AWTY 145 - Another Ratatouille (Way of the Househusband)
Well, first I'm going to do my poop.
Speaker B:Hello and welcome to are we there yet? In exploration and education and anime. I'm your anime idiot, patrick dugan.
Speaker A:I am an anime expert, D hollander.
Speaker C:And I'm brenda mccullough. Your anime Howard deville, like from regrets.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker A:Bye. Why even energy.
Speaker B:He's not in the new one. No, he's dead and gone.
Speaker C:I found this out that they laugh for like, a minute straight. It just means that this man doesn't exist other than to prove that betty deville is straight in the original progress. If she's not straight, he has no purpose. He does not exist in this world.
Speaker A:Yeah, my wife energy, but if he's not in the new one, then it's like, well, looks like she got a divorce. Good for her. lesbian energy.
Speaker B:Gone. Dead. Rest in peace. But yeah, we're here to devote some time in his honor. This is our scholarship program where we do show sponsorships for the fallen house husbands because we're watching Way of the House Husband this week.
Speaker A:Yeah. I honestly forgot what we were watching. So when we said how in the middle, I was like, wait, but now I can roll.
Speaker B:But yeah. So this was an Internet sensation when it came out a little while ago. Have either of you watched this yet?
Speaker A:I have not watched it yet, but I've been looking forward to it.
Speaker C:Sam, like you said, it was a sensation when it came out, so it was pretty much everywhere for a hot minute, so it was hard to avoid it. But I haven't watched it because I figured we get to it on the show.
Speaker B:Yeah, this is definitely up all of our alleys.
Speaker A:There's a little something for everybody, it seems like.
Speaker C:Yeah.
Speaker B:But yeah, just a goal. I aspire to be in a house husband, just staying home, cleaning, keep maintaining the house. ooh, that's a dream.
Speaker C:Yeah, I want it.
Speaker B:I think finally can check out of.
Speaker C:Capitalism by just buying stuff, by just committing to it. But by proxy, I think of it, I'm like, man, that would be nice. As a homemaker. I'm like, I don't do that for myself. It's one of the things, like, if it's for myself, I can't be bothered. I live the bare minimal. But if it's like one other person in my life, it's like, yeah, it's got to be nice. It's got to look good. It's got to be pristine. That motivation.
Speaker A:Yeah. I feel like it's a realization a lot of people have had over the last year or year and a half or so where it's like, what if I don't want a job? What if I do just want to be a house spouse?
Speaker C:That's not so bad.
Speaker A:Yeah, just marry a rich person and then you can stay at home. What's so bad about cleaning and cooking? If that's what you want to do, who cares?
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker A:I do not dream of labor.
Speaker C:What's your dream? Job. disgusting.
Speaker A:But hey, if you love what you do, you'll never work a day in your life.
Speaker C:If you love what you do, you'll be exploited by the industry girl boss.
Speaker A:Yay. That's my new girl boss voice. You the sound wave on that vocal. fry is run cheeky.
Speaker B:It looks disgusting.
Speaker C:That won't get talking.
Speaker B:Leaking out.
Speaker C:Anyway.
Speaker A:Anyway.
Speaker B:But yeah, yeah, this got real anti capitalist real fast. I mean, not outside our usual episode.
Speaker C:Scope, but yeah, that's always kind of in the air.
Speaker A:Yeah. It's also like, we know what we know. I just had stroke. We know very little about the show. So it's like, we have the general idea, but beyond that, it's like party.
Speaker C:Yeah.
Speaker B:It's always hard when we're all like, oh, this is perfect for the show. We cannot even look at it until we watch it for the show.
Speaker C:So it's like pride, ourselves, research.
Speaker B:I can't find what, like, month this came out. No, I can't look too deep. I need the surprise. I need the thrill. This is the only way I feel.
Speaker A:Are you going to say I need to feel something?
Speaker C:It's also tough, at least for me. When I pick a show and I know about it and I watch it, I go, they're not going to like this one at all. Let's see what we're going to watch.
Speaker B:No, the pain is always in your back pocket of like, oh, yes. Talking. All right.
Speaker C:Bracing for impact.
Speaker A:So at least with this, we're all going in with expectations. Maybe. We'll always.
Speaker C:Hope.
Speaker B:Some moderate hopes. That means I'm going to hate it.
Speaker A:No.
Speaker C:Only place to go is down.
Speaker B:Never have dreams. Never aspire to anything. We're watching the first three episodes.
Speaker A:Let's go.
Speaker C:Kill your heroes.
Speaker B:Get down on the ground. Down on the ground. Get in that ground. Clean it up, Bob.
Speaker C:Mop that.
Speaker B:Mop up all that blood.
Speaker A:Hurry before your wife gets home.
Speaker B:Quick, quick, you're queen.
Speaker C:Wait, this is just fuck. This just cure you from Yakuza. Like, he absolutely would be a house husband.
Speaker A:It's a sequel. It's the future.
Speaker C:I just want to cross over now. Either him in the video game or carry you in the show. Just in the background, maybe. Fuck.
Speaker B:I'm sure it's in the work somewhere.
Speaker C:That would be so good. Okay. Sorry. I immediately got distracted.
Speaker A:We have to write a letter. Call somebody.
Speaker C:Sega, what's going on? You got nothing going on, sega. sonic's not doing great. How about Morgan koosta? We all love that.
Speaker B:Start my petition. White House. You have to listen to me. What do you mean?
Speaker C:You're not involved with this. I don't care. Get involved.
Speaker B:You are now. But yeah, so just a preface. This is a little bit of a shorter show. It's a little bit more of an animated comic rather than full blown animation. Brendan, you warned us about this, correct?
Speaker C:Yeah, part of the I guess, buzz about this when it first came out is at least the anime of it is. People were like, the animation on this shit, why is it such low quality? It's not a full anime. It's a motion comic. And honestly, I was kind of surprised by how much animation was actually in it. I was expecting much less, like, more still images with some movement. And this is like no, this is like 1.5 animated comic. If it fully animates it too. It's pretty animated, so I was surprised by it.
Speaker B:But, yeah, it's about half the shots are like even if they aren't, like, fully extremely animated, detailed animation, there's still movement. They're still chugging along. It'll be like one person block blockily running down the street, but it's still moving. It's not just a static thing where you're using your imagination. So I'll take it.
Speaker C:It's a lot of, like, the key shots and pretty much just no in betweens, which, like, it it works. It's fine. Like, we've read comics, we know what to fill it in with our minds, so this works. I was fine. But for people who didn't know that going into it, they were kind of, like, pushed off by it and kind of dissuaded from it.
Speaker B:Yeah, I think that's fair. Especially with the amount of hype that this show got.
Speaker C:Yeah.
Speaker B:But yeah, so we also got another show with little sketches, so we'll be bouncing between some stuff.
Speaker C:The segments were broken up and it's called Episodes. So in the first one, it's like episode four. I was like, oh, I fucked up. I went too far for a second.
Speaker B:Yeah, I did the same thing. But, yeah, we are going by Netflix episodes. Well, that's at least where I watched it. Yeah. So we start out, I think. Do we only get the opening in this first episode?
Speaker A:I'm pretty sure it's in all three. It just Netflix automatically skips it.
Speaker B:Yeah. I couldn't tell if it was an auto skip or not, but yeah, opening pretty intense. I have a house guest, so I had to do the great shame of watching anime in front of a friend. So this, of course, was very intense of an opening, especially for someone not familiar with anime, but just really going into, like yeah, gang tattoos.
Speaker C:Yeah.
Speaker B:So hardcore.
Speaker C:Kind of got a pixel aesthetic, too. I liked it. I thought it was slapped like hell.
Speaker B:Yeah, it was good. Just more than I was expecting.
Speaker C:Yeah.
Speaker B:So we start out, we see just a back covered in yakuza tattoos, just totally inked out all over the place. And we see a man in the bathroom getting ready for his dark arts, for his dark deeds, for cooking breakfast. Oh, wait, no, we're into it already. So we see just the coolest motherfucker in the world. This is Tatsu, our titular house husband. He's making breakfast, cooking for his queen, his wife, who it's an anime, rushes out and says, I'm late for a business meeting. Got to go by and leaves without eating. So he's like, all my work. It's all right. It's just practice. Practice for my queen for tomorrow. Oh, wait, she forgot her lunch. It's on. And so naturally, he packs it in an attached case, just prime gang movie perfect. hops on his bike and just full speed chases and is immediately stopped by the cops, who are like, all right, this guy looks a lot like immortal Dragon, the head of the Yakuza, who notoriously crushed and stomped out all his rival gangs. You look a lot like him. Just lunch in your briefcase, huh? We got our eyes on you.
Speaker A:Suspicious.
Speaker B:But yeah, he pays them off with coupons because that's his thing, going shopping. So, yeah, that's end of segment one.
Speaker A:Yeah, very short.
Speaker B:Very short, very abrupt ending. So it will be a lot of.
Speaker C:Bouncing around, just him making breakfast. The cat was always beside him the whole time. And my first note I love this cat. It hasn't done anything yet, but just.
Speaker B:Cat is so good.
Speaker C:Good cat shapes, like, good drawings.
Speaker A:Big guys.
Speaker C:Yeah.
Speaker B:So next section, we see a door to door knife salesman who's in his inner monologue is like, all right, let me just make some money. Let me pawn off some of these cheap ass knives. They suck. But who cares as long as I make money, right? And don't talk to someone who knows what they're talking about, right? But he picks the wrong door. He goes to tatsu's door, who opens it covered in blood, holding a knife, polishing it. The salesman is like, oh, God. Murder. He's like, no, I'm carving something. Also, I believe is this Matt mercer? It sounds a lot like Matt mercer.
Speaker A:It's jonah Scott, which is very funny because Paul also thought it was Matt mercer. And when we watched skate the infinity, I believe it was You dugan, who said jonah Scott playing Joe was him doing his best Matt mercer impression. But this is even closer.
Speaker B:Got it. Now that I'm hearing it, this is very much just a cool Matt mercer voice. Don't want to rag on Jonathan Scott, so I will back off. He's very good.
Speaker A:He does a very good job.
Speaker B:Yes, very good voice. I was just like, this sounds familiar. And this is my frame of reference. But yeah. He's like, oh, what you got there, some knives? And he's like, oh, yeah. I'm just telling them. Very intimidating, man. He's like, Talk a big game. You got to show me the goods. I got to take them for a test drive. He's like, oh, this man is about to slash my throat. But he takes them inside and sits him in the kitchen, and he just cooks a full meal using the knives, just demonstrating the best knife skills ever. This salesman is like, this is all a dance. He's about to murder me. Okay, all right. I messed up. How do I escape? But he serves him just a hamburger steak. And a big hit in the house with my partner and friend watching was ketchup rice. Probably good together, but just the concept of ketchup rice was like, yeah, I.
Speaker A:Mean, that's what omu rice is, pretty much, yeah.
Speaker B:Oh, I'm down with eggs and ketchup. But just like, plain white rice, the only addition is ketchup.
Speaker A:Interesting.
Speaker C:That's a love. There's a line with the knife salesman when he gets in and he gets scared at first, he says, I'm a damn professional. I'm not going to shit my pants that easily. And I tell myself that every day of my life.
Speaker B:Every time I have to pick up the phone and call a stranger.
Speaker C:I don't have to make an appointment.
Speaker B:No, not be an adult. You can do this.
Speaker C:Don't shit your pants.
Speaker B:But he serves this meal. The salesman takes a bite, and oh, delicious. Brings him back to his childhood. He questions his life decisions. He's like, I can't keep going down this path. This meal changed me also. I'm still scared of this man.
Speaker C:Time to go.
Speaker A:He gets ratatouille.
Speaker B:And we end there. So next section, we see a low level Yakuza member, masa. He's getting kicked out of a shop. He's just a hot headed young punk, the up and coming class of gang. But he's like, this turf isn't the same. Since Boss is gone, the glory days are over. And oh, wait. Who's that? It's Boss. It's Tatsu. Just freaking out over what a great fucking deal these cabbages are. Hell, yeah. So Mason chases him down. He's like, Boss, boss, where did you go? We thought you were dead. What happened to you? He's like, I'm out of the game. I'm retired. Can't pull me in for one last mission.
Speaker C:I'm out.
Speaker B:But masa is freaking out and saying, like, oh, we need you, God. Come on. You're going to protect the turf? He's like, I protect my own turf in my own way, by which I mean worshipping the ground. My wife walks off.
Speaker A:Yeah.
Speaker B:So he follows him, and masa follows Tatsu into a cooking class. He's like, this is how I'm honing my skills these days. It's just a cute little montage of, like, a bunch of old ladies and two Yakuza members just cooking. Real cute. But masa at the end is like, dude, this sucks. Are you really giving up all your, like, amazing skills to just do, like, housework? But this takes it too far. And Tatsu just takes him outside and slaps the shit out. Yeah, speak kindly, but take no shit.
Speaker C:His motto like, that he was specifically slapping him and not, like, punching him or really beating him up. Just smacking them around a bit.
Speaker A:Got to smack some fence into that boy.
Speaker B:But yeah, we introduced this character who's going to come back sometime, but end segment. So in our next chunk, we see Tatsu is getting ready. He's planning his route. In his Yakuza talk, he's all about some people just rush in, but you need a plan. That's how you dominate. You need strategy. So we see an unmarked car driving down the street with another rival Yakuza member. Just a boss in the back, just talking. And we see Tatsu on a bike about to cross the street, and he slams into the car. His plan, his head goes through the window, and he's like, I recognize you. And they're all like, oh, shit. That's the immortal Dragon, notorious for stomping out other gangs. Is this a hit? Is he about to kill us? Get him. So Tatsu runs away, and they chase him into a department store. He's about to lose them in the throng of people going for deal shopping. He's throwing popular items to the gang members so they get swarmed and no, he just really wanted to get to the sale, and he was hoping the other two would help him, but they didn't, so he didn't get everything he wanted. So they sort of like debrief in a stairwell outside, and they're like, hey, come on. What are you doing? You were this notorious boss, and now you're fighting over gloves. But Tatsu in, like, a combat thing, puts the gloves on the Yakuza boss, who is like, oh, another ratatouille. My childhood, I lived in the snowy mountains, and I never had gloves like this except for the ones my mother gave me. Comfort, safety, warmth. And just defuses the situation by reminding this gang member of his humanity the common theme. So next section, we see where at an anime store oh, no. Scary, scary territory. We see the clerk is sort of eyeing him. He clocks him as a Yakuza member, and he walks up to him, and he's like, hey, I'm looking for a box set of polycure. And the clerk is like, oh, go. Well, we have different box sets. We have the initial version of the thing. Season one is blah, blah, blah, blah, and just goes into way too much detail about the show and love it. He just slaps them. He's like, Get it together, man. Give me the goods. So we see him take this back home. His wife comes in. What's going on? There's something happening here. Celebration time. It's her birthday, and she got her her favorite show, the anime on box set yay. So she's thrilled. But of course, such sweet sentiments. Honey, I already have this one. And just the shame, the absolute devotion. Literally throws himself at her feet, being like, I'm so sorry.
Speaker C:Immediately goes to cut off a finger.
Speaker B:Yeah, just ready, ready to prove himself like that.
Speaker C:She stops him by clothes lining them, like, through the window to stop him. Like they're both idiots. My favorite relationship possible.
Speaker B:Yeah. She kicks as much ass as he does, and it's great.
Speaker A:Yeah.
Speaker B:But our last segment, we see he's getting ready to leave, he's like, hey, cat, you're home alone for the day. You got to guard this turf. I'm leaving it in your hands. But cat adventure time. I didn't know we were getting any of this, but this was delightful. The cat leaves, goes outside and is walking around seeing a bunch of other animals and is like, hey, trying to play? And all the other animals are like, oh, no, that's a cat. That's intimidating. I'm not playing with that. Common themes. But then the cat goes and sees this gnarly looking, scarred up dog just scowling in its yard. But when he goes up, he's like, hey, the tough guy. What's up? And he's like, oh, hey, you're a lady dog, and you're all tangled up around your doghouse. You're on a run that got all caught. Just walk backwards, untangle yourself, and then you'll be able to play around and have fun again. And the dog's like, oh, all right. Immediately gets more tangled as a dog. Yes. dumb little idiot. Too pure. But then seeing this intimidating dog, the name on the dog house is elizabeth. That's kind of silly. All right, see you.
Speaker C:And just leaves.
Speaker B:And the dog is like, wait, no, you have to help me. But that's where we leave. Cold blooded, just like a cat.
Speaker A:Love it.
Speaker C:The dog was voiced by mona marshall. I was like, I'm immediately adhered to this character without any development at all.
Speaker B:Perfect.
Speaker A:Don't need it.
Speaker B:But that's where we end episode like six, probably, but technically episode one.
Speaker C:Yeah.
Speaker A:So we pick back up in episode two ish and the phone is ringing, and tatsu answers it, and he says, the big boss is coming over, to which I thought it meant that Miku's boss was going to come over for dinner or something.
Speaker C:Yeah, that's what I thought.
Speaker A:Yeah, but ed, that's not the case. But we'll see later. So he says he's talking to somebody, and he's like, it's time for you to prove yourself to me. And it's a roomba. He turns it on, and he's like, you better do well. This is a big deal. And he's like, you're doing a pretty good job. And he's like, I'll put you in charge of cleaning the living room, but because it's around, it can't get into the corners. But luckily he's a cleaning pro. So he's, like, getting down and dirty as he's cleaning. The kitty's name is gin, and she's, like, following him around, and he shoes her away, and the roomba snags her tail, and in her panic, she knocks a bunch of stuff down, and then wine splashes on his face.
Speaker C:Oh, god.
Speaker A:So then we see two older ladies coming to his house, and we see later that he hangs out with housewives. So I don't know if this is, like, the president of the housewives club or maybe it's like the president of the HOA or something. I don't know. But that's who he did genuinely think.
Speaker B:This was his wife's, boss?
Speaker A:I guess just because his wife wasn't there. Yeah, I didn't think it was, but it's whatever.
Speaker B:Yeah, it doesn't matter. A respected older lady, not affiliated with the Yakuza.
Speaker C:Yeah, he calls her chair person. So I associate assumed it was the homeowners association sort of thing, but so.
Speaker A:These two women come in to meet him and they just see him on the floor with what looks like blood all over his face and the roomba rolling away. And he's like, I'm so sorry you had to see this.
Speaker C:I failed you.
Speaker A:Next, it's babysitting time. He's babysitting this. He's probably not even ten, but he's old enough to be cognizant. This child's name is ryota. And ooh, closed my notes.
Speaker C:Hold on, let's see where this goes. It's fun. Little adventure.
Speaker A:So he asks ryota if he wants to have some fun, and he offers him some freshly baked cookies.
Speaker C:Well, yeah.
Speaker A:And the kid is surprised that they're actually good. And then he's like, hey, you want to play some games? And then the kid's like, yeah, let's play Mario kart. And he's like, nah, I got dice. I got koi.
Speaker C:Koi fuck hanafuda hit me up.
Speaker A:Yeah, lots of old fashioned stuff. And the kid is like, you can't play games. These games with children. We won't be entertained.
Speaker C:I'm not a six year old.
Speaker B:Family works.
Speaker C:I haven't seen Summer Wars.
Speaker A:So the kid finds one of Miku's did we say his wife's name is Miku? Did we say that? I don't remember.
Speaker C:I'm not sure. His wife's mickey.
Speaker B:I missed it. But yes, miku is meatsune.
Speaker C:Miku. No.
Speaker A:So ryota finds one of Miku's polycure. It looks like a doll. Like, it doesn't look like it's a figurine, but he trips it and it breaks in half. So this is very upsetting, and Tatsu is very upset about it. And he's like, okay, ryota, don't worry. I'll take care of it. And then they take it outside and bury it. And as he's burying at meku, is like walking by. And he's like, we're going to call next. We're back with masa. And he runs into some rival gang members. And it looks like there's going to be a tussle, but luckily Tatsu is walking by. So masa is like, hey, boss, defend me. But he smacks masa across the face and tells it to do it himself.
Speaker C:Good.
Speaker A:You got into this. Get yourself out of a kid. And the guys recognize Tatsu and one of them hits him in the head with a two by four. And Tatsu was like, that would be real good for making a chair.
Speaker C:Dirty wood.
Speaker A:And arrival moves to stab him, but he uses like this coupon book he was looking at to shield himself. And then he and masa walk away. They're okay. Neither of them die. And masa wonders if the way of the house husband and the way of the yakuza are connected. So he wants to learn. So Tatsu is just going to build a legion of male wives.
Speaker B:I volunteer.
Speaker A:Let me in. So he takes masa home, and they build a cute bear chair out of some wood. Next, tatsu is like looking in the mirror, doing like one of those stone roller things that's very in right now.
Speaker C:Do you know what this was?
Speaker A:He thinks that he's getting chubby. He looks at his face and he's like, I'm getting old. So he goes out into the living room and he starts hulu hooping. But Miku gets fed up with that pretty quickly. So she's like, just go to a gym. So he goes to a gym with his older lady friends. They do an aerobics class and they do a yoga class. And he keeps calling the yoga poses real fucked up names. But once it's over, he's like, I liked that. That was fun. And he's like, not really thinking. And he go into a room, but then the ladies are like, oh, Tatsu, that's the ladies locker room. Don't go in there. And he immediately is ready to face punishment. He's like, I didn't mean to do it. I'm so sorry.
Speaker C:Tie me up and throw me in the river. It's like, damn. God.
Speaker A:That's a bit much. It was an accident.
Speaker C:Relax.
Speaker A:Next, they're at the mall, and they're at, like a grocery store that's in there. And he goes up to shop employee. That's the word. God.
Speaker C:A resident of the store.
Speaker A:They live there.
Speaker B:Shop mom.
Speaker A:That's the one. So he's like, hey, I'm looking for some white powder. The good stuff. But luckily Miku is there. And she comes up. She's like, I'm so sorry. He's just looking for flour.
Speaker C:I like, the employees. We don't sell that. Hate.
Speaker A:Yeah, her face glazes over and she's like, we don't sell that.
Speaker B:Meet me out back, you idiot, in front of my supervisor.
Speaker A:So we see them doing some shopping, and Miku keeps wanting to buy stuff that they don't need. And he keeps saying no. And she's like, but I want it. And he's like, no, especially not when you're behaving like this. And so he's like, firm with her in like a public space. And some ladies overhear it. And they say that he's a yakuza, harassing, and honest citizen. And that bothers meku. So she takes his hand and leaves him away. And she's like, hey, baby, people are afraid of you. And he's like, what? No.
Speaker B:Why would that I'm hearing about it. Despite every social interaction I have, the.
Speaker C:Neighborhood gals think I'm hilarious.
Speaker A:Yeah, they love me. So she thinks it might be his clothes. Good thing they're at the mall. So there's a trying on clothes montage.
Speaker B:Fashion show. Fashion show?
Speaker A:Yeah. So he tries on some outfits, but none of them are quite right. And she gets upset that he's not especially charming. And she says that out loud, and he's like, well, how am I supposed to be I was a gang member. I'm still getting used to this. So he's like, I can fix this. So he goes and gets a polycure apron, and she loves it. And a kid calls them weird, which is fair.
Speaker C:He wears the apron. That's his standard uniform. He wears it out in the bow when he's running around. So I'm like, I feel like that's a little less intimidating.
Speaker A:An apron with a sheba on it. Yeah, I wish he wore the polycure apron after this. But he goes back to wearing the shiba apron, which is cute. Next we get another guine section. She's out and about, and she has to poop. So she goes into a yard, digs a hole, and she's trying to poop. And then a cat comes out, and it's like, hey, you can't poop here. This isn't your house. And she's like, oh, I'm sorry. But keeps trying to poop.
Speaker C:I'll be real quick.
Speaker B:I'll remember for next time.
Speaker A:So he pushes her away, but in the process knocks over a plant. And he's like, what are you going to do about it? And she's like, I'm going to poop, and then I'm going to leave what.
Speaker C:I intended to do.
Speaker A:So instead of letting her poop in the yard, he takes her inside to the litter box and says, if you poop in the garden, I'll get blamed for it. So just poop here. And that's where the episode ends, which is delightful, I think.
Speaker C:She says when the cat knocked her over, it went back up and she doesn't have to poop anymore.
Speaker A:This cat is played by Laura stahl. She said I follow her on TikTok, and she said that her family really likes this cat that she plays.
Speaker C:Very good. Be honest. lords pointed. Episode three doesn't have a cat segment.
Speaker A:Yeah, I was looking forward to it ending with the cat ripped off.
Speaker C:Three, or in the show's context, like episode 14 or something. Starts off at prison. We're going back to prison. The good old days. His member being released, but no one from his family is there to pick him up. So he feels like he's kind of left out to dry. He's no longer affiliated with them. It's been too long. And then we see Tatsu walking down the street with masa, teaching him how to budget. He's got groceries, and he's like, I got to use this coupon. If you got here on this day, you can get a sale. And they bump into a tojiro, who was the Yakuza member that just got out of prison. He's running a crepe van. He's making crepes. And it turns out he was the only one that could actually rival tatzu back in the Yakuza days. He's the only one that could go toe to toe with him. And he immediately slings a knife at tatzu like ay you piece of you old piece of shit. What are you doing showing your face around me and. He says, well, it's he says, Well, I'm a house husband now, and you're a crepe slinger. So we got to tell this once and for all the only way we know how to got you. And they start prepping desserts. They start making their desserts, start cutting fruit, whipping cream and all this stuff. And masa the whole time is commentating like it's like Iron Chef or something, like a cookie competition. And when they finally finish, they make their desserts. tojiro makes, like, a crepe with a bunch of fruit in this stuff. And tatsu makes, like I guess this is just like a pudding. Like sort of a pudding with whipped cream strawberries in it.
Speaker A:I think something that looks tasty.
Speaker B:Yeah, like a parfait type thing.
Speaker C:Yeah, of course they finish. Everyone likes parfait's.
Speaker B:They're going to live.
Speaker C:They played them. They make it all look good. They take pictures for the instant gram, technically not Instagram. And they see the competition. They see who won by seeing who got more likes on Instagram. And it was tatsu because he had won. The other guy got zero.
Speaker A:This, like, sent me. Like, I when I watch TV shows, it takes a lot for me to, like, actually laugh out loud. And this had me laughing when they were looking at their phones and saw no likes. So funny.
Speaker C:Pretty sure tatu's only, like, is probably from Boss.
Speaker A:Yeah.
Speaker C:Or his wife. Or his wife. Yeah. I like that it wasn't, like, exaggerated or like, Tatu got a million likes or something. Like, no, it's one that's the only deciding factor. And then we cut to tatu and miku are out car shopping, looking at various cars. And miku is like, there's, like, the sporty one. And it's like, no, it doesn't have enough storage base. It's like, oh, this one that's, like, pretty modern. It's like, odds of gas guzzle. Or we can't so tattoo is shooting them all down. tati's like, hey, this one's good. It could handle turns well. It's good on gas and plenty of storage space. He's like, no, this is an old used pickup truck. It's hideous. So then they settle for one of those cube cars that's just very blocky. I can't stand because they were force fed to me. And when I watched Heroes on NBC, because the guy that product placement on that show was awful. All right, well, we like this car. Let's take it out for a test drive. mika says, like, oh, tattoo be a little defensive while driving. It's a test car. We don't want anything to happen. So he pulls up to a crosswalk. He sees a cross guard, and he starts imagining the crossing guard just pulling out a gun, shooting him up. He's like, no, can't go here. Got to be defensive. And backs away and goes down another side street. As he's pulling, he sees someone crossing the walkway, and he just imagines that guy pulling out a knife and just opening the car door and stabbing him. He's like, no, can't do that. Guy got to be defensive. Got to be careful. He goes another way, and he sees an old man pushing a little shopping cart, and he imagines the old man pulling out a rocket launcher, blowing up. He's like, I can't go here anymore. He swings back to the car dealership party. He's like, panicking. He's like, I can't do this. Everyone's got to get me going. The car sales like, what the hell is your actual problem? What do you do? And he's like, I got to walk away from this deal. Then he cuts to tatsu, going over to masa's place, and he is very disappointed. It is filthy, dirty clothes everywhere. So as a true blue house husband, he's got to clean it up. You see him doing, like, different montages and stuff of him doing the laundry with Masa and teaching him how to do stuff, taking out this oxygenated bleach. So this, like, peroxide compound to get out these deep seeded stains. And it's like, oh, that's just ice cream. Oh, that's udon curry. That was just, like, strawberry Janet. They're all kind of, like, reddish so you think they're blood. And it's like, no, he's a very sloppy eater. And that's it. That was animal segment. And then we cut to a flea market. We see some girls walking down and looking at different stands, and she's like, a cute little cat person. She's like, oh, this one's kind of cute. How much is it? And then we see tatsu behind the stand. He goes, ah, that'll be 6600 yen. She's like, oh, I didn't expect you to be selling cat purses. And we lose little flashback to a month earlier, and mika is just going around their apartment being like, you got too many little gadgets, too many little chodge keys, like appliances and stuff to help out in the kitchen. We got too much crap. He kind of get rid of it. Kind of like, but they're okay.
Speaker B:They're my tools of war.
Speaker C:Yeah, it's clear. Like, he likes them, but they're also like, dumb little chotch keys. You could easily just use a knife for half of this stuff to cut stuff. And he agrees to sell them at the flea market. And he's also made a few little crafts like the cat purse. So he's got, like, a little sewing machine and stuff. So he starts selling some of those as well. And we see some of his neighbors come by. Like, I think the two ladies from the aerobics class. And they're like, oh, how's it going here so far? How are you doing? He's like odd. Tough. People are intimidated by me. So the whole premise of the show and sure enough, another Yakuza gang shows up and starts shaking down the flea market organizer, being like, you got to pay protection fees. You can't just set up shop here. Tatu shows up and he's like, what's going on? I'll take care of this. I know what they want. And pulls the Yakuza gang to the side, like, away from everyone else. And of course, the Yakuza gang immediately recognizes him as the immortal Dragon. So they're terrified of them. And word what he's going to do. And tattoo pulls him aside. He goes, here, this is what you want. And he pulls out like a vegetable peeler, but it's in the shape of a cat. He's like, take this little kitty cat peeler. And the Yakuz member is like freaking out. Like, oh, good. He's going to peel my skin. He's going to fly me alive with it. And he's like, no, not good enough. Fine. Take this food shark shaped food product processor. He's like, oh god, he's going to cut my hand off with it. And yeah, because the guy's just imagining all the different ways he's going to be tortured with it. And we see the boss like his knees are shaking, panicking, while Task is just trying to pawn off more crap. He just needs he's like, no, not good enough. Fine. Take this rubber duck. And the heck is the cat's like, oh, god, he's going to send me floating in the river. And then passes out because he like, hyperventilates and knocks himself out for panicking. And then we cut to another segment of tatsu just on his balcony.
Speaker A:Grows a little dark. I love, though, that after he passes out, tatu just leaves the stuff with him.
Speaker C:Yeah, he just puts it down and walks away. We see Tatu growing a little garden. He's got a little balcony garden. He's got like oregano and basil and chives and tea and a whole bunch of other little herbs and stuff. And then we cut across to another building across the way. And the cops are watching them. It's a steak cap. They know he's up to something. He's got some illegal farming operation going on in that apartment. He's selling the weed. So they're watching them getting ready to bust that drug. And they see tatsu leaving and they go chasing down after him, waiting for the hand off. And sure enough, he meets with matsu, gives the trade. And they're like, we got them. They did the trade off. We can bust him now. No, we need evidence. We got to wait this one out. Don't get too antsy. So they follow matsu and tatsu and they go to a tea shop. And they go inside. But it's closed. Why would they go to a closed tea shop? It's got to be an illegal operation. They're doing another hand off. Now we got them. And the young cop kicks in. The door is like, we got you. Everyone with their hands up. Turns out it's a birthday party for madam Chairperson from the last episode. And they're all wearing like, voucher marks, like silly glasses and stuff. And they're having, like, cake. It's like, oh, it looks very nice. And the cops are like, we know what you're doing. We know this isn't an operator. This is a sting we got you. It's like, no, I gave my soup some basil. He's going to use it in some soup later. And they're like, we got your suitcase. We know what's really that's where the real goods are. It's in that suitcase you're carrying around. It's like, no, it's like some moist poupery. smells nice. It's a gift for madam chairperson. And then when it dries out, she can use the salt in it for I love that.
Speaker A:I've never heard of that either. Of my very nice gift.
Speaker C:That's a good idea. I think the concept is, like, you're a very feminine felon. I guess he's not a criminal anymore. So you interrupted the birthday party.
Speaker A:Yeah.
Speaker C:And then we cut away back to the yacht because the guy from the flea market saying he's like, this is it. I got to earn my respect back. I got to get tatsu. I got to nail him. And he's working out, and he's trying to get all buff and trying to amp himself up, and he's taking, like, exercise pills or something. He's like, all right, I'm ready. Let's do this. Let's go get tatsu. As soon as they go to meet tatsu, he passes out immediately. He just folds just on site. Immediately passes out. And that's episode three.
Speaker A:Yeah.
Speaker C:No cat segment.
Speaker A:No.
Speaker C:Yeah.
Speaker B:That's rude.
Speaker A:I was going to say I like this show, but because there was no cat segment in the third 10 to ten yeah.
Speaker B:You got to know what we want. You're not doing the show well, if you're not anticipating your audience, sorry. But yeah, this was delightful. This is exactly what I thought it was going to be. Segments were shorter, but I did get the feeling that it was a little bit more of a here's a gag. All right, let's move on.
Speaker C:It's kind of like a weekly comic strip rather than, like a full chapter of a manga.
Speaker B:Yeah, I would definitely be down if they fleshed it out in the future, but as it exists, I don't want to put expectations on it, on what it I personally think it should be. But it's pleasant, it's nice, it's cute. I love how devoted he is to his wife. Just glorious. But yeah, just real pure and actually has nice messages of, like, don't judge a book by its cover.
Speaker A:Yeah. It's just a silly little thing to just put on and have a laugh.
Speaker C:Nice palette cleanser.
Speaker A:Yeah.
Speaker C:The one complaint I would have, which is typical of these short form shows, is it's kind of got one joke, which they definitely find creative ways to get with it and stuff. Like the other Yakuza member just getting out of prison and becoming a crepe salesman, like selling crepes. So they definitely get creative with it. But it's kind of like, yeah, people get scared because he's a yacht who's a guy, and then they find out he's very nice and charming and just a household. Like we said, there's a reason they're small segments that are it's not a thousand issue wrong going manga series.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker C:But it is pretty much the same joke for every segment, which is like, it's fine. We said it's very much a palette cleanser. Kind of turn your brain off. Don't worry about stuff. The show.
Speaker A:Yeah.
Speaker B:Sort of a watch an episode between shows. Don't watch all of this in one sitting because by the end, you'll probably be like, yeah, I get it. They think he's scary, but he's not. You can definitely see that with extended viewing, but yeah, if you use it just sprinkled in every once in a while. Let me see what tatsu's up to. Okay, moving on. I think that's the best way to go about it.
Speaker C:Yeah, exactly.
Speaker A:Yeah. And this is, like, one of my favorite relationship dynamics, though, of the person that everyone's afraid of and he could murder anybody and then his wife is the only one that can take him down and physically does. I think it's so funny.
Speaker C:I love that they're just both idiots. They're just both real stuff.
Speaker A:And I love how casual it feels. Like, when they're out at the mall, she's, like, wearing a sweatshirt and sweatpants and just, like, comfortable. I love it.
Speaker C:Yeah. I'm kind of glad. It's not, like, focusing on we don't ever see her at the office or what she does. She works at some sort of office.
Speaker A:Yeah. He says she's a designer, but beyond that, we don't know.
Speaker C:I didn't even catch that.
Speaker B:Yeah, but it's designed swords for the yakuza.
Speaker C:I feel like that would have added, like, a stress elephant of seeing her stressed at work and stuff. Like no, she works hard, and then on her days off, she's chilling in sweats, go out food shopping to the mall with her husband. It's like, this is nice.
Speaker A:Yeah.
Speaker C:And that's all it has to be.
Speaker B:It's great, but yeah, I think I'm definitely there. We are there.
Speaker C:We be there. For anyone who's enjoying this show but does wish there was, like, fight sequences of former yakuzas, like, testing their building. There's a manga series that's shown in Jump called sakamoto Days, which is the exact same premise. He's a former hitman turned, like, convenience store worker because he gets married and has a kid, and then a bunch of old assassins come after him and he beats them to hell with, like, a stapler and a half off coupon.
Speaker A:Nice.
Speaker B:Hello.
Speaker C:Yeah.
Speaker B:I just love that there's already, like, varying degrees of this very specific show.
Speaker A:Yeah.
Speaker B:This is a very specific scenario. But if you want the action version, you can watch this. If you want the chill version, you can watch this.
Speaker C:There's one that there's, like, a sweetness and lightning where it devotes more time to the cooking or something like different aspect of the house husband's life.
Speaker B:Yeah, love it.
Speaker C:That'D be great. Good times, but yeah.
Speaker B:So now that we got a little bit of a lesson into both the gangs of Japan and also house husbandry, I have a little game for you.
Speaker A:Yay.
Speaker B:I want to test how well you can identify your Yakuza gangs and your elements of maintaining a home. We have a game this week called Clean Up the Streets.
Speaker A:Oh, good.
Speaker B:I'm going to give you a name. These are all Japanese names. They are either the name of a yakuza clan or a common household item.
Speaker A:Oh, wow. Oh, my gosh.
Speaker C:I genuinely don't know which I know less about.
Speaker B:Yes. I will preface for anyone who does have Japanese knowledge, the yakuza names have a Japanese suffix that sort of identify that it is. Yes, I am talking about a family group, so I did remove those from this. Just so it's not like, oh, everything that ends with kai is the yakuza. Before anyone yells at me, it's for the sake of the game.
Speaker C:Is it a cleaning product or yakuza group? The dojo clan. Well, you say clan, I'm going to go with it.
Speaker B:All right. Are you ready to play clean up the streets?
Speaker A:Yeah.
Speaker C:No, but let's do it.
Speaker B:Okay. First up, we have yamaguchi gumi.
Speaker A:I'm going to go with household item.
Speaker C:Yeah, I'll agree. Household item.
Speaker B:All right. Sorry, I have to set up my scorecard, but it doesn't matter because you both got it wrong.
Speaker C:Damn it.
Speaker B:This was sort of my bellwether of like, okay, how much Yakuza stuff do you know? Even just through anime? This is the biggest yakuza group in Japan.
Speaker C:I know the Yakuza is specific to the anime or video game I'm playing.
Speaker B:No one else got you. I didn't know how much media actually used real gangs or if they're like, no, they'll come after us. We don't need that kind of heat. The fiction gangs. Okay. Also, hey, yakuza members that also love podcasts say, we love you. You're doing great work over there, so you don't need to come to California.
Speaker A:We're chilling.
Speaker C:Speaking of anime with the, umamasume, pretty derby, the fan art of the horse girls is very strict because a lot of the horse girls are named after real tricourse racing horses that are controlled by the yakuza. We don't want the public image to be manipulated in certain ways.
Speaker B:Damn fun fact. Very specific.
Speaker C:Yes.
Speaker B:I love how you know that detail, but not the name of the biggest yakuza game.
Speaker C:I know that detail and not how to turn the electricity onto my new apartment. I had to call the power company to tell me where it was.
Speaker B:Perfect. All right, next up, we have arumi Horizu.
Speaker A:I'm going to say household item again.
Speaker C:I'm going to go to Yakuza.
Speaker B:Oh, it's metal as fuck. It's metal as fuck because it's aluminum foil.
Speaker A:Yeah. Shit.
Speaker B:If you need to makeshift some electric torture or keep some leftovers fresh. Got some aluminum foil. Either way. Okay, next up we have kabikita.
Speaker A:Do you know that perfect.
Speaker C:No, I'm just saying it confidently to confuse you.
Speaker A:Okay, I'm feeling I'm just going to keep saying household item. Household item.
Speaker C:Hasn't filled it yet.
Speaker B:Game in the system, keita often associated with killer because that's the japanese way to say it, but this is a mold killer kita.
Speaker A:I love death note.
Speaker B:All right, next up we have Namikawa yakuza.
Speaker C:I'm too behind yakuza. I clearly don't know what I'm talking about.
Speaker B:I mean, you both got it, so you're still too behind. This is yakuza.
Speaker A:Heyo.
Speaker B:All right, next up we have soda gome.
Speaker A:Household item.
Speaker C:Yakuza. Again, we've only had one of those so far.
Speaker B:We've had two fuck. But he gets this one.
Speaker A:Yes.
Speaker B:Shit. I mean, probably a common thing used by a lot of yakuza because it is an oversized garbage bag. Put some enemies in there. Or just your trash from your boss's birthday party. Either way, either works.
Speaker C:There's no way I can win so far behind.
Speaker A:I'm just really good at guessing games. My intuition never fails me.
Speaker C:That must be nice.
Speaker A:Yeah.
Speaker B:All right, next up we have kumamoto. ringo. yamano.
Speaker A:Oh, boy. kumamo is bear. I won't say yaku's.
Speaker C:Kumamoto is bear. moto.
Speaker A:Bear with a cell phone.
Speaker B:Just a bear in a car.
Speaker C:I got to keep saying it. Yakuza. Let's just keep going.
Speaker B:Yes. You both get yakuza.
Speaker A:Yeah.
Speaker C:Still three behind.
Speaker B:Yes. It's five for d and two for brendan.
Speaker A:Yeah, baby.
Speaker B:All right. This is a good one. kimuri tanchiki cleaner.
Speaker A:Yeah. I must say household item.
Speaker B:And Brendan, you say cleaner or household item.
Speaker C:Yeah.
Speaker B:All right. Not a cleaner. This is something that protects turf. Well, this is a smoke detector.
Speaker C:Do smoke detectors have brands? I don't think I've ever known a smoke detector brand in my life.
Speaker B:I don't believe this is a brand. This is just the japanese translation of smoke detector.
Speaker C:Okay.
Speaker B:And next up we have yori. soake.
Speaker A:Household item.
Speaker C:Yakuza.
Speaker B:All right. Household item. Brendan, you get this one. This is yakuza.
Speaker A:Yeah.
Speaker C:I'm not going to win the game, but I just wanted to get at least one, right?
Speaker B:Yeah, just close the gap a little.
Speaker C:Yeah.
Speaker B:All right, next up we have kushu. ozaki kyushu.
Speaker C:Household item.
Speaker A:Yeah. I almost say household item.
Speaker B:I'm so sorry. Neither of you get this one. This is yakuza.
Speaker A:Dang it. This is probably the hardest game that we've played because it's just like, we don't neither of us know japanese, so it's like we're really blind here.
Speaker C:You think you think years of watching anime, we would have picked up anything useful.
Speaker A:I did do that.
Speaker B:Why? I was like, some of these are probably just going to be like, oh, I happen to hear about someone fought aluminum foil monster in some shells.
Speaker A:I know how to say a couple of things in Japanese. One of them being, do you speak English? And I feel like that's good.
Speaker B:That's enough to get you by because most of Japan is like, yeah, I.
Speaker C:Can'T even say the character's names of the show. We watched like an hour before recording. I don't have a chance. Fair.
Speaker B:But we have one more. All right, who's going to win?
Speaker C:It's going to be deep. It's not real competition.
Speaker B:Last up, we have Denshi renji.
Speaker A:Oh, I have to go with household item. I've been saying it almost the whole time.
Speaker B:Old reliable going to go yakuz.
Speaker C:It just to be different.
Speaker B:Well, d advances their lead. This is one of the most violent, dangerous things in your home, your microwave. But but that'll do it. D, you have seven to four. You are the winner.
Speaker A:I'm the champion.
Speaker C:This is a much better game than mine, which was house husband or house husband. Either stay at home fathers from anime or male married figures from the show. House.
Speaker B:It was beautiful, but since you were able to pull that, I was like, you may know some I'm not preview of knowledge.
Speaker C:I watched a lot of house for.
Speaker B:Some fucking reason, something that didn't pan out. My other game of choice was I wanted to see if I could do yakuza names or dad rock band names. But I was like, no, that's not going to translate well, so I won't be able to figure it out. Then I found out a lot of the yakuz are just like family surnames. Not that creative. Yakuza. That wasn't a diss. I'm sorry. But, yeah, they'll do it for our game. And what do we have going on next week?
Speaker A:I can tell you. I want to get back to my roots with a good old fashioned So we're going to watch my little monster, my little mom. Oh, yeah.
Speaker C:It's also what I call my child.
Speaker B:Just the evil beast.
Speaker C:I'd be more concerned if I knew where they were. Good luck, kid. We lost you somewhere in Wisconsin.
Speaker A:I believe that you had a life, a whole life before you came to California, including a child you lost in Wisconsin.
Speaker C:It's possible. It's possible.
Speaker B:But when it catches up to you, you don't want to be there for that day.
Speaker C:A lot about cheese. I'm worried.
Speaker B:Well, if there's a show you would like us to watch or you know the whereabouts of brendan's child, you can send that information to us. Our email is or you can reach out to us on twitter or instagram at rweebetheryet on both. You can find me on twitter and instagram at mrpatrickdugin.
Speaker A:You can find me on instagram at honey. Period. D on twitter at honey d eight and honey d art or on twitch at honey d and honey is spelled.
Speaker C:H-U-N-N-I-E. You can find me on twitter at aBTS brendan. It stands for almost better than silence, which is a video game podcast I also do sometimes. I say sometimes because I haven't been played many video games lately.
Speaker B:The stress of the real world is keeping you in it.
Speaker C:Being an adult is hard.
Speaker B:Thank you to camille ruley for our artwork. And thank you to Louis zong for our theme song stories. You can find all of louie's music at louisong Thank you, and we hope you'll join us next week as we learn to live with anime.
Speaker A:My boss wife girl boss gatekeep. My wife gaslight. Oh, no. Oh, dear. Key you.
CW: Blood, Gang Violence
You come to me on the day of my daughter's wedding, when I have so many gift bags to prep and organize? I'm busy! We watch Domestic Yakuza Motion Comic Way of the Househusband, and play a game of Cleaning up the Streets!
Have an anime series you want us to watch? email your recommendations to us at!
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Thank you:
Camille Ruley for our Artwork
Louie Zong for our Themesong "stories"