Are Weeb There Yet?
An Exploration and Education in Anime!

AWTY 239 - Don't Address the Sky Sphere (Future Diary Finale)

9 months ago
Speaker A:

Exploration and education in anime. I'm your anime idiot, tess Dugan.

Speaker B:

I'm your anime expert. And birthday haver D Hollander Gonzalez.

Speaker C:

And I'm Brendan McCullough, your anime hostage, blinking SOS and Morse code with my eyes. But it's an audio medium, so it does not help.

Speaker B:

No one can help you here, boy.

Speaker C:

How can they not?

Speaker A:

Oh, no. I'm going into this episode knowing the context of the pain we're about to have.

Speaker B:

I'm so excited.

Speaker C:

Oh, it's a time.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

Happy birthday, I guess.

Speaker B:

Thank you so much. So, everyone, listen. I've actually had this idea for a little bit of, like, watching the first three episodes of something and then jumping to the last three, but I haven't known what I've wanted to do that with for a while. I was considering Princess Tutu as a birthday episode because we watched that, I think for one of my birthday episodes before.

Speaker C:

It was early on. Yeah.

Speaker B:

But there is literally too much to explain in that show. I would have to watch the entire thing again, and I don't want to have to do I was I was with Paul one day, and I was saying that I had had that idea, but I didn't know what to do. And he suggested Future Diary. And I went insane. I was like, of course. Oh, my God, how have I not thought of that? So today for my birthday, we're watching episodes 24, 25, and 26 of Future Diary, and I cannot tell you how giddy and thrilled I am to be doing this to you guys.

Speaker C:

I'm glad you're aware. And you said doing this to us because it is an assault on us. And I've never thought Paul would ever be the person on my shit list, but here we are.

Speaker B:

It was his idea. He suggested it.

Speaker C:

How fucking dare you?

Speaker A:

Yeah, for context, for listeners. How long ago was this?

Speaker C:

I can check.

Speaker B:

It's been a hot minute.

Speaker C:

It's been one week since you looked at me. August 30, 2021.

Speaker B:

Oh, my God.

Speaker C:

Almost two years on the dot.

Speaker A:

Wow. Okay, so, yeah, for about two years now, I've been hearing just the side mumblings of this show reverberating between my two fellow co hosts, mostly the death rattles and pain of them coming to terms with what the series means and what it doesn't mean. And does it mean anything?

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

All of that, I mean, I personally love this. It's garbage. This show is garbage. I don't want anybody to think that this is a good show, and that's why I like it. This show is, like, really bad, and I think it's really funny, and I like it. I've said this, like, a million times before. I like it for the same reason I like Pretty Little Liars. It's just fucking insane, and it tickles me to my very bones.

Speaker A:

Yeah, that is fair.

Speaker C:

Watching this, it's like opening the Ark of the Covenant and I have withered away and turned to a skeleton with the life, a little crop of hair and a few teeth. D opened it up and embraced it fully and has become the Joker has incorporated into their soul.

Speaker B:

I live in a society where Future Diary is supreme.

Speaker A:

Dee, since it's been two years, would you mind doing me a favor? Because I'm not going to listen to the first episode. Are you kidding? Never listen to your own is there some sort of recap or getting us up to speed that would be helpful for these last few episodes?

Speaker B:

Sure. So the important thing okay, in case anybody forgot, future Diary is about twelve people who are put in a death game to take over the place of Deus, who is like, the god of time and space. Essentially, he just is God. And our main character, Yuki, is closely working with this girl, Yuno, who is crazy in love with him. And then between the first three episodes and episode 23, everybody dies. That isn't those two, and that's really all that matters. And I'll explain why episode 23 is important when we come back. But essentially, all you need to know is that everybody else in the death game died.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

They're close to winning.

Speaker A:

Great. I'm sorry. The notes in my phone are changing. We're not watching the first three episodes. We're watching the last three episodes. Fashion two years later. Oh, I wish I was in a death game. Hello, we're back.

Speaker C:

Real quick, there is a time sequence where they do go back two years and then we watch Future Diaries two years ago. I do hate that connection.

Speaker B:

That's true.

Speaker C:

I do hate that that's happened to our lives.

Speaker B:

Wow. Imagine if we saw ourselves in the show.

Speaker C:

If I go back two years and talk to myself, it would probably end the same.

Speaker A:

If I made a deal with God right now, it would be to go back two years to not watch Future Diary. And then an ironic punishment would happen where I would watch it for the first time.

Speaker C:

Monkeys. Paul Curls.

Speaker B:

Okay, so I'm going to try to quickly recap episode 23 before I go into 24 because there's a big reveal in episode 23. So Deus is dead. There are black spheres all over the city, like, tearing reality apart. And reality is fully going to fall apart on July 20. Eigth. So Yuki and Uno are just, like, living together. Time's flying by. She's upset that he's, like, not giving her romance, as if that's something she deserves. They lay together before God. They're 14. It makes me sick.

Speaker C:

Forgot about that part.

Speaker B:

Yeah. He tells her he loves her, he's happy, and then he asks her to be honest with him and asks why she lied to him about bringing his parents back. Because the whole thing he wants to do is bring all the people he's killed through this and his dead parents back. And Yuno knew the whole time that he wouldn't be able to do that even if he became god.

Speaker A:

Communication is key in any successful relationship.

Speaker B:

Absolutely. And she's like, I just wanted to make you happy. I didn't want to tell you, please kill me. Then you can be God. And he's like, I don't want to. I love you so much. And she's mad. And he's running from her Deus's little assistant, Murmur with the big boots. She pushes him in what I've called the corpse hole in Kuno's backyard, which is where the police found the corpses of her parents. And a third mystery corpse that matches the DNA of um. And then Murmur is showing him memories and shows him, like, Yuno's memories. Let's see. All Yuno has ever cared about is ending up with him. The original Death Game started the day after they met. She wanted him to win. Murmur is showing him stuff from this game. The first iteration of this. Huh? What? Turns out this has happened before. And Yuno and Yuki agreed to kill themselves so neither of them would be without each other. But she faked it because she also thought she could bring him back, but she couldn't. So she uses her newfound god powers to go back to a universe where Yuki is still alive. She does so kills herself in that universe to replace her. Yuki is very upset by all of this. He's like, that's not the Yuno I wanted to be with forever. Then what the hell?

Speaker A:

Yeah, because she's slightly older now.

Speaker B:

Yeah. What the fuck is up with that? And then he comes out of the memories and is looking at Yuno, and that's the big reveal.

Speaker C:

But it is the Uno that he wanted to be with, because that's the only Uno he's ever known in this iteration of the world.

Speaker A:

Also, I just love that her big twist. Well, like the previous twist of, like, let's kill ourselves together. Psych. I'm only killing you. She just took his plan because his whole thing was, I just want to win so I can bring everyone back, including my parents. And then she's like, no, I need to protect you. Let me kill you so I can bring everyone back, including your parents. And then it's like, no, that's not how it works.

Speaker C:

But also, you can't bring the people back from death, but you can Dimension Hop, which is, I would argue, maybe even harder to do.

Speaker B:

Well, that's the thing about this show. Nothing makes yeah, yeah. So that's the grand reveal, is that Yuno is not the correct Yuno for this universe, and she does, in fact, already have god powers. Great.

Speaker C:

She has the power of god and anime on her side.

Speaker B:

Yes, exactly.

Speaker A:

And has had it for the entire series.

Speaker B:

So, episode 24, uno tells Yuki she just wanted to spend time with him and be with him forever. There's a flashback to her parents dying again. The time that she and Yuki met. She's like, talking to her parents'corpses, saying that she'll bring Yuki by soon. And then we see that Uno get murdered by the Uno we've known the whole series. So I call her our Uno every once in a while when there needs to be that differentiation. Because now there needs to be.

Speaker C:

I did first iteration, second iteration, third iteration. I don't even remember the characters names. You know, I'm going to mess this up.

Speaker B:

Great. My favorite. The dialogue is so funny. Literally. Murmur goes, so that happened. Shut up. Oh, my God.

Speaker C:

I realized, holy shit. Watching this, the recap for episode 24, I just wrote down quotes. I didn't write any notes. Nuttier than a bag full of cats. Go on. Thanks to that smoking umbilical cord. Wild. Your hatred for religion is absolute. Who better to give God's powers? And one of my favorites, dying is for Pussies.

Speaker B:

Dying is for pussies. I wrote that one down.

Speaker C:

Hers quality.

Speaker A:

Remind me, what year did this come out? Just so I can place myself in the saturation of cliche dialogue.

Speaker B:

Hold on. 2012.

Speaker A:

Pushing it.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

She watched our uno murder. First Uno. Not even first God. Fuck.

Speaker C:

Our uno is first. Uno? She murdered second uno.

Speaker B:

Yeah, so she watched that happen. She's like, this will be our little secret. I'm also going to lock away some of your memories for now. And still, all Yuno cares about is being with Yuki. Back to now. Yuki asks why she did this. The world is falling to shit. The black spheres are tearing reality apart. Murmur blames him for finding Yuno's parents in the first place, which we did see in the first three episodes and almost blowing her cover. And then she talks about the umbilical cord. And I fucking wish I could remember why they had that. But it is UNO's umbilical cord. And that's how they match the DNA to the corpse that was in the hole.

Speaker C:

Believe earlier Detective Boy from the Scooby Doo gang finds it and does a DNA trace. And that's how he confronts her with it. By throwing a piece of umbilical cord at them.

Speaker B:

But why does it still exist is my question.

Speaker C:

Oh, because it's mummified. It needs to be there.

Speaker B:

So Yuno was just trying to play the game again, but wanted a different ending, a better one for them this time. Yuki asks why she wants him dead. She asks why he said they should die together. He's like, I could never kill you. And she's like, Right. So now you need to die. Because someone needs to be God to save the world. And if I'm God again, then I can go back. Again. Again. And try it one more time.

Speaker C:

Go again.

Speaker B:

Here we one mo again.

Speaker C:

One mo again.

Speaker B:

He calls her insane. She just wants to be with him, but the world won't let her. Murmur lets him go. And he falls through the sky. They're in a sky sphere.

Speaker A:

Oh, yeah, they're in the clouds. Don't worry about it. Don't worry about it.

Speaker C:

The Skysphere. We don't need to address the Skysphere again. No, it's no common knowledge, but he lived.

Speaker B:

Bitch. And he climbs back up to Uno and says that he really cares about her. And I feel like the first time I watched this, I felt more insane about this. But I have no idea how this show wants us to root for these two.

Speaker A:

They don't know either. They change their motivation depending on whatever the other one's motivation is. If one of them wants to save the other one, they're going to end up stabbing them and then vice versa. Yeah, it just changes from scene to scene.

Speaker B:

It gives you a concussion with how back and forth it is.

Speaker C:

I feel like the mangako is writing this and every chapter looked in the mirror and said, oh, boy, we're really in it this time, aren't we? You have no one to blame but yourself.

Speaker B:

So he loses his grip and falls again, but someone grabs him. It's 9th. You know, the woman who blew up the school in the first few episodes, where she delivers the iconic line, Dying is for pussies. To which I said, how the fuck is she alive? Because we presumably watched her die. Or I did. Murmur is very mad about this and tries to kill her. Apparently Deus gave Knight some god powers somehow. Couldn't give her all of them, though. No, no, couldn't end it. There only gave her half.

Speaker A:

There was also the art of this transfer of powers.

Speaker B:


Speaker C:

Okay, I wasn't going to bring it up, but I also yeah.

Speaker A:

Do you remember that? Dee, do you want to explain what happened here?

Speaker B:

Do you mean the part where he stabs her through the stomach?

Speaker A:

Yeah. And then inflates her? Yeah. I truly was like, okay, so I don't know, divine immaculate conception. Is this like a baby preg thing? But no, never addressed again. It's just like, hey, for you freaks out there. Her tummy got big. For a SEC, I literally must have.

Speaker B:

Been looking at my phone, taking notes, because I don't remember that.

Speaker C:

There's a few frames where it's like a wink and a nod of like, we know you're out there for you guys. And it's like, wish it wasn't so good.

Speaker B:

So Murmur and Yuno go to a past universe again, and Yuki wants to follow them, so they do. Turns out 9th never actually died. Deus saved her from her death, and yes, gave her half of his god powers. He also figured out that Murmur has been helping, you know, and that she came from another universe and doesn't truly serve him. He really figured it all out and then didn't tell anybody except for 9th.

Speaker A:

Finally, his name makes sense. Oh, in the last three, you'll come back and know everything. Great.

Speaker B:

Bye. Now. Here they are on another July 20 eigth. But two years ago. This is the third version of this World. Uno wants to do the same thing she did before. And Yuki and 9th are like, we gotta stop her. Luckily, they got to this universe before Yuno and Murmur did somehow. And we see this universe's, Yuno locked in a cage while her mom talks on the phone about how she can't be alone with her gross daughter a minute longer. Then her mom verbally abuses her. And this scene goes on for way too long. And she says really actually terrible things. That's like, what the fuck? Why am I watching this?

Speaker A:

I forgot the context of the parent relationship because there is just a cage in the house. I kind of remember that from the first few episodes. But what's going on there?

Speaker B:

They adopted her and now they hate her and they abuse her.

Speaker C:

I guess dad's away on business trips all the time. Mom is some sort of psychotic that they never fully address. She says bipolar. I think in a later episode, this feels much more extreme. But why would I expect the show to handle mental illness with nuance? It's literally like the mom just snaps, hates Yuno for no reason, and literally just tortures her for so long.

Speaker A:

Okay, great, because I was confused because there is love for these parents in the next few episodes. So I'm like, was this 24 episodes of being abused by parents and then just like Stockholm syndrome of I really love them? I mean, well, that's the show in a nutshell.

Speaker C:

But yeah, we see her parents die in the first three episodes, and then we see them in these three episodes and that's it. We don't really get any in between. So it's like what you saw, Tess, is what there.

Speaker A:

Perfect. Cool. As long as I'm not missing anything. Continue.

Speaker B:

And then she leaves, as she leaves Yuno in the cage. And then we see the girl who was running the cult who I think we did see before. Yeah, okay, cool. She's talking to some old man. He leaves and figures that she doesn't actually have second sight because if she did, she wouldn't let him near her because he's going to kill her parents. Okay, we see the mayor, 11th, making the Future Diaries and talking to Deus because he helped devise this game. Yuki and 9th are at UNO's house. He wants to open the door to the cage room, but 9th tells him not to get involved with this Yuno and only to get rid of the Uno he knows. And he goes in anyway and finds that she was eating a tatami mat and choked on it. So he calls an ambulance. 9th is not happy about this, but he doesn't care because he freaking loves this freak. He's got to save her. He doesn't even know this one.

Speaker C:

I do like that he finds her. He calls an 911. He goes, Help. I need an ambulance. My friend ate something they shouldn't have. Which is often how you guys find me.

Speaker B:


Speaker C:

He's eating cheese again. We keep telling him not to.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

Put the tide pod down. That meme is dead.

Speaker B:

Then our Yuno and Murmur arrive. And Yuno's like, I brought you a surprise. As she has, like, the ghosts of his parents. 9th throws a smoke bomb, and they dash away with this universe's uno. And it's like, you just called an ambulance for her. I thought she was choking. What?

Speaker C:

No, not anymore.

Speaker B:

She's okay now.

Speaker C:

She's a little sleepy.

Speaker B:

And Yuki's like, I gotta go back. She has my parents. But those aren't his parents. As we've established, they don't have souls. 9th gets upset and asks him why they're even here. What's his plan? And that's the end of episode 24.

Speaker C:

If anyone's played DND with me, you know my anti God stick. I feel like Diaz sucks and is dumb for allowing the mayor to come up with this game and then participate in it. You got to know he's rigging it.

Speaker B:

It's insane to be like, hey, God, what if you transferred power to a human through this game of cell phones? And then God was like, that's a great idea. I love that. Why? What do you mean?

Speaker A:

Because if you're going to do it logically, eleven could just divine inspiration, have the game and not know he's being told to start this chain of events. But no, he's like, hey, God, I got a great idea wild on here.

Speaker B:

Hey, Sharks. Boy, do I have a pitch for you.

Speaker C:

I also like how everyone else has flip floats and he has a smartphone. His is the best one, just to show he's advanced.

Speaker B:

Yeah, bald.

Speaker A:

So episode 25 feels weird to say una looks or, you know, I wrote Una.

Speaker C:

Sometimes I wrote uno. And boy, it's easier for my brain.

Speaker A:

Uno looks at the moon. It's a half moon. And she's like, oh, we're like, you and I. And it flashes to a bloody version. OOH, spooky. She has two lives, too.

Speaker C:

The monsters have been regenerated. Hyrule is under attack.

Speaker B:

Link. Be careful. Do you like that?

Speaker C:

I was not ready for that.

Speaker A:

So Murmur complains that 9th is helping and isn't dead and looks at her diary and it updates to say that Yuki went to the school and she laments having to kill him for now. The ambulance arrives with Yuki's dad, who the ambulance just happened to pick up on the way. Or, you know's, dad, excuse me. He comes in super concerned. He's like, oh, sweetie, I miss you. I've been away too long. Wish she was treating you so bad. And she stabs him. So Murmur stops her from killing the EMTs.

Speaker B:

It's because he notices that she's different, I think. Like he's like oh, yeah. And then immediately, instead of coming up with an excuse, she's like, well, stab.

Speaker A:

Yeah, paradox stuff, whatever. So Yuki still wants to save both UNO's and 9th says, you can't have your cake and eat it too. You got to pick one. So he goes to the original classroom where they first met. The diary updates began, and his diary updates that Yuno is going to ambush them and a black sphere will appear. So he's like, all right, let's go. And UNO's up, trying to kill him, but he resists and fights back a little bit. But like, love fight back. Not like violent fight back, because they love each other.

Speaker B:

Yeah, this is clearly a very loving relationship.

Speaker A:

Just a spat. So 9th warns. She makes a mysterious phone call to the chief Kurasu. And he says, hey, I forget who she says, but someone has a heart condition. Look into it or they're going to die. I think it's one of Yuki's parents.

Speaker C:

It's his son.

Speaker B:

Yeah, the police officer's son.

Speaker A:


Speaker C:

That's the whole reason he was in the game to begin.

Speaker A:

Okay, gotcha. And Murmur starts blowing up the school, trying to kill Yuki. And he gets cornered. But again, once she was about to win, she doesn't want to kill him anymore. She just wants to kiss and be alone. So they confront each other and charge in Murmur sphere. Okay, sorry. There was some auto. My notes didn't, like, many of the words typed here. So Murmur fittingly gets turned to murder a lot, but it makes it confusing because there's also a lot of murder. So the school is getting destroyed. They're up on the roof. Yuki charges up, trying to take them down, and he's like, oh, if I get close enough, she'll see the love in my eyes and won't stab me. And she throws the knife, and he's like, oh, fuck.

Speaker C:

Oh, I didn't plan on damn it.

Speaker A:

And it only grazes his neck. And she's like, oh, am I too weak to take him down? Is my body forcing me to change course?

Speaker B:

Oh, this is when he yells, I love you, you crazy bitch. Excellent.

Speaker C:

So good.

Speaker A:

Yeah. So while there tussling, 9th fights Murmur distracting her, and Yuno gets power over the sphere and uses it to crush Yuki.

Speaker C:

We get the shot of Yuki and just this sphere coming in and just taking him out hysterical to me, just master cinematography.

Speaker A:

And here I was like, wow, that was a great episode. It's halfway through.

Speaker C:

Shit. Damn it.

Speaker A:

Okay, so, yeah, we see the other side of the chief's phone call, and he hears school explosion on the other line. So he's like, oh, there must be diary bullshit happening. So he rushes over there and yeah, we just get montages of all of the diary holders in this pre diary world. Sort of like, oh, I hear explosions all over the city. Being aware something's afoot.

Speaker C:

Get a shot of Cooking Mama with her. Just big old head.

Speaker B:

Paul was watching this one with me, and he was like, Why does she stand like that? Because she stands with her arms out. And then he was like, oh, it's because if she didn't, she would fall forward because of the size of her massive head.

Speaker A:

There's a beautiful shot in the next episode. We'll get to it, but just comparing her against any other characters, just so satisfying.

Speaker C:

Yeah, there's a lot of shots of her by herself, and it's like, she seems OD, but then next to any other human being, it's like, oh, God.

Speaker A:

Why did you do like, mentally, you're like, okay, I can see Murmur and her in the same world. And then we see any other character drawn as human as possible and no.

Speaker C:

It'S like seeing Hello Kitty standing next to Brian Cranston. She's like, what am I looking at right now?

Speaker A:

They used to date. It was weird.

Speaker C:

The tabloids.

Speaker A:

So Yuki wakes up. He's in an Idyllic home with his parents. What's going on? This can't be reality. Because it's not. Yuno made him a hollow deck paradise in the sphere where he doesn't know her, but he has everything he wants so he can live for eternity out of the way. And then there's Yakuba, which was another girl, I guess. And she tries to fuck him, and he's like, no. Great. Cool. So 9th kills Murmur, supposedly, and tries attacking Yuna, but una's, like, hey, Murmur, shatter your restraints. Do the one naruto thing. I know.

Speaker B:

Yes, precisely.

Speaker C:

Murmur go sicko mode.

Speaker A:

So, yeah, she becomes aggressive and demented, and her eyes turn red and she gets a crazy look in her face and ends up ripping off one of Ninth's arms and goes after the third.

Speaker B:

You know, I like the phrasing of she becomes aggressive because it makes me think of, like, oh, be careful with that one. She's aggressive like a pet.

Speaker C:

Yeah, I gotta acknowledge it's. Never addressed why she has, like, a demon mode. Because she goes gray with the red eyes and just never comes up. Okay.

Speaker A:

Because, again, the writer didn't have an eraser, so he was like, okay. And so murmur dies. How am I going to get 9th out of the way again? Just kidding. She didn't die. She's extra powerful now.

Speaker C:

I want to be the best improviser ever. I can. Yes. And anything monkeys paw curls never erase.

Speaker A:

So we see Yuki living in this dream world. How many days have passed? No one knows. But he's sad. He's like, I had this dream I was mean to a girl whose name I can't say. And then we get credits. And then the after credits scene is Murmur doing a bunch of redo's about the dad finding trying to prevent death, but it's just his dad being like, oh, your tits are bigger because you're older. Weird.

Speaker B:

So infuriating. It's bad. I hated it.

Speaker C:

Yeah. The actual scene is like, you're taller and noticeably two years older. And the post credit scene is just like, titties. It's like, that's her father. Speaking of shitty fathers, another quote I wrote down in this episode in the Paradise Hollow deck world, boy's dad says they're going to go out Stargazing, and he says, any constellation whose skirt you fancy looking up? God, the writing is garbage.

Speaker B:

It's insane. I don't know why Yuki wants to bring his dad back to life, because he is an actual piece of shit. Like, was never good to Yuki. It's weird that he's like, oh, I miss my dad so much. This positive, masculine influence in my life. It's like, what are you talking about? What are you talking about?

Speaker C:

I also wrote down Uno says a line where once she puts him away in his illusion world, she says, I could be a goddess, but without you in my heart, I amount to nothing. And I feel like Alison Bechtel just imploded on the spot.

Speaker A:

Yeah, there's a lot of love for parents who are just the worst whenever they show.

Speaker B:

Uh huh.

Speaker C:

Truly has done nothing good. All right, bringing this one in for a Landon.

Speaker B:

Here we go. Yeah.

Speaker A:

One of our first finale.

Speaker B:

Technically, you've finished this show.

Speaker A:

Well, I will count it. If it means I never have to.

Speaker B:

Revisit it, there's no point.

Speaker C:

Yeah. I do want to point out D is like I want to summarize it a bit so you're not completely lost. I'm like, for the one piece episode, I threw us in an episode, like 400 something. It's fine. We don't need context. It's anime 26. Boy starts off sulking in his room, wondering why wondering why he fights it, why he doesn't just lean into the illusion and just accept his blissful ignorance. And we see his families getting ready for their stargazing trip in their ideal illusion world. Meanwhile, back in the real world, murmur is back to her normal self. I guess she put the weighted stuff back on, and she heals up. Yuno's dad saying, I got to keep you alive. Can't have that paradox happening on us. So he's at the school, and unconscious, Yuno is back inside the school getting ready to kill her third iteration of herself, who's, like, passed out on the ground and ready to jump to the next world to try it again, because she's already messed this one up too much just being here with their fight. So she's going to go on to the next one. And then we see third iteration, Yuno wake up a bit. And first, Yuno tells her everything of what happened to her and how her parents were shitty and how she had to kill a bunch of people and all this stuff. And she said, I'm doing you a favor by killing you so this doesn't happen to you. And third iteration says, no, I still love my parents, who have done literally nothing but absolutely abuse me my entire life up to this point. And I still have hope that things will get better one day, because no matter how bad life. Gets. There's always hope. How fucking dare you show. How dare you try and put this in.

Speaker A:

Hey, they have to because this is the magic spell that fixes the world.

Speaker B:

Trust your abusers. That's what this show wants you to think.

Speaker C:

This is a joke. Don't, don't, don't, don't, don't.

Speaker A:

Listen. Hey, if there's one thing we learned doing this show for as long as we have, don't trust any advice you get from anime.

Speaker C:

There's one thing I've learned from the show after five years, that that test fucking hates anime. First, World Yuno wonders what happened to her. And third says that she gets it. She gets it because it's someone that the first Yuno loves. She's doing this for someone's love, so she understands. First world yuno cut back to inside the Illusion world. We see Boy reacting to something at the same time it's said he feels something. And he stops at some train tracks as the gates go down. And he says with his parents, he says he can't go with them. They have to go on the trip without him. He's got to stay back here. And they say, it's that girl you were dreaming about, wasn't it? You got to stay back for her. We get it. And it's this symbolic thing where they're on opposite sides of the train tracks, like life and death, like the river, you know, artistic merit in this ship. What?

Speaker A:

They've earned it.

Speaker C:

At this point, they fucking threw everything else. You might as well try and be artistic. At the last, um, in the real world, we see the cops showing up, the cop future diary man with Yuna's mom. He picked her up after the stabbing at their house and presumably missing dad now. And they see the dad on the roof, and they go, we got a jumper. And I'm just like, what's happening? Murmur says that reality is quickly falling apart because everything they didn't jump quick enough. Everything's catching up to them now. And the Ramifications are setting in place for this reality and tells Yuno to hurry up. She's got to kill her old self, and they got to hop to the next one. Meanwhile, all the other future diary players lives are changing. We're seeing it progress and actually getting locked in with those Ramifications. So we see everyone else hearing about the fight at the school and what's going on. And it seems like everyone's lives are for the better at the moment. Seems like everyone's big head lady gets a call from the mayor saying they're going to get funding for the orphanage. And the two couple users who used to be at the orphanage call them and check in and reconnect. The cult girl's parents didn't die, so she didn't get trapped by a malicious cult. And because she wasn't in the cult, the little serial killer child's parents weren't in the cult and they didn't die. So everyone's lives are better now.

Speaker B:

Butterfly effect.

Speaker A:

Hope can fix everything.

Speaker C:

And we see even the crazy superhero guy with, like, the bulb on his head. Catch the serial killer guy from the first episode who ended up being the teacher. Fucking remember that, like, 20 episodes ago.

Speaker A:


Speaker C:


Speaker B:

I didn't until right now, if I'm totally honest.

Speaker A:

Yeah, truly. I saw Eyeball Man, and it didn't even faze me. I was like, all right, this is beyond my pay grade. This was some middle episode bullshit.

Speaker C:

Eyeball Guy's a superhero, but he's crazy and also a serial killer. It's whatever. Continuing on what paul started yesterday talking about this off podcast for no one to hear. I'm referring to the other friends as the Scooby Doo Gang. So we see Daphne, the popular girl, is there taking care of his dogs, his dogs, her dad's dogs, because her dad was also a future diary user who we literally never see in the show. He never interacts with anyone outside of, like, a video monitor. And she's taking care of his crazy killer dogs, and they're bonding. And it seems like he grows his grinch heart grows three sizes that day. Yada, yada, yada. And we see the phones that the mayor was hacking because he rigged the game from the start. Change that. The text on them alters, and it has predictions from what the first game did. So it says how he died and how Boying uno stopped him. So he's like, something's changed. And he goes to God and goes, hey, God, remember that whole unbiased plan I prompted you with about this game to take your powers? It's corrupted. Now we can't do it. And God is like, you're right. I believe you. Clearly honest politician, and decides to do.

Speaker B:

You say, bald man, you'd love him.

Speaker C:

Whatever you want, evil Mr. Clean.

Speaker B:

And then he kisses you.

Speaker A:

Were truly the God the entire time.

Speaker C:

Give me the mayor. XDS fan fiction. Let me see some of that size.

Speaker B:


Speaker C:

Spring and winter theory. Winter being 1983 or no spring being 1983, winter being the dawn of time itself. Murmur sees all this happening in her sky orb and is like, it's coming apart at the seams. We got to get out of here. And Murmur is played by Dan DeVito in my mind, goes to kill the third version of herself, but her dad jumps in and takes the knife for her.

Speaker B:

It's his daughter.

Speaker C:

He's got to save her. He loves her so much. Meanwhile, in the illusion orb, boy is talking to his parents, saying they gotta go and he's gotta stay. And they say, Go on and get her, boy. The next words out of your mouth are gonna be the ones that snap you out of it. And in the real world, we see Yuno's mom come running into the school and starts crying over her knocked out body and her stabbed husband, and she's crying now. She's cured and loves everyone in her family. Now. Everything's resolved. I guess.

Speaker B:

The thing about this third iteration of Yuno is that she's still young and hopeful about her parents and her relationship with her parents. So even though it's upsetting to hear her say those things, like, maybe it'll get better. You could think that. Maybe she would think that. But when the, you know, we know, sees this, and she's like, oh, my God, they've changed. They are so nice. They've changed. It's like, you know, they won't like what?

Speaker C:

You have a collective four years on her.

Speaker B:

That's the craziest part to me of that situation.

Speaker C:

Yeah. Yuno reflects on how she dreamed of this moment happening, of her parents coming around and being better people. Just like, it's happening now, and it's.

Speaker B:

Happening once, so you know it's going to continue.

Speaker C:

No, it's happening toward a traumatic event which we know is consistent in everyday life. And it's definitely going to hold out. Cop shows up, does what Cop does best. Pulls a gun on a child and tries to stop. She realizes that boy really did change the future of this world like he said he would. And maybe he is stronger than she is, even though she's God. And she realizes that this is wrong and that the third version of herself shouldn't have this. She should have this. The third version of herself doesn't deserve it. She hasn't suffered like she has. Inside the orb, boy is chanting Yuno's name. And every time he chants it, it's breaking the illusion world a little more because he shouldn't remember it. And while he's chanting, it's like cutting between all three of these. Building up. Building up. And Cop shoots at uno OG uno. First world uno. But murmur stops it. Murmur stops the bullet.

Speaker B:

Thank God.

Speaker C:

And that's when we see that boy has broken free of his illusion orb and is holding Uno. And we see the murmur that stopped the bullet. We see the bandage on her head falls off, and she has a two on her forehead. This is the second world iteration of Murmur, who was trapped in the sky orb with the boy this whole time.

Speaker B:

She was the sky orb.

Speaker C:

It was a prison.

Speaker A:

What a convenient facial marking. Thank you.

Speaker B:

Thank you so much.

Speaker C:

Don't know why we ever questioned it before to this point. So then second Murmur flies up to first iteration of Murmur, and they start fighting because first iteration, murmur is helping first iteration of Yuno. So boy says he wants Yuno to stab him because she doesn't belong. What? Because she doesn't belong here. And once he dies, she'll get the god powers again and they can finally go home. And second murmurs on board with this because she's like, hey, I've been trapped in the ball this whole time. Fuck them up. Let's wrap this up and end it. And lifts up the knife and stabs herself. What a twist.

Speaker B:

Twist on twist on twist.

Speaker A:

One of the few people she hasn't stabbed already.

Speaker B:

Well, correct.

Speaker A:

Not actually. I assume that was false partway through.

Speaker C:

Yeah, she stabbed herself at one point to fake an injury to get garnered sympathy. Not important.

Speaker A:

Not important here.

Speaker B:

Might as well be the first time she stabbed herself.

Speaker A:

Well, as like a character witness thing, that's important.

Speaker C:

Info eno says that this world will be her home because it's the world she's going to die in, and she wants the boy to live on. So when she dies, they'll be the last ones in the second iteration of the death game. So when she dies, he'll get all the god powers and he can fix everything and just shrug off all of her responsibility for causing all of this shit. And the last thing she wants to know is him. So they kiss and she dies with her death. Makes Boy the winner. Second murmur snaps her fingers, ending the game, declaring Boy winner. And it sucks both of them back into their world. The second world that was falling apart by all the death spheres created by dias dias. Whatever, all the death orbs stop. But all the damage is already done. So oops apocalypse world and Boy is all alone with Murmur in that world. Back to the third world. We cut to the next day. There's a news report saying that Knife, the terrorist woman, is still on the loose, but on the news report, she doesn't have an eye patch. What? And we zoom out and we see Knife sitting on the couch with an eye patch.

Speaker A:

Whoa. That's how you know they're different people.

Speaker C:

Different people.

Speaker B:

There's two 9th time running around in this universe.

Speaker C:

I'm sure there's no ramifications for that. So, yeah, the 9th with the eye patch is from the second world and she ended up staying in the third world and marrying the Detective boy and having a baby. Which, now that we talked about the weird inflation thing, makes me wonder if there's a little God in that baby. And that's a whole thing.

Speaker B:

I don't know if you noticed. There's one that's floating, she's like, there's one on her lap and then there's one baby that's like floating around the room.

Speaker A:

Yeah, I missed that. So yeah.

Speaker C:

God, baby.

Speaker A:

I think my pregnation confirmed.

Speaker B:

Deus baby. Deus x 9th fan fiction.

Speaker A:

Got a real Zeus situation here. Just keep your hands to yourself, Deus.

Speaker C:

Keep your hands out of tummies. We see cop guy with his kid who's looking healthier, so it's presumed he got him looked into.

Speaker B:

That's nice. That's one nice thing.

Speaker C:

That's one nice thing. We see superhero guy in jail talking to the serial killer guy through the glass on, like, a visit. So I guess they're Batman and Jokering, the couple who are in the future diaries, the ones who are like couples. The woman's pregnant, the guy's talking about a job, so I guess they have a normal life. Camera pans over. We see serial killer baby with his parents. He's not a serial killer now.

Speaker B:

He's just a normal baby.

Speaker C:

He's just a regular baby.

Speaker A:

He only has thoughts of murder.

Speaker C:

That's what I wonder, because his parents dying didn't trigger him to be a serial killer. It's just his parents dying allowed him the freedom to be a serial killer.

Speaker B:

So like, yeah, he'll just become a serial killer later. It'll be fine.

Speaker C:

Don't worry about it. Oh, he's late. Yagami. He's going to be a teenage serial killer.

Speaker A:

That's for a different series.

Speaker C:

Cult leader's parents weren't blown up in a bomb by the second in command, so her life is continuing normal as a cult leader. Cut to the mayor and cooking mama going on a date. I don't know, wild.

Speaker A:

This is the shot where he is like 3ft taller than her, but her head is the size of his torso, and his head is like, the size of one of her nostrils, I would imagine.

Speaker B:

Hey, I'll say it again. Size. Kink.

Speaker A:


Speaker C:

She is the most unmarketable, sanrio character. We cut to the Scooby Doo gang training all the dogs of Daphne's dad, who I guess is also no longer a serial killer because he created dogs with robot teeth.

Speaker B:

Oh, my God. Like the Scooby Doo gang. They even have dogs.

Speaker C:

They got the dogs. Then we get the third iterations of Deus and Murmur, saying all is going well, and they don't see anyone from any other alternate worlds trying to interfere, so it all looks good. Cut to Yuno hanging out with friends, saying her life's peachy keen. She went on a family trip with her parents, and she's writing it all down in her phone, keeping it like a diary.

Speaker B:

Get it?

Speaker C:

While she's there at the restaurant, she looks out the window and she sees Boy with his parents, both alive. And he's got the girlfriend, the one from, like, episode one. And the flashback where she tries to have sex with him.

Speaker B:

The illusion orb.

Speaker C:

Yeah. So I guess his life's going okay. And then we see on Yuno's phone a little phone charm of Murmur with a one on her head, and it winks. It's alive. Cut to cut to boy in the second world. The boy we've known this entire series, he's God now, also. The second world's gone. It's just a void.

Speaker B:

Welcome to my dark, twisted mind.

Speaker C:

It really is. Everything's been destroyed. It's been wiped clean with his god powers. It's just him and Murmur, and he's super heartbroken and sad, and he wonders about the third iteration of Yuno and what she's like, and he says the only thing in this reality is him Murmur and his cell phone, which is a constant reminder of what's making him sad. It's like, that's not healthy, man.

Speaker B:

You got to give you could do.

Speaker C:

Anything, literally anything, except for bringing people back for whatever reason.

Speaker B:

Make a new one.

Speaker C:

No, that's how we got into the situation in the first place credit.

Speaker A:

Do anything. Do something satisfying.

Speaker C:

Play an MMO. Final Fantasy XIV. It's wildly popular.

Speaker A:

Start giving your god powers to humans. Start fucking up other realities.

Speaker C:

Yeah, honestly, why not? Credits happen. We get a post credit scene. We see the phone of sad Boy in his void. And it says the text of, like, Yuno's father protected her at the school. Yuno's mother appears. Yuno dies. Dead ends. But we know that the uno dies was the first iteration of Yuno and not the third iteration of Yuno. It's not consistent with the phones. And then the last line of the phone changes. It goes and it says, Yuno comes to see me. And then right on cue, we hear Yuno's voice going, hello, hello. Calling out for boy. And we get, like every time she calls out, we get, like, crackling noises and we see the void behind it, like, cracking and light kind of shining in. And then we get one of Murmur's little post credit sequence like we usually do. And it shows Boy and Yuno in the void recreating life. I guess they're both God now.

Speaker B:

What could go wrong?

Speaker C:

And Murmur, I don't know what happens. I guess Murmur gets bored and goes, Fuck this. And goes to another universe and tries to start this shit all over again. Cyclical, baby.

Speaker B:

I just cannot believe that that's how the show ends. That it's just like we're not going to explain this to you. If you want an explanation, you have to. I think there's an OVA that gives an explanation. Maybe I could be wrong.

Speaker A:

We will never know.

Speaker C:

Truly a mystery.

Speaker B:

But the fact that the credits roll before that even happens, and it's just him being angsty and sad, insane, like the creator was like, I don't have time. I can't wrap this up. My world is too big. You wouldn't understand.

Speaker C:

You wouldn't understand my sick, twisted mind, my vision.

Speaker A:

But just kidding. He's happy again because credits happened, remember? We have to do the vast opposite of whatever was happening in the last scene. So he is sad about Girl. Girl has to show up.

Speaker C:

She's back. How is she back? In another reality? Genuinely impossible to say.

Speaker B:

She was approached by Miguel O'Hara, and he gave her a universe hopping watch.

Speaker C:

Says, hi, I'm Scott Bakula. You're quantum Leap.

Speaker B:

Welcome to Quantum Leap. Hold my hand. We did it.

Speaker C:

Are we? There you go.

Speaker B:

Yay. I am.

Speaker A:

You know what?

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

Better than death game episodes, I'll give you that. Yeah, I remembered. It was Death game. I know. You were hinting. There was, like, a twist. I don't want to say because it wasn't good. I didn't like it. No, of course, canonically, we can say that.

Speaker C:


Speaker A:

But definitely more interesting swings than what I thought would happen.

Speaker C:

Exactly what Dee was saying. It can't be entertaining. Things can be entertaining and garbage, which this is.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

It truly makes no sense. It doesn't want to. It doesn't try to. It just expects you to go along with it. And we sure did.

Speaker C:

There's a level of this which I give the caveat for a lot of anime, of like, why are these main characters so stupid? Why are they so headstrong and dumb and making the worst decisions imaginable? And then you remember they're 14. It's like, yeah, this tracks. This adds up completely. And it's the caveat of why so many animes are in high school. Well, there's multiple reasons why, but that's one, I tell myself to not go insane.

Speaker A:

Yeah. It's more self preservation than an actual explanation at this point.

Speaker B:

This is so fun for me to watch in preparation. I forget if I said this before. I watched episodes 20 to 23, and I was just sitting there laughing my fucking face off. And every once in a while, something would happen and I would just go, what? I would just yell because it's just so stupid and unnecessary, and it just oh, it's just the goofiest shit. And I'm sorry if you take this seriously, but also, I don't know, watch something else.

Speaker C:

If you took Future Diaries seriously and you genuinely enjoy it as a series, why are you listening to this podcast? We're on episode 239. You should know better by now.

Speaker B:

Oh. Hey.

Speaker C:

This is my stars. Aligned. I got stars aligned. You got future diary. And it hits the same level for us of just like, this is batshit. Where could they go with this?

Speaker B:

I need to know where this ends.

Speaker A:

I feel like the connection is just randomly abusive parents.

Speaker B:

It sure is.

Speaker C:

It really is.

Speaker B:


Speaker C:

I think this one hits worse for me because it's, like, Sci-Fi and, like, time traveling. And I typically like that stuff, but Stars the line is like, it's a middle school boys tennis club, and that's it. And it's wild. Yeah, but it's just god, we can't.

Speaker A:

Talk about another show. We have to go away.

Speaker C:

You got to lay down.

Speaker A:

Well, happy birthday, Dee. I hope you're two years younger this year.

Speaker C:

Go back in time and stop yourself.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

Well, thank you. Hey, the email box is full.

Speaker B:

Don't email us. Stop.

Speaker A:

Yeah, we watched this and we're like, hey, I think we have enough.

Speaker C:

No one recommended this is fully deep picking. Hey, audience, you lost your recommendation privilege. You're done.

Speaker A:

I just don't want to address the fact that or I needed to address the fact that I'm not going to keep saying it. So it seems like Future Diary is a good way to say yes. We're quirking up that bottle.

Speaker C:

Never again on the shelf.

Speaker A:

So thank you, everyone who sent in shows. Thank you for being nice, for the most part about us not liking them. You can find us on TikTok or Tumblr. Are we there yet on how you enter those in both places?

Speaker C:

Yeah, nailed it.

Speaker B:

You can find me on Tumblr. Yeah. Well, you can't fuck. Hold on. Let me take it again.

Speaker C:

Here we go.

Speaker B:

You can find me on Instagram at TikTok at Honeyperiod, or on Tumblr at Honeyd. All one word. Honey is spelled H-U-N-N-I-E. Can find me.

Speaker C:

On Twitter burns when I weeb not doing anything there. Just wanted to say it again because D and Taz hate it.

Speaker A:

Sure do. Thank you to Camille Ruley for her artwork. Thank you to Louis Long for her theme song stories. You can find all of Louis'music at Louisong Thank you and we hope you'll join us next week. Where will we hope you'll join us next week. Where we hope you'll join us next week.

Speaker B:

Hey dying's for pussies it.

CW: Child Abuse, Murder, Sexualization of Minors, Child Death

Happy Birthday Dee, back into the diary with us. We watch the ending of Future Diary!

Have an anime series you want us to watch? email your recommendations to us at!

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Thank you:

Camille Ruley for our Artwork

Louie Zong for our Themesong "stories"

Copyright 2018