Are Weeb There Yet?
An Exploration and Education in Anime!

AWTY 127 - Curse Stank (Jujutsu Kaisen)

3 years ago
Speaker A:

I'm Youtubery. I like girls like Megan the stallion. Hello, and welcome to our weeping area yet in exploration and education and anime. I'm your anime idiot, patrick dugan.

Speaker B:

I'm an anime expert. D hollander.

Speaker C:

I'm brenda mccullough, your anime headstrong. Demon possessed protagonist. No, not that one. Not that one. Okay, there's a few. The other one. The newer one.

Speaker B:

Yeah, the one that's fresh off the press hot right now.

Speaker C:

Trendy one headstrong.

Speaker A:

I'll take you on no One. No One.

Speaker B:

I love that song. I had karaoke Revolution, and that song was on it. I sang that all the time.

Speaker A:

Then why did you leave me hanging?

Speaker B:

I'm sorry. I think your Internet was lagging for a second.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

So you just, like, came out with it, so I thought you were, like, thinking about it.

Speaker A:

Okay. No, I said it, and then just silence. Cold, cold, unforgiving silence. I was like, I'm so sorry. What happened?

Speaker C:

Oh, no.

Speaker A:

I don't know enough about the song to continue on my own.

Speaker C:

There's, like, a drop. Then he said it. Then D started talking, and I was like, what's happening?

Speaker A:

This was doomed from the start anyway. Hey, everyone. What's going on? What do we have going on this week? Oh, it's my turn. I should explain.

Speaker C:


Speaker A:

Messy morning.

Speaker C:

Okay, so you don't fight us out. What are we doing today? What you brought us?

Speaker A:

You don't know? We're waiting on you. Okay, so what we have going on today, we are topical is probably not the right word because this is coming out, like, weeks later, but we're we're watching what was voted the Crunchy Role Anime Awards anime of 2020. jiujitsu kaizen. Yeah. Gonna get that hot, hot anime finally relevance and not dipping back into 90s garbage.

Speaker B:

But that's where I'm comfortable.

Speaker C:

That's my 90s garbage.

Speaker A:

That's where I live.

Speaker C:

It's literally a microwave burrito. And, like, the sizzling hot fajita plate that comes out, everyone looks at it and it's like, oh, shit, I should get that.

Speaker B:

And then you just go with what you know.

Speaker C:

You go with the safety one because you got those sensitive tommy, I know.

Speaker A:

The exact thing to input to get this Hot Pocket exactly where I needed to.

Speaker B:

I'm ready.

Speaker C:

I've been prepared.

Speaker A:

I've been training for this.

Speaker B:

Why should I try anything else?

Speaker C:

Three minutes and 27 seconds. Then you pop it open, poke a few pressure holes into it, let the air out a little bit not much. And then put it in for another minute and 43 seconds.

Speaker B:

Is this the truth, or are you making it up?

Speaker C:

I'm making it up, but it's kind.

Speaker A:

Of, like, way too specific. Brendan, you can't play these games.

Speaker C:

It's specific to my life, but it's made up about Hot Pockets. I just, like, chuck that in for four minutes. I don't care if you're eating the Hot Pocket. You've stopped putting in effort. Like, we can agree on this.

Speaker A:

You are 13 or 27. There's no in between.

Speaker C:

After that, your body physically cannot consume them anymore. I know.

Speaker A:

Anyway. But yeah, immediately. derailing. You watch this shit?

Speaker B:

I haven't watched it, but I know about it because it's very popular right now. Paul really likes it. And everybody loves the ending sequence.

Speaker C:

Yeah, I'm on board with it. I watched it, actually, a friend of the show, zino Robinson, got me into it because he was talking quite a lot about the manga back on Twitter, back before it was even an anime, I was like, my mangas have ended, have wrapped up. I need something new. Let me dive into this. And God hooked pretty quick. And yeah, the anime, I've been following it since it came out. So, yeah, know quite a bit about it.

Speaker B:

It's good shit. xeno won an award, too.

Speaker A:

She won the same crunchy role award for English Voice actor. So congratulations for Hawks, right?

Speaker C:

Am I here? academia.

Speaker B:

It's a good performance.

Speaker C:

Very good choice.

Speaker B:

Very good performance.

Speaker A:

If you want to hear a better performance, you can hear him talk about Ultimate Muscle of David garbage.

Speaker C:

I love about performance. It definitely was more effort. It definitely takes a lot of effort to praise that show.

Speaker A:

More emotionally, physically drained.

Speaker B:

He seemed like he was having a good time.

Speaker C:

That shows anyway. Great. And just real racist. Anyway. Did you see kaiser? Yeah. hotshit right now. And yeah, the ending sequence, which we'll see kind of got I don't know if it's like memed, but like, very popular. And like, people were redrawling it with a bunch of different characters and like doing their own OCS and themselves in it and stuff. So it's very popular in stylist and very good. So that'll be fun to look forward to.

Speaker A:

Brandon, you feel that plane?

Speaker C:

I'm trying to talk over it.

Speaker A:

Well, clearly I have no guiding direction. And so I'm going to throw us immediately into the break. We're going to watch the first three episodes.

Speaker C:

Let's eat some fingers.

Speaker A:

I can see why it went viral. This is a funky closing, closing beast.

Speaker B:

Easy to dance to.

Speaker C:

We did all the scenery. We did all the weird cinematic shots, the camera movements. We got all the characters done in the first one. Ending style.

Speaker A:

Just style. Let's just vibe.

Speaker C:

We're just flexing on some people here with us.

Speaker B:

Look what we can do.

Speaker C:

And for anyone who is interested in Mega, chainsaw man got announced for an anime. It's being done by Studio mapa. Who did? Jujuzu kaisen. And that's got my hopes high. They're doing good job with God. I cannot say this. My car is falling a little bit. It's like an old car to transmission as well. But it's got my hopes high for Chainsaw Man, the anime. So I'm excited. I trust them. They're doing good work.

Speaker A:

All I know about Chainsaw Man is like the theme song, which is just people going like, Chainsaw, chainsaw. It's amazing. There's a video of it. It's very good. I'm like, okay, I'm on it. We're just hearing this bonkers opening credits.

Speaker B:

Let's go.

Speaker A:

Yeah, but yeah, jumping into this one, the thing we're talking about, right? I have no focus today. So we see our main man, Idadori ug. He wakes up. He's all tied up, all broken and beaten, and someone's sitting across from him. He's like, oh, who am I talking to? Are you ready to die? And then we cut to immediately cut away. Previously you're wondering how I got to be.

Speaker C:

Yes, that's me.

Speaker A:

Hi. I need a dory.

Speaker B:

That's a crazy story.

Speaker A:

So we get a little flashback. We see Edadori. He's calling a hospital, asking to talk to his grandpa, who was admitted there. And the nurse is like, all right, give him a shot. Hey, grandpa. And we just hear a fuck off. Just the angriest man being like, no, no one talk to me.

Speaker B:

Let me die in peace.

Speaker C:

That's my grandpa. That's a home for me.

Speaker A:

But yeah, Eugene is just like, okay, I'll be there after school. So we see another guy, a dark and mysterious man. He's prowling some school grounds. He's like, okay, I'm here to find the quote unquote cursed thing. But he checks the cabinet where it should be kept and whoa, blah, blah, it's gone mystery. So he needs to go track it down. So we see Edadori. He's in school. He's in, like, the occult research club. Where have we seen this before? Every show?

Speaker C:

I was going to say this should be on the weep bingo card because it feels like there's the plot device for every anime.

Speaker A:

Yeah, just we how do we have spooky things? Every show has spooky.

Speaker C:

Like, do schools actually have this? All of my school clubs were like, activities and maybe journalism club or something.

Speaker B:

They also weren't taken as seriously as we'll see in a moment with the president coming in and being like, you guys don't actually do shift.

Speaker A:

But yeah, like, just it being so persistent in every anime. It's like, okay, in real life, like, what inspired? What are their actual real occult clubs? Or is it just because of anime? And I assume every school now has one.

Speaker C:

Yeah, self referential anime trope. Yeah.

Speaker A:

So we see his friends, they pop up every once in a while. It's fine. But yeah, the other members are like, okay, are we ready for the ritual? And then they just start playing with a ouija board. So they're just dicking around. But then a teacher comes in and is like, okay, hey, I see what you're doing. This is supposed to be a research club. You're supposed to be doing stuff. I'm going to disband this group because come on, guys.

Speaker C:

It's actually the class president. I wrote it down because it's eda. This is eda for the show.

Speaker A:

Okay, cool. So he comes in and he's like, all right, you're just sticking around. Let's break this up. And they're like, no, we're actually doing research. See, you know that abandoned rugby field in the school? What we tracked down there was like, mob murder linked to this through the construction company, blah, blah, blah. He's like, okay, cool. I don't care. That's not what this is for. Just making up ghost stories. So ida dory. I changed your registration. You're in track and field now. So he's like, no, I want to be here. But the track and field coach comes in. He's like, okay, Mr. hotshot, if you want to mess around, you got to beat me. You got to fight me.

Speaker C:

An adult teacher, he says, I'm not a demon. I'll let you swap clubs if you can beat me in a competition. I was like, isn't that exactly what a demon does? Isn't that like, textbook demonstrate devil, but.

Speaker A:

If you can beat me in a fiddle context yeah, I was going to.

Speaker B:

Say, I've heard devil went down to Georgia.

Speaker C:

This sounds like exactly a demon. Yeah.

Speaker A:

So he's like, all right, you're on. So he accepts the challenge, and we see the dark, brooding, curse guy. He goes to the school. He goes to the abandoned rugby field, and he's like, this place is super fucking cursed. huh? Someone's buried here and sees the demon crawling around. But he's like, no, there's something up. I feel energies. So he sees the track field where the competition is happening. We see the teacher throw the shot put. That's like the game of choice. He throws it and almost sets, like, a record. He's at, like 14 meters. So ida dory is like, okay, any rules? teacher's like, no, just throw it however. And he just fucking like baseball pitches it 30 meters and crashes into a soccer post. So he's like, okay, we're done. bye.

Speaker B:

I win later.

Speaker A:

So, yeah, all the students gather around because for whatever reason, I don't know, plot for plot, edadori just has this reputation of being like, OOH, the biggest athlete. He's he's the resurrection of blah, blah, blah.

Speaker C:

Because I read the manga, I can tell you it's already super strong and like a peak physical condition beyond super human limitations for a reason. I don't even know. The manga hasn't gotten there yet. Oh, well, he just does.

Speaker B:

He can't tell us that.

Speaker C:

He just has those.

Speaker A:

You just relied to us. Come on.

Speaker C:


Speaker A:

So he's free to keep working with the occult club, but they're like, hey, clearly you are much better at why? But he's like, no, this is more fun. I like hanging out with you. And also, this club ends promptly at five, so I get to have things I can do after. So he's like, okay, cool. It's just for scheduling purposes. Great friendships.

Speaker C:

Pretty much.

Speaker A:

The brooding curse guys like, oh, I sense an energy on that. Strong boy. Hey, strong boy wit. I got some cursed tank just just coming off of him. So he tries to catch up. But this boy sprints faster than a car real fast.

Speaker C:


Speaker A:

But he's out of there.

Speaker C:

There's the title.

Speaker A:

Had to write it down before I forgot. So so Eugene gets some flowers and takes him to the hospital to visit his grandpa. Grandpa, of course, is like, I told you, I hate visitors. I hate company. But Eugene is like, you're in a bed. Fuck off. I'm going to do what I want. You're going to die momentarily. So his grandpa's like, hey, can I tell you about your parents? And eugene's like, nope. And that's that's where we're leaving. That. I assume that has something to do with his superhuman strength, since it's immediately after that last scene, but okay, shrug.

Speaker C:

Also not addressed in the Nike.

Speaker A:

Yeah, calling my shot, right? But as they're hanging out, grandpa's like, oh, hey, you're a young, strapping man. While you can just go out and save as many people as possible, don't die alone like me. Dead and die.

Speaker B:

He just felt it. He was like, this is it.

Speaker A:


Speaker C:

It's less like he just died suddenly and more like he chose to stop living after that. He's like, all right, I'm done. Check me out. I'm done.

Speaker A:

Quick, the last thing on my bucket list. I need to motivate a protagonist, and.

Speaker C:

Then I can let go.

Speaker B:

My grandson is finally the protagonist of an anime.

Speaker C:

I knew all that. God.

Speaker A:

Think it's happening. Is that you?

Speaker C:

I knew when he was born with pink hair. And I was like, give him give him 16 years, and I'm out.

Speaker A:

I'll hold on just until he's strong enough and I'm the only relative he knows.

Speaker C:

Yeah, grandpa killed off the rest of the family.

Speaker A:

No. Fuck, yeah. We have super long longevity in this family. Not anymore.

Speaker C:

No longer.

Speaker A:

But yeah, so he dies. So of course he has to deal with that. He calls the nurses, like, does all the paperwork. And he's like, yeah, it hasn't really hit me, but he's holding together all right. But then brooding curse man comes out of the shadows. Just the shadows in the hospital because it's dark. And he's like, hey, you, we got business. Come here. You're probably not dealing with stuff in this hospital, especially when you're just talking about like, yeah, I still haven't processed how my grandpa just died. Hey, you.

Speaker C:

Alone in the world has to deal with that.

Speaker A:

Hey, you're not alone anymore. Come here. So he's like, I need to talk to you. I am Fujiguru from jujitsu Tech, and you have a cursed object that I need. So we start to get some of the backstory. He takes them into a separate room. He's like, okay. So throughout all time, just real negative emotions gather in places, and they turn into curses in places where there are lots of negative emotions that people fucking hate. Like, schools most schools have basically their own cursed artifacts that act as a protector to keep other curses away. But as time goes on, these like security seals start to degrade and then they'll actually start attracting curses. So you found something, you took it, and now a bunch of people are going to die. So can you not?

Speaker C:

It's like if the school had just had like plutonium to keep other radiation away. Yeah, it's kind of backfire, but you.

Speaker A:

Only put in like a paper bag like ten minutes later it's like, okay, this isn't contained. So eugene's like, okay here's, here's an empty box. Doesn't have the artifact in it. So fuji gurus like, hey, what the fuck? where's the actual artifact? And he's like, oh my occult friends are going to dissect it. We found this thing covered in like prayer bandages. And yeah, we're going to investigate because that's as much research as we do. We just get people kill fuck around.

Speaker C:

To find out the club.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

So they're like, OK, they're gonna die. Let's go right now. So we see the club members start to unravel this thing and they find it's a finger. Just the old cursed looking nasty witch finger.

Speaker C:

Nasty, gross.

Speaker A:

So they unwrap it, open it up, and immediately Demon like comes out from the ceiling and starts chasing them around.

Speaker C:

Imagine the scooby. Two music like running in st hallway.

Speaker A:

Yeah, the club members are basically Fred and velma. It does work, but yeah. So Fuchiguro and Eugene run to the school and get there. Fujiguru is like, you're just a dumb idiot who stumbled into this. Wait outside. So of course he goes in, starts to confront it and trying to fight it as it's about to eat the finger and the club members. But we see Eugene being like, no, I can't wait. Literally like ten minutes ago said I would save as many people as possible for my grandpa's dying wish. So yeet and throws himself into the building. So yeah, he jumps in, attacks the monster, saves the friends, and they kill this one.

Speaker B:

So they're like he punches it with his bare hands.

Speaker C:

Oh boy.

Speaker A:

Such very strong. So they kill this monster and they're like, okay, coast is clear. Let's turn off all our defenses.

Speaker C:

What could go wrong?

Speaker A:

Yeah, we see the fushiguro has like spirit dogs. Are they really addressed?

Speaker C:

They do actually my favorite they address.

Speaker A:

But they're in this seat and that's it. So it's fine.

Speaker B:

Yeah, I like when the one dog, the white one, is like eating something and then he pops up in the foreground and he just looks like he's smiling.

Speaker C:

He's having a really good time just chopping away at the curse.

Speaker A:

But as he's about to give the finger back to Fuchiguro fuck.

Speaker C:

You give a finger?

Speaker A:

Yeah, gave him the finger. Immediately even bigger demon comes in and attacks and busts out through the wall. So Fujiguru gets all hurt and he's not strong enough. But Eugene decides to intervene, fight this thing. But they say the Fujiguro is like, oh, only other cursed things can kill cursed things. So before this demon can eat it, eugene eats the finger, tasty snack, or turkey. So he gets all demonic and strong and beats he's one punch man in this moment and just destroys this thing. But the curse is trying to take over eugene's body, and ida dory is miraculously. A one in a million chance is able to suppress this demon. But Fujiguru is like, cool, now I got to kill you, dipshit. And that's where we end episode one.

Speaker C:

Yeah, I love that. Fujiguru says if he eats the cursed special grade cursed object, he'll die for sure. But there is a chance. I'm like, then that's not for sure, is it? That's not what for sure means.

Speaker B:

But it's like a one in a million chance.

Speaker C:

That's not for sure, though.

Speaker A:

Well, dumb and dumber. I know that means there's still a chance.

Speaker B:

I like that he says, like, it's a one in a million chance. And you think that it's like, oh, it's a good thing that Eugene could survive. And then he's like, no, this is the worst case scenario.

Speaker A:

He was better off dead. Oh, no.

Speaker B:

Oh, shit. So it's time to exercise a curse, a demon. And Eugene is like, I'm fine, but is it actually Eugene? Oh, no. Because now there's a whole ass demon in him. And then a guy with white hair.

Speaker A:

Yeah. Now, I didn't realize the show was a ghost of twoy, but we got a ghost of twoy ghosts.

Speaker B:

Yes, sure do. And then a guy with white hair and a blindfold shows up. He's like, opposite kakashi. Forget covering your mouth.

Speaker C:

Cover those eyes with those eyes.

Speaker B:

So this is gojo sensei. And while what is his name? I kept calling him the kid, not Yuji fuchigu Fujiuo. fuji guru. While he's like, all hurt on the ground, gojo sensei is like, the other kids are going to love this. And he takes pictures of this.

Speaker A:

Immediately became my favorite character. I was like, oh, lemon green.

Speaker C:

Perfect. Yeah, it's very much a Shannon series because it's basically like, you got naruto who's possessed by a demon. You got the girl and the group who'll come in later. You got the crazy white hair, the sasuke. You got Kikashi. It's like, yeah, it's naruto.

Speaker B:

Everything is just naruto.

Speaker A:

Naruto all the way down.

Speaker B:

So Gojosense is like, where's the finger? And Eugene is like, I ate it. Yes. Really? I ate it.

Speaker C:

For real? For real.

Speaker B:

And then he gets up real close to Eugene, and he's just like, you did? That's fun.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:


Speaker C:

We're not really paraphrasing that much. He probably would say this. That's where I shit.

Speaker B:

He says, wow, you guys have really fused. That's hilarious. So he asks if he feels okay. He's like, do you think you can swap with the demon which is named sukuna? And he's like, yeah, I think so. Gojo is like, he's getting ready to fight. He's like, okay, you're going to switch, and then I'm going to fight you, and then you're going to come back, you're going to be sukuna, and then we're going to see if you can come back. So he's, like, stretching, and he tosses this bag that he had to fushiguro, and he's like, what is this? And he's, like, going off about these delicious snacks that he bought. And while he's going off, Eugene has already made the transformation and lunge is at it. But he's overpowered. So Gojo is like, I'm fine.

Speaker C:

This is nothing.

Speaker B:

Yeah. So they fight, and Sekuna is in control now, causing lots of damage to the building. And then as Gojo counts to ten, yuji returns back to his body. He can control it very well and very easily. Crazy. And Gojo says it's a miracle. And then he walks up to him and taps him on the forehead and knocks him out. He says if he's not possessed when he wakes up, he could be a vessel. And he's like, what do you think, Fuchiguro? And he's like, well, jujitsu regulations do say that we have to execute him, but I also don't want him to be executed.

Speaker C:

He's my dad.

Speaker B:

I've just met him and I love him. And then gojo is like, okay. And then we're back to where we were in the beginning, and he's like, so we have to kill you.

Speaker A:

I just bought this little flip of tone because we go in, we're like, you're going to be executed. But then we're like, oh, yeah, he's a dope. chill, dude. We're having fun here.

Speaker C:

He's the right cool teacher.

Speaker B:

We like to have fun here. But Gojo says that eugene's sentence was actually suspended, so they're not going to kill him right away. He explains the deal with the fingers. There are 20 of them in total, and he just so happens to have another one on him. And he shows that they can't destroy them because the curse is too powerful. But Eugene can help since he's, like, already consumed a finger. It's like, what's the problem with him just eating all of them?

Speaker A:

Have you confirm they're actually being destroyed, though? Or are they just like, sitting in his stomach for the rest of his story?

Speaker B:

Good question. I assume he absorbs the energy.

Speaker A:

I'd like to think that he just has, like, a hand in his torso.

Speaker C:

He's got only a second stomach bliss just for fingers.

Speaker B:

So once all the fingers are gone, he'll die. So that's essentially his extended sentencing. And there hasn't been a vessel strong enough for sukuna before, but here he is alive, so he's going to consume all the fingers to get rid of Sekuna and then die anyway. It's a win win for the jujitsu folks.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

So we see the girl from the club, velma, at the hospital, and then eug comes and they're visiting the other member who took quite the damage because a demon was, like, gnawing on his head. Yeah. So she feels really bad because she's the one who asked him to go to the school that night. And then Eugene is like, it wasn't your fault. The curse was too strong. There is nothing you could do. There was nothing she could do. Even if the curse wasn't strong, I'm sure. And then he says it's his fault for picking up the finger in the first place. And then he leaves.

Speaker C:

See you.

Speaker A:

Bye bye.

Speaker B:

I like, in this show that when people cry, they have the red on their faces. Like the red marks. I love that. Feels more real. And then Eugene is with Gojo, and he's talking to him about his grandpa. And he's like, Sorry for your loss. So what are you going to do about this whole demon thing? You kind of need to know the timeline, bud. And Eugene asks if death from curses happens a lot. And Gojo is like, well, yeah, you're probably going to see some pretty gruesome stuff if you hunt Sekuna. And I can't guarantee that you won't end up pulled apart limb from limb. And then he picks up his grandpa's ashes. Is this a thing that people have.

Speaker A:

To do in America, too? I was like, okay, this doesn't seem cool because he was picking them up with chopsticks just like, boom, out of the ashes of his grandpa.

Speaker C:

It's like, yeah, the skeleton is just on the table, and then just incinerated. Now he's just picking apart the bones and putting them into the urn with all the other I'm like, yeah, this is fucked up. This is real fucking yeah.

Speaker B:

It took me a minute to realize what was happening. I was like, Are they at a museum, like, looking at an old skeleton?

Speaker C:

Well, it's an old skeleton, technically.

Speaker B:

So as he's doing this, he's like, so if I get rid of Sekuna, less people will die? And gojo is like, yes. And he's like, all right, well, I'll do it then. Do you have the second finger? And he's like, I sure do.

Speaker C:

Always keep it on me.

Speaker B:

I just carry it around.

Speaker A:

I have it on the necklace.

Speaker B:

And Eugene eats it, and it's gross. And he seems like he's going to be shifting to Sekuna. But then he's just like, wow, that was disgusting.

Speaker C:

Your man. That sucked.

Speaker B:

Yeah. He's just like, yeah, if I'm going to die anyway, I might as well do this for you guys. So he's like, Great, time to pack. We're going to Tokyo because that's where the Jujuitsu school is.

Speaker C:

It's tough. Lots of OOH tsu.

Speaker B:

And then they go to the school. And it's on the outskirts of Tokyo, so it's pretty rural still. And then Gojo is talking about the school. He talks about how it's like a pillar of the jujitsu community. And they approach the school, and it's time for Yuji to have an interview with the principal. And if this doesn't go well, he could reject his admission. And then a mouth opens up on eugene's face. Not his one mouth. A second.

Speaker C:

No, not his other one. The other one. No, the other one. What?

Speaker A:

Don't worry about, you know, your cheek mouth.

Speaker C:

We all got that.

Speaker B:

Yeah, that one. And it's akuna. And he's just making threats toward Gojo, being like, oh, so you're not the one in charge, pussy. I'll fight you. And then Gojo is like, honestly, it's an honor to be targeted by you. And Eugene is like, is he really that big of a deal in this demon community? And Gojo, I had trouble processing things toward the end of this episode. He talks about sakuna's history and how powerful he is and that even after death, he traveled as a curse and he's considered the king of curses.

Speaker C:

Yeah, he's basically saying, like, in the Japanese folklore, sekuna is this two faced forearmed god. In reality, he's a human with two faces of forearms and is the king of curses. So the folklore is true. He's like, I kind of just not the god.

Speaker B:

He's just not a god.

Speaker C:

Yeah, but he says powertails are fuzzy.

Speaker B:

Yeah. So eug asks if kojo is stronger than him. And he's like, well, if he did get all of his power back, it would be a challenge. And he's like, well, so would you beat him? And he's like, yeah, I'd win. I love that.

Speaker A:

Yeah, it took 1000 years ago. It took every jiju sorcerer, but yeah.

Speaker C:

I can fucking take them the fucking best.

Speaker B:

And then they go to the principal's office and he's making cute little stuffed animals.

Speaker C:

Cute quote.

Speaker B:

And Eugene introduces himself by saying he's into girls like Jennifer Lawrence. All right.

Speaker C:

What an intro.

Speaker A:

This is the only clip I have seen because voice actors have dubbed in other people.

Speaker B:

And then the principal asks why he's there? Why this school? What will you do with this knowledge and skill? And eugi is like, well, I'm going to collect the sakuna fingers. And he's like, well, that's not enough, kid. People are dying every day. Why do you care? And Eugene is like, well, it was someone's dying wish for me to save people. And the principal just he wants them to dig deep. He's like, if you're just doing this because someone told you to, you're going to fail. And then he brings to life one of his dolls, surprise, their curse, and it's going to keep attacking Eugene until he gives the principal a good answer. So Eugene was like, well, it was a family member's dying wish. And the principal is like, I don't care. That's still not why you want to do it. He says, you've got to be crazy and highly motivated to be a jujitsu sorcerer, not just because someone told you to. So he's like, pretty much telling him to, like, be selfish. Like, tell me why you want. To do this. I don't care about what other people told you.

Speaker A:

Yeah, this is going to suck. If you're doing it for someone else, you're going to give up a real quick.

Speaker B:

Yeah. So this is all while this silly, like, kappa kind of looking doll is fighting him.

Speaker C:

I kind of love the doll because it's like, it punches yuji, and it starts, like, flexing and making, like, a quacking noise. And it's like, awful to look at.

Speaker B:

Taunting him.

Speaker C:

Yeah, it's taunting him, but it's a curse. It's like, I hate the sink, and I love it.

Speaker B:

So this principle says jiujitsu sorcerers rarely die without regret. So dig deep and figure out why you're here. And then he says, I'm here because I'm the only one who can consume sekuna. And if I don't do this, I'd feel guilty. I don't want other people to suffer because I didn't do this. So I'm willing to die to stop him. And then the principal is like, all right, sounds good. And then Gojo takes him to his dorm, and it's really nice. And then Gojo points out that he Gojo, and fushiguro, they could just find the fingers and fight demons and then bring them to yuji. Why does Eugene want to fight? And he's just like, I want to fight. Like, I want to be part of it. But it would also be very funny for Fujiguro to have to deliver the fingers to me.

Speaker C:

I like a maid service. it'd be funny.

Speaker B:

And then Gojo was like, yeah, I figured you'd want to be part of it. And also, some of the fingers are going to be hard to find. Some have a strong energy, some don't, and some have already been consumed. So you're going to be like a radar for us.

Speaker C:

Yeah. I believe earlier he said the school has only found six out of the 20 fingers so far.

Speaker B:

And then they go out into the hallway and a Fuchie girl lives right next door.

Speaker C:

What a coincidence. neighbor.

Speaker B:

And then tomorrow, they're going to go pick up the third 1st year student. And that is it. That is the only group that's there's. There are three first year students. Is fuji girl first year?

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

Okay. Yeah. So that's them. And then we get a little preview of her, and she's really excited to get out there and get going. And that's episode two.

Speaker C:

And then we get the ending for the first time.

Speaker B:

Oh, yeah, the ending is very, very good.

Speaker C:

So so lightfall, so stuck.

Speaker B:

I like the opening too.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

They're both good.

Speaker C:

Yeah, it's all around a nice package. Like, ojo sensing he's got a nice episode three. We open opens with the gang in the city. They're in Tokyo, and they're going to pick up the last third year. And they're like, oh, wait, I thought Eugene was the last three year. It's like, well, you're the last one to become part of the school. The other one was already signed up before you, but she's coming in later because she's further out. Okay. While the other egy is like, hey, why is my uniform got, like, a red hoodie on it? And gojo sente pierce. He's like, oh, that was me. I custom ordered for you. He's like, why? He's like, looks good.

Speaker B:

I like, fast.

Speaker C:

Yeah. He really doesn't give a reason. I was like, all right. It's a way to differentiate the main character, I guess. So we see them waiting outside the train station for the third year student, and then we see, like, some sort of skeezy business guy going up to different girls, being like, hey, would you like to be a model for me? And it's like, all the girls know it's a scammer. Like, no, get away from me, creep. And then he walks by, and we see one girl in particular, happened to be wearing the jiju tsuki and Tech uniform. She picks up the sleazy business guy, like, by the back of the car and say, like, yo, what about me? Think I could be a model? I'm hot as fuck. He's like, ugh, I got to go. She's like, no, I want your answer. You got to tell me right now, sir. And holds him to it. And he's trying to escape for his life. And this is nabora Kugasaki. Probably fucked up that part.

Speaker B:

I don't remember.

Speaker C:

Nabora, yeah, you're fine. And she walks up to him. yuji says, like, she's already embarrassing us. And he's got, like, big tourist sunglasses and has, like, different, like, snacks from different vending. Like, he's living up the tourist life, like, while in Tokyo. It's like, oh, she's embarrassing. It's like, yeah, okay. Sure. Not you. And she walks up to the gang, and it's like, hey, I'm the bora. congrats. I'm the girl of your group. And it's like, yep, check it off. shonan checklist girl.

Speaker A:

I am here to fill your quota. congrats.

Speaker C:

She's self aware, good, and seeing the rest. She's like, eugene's an idiot. And fuchi goro's kind of stuck up and like, yeah, kind of accurate. So goju says, like, all right, now that we got the game together, we're going to Tokyo. And we see Eugene and nabora. They're two country pumpkins, and they're all excited, like, oh, boy, we can go here and here and here and here. No, we're going to somewhere else. I didn't write down the part of the city. We're going to this different area. And they're like, oh, boy, we can't wait. They're like, we're going to see this and this and this and all this attraction. And he's like, ha ha. No, we're going to this abandoned building next to a cemetery on the very outskirts of the city. Like, barely technically, legally in the city.

Speaker A:

It's a business trip.

Speaker C:

Yeah. God damn. You tricked us. He thought we were going to have fun. He's like, no, why would we do that? You're insane. So goju says, like, yeah, we're going to test the two new kids. This abandoned building haunted. It got some cursed in it. It's by the cemetery. And curses are amplified depending on how many people are around it. So they're brought on by negative energy. More people. It means more negative energy, stronger curses, et cetera. So we're here to exercise some curses that are inside this abandoned building. And they're going to send in Eugene and deborah to kind of test them out. And Fujiguri is going to stay outside with the Gojo because he's still recovering. So he's like, well, Eugene sucks. He just started and doesn't know anything about cursed energy or how to use it. So he gets a little handicap. He gets a cursed knife called like the Demon slayer or something.

Speaker B:

His face when he's handed the sword, he's just like.

Speaker C:

I mean, you give a high school kid a big knife, like, yeah, he's going to be pretty pumped.

Speaker A:

Yeah, that's a phase we all went through, right? High school night phase.

Speaker C:

Yeah, I had like three swords.

Speaker A:

High school night phase.

Speaker C:

Surprising to know when I had a few. So yeah, they go into the building and nabora is kind of like annoyed. Like I got stuck with the new kid, showing him the ropes. Like, whatever, fine. Let's get this over with. So Eugene goes in and he's like going commando, going up against the doors and opening him stealthily and sneaking in and scouting every rope, checking for curses and the borders.

Speaker B:

Just I love his sound effect as he's going through the hallways.

Speaker C:

And the bore is kind of just starting and like, all right, I'm already done with the shit. Let's get this over with. She's here to kill the curse and then go shopping or try out the food or explore Tokyo. And she's like, all right, you know what? This will be faster if we split up. I'll take the top floor and go down. You take the bottom floor and go up. We'll meet in the middle and just knock this out. She's like, I don't know. Isn't it dangerous to split up? He says this while she's walking upstairs. So she jumps from the top of the stairs and jump kicks him. And she's like, I'm not going to take shit from the new kid. So you're going to do what I say because I've already dealt with curses. It's like, damn, lady.

Speaker B:

She's very sassy. I like her.

Speaker C:

She's boss, bitch. She takes no one's shit. And I love her. And right as she walks away, a curse appears. And it's like, yuchi's, alone. I can attack him. So starts attacking Yucci, who quickly takes out the knife, starts doing weird slide attacks and cutting off the curses legs. And then does like a triple axle backflip and then stabs in the head. It's like, goddamn kid. Relax. He's going nuts with a knife. And it's like, where does he we've seen he doesn't do anything. How does he know this stuff? And I cast a gojo outside talking about like, yeah, we already kind of know. yuji. He's got the chops for it. And he's headstrong kind of crazy. So he'll fit in. He'll work as a sorcerer.

Speaker B:

This kind of crazy.

Speaker C:

You got to be kind of crazy to do this stuff because it's weird, fucked up stuff. But this is mostly to test out in the bora. And he's like, fujiko is like, oh, why? He's like, well, she's dealt with country bumpkin curses. Now in the city, they're more intensified, so they're stronger. So we got to see how she does with them. And then right as he says that, come back to nabora. And she's on the top floor with a bunch of mannequins in an abandoned room. It's like, ah, creepy. And she just looks around and say, all right, come on out. And nothing happens. She's like, all right, fine. You don't have to come out. I'll just get you now. And we see her take out a hammer and holds up two nails. And then the nails lift up with the cursed energy. And she just slams both of them that shoot across the room into the mannequin's face. And we see it like lurch backwards and then kind of compose itself and stand back up. We see like an eye appear. It's like, ah, curse the spirit inside the mannequin. I love it.

Speaker A:

I love Doctor Who.

Speaker C:

We see eyes appear all over it. And she's like, I'd take those nails out if I were you, or something bad is going to happen. And then we just see the nails, like almost get a second hit and just blow through the mannequin's face and just blown apart. And she's like, that's my curse technique. She shoots nails with her hammers.

Speaker B:

I like that. I love unique weapons.

Speaker C:

Yeah, I love her, like fighting style stuff because it's not the token. She's the girl. So she's the healer, like in a union. But yeah, it's very cool and very neat. Seeing it involves with like curses and stuff. And then so as she's looking around, she sees a kid hiding behind some boxes. She's like, the kid's exploring an abandoned building and got caught by the curses. So he's hiding there, scared. Like, all right, come on. I'll kid. I'll I'll rescue. I'll take you down. He's like, no. She's like, you son of a bitch. She's like incredibly insulted. I get it. You're scared by the pretty girl. You're young. It's fine. And then right as she's about to go up and get them, she sees a hand appear around the kid's head and pull them out. And it's like a weird fuzz ball with big eyes, buck teeth, and a creepy long hat, arms and legs. And it's she's like, oh, shit. There's another curse. And as she's about to get her nails, the curse holds up a claw to the kid's throat and, like, stabs him a little, like drawing blood. She's like, Fuck, he's got a hostage. And we see her. She's kind of pissed. She's like, he's not even that strong. He's like a grade four, maybe even love her. Like, he's super easy to take out, but he's clever enough to have a hostage.

Speaker B:

He's got intelligence.

Speaker C:

That's not right. That's not how curses normally are. She's like, well, if I die, then the kid definitely dies, so that's bad. But if the kid dies, I won't die, and that's pretty good.

Speaker A:

And I like those odds.

Speaker C:

She's like, I could do more good with the rest of my life than this kid probably would. So, like, me living probably bounces out than having one kid die. No, that's not it. She drops her hammers and nails. She's like, all right, I surrender. You got me. And we see Gojo outside saying, yeah, the curses are on a different level, not even power level. They're clever. They're harder. They're not just stronger. So I want to see how they deal with this. And right as she surrenders, she's like, you got me. And we see the curses and dropping the kid, and it's like, Shit, I just gave up my weapon. And now he's going to just kill both of us. We just see an arm punch through the wall behind the curse. We just hear yugi on the other side and go, I missed. And then just cooling ants his way through the whole wall. And right before the curse can even react, eugene takes out the knife and cuts his whole hand off and rescues the kid. And then kurse lost his oxygen. Curse starts, like, phasing through the wall, trying to escape. Shit, he's getting away. We have to go after him. And the board is like, Quick, throw me his arm. Like, his separate hand. Like, what? Just give me the hand. Throws the hand to her, and she gets the hand gets, like, a straw doll she made and puts it on top of the hand, and then slams a nail through it with the hammer and puts a kid in. The yucci are like, oh, that's creepy. Why does she have a straw doll? Like a voodoo doll? And right as she slams a nail into the doll and into the arm, we see the curse flying outside. fuji goros sees it. It's like, I'll take care of this. Is like, no, give it a second. And we just see the curse explode with Spike shooting out of it. And gojo is like, good. She's crazy enough to be here. She passed the test.

Speaker A:

And then, you solved my voodoo doll riddle.

Speaker C:

You solved the hospital situation puzzle. And after, we get a little flashbacks in Nabora's hometown, back in the countryside, and she's talking about a girl, seori, who's, like, a cool older girl that moved into town and she made friends with and she hung out with her a lot. This was back when she was in first grade, so it's real little nabora. And she kind of looked up to her, but for some reason, everyone in town just hated her and kind of, like, harassed her and her family. And we see them like it snows in the town, and we see no one plowed the snow outside of their house and stuff. And we see them, like graffiti in their car and shit, being like, get out of here, country folk. You think you're better than us? And all this shit that she doesn't. But all the people think that, and it starts the mob mentality of self sustaining hatred. And eventually they keep harassing the family until they have to move again and leave. And nabora always resented the village for that because it was her friend. She loved her. And we see back in present day, she's like, why did you join juju Tech? Why did you come here? She's like, oh, I wanted to move to Tokyo, and this is a lot cheaper than if I moved on my own. That's it. She's like, yeah, I don't need to fucking justify myself to you.

Speaker B:

We just met. You don't get my tragic backstory yet.

Speaker C:

Not yet. The audience does. They can see the flashback, but not you. And she says, like, I always want to come to Tokyo. And if I'm being true to myself, I had to do it, and this is the best way I could do it. And I can help people out by doing curse, by exercising curses. And if I had to stay in that village, I would have died. So she said, thanks, Eugene, for saving her and the kid. Little genuine moment. And he's like, yeah, I guess it would have been pretty tough. She's like, no, we're done being sentimental and sappy. I'm done. I already thank you. We're moving on.

Speaker A:

We had our moment. You earned approximately 7 seconds of vulnerability.

Speaker B:

No more deeply relatable comments.

Speaker C:

And so they all leave the building, and we see dojo, fishy, gorilla walking the kid. I was like, thanks, messer. I'll be more careful. All right, whatever, kid.

Speaker B:

Quit exploring abandoned buildings by yourself, you.

Speaker C:

Seven year old child, genuine child. He's like, all right, great. Everyone passed the test. We did good. We saved the kid. We're going to take you out to dinner. My treat. And walking back from the neighborhood, we see Eugene and navarro kind of argue about who really won the battle. He's like, well, yeah, if I didn't punch through the wall, you wouldn't have gotten rid of that curse. Yeah, but I'm the one that actually killed the curse with my technique, so I'm better. I'm the one that won. And also, like, the nabora points out what kind of psychopath punches through a wall. He's like, what? It wasn't reinforced. What do you mean it wasn't reinforced? It was cement. I'm glad that someone isn't like, yeah, he's superhuman. It's normal. There's someone being like, hey, this guy is a freak. So we see them kind of arguing. It's like, why switching gory all pissy? It's like, oh, he's just mad he didn't get the fight. And it's like, oh, did a little baby not to get to show off his power. And I merely love just all the shit she's giving everyone. So they're walking back talking about the dinner that they're going to go to. And we cut to a narrator reading reading like an incident report saying that, you know, approximately 1700 hours on this day, a cursed womb was formed over a juvenile so juvenile correction facility. And some people, without even cursed energy was able to witness it. And due to the extreme measures, three jujitsu sorcerers in training had to be sent to the scene to take care of it as quickly as possible. And one of them died. And then we had the ending sequence again. And then we get a little post credit scene, which happens a lot with the show. So if you decide to keep watching, sit through the credits. And we just see nabora and yuji doing rock, paper, scissors on deciding what dinner they get, either steak or sushi. And nabra ends up winning. She's like, Hell yeah, we're going sushi. And yuji is like, fine, if we're doing sushi, we're doing revolving sushi. And she's like, no, that's trashy. He's like, no, it's Tokyo. And it's like, good. And he's like, he's really trying to persuade her to get revolving sushi instead of high class sushi and all this stuff. And it's just a very fun, stupid moment in characters that has no way to and whatsoever. All the post credit sequence are just being really silly. So it's a good longevity pressure. That's episode three.

Speaker A:

Yeah, wow. That silliness is what made me like this show. Because episode one, I was like, okay, yeah, going to fight the internal demon. But immediately starting episode two and having them go, now this is a joke. everything's fine here. I was like, oh, thank God. I was getting sort of like edgar Wright sort of tone to it because I was like, yeah, it is action. It has all the elements you're looking for. But yeah, we're going to goof around. We're going to have these silly moments. We're going to undercut some of the seriousness with just some goofy things. So it's like, okay, this is a good balance of no one is brooding. And if they are, we have another character being like, fuck off, dude.

Speaker C:


Speaker A:

Good dynamics.

Speaker C:

Yeah. A little spoiler for episode four. Obviously, the three sores and training that go there are the ones that we are familiar with. And when they go into the facility, Fujigori summons his dog again, his, like, demon dog. And immediately Eugene and Nor no, no, bora are just like, oh, look at this dog. Look at this good dog. And they're like, petting himself. He's like, guys, we're here. Come on, we got to work. And they're like, look at the dog. And they're just like, petting it.

Speaker B:

Please take my puppy cereal service dog.

Speaker A:

It's working right now.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:


Speaker C:

So it's like, there's a lot of moments, especially between nabora and Yugi, of just like, look at these two idiots. Look at these dumb idiots. I love them so much. They do break it up a lot. And it's not all SASUKE fuchikori seriousness of mopey teen angst. So there's plenty of that.

Speaker B:

Yeah, I enjoyed it. I'm not as hooked as I think a lot of people were, but I really like the characters.

Speaker A:

Yeah, I think they were great defining.

Speaker C:

Thing that made me like it. Yeah. Even when I was reading the manga, it took me a bit to really get hooked. And I think even with the anime, it's the same way. I think there's going to be a defining episode or two where people are like, ooh, now I'm kind of invested. I want to see where this goes. And we see in the opening sequence a few other characters. So we saw the second years. So there's a kid with, like, writing on his mouth. It's a girl with glasses and, like, a big weapon and a panda.

Speaker B:

A panda.

Speaker C:

Second year students, we need to talk.

Speaker A:

About Panda Friend, because it's food parkour in the opening. It's studying another panda at the zoo. I'm doing research. I'm like, okay, I need to know what's going on there. What's with this just tech and bear in here?

Speaker C:

Kuma. I love kuma. Do you want to know about the pantry? You want a little spoiler? I would love so we saw the Principal His special. Like any magical show, soul leader, nerdo, bleach, everyone can kind of do the basic magical stuff, but then everyone's got their one specialty thing. So we saw what the Principal His was making cursed dolls, putting his cursed energy into inanimate objects to bring them to life. Essentially, Panda is his son. It is his masterpiece of a cursed doll that actually grows and ages and can retain information. So he teaches them stuff. So when we find out more about Panda, you even get a little flashback of, like, baby panda and, like, a diaper and a playroom, like, being taught, thanks, Father. What am I? It's like, you are my yes.

Speaker A:

Just on that info alone.

Speaker C:

That alone hooked you.

Speaker A:

I was like, okay, this was fun. But seeing a panda grow up and learn, yes, it's great.

Speaker C:

Like you said, the characters were really what hooked me and learning about the second years. The girl with the glasses and the spear weapon, she's by far one of my favorite characters in any series. It's great. So, yeah, I do agree that the characters are really the driving force, because when I've talked about the show with friends, especially when it's coming out, it's like, oh, should I get into juice. And it's like, do you like action shown in stuff like naruto bleach and all my heroic edemia and Demon slayer? It just follows that pretty by the books, but it just does everything well. I don't know if there's going to be anything unique that's going to really hook you in like a race where it's like it's a time travel murder mystery or something. It's like there's nothing crazy unique breaking the formula, but everything that's in it is just very well taught.

Speaker A:

So if you're someone who hasn't watched all those other shows and aren't as familiar with the trip, maybe this would be a good jumping in point because it's an actual well done version.

Speaker C:

Yeah, it's great. I think it very much deserves the praise and the awards is getting so far.

Speaker B:

And there's a tasty little found family trope happening.

Speaker C:

Don't get too with that.

Speaker B:

You love to see it sometimes.

Speaker C:

I already know that.

Speaker B:

Which one? Oh, right. I thought you meant like in the show.

Speaker C:

Well, yeah, one of them dies in the show.

Speaker B:

But then I realized you met Eugene.

Speaker C:

I don't know where I think okay.

Speaker B:

That'S this whole thing.

Speaker A:

No more spoilers. We're talking about death now.

Speaker C:

You'll have to watch episode four to find out.

Speaker A:

Well, on that little dangle of a cliffhanger with a little dangle of a cliffhanger ourselves. So what's going on next week?

Speaker B:

Next week I thought we could do something a little simpler. Last week we had warship girls. This week we had Fighting demons. So next week I just wanted to do a little just for me.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

So we're going to watch Wotekoy. Love is hard for an otaku.

Speaker C:

Oh, I think I've heard of this. Okay, I'm excited.

Speaker B:

Yeah, we're just going to watch episodes one, two and three. I'm compelled. It seems cute and I'm excited.

Speaker A:

All right. We'll learn what horrors await us next.

Speaker C:


Speaker A:

But if there's a show you would like us to watch, you can send your recommendations to us. Our email is Or you can reach out to us on Twitter or Instagram. Are we there yet? On both. You can find me on Twitter and Instagram at mrpatrick. dugan or listen to my fiction podcast, Echoed location.

Speaker B:

You can find me on Instagram at honey. Period d on Twitter at honey. D eight and Honey dart, and on twitch at honey d. And Honey is.

Speaker C:

Spelled H-U-N-N-I-E. Find me on Twitter at abcs. Brendan it stands for Almost Better Than Silence, which is a video game podcast.

Speaker A:

I also do thank you to camille ruley for her artwork and thank you to louie zong for our theme song stories. You can find all of louie's music at Louisong Thank you and we hope you'll join us next week as we learn to live with anime.

Speaker B:

I'm pretty hungry. I think I'm going to go find a nice little finger to chomp down on.

CW: Death, Horror

Nobody better lay a finger on my Ghostatouille Finger! We watch the winner of Crunchyroll Anime of the Year Award Winner, Horror Action Series Jujutsu Kaisen!




Adam McArthur Intro Sample Source Video:

Thank you:

Camille Ruley for our Artwork

Louie Zong for our Themesong "stories"

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