:


Speaker C:

Got a lot on the bingo card. You got dead parents, you got animal sidekick, you got info dumps, you got sundairy gals being pals.

Speaker A:

Maybe snuck in each episode right at the end.

Speaker C:

That's a good point. Yeah, they were at the beach I'll cross that one off.

Speaker B:

But they weren't wearing swimsuits.

Speaker C:

We weren't wearing swimsuits. But you know what? I'll take it. So if if we could have gotten a magical girl or titties any part of this series, get a full bake. I'll hold my breath, though. But yeah, that's fruits basket.

Speaker B:

We made it.

Speaker C:

Our weeb there yet?

Speaker A:

Yeah. I enjoyed this. This is much more heartfelt than I thought it was going to be. It's hard to tell with a lot of these popular shows, especially for a pretty boy harem show. Do people like it because they're hot, or do they like it because it's a good show? In this case, it's like, okay, thank God it's a good show. Because if it was just shitty trophy, oh, no, we're furry, but we're also hot and we want to date you, then that would not be as good. But because they're like, hey, we do actually connect on emotional levels. This is a good romance relationship show rather than a sensational, let me look at these hot people shoes.

Speaker B:

Yeah. And I like how focused tohru is on becoming friends with them as opposed to seeing them as, like, romantic.

Speaker C:

I'm going to marry this portion.

Speaker B:

Yeah. I mean, I'm sure, like, at some point in the series, I'm sure once it gets romantic, she's probably like, oh, but we're friends.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

But for now, it's just kind of nice because they also don't look at her as a romantic option. They're just like, she's a girl in my life now, and she's pretty cool.

Speaker C:

Yeah. The plot doesn't revolve around one of them or her falling in love of like, if we get a girl to fall in love with us, we'll break the curse and then they're just rooting to just try and run at her as fast as possible. So it's refreshing that it's just like, yeah, we got this weird curse thing, but you're just, like, hang out. We just chill. And it's when she hugs that or.

Speaker A:

Not most of it. We don't need to cure ourselves or anything.

Speaker C:

And it's when she hugs and they turn into animals. And it's not like, ooh, when I grab his crotch. And it just becomes really fancy or something. Because there still are other reverse harem shows that can get ugly with the boy romance characters. It's obviously much more common in standard harem anime, where it's like, all the women are going after one guy and it's just like, jitty. So it is nice to see. And yeah, I was surprised with just the writing, even in just the first three episodes of, like, shit. This is character growth we're getting that early.

Speaker B:

I like so much that kyo isn't just a shitty guy for no reason. He's a shitty guy because everybody is shitty to him, but he wants to be better.

Speaker C:

Yeah. I was also worried this would be a nostalgia show because I know this is like, a lot of people's first anime because I think this is yeah. Either on tsunami or an early show. And yeah, it is, you know, 2001. So I got a lot of people into it. So I wasn't I wasn't sure if it'd be like, ah, it's good because I have fond memories of it, not because it's actually good, which is the case for a lot of older anime, like, I don't know, zach Bell or something. Yeah.

Speaker A:

I wonder who brought some of that to the show. I'm glad we enjoyed it. And since it does have that remake, either, I don't know how out it is, if it's still ongoing or what.

Speaker B:

But it came out in 2019, so it's probably done.

Speaker A:

Okay. I couldn't remember how recent it was. Oh, no. It's weird to me, even, like, in the context of this show, 2019 was a year into this podcast. I'm like, oh, no, that's so far. That's so long ago.

Speaker C:

Okay. I was also surprised by how few episodes were it was like 26 or something. I thought this would have been a long running serial, like 50 plus. But they don't want to overstay your welcome. Yeah.

Speaker A:

Get in and out.

Speaker B:

Yeah. I'd be very interested in seeing how the 2019 version is, if it's any different, or if it is just the same, but nicer looking.

Speaker C:

Just like updated art. Yeah, I think they got most of the same cast, so if you have nostalgia for the dub, there you go.

Speaker B:

I mean, I wouldn't say that. That's a great thing in some of the cases.

Speaker C:

But anyway, nice and a fun time. Happy valentine.

Speaker B:

Happy valentine.

Speaker A:

I hope you find rat Man in your life that you can fix.

Speaker C:

She only know fixing.

Speaker A:

But what do we have going on next week?

Speaker B:

Next week we're watching an anime I heard about very briefly in a YouTube video. But I loved the looks of it. And it has good reviews. So fingi's crossed. We're going to watch sleepy Princess in the demon castle. Yeah.

Speaker C:

Get all colored.

Speaker B:

It looks cute. So that's what I'm hoping for.

Speaker A:

Fingers crossed we've been burned before.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

But yeah. If there's a show you the listener would like us to watch, you can send us your recommendations. Our email is or you can reach out to us on Twitter or Instagram. Are we there yet? On both. You can find me on Twitter and Instagram at Mr. Patrick dugan and listen to my fiction podcast echoed Location.

Speaker B:

You can find me on Instagram at honey. Period. D on Twitter at honey d eight and Honey d art and on twitch at honeycore d. And Honey is spelled H-U-N-N-I-E in all of them.

Speaker C:

New one. You can find me on Twitter at aBTS brendan it stands for Almost Better Than Silence, which is a video game podcast. I also do thank you to camille.

Speaker A:

Ruley for our artwork, and thank you to louie zong for our theme song stories. You can find all of Louis music at Louisong Thank you, and we hope you'll join us next week as we learn to live with anime.

Speaker B:

I can't wait to watch these characters kiss, kiss. Fall in love, David.

Speaker C:

That's all I'm going to do.

Speaker B:

Really? Wow.

CW: Death, Grief

I sense is in the air! For Valentines Day we watch the 2001 Furry Romance Series Fruits Basket!




Thank you:

Camille Ruley for our Artwork

Louie Zong for our Themesong "stories"

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