Are Weeb There Yet?
An Exploration and Education in Anime!

AWTY 69 - Auld Lang Hentyne (Hentai with Kate Sloan & Bex Caputo)

4 years ago
Speaker A:

Hi, everyone. Its me, Patrick. How are you? That's great. How are your holidays? Fantastic. I'm here with a special message about today's episode. We are here at the end of 2019, the typical time when we all look back at the year that's passed and look forward at the year that's about to come. And we set all of that aside because it's our 69th episode. So now it's time to get horny. needless to say, this episode is extremely not safe for work. I also have a few content notes as we are going to discuss topics such as sexual assault, pedophilia and the sexualization of minors. If that's not for you, enjoy your vacation from listening to nerds talk about anime. Now everyone sit back, pour yourself a nice relaxing cup of your favorite holiday beverage and enjoy episode 69, the Hentai episode. Hello and welcome to our weeb theriet in exploration and education and anime. I'm your anime idiot, patrick dugan.

Speaker B:

I am an anime expert, dana hollander.

Speaker C:

And I'm brenda mccullough. A pervert. I don't have anything clever this week.

Speaker A:

We've known this. This has been a constant for the show. We're all used to it.

Speaker C:

At this point it's no surprising anyone.

Speaker A:

We have some guests to help us dive into privateness. We are being joined by sex educators and sex bloggers and the hosts of the Dildorks podcast, kate sloan and bex caputo.

Speaker D:

Hi, welcome.

Speaker E:

Thank you.

Speaker A:

Welcome. Thank you for joining us.

Speaker E:

Thanks for having us. I'm excited to talk about Hentai.

Speaker D:

Yeah, me too.

Speaker B:

I've been waiting.

Speaker A:

This has been a long time coming.

Speaker C:

There's going to be a lot of it coming.

Speaker A:

So yeah, as a show talking about anime, of course there's always that insidious shadow hanging just all center just in the corner of the room, always watching, always waiting and it's penti.

Speaker D:

Is that how you feel about all media? Like well, when you talk about movies, porn is just sitting in the back of the theater. It's just always there.

Speaker B:

I feel like when you talk about anime to people who don't really watch anime, the first thing they think of is like something really pervy. Whether it's true or not. They're like, oh, big titties.

Speaker D:

Yeah, that's true of just Americans about most non American things. Yeah. What's the weirdest thing about that? Because it's not American culture so it must be weird.

Speaker A:

You enjoy it. So I assume it's sexy, right?

Speaker C:

To be fairly devil's advocate, like two episodes ago we did watch an anime where it was primarily about jumping up people's assholes.

Speaker E:

I haven't tried that one.

Speaker C:

It's a little rough. You have to be a small Japanese turtle demon.

Speaker D:

Is this where that thanos theory came from? Did someone watch that episode like while really high? it'd be like wait a minute, wait a minute.

Speaker A:

And that's why.

Speaker D:

Okay. Yeah.

Speaker A:

So yeah, we're talking about Hentai this week. Let's start with our typical intro of what are your connections to anime? Are you fans of anime? Did you watch it as a youth and grew out of it, or where do you both stand with this?

Speaker E:

So I have dated a lot of nerds, so I call myself nerd adjacent. I've dated a lot of game devs and video game nerds of various persuasions. So a lot of those people were into anime. So I was kind of like, around it. I definitely did watch pokemon and digimon when I was younger and a little bit of yugioh, but that is basically the extent of my knowledge. And I know, just like being a sex writer, that there are a lot of tropes from Hentai that people know about. Like, tentacles is definitely one of them, but I don't really know a lot about the genre.

Speaker D:

Yeah, I am very much a nerd and sex education. Obviously there's a lot of stuff around, hence I and sexuality. So I am adjacent to this a lot. But I haven't done a ton of anime. I have definitely watched it, and I have a lot of friends. I worked at a game stop for a decade. I knew a lot of people who watched anime.

Speaker A:

Yeah, it comes with the territory.

Speaker D:

Exactly. And I have seen some stuff. So I am a huge media storytelling nerd. So if you can get me sold on a story, I don't really care what medium it comes in, as long as it tells the story well. So I don't often come to anime for the sake of it being anime, but I have come to it because I'm excited about a particular story and I've seen, like, a couple of big ones. I grew up on pokemon. I've seen my hero, obviously. I watched elfin lead a while ago, which is a hell of a one to jump into as, like, my third anime, to feel every feeling. I'm familiar with the genre, but not super acquainted with it.

Speaker C:

Got you.

Speaker D:


Speaker A:

It seems like it's fairly general that everyone as a youth has just, like, a touch of the yugios and pokemons and that your nerdy friend will take you in deeper at some point in high school or college.

Speaker E:

Yeah, much deeper.

Speaker B:

And then you can never go back to the surface.

Speaker C:

Once you're down there, you're down there for the long haul.

Speaker B:

Unfortunately, it's comfortable down here.

Speaker D:

I feel like it is, like, a very particular kind of storytelling, and at least in my experience, you get comfortable with, like, very particular. I mean, it has its own tropes and in the same way you sit in any other genre. Like, I can live in sci-fi for a while, and I'm like, Well, I guess this is all I'm watching. Just because you get used to that style.

Speaker A:

Yeah. There are so many tropes that we developed a bingo card to check all the tropes of each show we watch.

Speaker C:

And it's always interesting watching it with someone who isn't as familiar with the tropes and being like, I believe one of our early episodes, patrick, you were asking like, oh, why is he nose bleeding? Why does he get a nosebleed? It's like, oh, they can't show boners. So that's a substitute for boners blood rushing to their head.

Speaker D:

Yeah, that's actually like as soon as you started talking, that was the first thing that I thought of because I had that experience with dbz way back when. I was watching it the first time in high school where it first happened. And I was like, oh, right. They have these subtle meanings or whatever that you have to kind of translate.

Speaker C:

Yeah. So much gets lost in translation with some shows versus others. So that's where it comes up with the whole subs dubs debate. Some people who prefer the original Japanese voice acting because the words are expressed better in that language. And then some people just prefer voices over another.

Speaker D:

Yeah, and I think also, I've noticed in at least a lot of the ones I do, Americans cartoons are for kids, and they tend to tone down a lot of the language and stuff, where because I started out, I was like, oh, I don't want to read shit. I'll just listen to the dubs. And then as I would get into a story, I'd go into the subs and I'd be like, oh, no, this is a different story now. Oh, wait, vegeta curses. Great. Cool.

Speaker B:

Led to me to say, fuck, he's.

Speaker D:

So much angrier in Japanese. I like him so much more.

Speaker A:

You're interesting now.

Speaker D:


Speaker A:

Well, let's get into the real reason we're here. So hentai as a medium genre it's a genre we'll use that that fits the best, I would say so, yeah. What is your experience with that, both in your everyday life and your line of work?

Speaker E:

I've probably watched more hentai than I've watched nonsexual anime on. I'm really fascinated by other sexual cultures. And I went through a period of being really interested in Japanese sexual culture, especially kind of like the dating culture. I don't know if this is true anymore, but I read an article, like years and years ago about how women are expected to be really submissive and subservient and passive. And I just found that a really interesting framework, probably because I'm a pervert and a submissive person. I wouldn't say a lot, but like, some hentai over the years and my main kind of associations with it are like tentacles, big boobs, like consent weird stuff. But that's not really unique to hentai in the porn world. And also that they have to sometimes pixelate the genitals.

Speaker D:

Yeah, I was familiar with definitely the concepts of not necessarily always being able to show dicks and that there's a lot of tentacles and fetishistic stuff. I've read articles here and there on like, oh, this interesting thing about Japanese sexual culture just because it's my field, more or less. And then my experience of hentai, just, like, more socially. I haven't seen much. Like, I think I've seen probably more stuff that is on the cusp or just, like, gifs or images rather than, like, sitting down to watch a whole episode or just like, vaguely sexual anime, wherever that line is, and then just hearing people always talk about the really weird shit. Because I think, honestly, quote, unquote, really weird. But one of the virtues of an animated medium is that you can play with more taboos, but in more slightly.

Speaker B:

Less ethically murky ways.

Speaker D:

I mean, we can get into that because that's a complicated sentence, but it does give a little bit more freedom. So I've definitely heard and also, you just don't have to follow the laws of physics, which is cool and terrifying as a medium. So I've definitely heard the things where people will say, oh, go home and watch this anime, and the person will come back and be like, that wasn't anime. That's horrible porn. What are you talking about? What did you make me watch? So I've definitely heard a lot of that narrative around, like, really weird, quote, unquote, weird fringe stuff.

Speaker A:

Yeah, it is weird because I feel like different cultures get assigned different, like, the weird movie tropes because you have, like, hey, check out this extremely bizarre hentai scene, or this Bollywood action sequence as bananas. And it's weird that that's sort of the go to of, like, yeah, people are just telling stories, but let's ignore all that. Let's just watch this octopus alien try to fuck this team of superheroes.

Speaker D:

Yeah, I mean, it would be like if you tried to judge American media on the church scene in kingsman and the final fight scene in The avengers, where we're like, yeah, I mean, that is entertaining, but it's also the totally bonkers end of the spectrum in our storytelling. It is like, we took everything and turned it up to eleven and had a grand old time with it. But none of us think it's real either.

Speaker A:

Yeah, it's just the distillation of the most interesting thing for, like, a three minute YouTube video.

Speaker C:

Yeah, but that's what some people expect, especially with international markets. They expect these high budget action sequences for American movies. That's why there's seven transformers movies, even though they're objectively shit, but they do well in foreign markets because they're just like, yeah, American brands. Mark wahlberg.

Speaker D:

Americans blow things up.

Speaker B:

What was that movie with Matt damon about the Great Wall of China? Was that what that was?

Speaker A:

I think it was just called the Great Wall or something.

Speaker B:

Something like that. My friend's mom is from Thailand and she was, like, into it, supposedly. So were other people in Thailand, and that's, like, crazy.

Speaker E:

I watched that movie while very high at a party once, and that's the only time I've seen it, so I wasn't really following. I was like.

Speaker D:

I guess I had an experience with that movie, but I could not tell you what happened. That experience was mine and my own.

Speaker C:

I feel like that's probably the best way to watch that movie.

Speaker A:

Yeah, especially in a professional aspect. Hentai and I have a weird relationship. We all met through working at a dubbing studio and we worked on an etchy series, which is sort of just like softcore penti. And I was given the task of reviewing the subtitles to make sure everything lined up with the English dub. And I was given this task while covering the front desk at reception. So I had a laptop going with basically Hentai just rolling as I was trying to work and greet people and be like, hi, I'm the professional face of this company. Please don't look at my laptop.

Speaker D:

Screen me literally anytime because someone comes to my job. I also watch people fuck for a living.

Speaker B:

I was in it. I was asked to do background voices for it and I was so hoping that I would get to do a weird scene, but we didn't. I was really disappointed.

Speaker D:

That's something I always found fascinating. Like, I could never not imagine the recording studio whenever I watch anime. It was particularly stark again, because I've only seen so few, but particularly stark with dbz, with the fight scenes where I'd be like, someone is just sitting alone in a booth going, just make the sound effects forever. And it was so wild to me.

Speaker A:

No, I still stand by that. The perfect place to do a murder is in a recording studio because all day long, explosions would happen. screams, gunshots, no one would bat an eye because you're like, yeah, that's the show, they're working on it, it's fine.

Speaker C:

Yeah, I know of some actors who've specifically slotted and scheduled, like, video game recordings on a Friday because they'll just be doing all of those grunts and like, weird, like, little noises and screams. So they'll just blow out their voice for like two days and have to recover it on the weekend because they're just in a room screaming for like, video game sound effects and stuff.

Speaker E:

I'm sure it's the same with Hentai too, because, like, there's so much moaning. Like, I mean, this is true of American mainstream porn too. Like, this is part of why I'm not that into mainstream porn in general, is like the constant loud repetitious to me, inauthentic seeming moaning, which I also associate very much with Hentai.

Speaker B:

Yeah, they don't really dub Hentai.

Speaker C:

Not often.

Speaker B:

I've actually seen one good Hentai dub, which is weird. But yeah, I mean, same thing for those actors. They must have a heck of a time.

Speaker D:

Yeah. What does a dub even sound like? Do they dub in moans without an accent or do they just dub in the language and then go back to the other person's moans?

Speaker B:

I don't know, which is weirder. I think they would do the English voice actor just to be consistent with the sound.

Speaker C:

I have seen some where they don't if it's not an audible word that you could identify, they'll keep in the original voice and you can hear a clear pitch change.

Speaker D:

Don't like that.

Speaker C:

But it's usually because it's very low budget of just like we got to knock out 20 of these ten ties in like the next 3 hours. Like let's go. speedrun.

Speaker A:

It quick. Real quick. Only what matters. It's fine.

Speaker E:

That's like when you watch a musical Disney movie sometimes and it's like the the singing voice is a different person from the speaking voice. And sometimes it's very stark and you're like, that person did not sing.

Speaker D:

That not real.

Speaker C:

Why does he sound like donny osmond all of a sudden?

Speaker B:

That's not leashing.

Speaker A:

All right, well, shall we dive into what we well, I haven't even introduced what way you're watching today.

Speaker C:

It doesn't matter.

Speaker A:

Let's start there. We wanted a representative mix of different hentai, so we got dana. You had the pick of fuzzy Lips for a more vanilla grounded show. And we're also watching a fantasy elf series called yo Go. So sukabay elf no moreier.

Speaker D:

Great job.

Speaker A:

I tried my best.

Speaker E:

Really rolls off the tongue.

Speaker C:

Translates to welcome to the forest of Lewd. Elves. Fantastic.

Speaker A:

Which is a fantastic stuff is awaiting.

Speaker D:

Really lets you know what to expect.

Speaker A:

So I know Dan has seen fuzziness, but does anyone else know the other show?

Speaker B:

I don't know the other show.

Speaker D:

I feel like I do know it already.

Speaker C:

But I know it.

Speaker A:

Yeah, it just writes itself. All right, well, shall we get into it?

Speaker E:


Speaker C:

Yes, let's get rid of deep into it.

Speaker A:

We're watching the first episode of both because we can't take much else fun times in the woods. We went on a journey. This was fun. We all had a great time.

Speaker D:

Journey all the way to the Lewd Elves.

Speaker E:

Tag yourself. I'm a lewd elf.

Speaker B:

I'm the ferris wheel.

Speaker C:

One of those little goblins in the back of the forest. It's also like a one scene, and we move past it real quick.

Speaker B:

How could they not use those?

Speaker D:

Show them, jack. We've only seen the first episode.

Speaker E:

Yeah, there's room to grow that's foreshadowing.

Speaker D:

That's how they wrap it together at the end alley circles back.

Speaker A:

We all know the concept of Chetcov's goblin.

Speaker C:

Oh, no. Check offs come.

Speaker B:

Stop it.

Speaker E:

I actually tweeted at one point that I don't like that precom is called Precom, and I think it should be called Check offs come. I think that's.

Speaker C:


Speaker A:

Perfect. So, yeah, let's start with our elf friends, because I specifically found this series on a list of, like, interesting narratives in hentai because I wanted more than just and I was severely disappointed.

Speaker C:

At least lie to you.

Speaker B:

Oh, my God.

Speaker A:

Yeah, because initially I was going to pick a series that was also set around high school students, and I didn't want to just talk about how Hentai is about wanting to have sex with high school students. So I needed to divest a little bit sometimes.

Speaker D:

It's also about wanting to fuck elves.

Speaker A:


Speaker E:

Elves who look like children sometimes children, sometimes.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

Yeah. That's a big HEMTI thing that we need to talk about. So let me just give you the two sentence synopsis of what's going on here so you all catch up to speed. So a man is transported into the world of the elves by a child elder that needs the messesiah to help repopulate the elve population. Because there's a tree of life that used to give them babies when they needed to add new members to the tribe, but now it's not.

Speaker B:

Now they're unworthy, which just leaves me.

Speaker D:

With so many questions.

Speaker B:

Yeah, it's like a weird, like, slightly religious turn where they were like, now we are dirty and unworthy, so the tree will not give us babies.

Speaker D:

But does, like, a baby appear in the tree? Did the tree make them pregnant?

Speaker B:

Like a fruit?

Speaker C:

Coconut. You crack it open. There's a baby in there.

Speaker B:

Oh, the harvest.

Speaker D:

I'm just imagining that little knot, like the hole in the tree that everyone drew in a tree when they were a kid. Like that little black spot that just babies come out of it. Now that show, like, mom is climbing.

Speaker A:

Down the tree, just ready to go.

Speaker C:

There's probably a flashback in a later episode where they fuck the tree like the roots.

Speaker B:

Are there two episodes of this show?

Speaker C:

Hentai is not long running, so probably.

Speaker A:

I don't know the full length of the series. It is at least multiple.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

I think at least three to six, I would say.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

Yeah, that's so there's a lot of stories we didn't see.

Speaker D:

And it did have that, like, nonlinear storytelling. You know, they kind of jumped around. Yeah. He just showed up. And you didn't know why he was in the forest of the elves. You had to wait for the middle when you get the flashback and you explain that weird child elf brought him there.

Speaker A:

Yeah, this was produced by tarantino.

Speaker E:

It kind of freaked me out, like the beginning. It was kind of like an abduction scene or something. Wow. bex's cat is screaming. I was like, if I just woke up in a forest that I'd never been to, surrounded by people I don't know, I would not be turned on. I would be actively panicking.

Speaker D:

Yeah. And she's like, we got to fuck. And he does have a minute where he's like, what's going on? And then his dick's out. I don't know. There is no moment in between. What?

Speaker A:

All right, you're further along and I'm inside you.

Speaker D:

Yeah. I thought it was going to be like a little noncon coercive, like, oh, but you have to. Oh, I don't know if I could. I mustn't. Well, I will. But no, there was just dick already.

Speaker B:

It was just that. This is one of the things I hate most in hentai. If the person with a vagina is having sex for the first time, they always bleed. That's not a thing. I mean, it can be a thing, but it's not something that it's not.

Speaker A:

A requirement to lose virginity every single time.

Speaker E:

I don't want to kink shame because I understand that this is, like, some people fetishize virginity and virginity loss and blood and stretching and whatever, but it's just like to put this as, like to include it as a trope, as if it's like a standard practice, as if this is a normal thing that happens when you have sex for the first time. And also, it's so normal that we're going to make it sexy in a porno. I just don't think it just seems unexamined to me. It just seems like they're not even acknowledging that this is kind of like a fringe kinky thing and it should only be done consensually if people wanted. And it's not necessarily a good thing. In every case.

Speaker A:

Yeah, it's never established as something the elves are into. It's just taken as fact they have not before and therefore they're going to bleed.

Speaker B:

And he's surprised every time he says the same thing. Every time he goes, you're bleeding. And they're like it's fine. This feels great.

Speaker E:

And I'm like, oh, does it?

Speaker D:

Well, one of the things I found fascinating, like, particularly about this one, is when I was watching it, I read it as fetish content, not like specifically. And particularly what gave that vibe was that it came back to the same few main tropes, and a lot of the dialogue was written as if they took one word and put it in a thesaurus. But to be fair, that is the experience of a lot of fetishes. Right? Like, okay, I'm into this idea of leather, and here is the cluster of words that come with leather. So I might talk about the smell. I might talk about the way it creaks when I move. I might talk about how smooth and soft it is or supple. Those are the words that come with this kink. And when I was watching this, it very much seemed to have like a he kept coming back to the pointy ears, your elves, like, that kind of thing. They kept coming back to this impregnation. And we'll talk about the exaggeration of come so much. They really leaned into it. And it very much like, yes, it was fucking, but it had these, like two or three touchstones that everything kind of warped back to. And I was like, oh. So it looked to me like impregnation porn, which we have a friend who does a lot of stuff with that.

Speaker E:

Well, like, one thing that this had in common with mainstream American porn is the widespread fetishization of come. This was like the more extreme than I think ever seen in live action.

Speaker C:

Welcome to head.

Speaker E:

But it's so interesting that this is like a human psychology universal to some extent, where across the globe people are wanting porn, where women are like, oh, yeah, come put it all over me. Put it in me. And I'm just like, it's fine if you want people to fetishize your come, I get it. But at the same time, I feel like this leads to a culture like we have here, where sometimes people will assume that you want them to come on your face without prior consent. Or just, like, people really want you to be super, super into their come without discussing that. That is kind of like a specialized fetish thing.

Speaker D:


Speaker B:


Speaker C:

Stems from the glorification of exaggerated come. Comes from the concept of fertility. Like, men want to be bostrous and extremely fertile, so they're, like, bragging of how much they have. Or maybe it's, like, tied to testosterone and stuff. And that's where it's something where it's linked to that. But people might not be aware that that's what it's tied to.

Speaker D:

Yeah, I mean, I think it's part of that. I think it's also something that we universally have as a physical evidence of pleasure.

Speaker E:


Speaker D:

Right. It is the thing that happens at the peak of pleasure. And pleasure might look different on someone's face. They might make different sounds, but we kind of have this idea and this patriarchal idea that this is the culmination, this is the peak of the moment, is when the penis comes.

Speaker E:


Speaker A:

Because they also talk about, like, when they continue after he comes. They're like, oh, you're still going. You're still so into it. You should be done and ready to just go to bed now. But you're still going. That's so crazy.

Speaker E:

There's no refractory period. Could you pause for a minute? Do you have to immediately keep fucking? That seems uncomfortable to me.

Speaker C:

That's a good point, though, with, like, peak pleasure. Because I know there's a series called Food Wars that's all about cooking, and that's primarily what the show is about. It's like a food war. It's like Iron Chef.

Speaker D:


Speaker C:

But the creator of it is a former hentai artist, so of course, the food is always so good that when people eat it, their clothes explode off and they come in their pants.

Speaker D:


Speaker E:

Obviously, that's always what happens when I eat good food.

Speaker D:

Yes. That show has actually been recommended to me, which tells you something about what my friends know about me, my anime friends. Whenever they want me to watch something, they're like, either weird sex shit or it's gay. There's gay things. I'm, like, great on board. Yes.

Speaker B:

Another thing. I disliked a lot of things about this, but when the child was like, I am the village elder, I was like, of course you are the big thing.

Speaker E:

It's like creating a narrative justification for the fetishization of a child.

Speaker B:


Speaker E:

And not to get too dark, with this. But watching these, I was thinking about the ongoing debate about whether child porn that is cartoon based or not live action is better than I mean, obviously you're not exploiting children if you're making it in a cartoon way. But there's a debate about whether it continues to fan the flames of pedophilic desires, regardless of whether or not there is actual children involved. So I was thinking about that while watching this. Like, is this a good thing? Is this an outlet for people with desires like this? Or is it just normalizing a thing that we should not be normalizing? I don't really know what the answer is.

Speaker D:


Speaker A:

I think because the shows themselves bend over backwards so hard to be like, no, I'm actually the village elder. I look like a twelve year old, but I'm actually 10,000 years old. And that's very common even in just straight up anime of sexy child character being the ever knowing, all seeing powerful things. So it's like, hey, there's no weird power dynamic here. I just have the body of a twelve year old. It's fine. It's just very uncomfortable and very constant debate on people online. Mostly creeps being like, oh, well, the age of consent in Japan is younger, so it's fine. Only creeps are making that argument and that's not a good sign.

Speaker E:

But it's not like this is really that big of a cultural difference because teen is chronically one of the most popular search terms on American porn sites. And clearly youth is fetishized. I mean, I think of like britney spears famous music video where she's like wearing a school uniform and stuff like that. We clearly fetishize and sexualize young people in this culture as well and it's just really prevalent. I am always stuck on the question of is this okay or is it not? I don't really know.

Speaker C:

Well, there's even a term within anime groups and stuff called lolly or Lollycon where it's that specific trope of small petite body even if they aren't young. Then it's a situation like this where it's like, I'm a 400 year old dragon, but in a human form I look like a twelve year old girl.

Speaker E:


Speaker C:

And it's a very uncomfortable trip. But I have seen more pushback of that in recent years of different people, I guess, either becoming more aware or kind of like questioning it more and pushing back, saying like, hey, this isn't okay because it's just a stepping stone. For example, a lot of fan art I've seen where people will really enjoy a show. There's a 14 year old character in it and a fan artist will want to draw in a cheesecake sexy variety, like photoshoot style. They'll age up the character. So it's like, oh, she's not 14 now, she's like 25.

Speaker D:

Is that okay?

Speaker C:

And people start debating that. You brought up my hero academia before. When that show started, I saw a lot of people debating like. No, do not sexualize these girls. Like they're in high school, but every other characters in high school and every other anime, but they're sexualized to hell. And I mean, that also lasted like a day. They're super sexualized now.

Speaker D:

But like, in America, we have riverdale, right?

Speaker C:


Speaker D:

The idea of youth and the hypersexuality that comes with those teenage years is fetishized in a lot of different ways in a lot of different cultures. And the other side of this, too, is Kate and I both play with age Play. Right. So we're embodying this idea of innocence and these tropes of more childlike behavior in the bodies of adults, right. And through consenting people and in our media. Okay? So we're able to just create these things. And where is the line between what is fantasy and fun to play with? Because the ideas that come with innocence are fun when they're consensual adults playing with things. Right. And when we're watching these media, like riverdale and stuff, and where do you run the line between encouraging stuff and playing with fantasies? And I think a lot of that needs to be the narrative we put around the story that we're telling. Right. The way we market it, the things we talk about. And if you're calling it fetishistic content and linking it with information around how to do things safely and how to play out this role play, I think it's very different than being like, look at this sexy thing. Yeah, yeah, she's a child, but it's fine. It's sexy. Right?

Speaker E:

Well, in the King community, age play is often spoken about as edge play. It's like an edgy thing that requires extra negotiation, extra after care. You really have to know what you're doing and be comfortable with your partner and trust them.

Speaker D:

And it's not always sexual.

Speaker E:

Right, exactly. But I see age play tropes coming up in, like, mainstream porn and in these hentai things where it's like, not, as you're saying, not presented as a niche fetish thing, not presented as particularly edgy, sometimes even presented as the norm, which to me, as someone in the King community who plays with ageplay, just seems really strange. Because role playing as a little girl is very, like, psychologically taxing and psychologically risky. And there's a lot of deep, elemental shit at work there.

Speaker C:

I mean, that even kind of segues into the other show we watch Fuzzy Lips because it has the age dynamic between the two characters.

Speaker E:

I wanted to actually, just before we move on, I wanted to shout out my favorite line in The Lewd elves.

Speaker D:

I want to see if it's the one there is my favorite.

Speaker A:

Great dialogue.

Speaker D:

Okay. It's one of my favorite.

Speaker E:

This was the best quote. She says, so this is a human penis. What a horrifying thing.

Speaker A:

I honestly picked the show because as I found it and I was scrubbing through it, that was the first clip I saw and I was like, yes, it has to be this show. We have to talk about this.

Speaker E:

Can we also talk about the weird rivalry with the dark elves? Because I was watching this and being like, is this racist? This seems racist.

Speaker B:

That's how I felt when that girl was introduced. And she was, like, dark skinned and she was, like, the only one who referred to him as, like, master and stuff.

Speaker A:

I watched this with my partner, and they mentioned that as well, that the dark elf was the only one that called him master. And that's extra weird.

Speaker E:

Yeah. And there's like this magical eternal vow, which is I wrote, like, when I was taking notes, I wrote monogamy slavery, question mark. Because it could kind of be read either of those ways or perhaps both. But in either case, I don't know.

Speaker D:

How I feel about it.

Speaker B:

And I forgot the thing where she was like, yours is the only dick I can have. Now after I'm reincarnated it, just molds.

Speaker D:

To it or something. There was like so many weird sci-fi thing, my personal favorite. So I did send that quote. I was, like, taking screenshots and sending them to my partner, but my personal favorite was just, how much come are you going to let out, you coward? I texted it to him and I was like, you coward is our new honorific. Now.

Speaker E:

I was wondering what we kind of missed in the translation there, because that to me, reads as, like, mild humiliation, dirty talk. But in that situation where there's that much come, I would not default to the word coward. This scene, I would be like, wow, you're such a horny boy. You're like, whatever. I would not talk about yeah, that's.

Speaker B:

More of what I see in Hentai. When a character is coming a lot, they're like, oh, wow, you're so childish. Like, look at how much you're coming. Like, that kind of thing. Have you never come before?

Speaker D:

Yeah, right? And there was a little bit of that. Like, he was surprised every time.

Speaker E:


Speaker D:

We also didn't talk about the weird x ray vision stuff.

Speaker A:

Very common in henta.

Speaker E:

After I watched these with my partner, I asked them, like, were there any moments in that that you found hot? And they are not a big porn watcher in general. And they said no, which surprised me because I was really into those cross section shots. I admittedly have masturbated, two gifts that were similar to those, like, internal diagrams of things happening because I like dicks and come. I don't think I wouldn't say that I like come in this quantity that's being shown, but I do like, just.

Speaker A:

A gallon every time.

Speaker C:

Fire hose.

Speaker E:

I like seeing orgasm and pleasure happen. And that's a really unique way to see it that you don't often get to see. So I was actually into those shots. Those were like a few moments where I was like, okay, I can get this. I can get into this.

Speaker D:

And for me, as a person who both tops and bottoms, it was interesting because in those moments, I felt more related to the person who was bottoming because it was more akin to my experience. Right. Sex happens inside me when I'm bottoming, right? And I was able to kind of relate to those, whereas with the wider shots, I was able to relate more to the person topping. Because when I'm topping, especially me, my dick is silicone. I don't feel it. I definitely feel things, but to a degree, I have to watch. And it's a much more visual process because that's how I can determine what I'm doing.

Speaker E:


Speaker D:

So it's interesting that those two kind of perspectives evoke to different visceral feelings for me or put me in different head spaces. And I'm curious how other people's experiences of that. But did you also notice that not only did we get the internal shots of the come, but their stomach actually swelled and moved every time and we got like alien crushed. It was like weird body horror. Every time you came, the stomach got all like, rumbly. And I was like, do you know how bodies were?

Speaker A:

Anatomy, maybe especially with the young elf or the old elder young elf. It was especially exaggerated there really to emphasize the smaller body. And it's like this makes it feel grosser. Yeah.

Speaker E:

There was also a lot of cervix smashing, which as a person with a cervix, I was like, oh, that seemed good.

Speaker D:

I did think it was cool that they had a cervix, though.

Speaker E:

Do you have cervix?

Speaker D:

Well, I mean, that but also the people drawing this, I don't know how much time they spend in, like, anatomy class. The fact that they actually had like the little nippy'shape of the cervix, like the nose.

Speaker E:

I was like, I'm a sex educator. I know what that is.

Speaker D:

Right? It wasn't just like a cul de sac. Like, there was.

Speaker E:

There was this one shot in Fuzzy Lips that was like a close up of a vulva, and it was beautiful. And I was like, you. Whoever drew this knows what a vulva looks like. Clearly has spent time with one or.

Speaker D:

More the, like, thumb on the clit bit.

Speaker E:

Right? There was some beautiful labia. There was like an accurate looking clit, which I feel like I don't often see in cartoon porn. In particular. Accurate bits, especially clit stimulation in porn across the board, is severely lacking. So I was glad to see that as a sex educator who has to be like, it's not like in porn. vaginal orgasms are pretty unlikely, pretty uncommon.

Speaker D:


Speaker A:

So let's get into Fuzzy Lips.

Speaker B:

Let's do.

Speaker A:

Because that is also one of the biggest differences between the two besides the fantasy and reality aspects, is the elf one was censored and pixelated and Fuzzy Lips was not.

Speaker E:

No, I liked it better without. But I am a pervert. So there's that.

Speaker B:

I have two favorite hentai and Fuzzy Lips is one of them. I come back to it pretty often, but that's one of the things I do like about it.

Speaker C:

I am curious, though, with the slog of hentai that is pixelated if there are people who have now developed specific fetishes for oh, I'm sure.

Speaker E:

It reminded me of The sims, which yeah, I was thinking things are pixelated when you, like, shower or whatever on The sims, but then you can get, like, third party extensions that make it not hen.

Speaker A:

Tie is actually the translation of the word woohoo.

Speaker C:

I think that ties into the idea of the fantasy of like, I listened to one of your episodes bally visuals during sex and I think that ties into the fantasy element of like, you can still enjoy it, but it's not as big of a visual element. Or if you don't need a visual stimulus as much, the pixelization can allow you to just fantasize it's whatever you want it to be instead of what it is, and still be engrossed into it.

Speaker E:

Yeah, sure.

Speaker A:

It's not a drawing of a penis or a vagina, it's your penis or vagina. You have that separation where you can fill in the blanks with your own stuff.

Speaker E:

Right. Which in a way is like potentially more body positive because it's not necessarily like the biggest dick is the best one. The vulva with the least visible inner lips is the prettiest one which you see all the time in mainstream American porn is like the fetishization of very specific narrow body types and genital types. And in some ways not having that and having it be pixelated is like refreshing.

Speaker D:

I'm actually really curious if they drew a dick and then pixelated it or if they make artistic decisions about the pixels themselves because whenever they started bleeding, a few red pixels would appear and would start to show up. So I'm curious if the artists go through the work of creating a dick just to pixelate it.

Speaker C:

Yeah, I think it's easier just to draw the whole scene and then just an after effects add a pixel like mosaic around that area.

Speaker D:

Yeah, that's kind of what I figured.

Speaker A:

Yeah, I feel like they are able to take corners. Like you don't need to draw all the extra veins and all that extra detailed stuff, just what will show through in the pixels. Because this is self enforced by the people animating it and not like some government entity that says you can't have too sexy of porn. I feel like that cost analysis also goes into it. Definitely.

Speaker E:

Go ahead.

Speaker B:

Oh, I just want to say I wanted to look up like why anime is censored or hentai is censored.

Speaker A:

This comes from an older article I read a while ago. So I don't know how accurate it is or if it's been updated, but basically what I've read was it goes back to the American imperialism post World War II, because there's so much folk art in Japanese culture that is fully nude, has sexuality fully, clearly depicted, but it sort of leans into the American influence of, oh, you got to tone this back. It's the late 1940s, early 1950s. You can't do this now.

Speaker D:

We put SIG leaves on everything.

Speaker A:

Yeah. And tentacles are used as replacements from that of like, well, it's not a dick, so I guess we're saved.

Speaker D:

Yeah, this isn't filthy at all.

Speaker B:

I was reading, like, wikipedia's article on pornography in Japan, and this one sentence, the amount of censorship of the penis can vary. And I've seen screenshots from, like, Hentai manga where the penis just has, like, the tiniest black bar on the head and that counts.

Speaker C:

Yeah, it's like the orifice like the hole itself has to be censored and nothing else.

Speaker E:

It's like when people think the nipple is like, the dirty thing about a breast and, like, everything else is fair game. Like, I don't know about that.

Speaker C:

Or I've seen manoir, which is like manga, but from China, and instead of, like, censoring it or pixelating it in a comic, it'll just glow. So it's just this beam of light where your dick would be off the.

Speaker A:

Head on me, this dick.

Speaker B:

It's like a lemon.

Speaker C:

Jj. abrams is doing for now.

Speaker B:

And then when you guys were talking about imagining yourself in it with the censorship, that is a big thing, like in Hentai, like the depersonalization of the man specifically, because it is just for I mean, it seems like Hentai is mostly made for men.

Speaker E:

Weird shocker.

Speaker D:

Even in the elf one, the main character didn't really have a face. Like, I mean, it's not that hair is not super rare for, like, anime in general.

Speaker E:


Speaker D:

But yeah, he's very much he's got very nondescript hair that covers most of his face, and he's just kind of.

Speaker E:

A lanky dude, just a generic shy guy.

Speaker A:

You deliberately don't see his eyes, so you don't see he has a soul that you can put your perception on.

Speaker D:

Just a pixelated dick.

Speaker B:

And even though the teacher in fuzzy lips, he's like, more of a character, like, he has more of a personality. He still doesn't have a name. She just calls him sensei. And he's still not shown very much.

Speaker E:

Yeah. One thing I found really amazing is that he receives a rim job in this episode, which even over here in porn, like, men receiving any kind of anal stimulation in non gay porn is really rare and really taboo. So it was encouraging to see that and to see also that it was, like, pretty casual and she seemed pretty into it and he seemed into it, and I was, like, kind of impressed and thrown by that.

Speaker B:

Yeah, I really like this. There's a second episode.

Speaker A:

Do you know what year this was developed?

Speaker C:

Just the style alone seems maybe early 2000s, late 90s.

Speaker A:

Let me see, because I need to know if it's pre or post academy coming into the main street.

Speaker C:

Definitely free.

Speaker A:

Yeah, I'm going to say that.

Speaker B:

I mean, you can see when it was posted on pornhub or something.

Speaker C:

Yeah. It's actually hard to find definitive information about nti because it's just a lot of student names, a lot of, like, parent company that owns all of them. So there's no real individuality because it.

Speaker D:

Just appears on the Internet.

Speaker C:

I don't know, it just spawns.

Speaker B:

Let's see, it was posted three years ago.

Speaker A:


Speaker E:

I think Out Eating was in at that point.

Speaker C:

Originally released in 2014.

Speaker D:

So there you go.

Speaker A:

Got you.

Speaker E:

All right.

Speaker D:


Speaker E:

Something I noticed and wanted to talk about, and I don't know if you all do like, content notes generally, but you might want to do like a rape fantasy content note for what I'm about to say. So I was noticing that all of the women in both of these episodes are the ones with sort of like, agency, the ones who are, like, the pursuers. Right. Which, from what I understand about, well, like most dating cultures, really, that's not really a common thing. And it reminded me of what people say about, like, why rape fantasy is so popular with women. And one of the theories on that is that because we live in a world that suppresses female sexuality and tells women we're not supposed to want things or pursue things, that there's something hot and freeing in a way, about the thought of someone like taking what they want from you sexually so that you're absolved of the guilt of being the pursuer. And it's just like, well, this is happening to me, and this is thought to be one of the reasons why women are into this fantasy as well as more often into being sexually submissive. And I was kind of thinking about that in relation to this because that's what happens to the men in these hint eyes. Not that they're being raped, but that their will is not really the important thing or the driving factor to maintain their innocence.

Speaker A:

Elder didn't ask if he wanted to go on a sex romp. She just pooped him away.

Speaker E:


Speaker D:

Because now he has to do his duty.

Speaker A:


Speaker E:

Then you don't have to deal with the messiah.

Speaker A:

Yeah. It also plays into sort of the aspect of the perception that every man wants sex every second of every day and sort of going into, well, yeah, he's fine with it, he's a dude, and sort of that negative aspect of, well, I assume you want to fuck because you always want to fuck.

Speaker E:

Yeah. Which, like that myth we talked about this all the time on our show. That myth is harmful for everyone because not only does it mean that dudes don't always feel able to say no to sex, but it also means that if a dude does say no to a woman sexually, she's going to automatically assume it's like something's wrong with her. Because what would have to be so wrong with you that a dude who always wants to fuck wouldn't want to fuck you, so it just ends up harming everybody. It's really not a cool and also.

Speaker A:

These sexuality stuff of like, oh, if you don't want to fuck me, you must be gay then, right? Because that's also a very common trope, especially in like, cheap college comedy movies. Oh, you didn't want to fuck at the party, you're probably gay. That's the joke. She's like, no, I have a lot going on. I had a stressful day at work. I'm a complex human being.

Speaker B:

Yeah, well, that's something good about fuzzy lips, too, is that they do fuck a lot, but they do have that downtime. And then when they're on the ferris wheel and she says, let's have sex, he's like, no. And she's like, okay, then I'm going to masturbate. And then he gets into it. But first he eats her out. And that's crime because even though he doesn't, even though at first he's like, not really like, no, I don't want to have sex. He's like, well, she wants it, so I'll eat her out kind of thing. As he gets more into it.

Speaker E:

I wasn't really sure how to feel about that scene because I agree that if your partner doesn't want to have sex and you're turned on, you should go masturbate. But there was something kind of almost like coercive about how she was just like, well, I guess I have to do this. And she did it immediately in front.

Speaker A:

Of him and right over him as.

Speaker D:

Well, which super hot in theory, though. Yeah, she climbed in his lap and I was like, okay. But in practice, ethically dubious. But I think also part of why he didn't want to was we are in public. We don't want to get caught, blah, blah, blah.

Speaker B:

We're in a fairest way.

Speaker E:

But he's still some no.

Speaker D:


Speaker E:

In the real world, a no is a no and should have backed the fuck off, which is different.

Speaker D:

Well, no. So what I was saying was that he said no, and masturbating in the same ferris wheel as him is still not taking it onto her own and dealing with it herself in the way we often recommend when we say, like, go jerk off. He's still complicit in that. He's still a part of that act. If they get caught, it's still on him, which is the thing that he was worried about. So yeah, they're not doing the thing that he said no to. But the spirit of the law, the spirit of what he said, they're actually not assuaging and being in line with his wishes. It's not a good substitute in this context. But in fantasy, no.

Speaker E:

I know.

Speaker D:

Super hot this is because I have.

Speaker E:

Been in the situation that the dude is in in terms of like, if I say, oh, I'm not really in the mood. Don't really feel like having sex. And then sometimes a partner will, like, reasonably, I think, be like, okay, well, I'm going to jerk off. But then sometimes they are shitty about it. Like, sometimes they'll do it and they were like, I guess if I have.

Speaker A:

To, my only resort because you're leaving me hanging, right?

Speaker E:

Because, like, blue balls is like a thing that often gets brought up in moments like this or whatever. And it's just like it struck me as pretty weird. But again, it's porn. Whatever.

Speaker D:

Yeah, it's definitely coercive. And then there's that weird twist where she's getting sucked in is like, wait, no, not like this. Because I'll be seen. He's got her up against the window and she's like, wait, this is too much. And he's like, well, we're in it now.

Speaker A:

It was your idea, so we have to continue.

Speaker D:

Exactly. And in terms of Edge play, that kind of like for me, I don't typically play with that explicitly rape play stuff, but I will play with, like, ideas of coercion and role play. And for me, it's more taboo and more insidious just because that is the kind of thing that happens in the real world. And like, you know, stranger Danger rape is obviously a thing, too, but it's not the kind of thing that folks socialize as women necessarily encounter really frequently. And it's not something that I'm intimately familiar with. So that coercive line, it feels like I'm playing with something that I've encountered regularly within my life and that I have power over it, which is like, I'm able to control that narrative, which is something that I don't always have the power of, which is part of why I find it so hot. But it's extremely edgy and it's hot as a role play. And again, this scene was not given with any context for that, that it was a coercive role play or that it was like it's just like, this is a hot thing to do because smut right, but we just don't teach media literacy for any sort of erotic content.

Speaker B:

Yeah, I think just a big thing in this show in particular is just like the fear of getting caught that exhilarates them a lot. There's a scene in the bathroom and then they have that private stuff at his apartment, but then it comes back to this and it's like all about not wanting to be seen by people who go to their school and stuff like that.

Speaker C:

Yeah, well, just the teacher student dynamic alone already makes it that tantalizing. Like, even if they're having sex in his apartment, where reasonably no one would ever see them, but if for some reason anyone does catch them, they're immediately in trouble. So it's already got the tantalizing aspect, as if a regular couple would be doing it in public. So it's already got the same level of risk for him.

Speaker E:

Yeah, I thought it was interesting that there was so much focus on the sort of domestic aspect of their relationship and kind of like the comfortable, normal couple side of it, because I'm a person who's had a lot of teacher student fantasies. And to me, the hot part of the fantasy is the power dynamic and the transgression and even the thought of it happening in a school context, like at detention or whatever. And for me, the hot part is not the actual real world realities of what it would be like to date your teacher and all the difficult stuff that would come with that. And so it was weird for me to see them focusing on that stuff, which to me is not the point of this fantasy at all.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

Yeah, it's interesting that their love is such a big part of this. And I'm a really romantic vanilla person, so I like that when he says I love you, it really turns her on and stuff like that. So I find it interesting. But it is like watching it. You're like, she doesn't need to be in high school. This could be not that dynamic at all. Like, it could just be a couple, but it just adds that layer, I guess.

Speaker E:

Do we know if she's on birth control? I kept thinking about that as I.

Speaker D:

Was probably not.

Speaker B:

There. She was like, I might get pregnant. And he was like, That's I love you.

Speaker D:

And he's like, as dirty talk. He's like, I'll take care of it or something. I'll stick around. I will be a responsible father.

Speaker E:

I thought it was so funny that so much of this episode is like what I would consider a male fantasy. And then that part is like sort of a stereotypical female fantasy. Which is not to say I think most women actually want that, but I think that's a thing that porn makers might think women want.

Speaker D:

All the I love you talk commitment to me, baby.

Speaker A:

White ticket fence.

Speaker C:

Let's open a bank account.

Speaker D:

Well, one thing I found interesting too, what you were talking about, about how it like, follows this fantasy and has none of the things about that fantasy that you find hot.

Speaker E:

There wasn't even a spanking with a ruler. Like, come on.

Speaker D:

I think something that can very easily happen to this teacher student thing is it's such a pervasive role play or trope that folks are writing it? Whose kink it is not right. And it's something I've definitely noticed. So I've seen a couple of scenes from erica lust who does feminist porn.

Speaker E:

Quote unquote feminist porn.

Speaker D:

Yeah, however we define that. But she does a series called X confessions where people will write in their fantasy and she turns them into smut.

Speaker E:

Oh, drag her.

Speaker D:

The filmmaking is beautiful. The sex is fantastic. Like, as media pieces, they are gorgeous. And I have read some fetishistic stuff that people have written in and then watched the scene and been like, wow, that is not what I got out of that description.

Speaker E:

Yeah. Like, she misses the point often of the fantasy because I think her own predilections, as far as I can tell, are more vanilla or at least are not always the kink that she's making porn about. And so I feel like I wish that she would spend more time talking to the person whose fantasy it is about. What do you find hot about it? Like, what elements of this are really important to you and then representing them in the porn because then it just turns out better.

Speaker D:

Yeah. I'm thinking specifically she has this human furniture scene where these two women get their newest coffee table, whatever that is also a guy, and they're, like, reading the instructions about how they can use him and also fuck him, which is.

Speaker E:

My great coffee table.

Speaker D:

Yeah. All of the features he has or whatever. And they're, like, moving him around and they do this, like two or three minutes while they read the description, while they read his instruction manual. And then they just start fucking. And he just starts fucking them. Like a person. He just gets up and starts fucking them. And I'm like, no, this motherfucker is a table. Right. And for me, that kind of objectification or the idea of just being used for someone else's pleasure is very much you sit relatively still or somewhat, and someone just does things to you and uses you in this way. And it just like they had the set up and then it just kind of became sex. And I feel like that happens in a lot of these very common kinks.

Speaker E:

Yeah. Because I know a lot of people who have the teacher student fantasy to some extent, and I don't think any of them are really thinking forward, like, what if we were actually dating now?

Speaker A:

Never the long term idea of it. It's the one time thrill caught in the classroom.

Speaker E:

Yeah. Like your teacher probably isn't as hot when they're not your teacher. I don't really relate to that desire.

Speaker D:


Speaker C:

Well, actually, we have a list of shows we want to watch, and I saw one of them was a series called Why the Hell Are You Here, Teacher? Which is a manga series that was turned into an anime. But it's that whole dynamic of this is my teacher. And then it escalates into different scenes where it's like, you run into your teacher at the laundry mat, you come home and your teacher's friends with your mom and she's babysitting your younger sister. She's in, like, a pool, and it's this escalation, and it actually carries over into this pseudo domestic lifestyle, like out of the classroom. And it just builds and builds, but it has all these insane tropes, but with the inherent teacher student dynamic of, if anyone catches us, we're going to. Get in trouble and like, the risk, the height and the sensation. And it's bonkers because they keep escalating it and they have to keep going. So there's like a goth teacher and a nurse and it just goes all over the place.

Speaker A:

I'd be into the teacher.

Speaker D:


Speaker B:

There's another one called Domestic Girlfriend that is I know the name.

Speaker D:

I love that anime just either tells you absolutely nothing or literally everything you need to know about the show.

Speaker B:

But it's like it's about a boy that has a crush on his teacher and then he ends up going out with his friends and he meets a girl and they both just want to lose their virginity. So they have sex and then he goes home one day and his dad has married a woman and his that woman's daughters are both of those girls his teacher and the girl he had sex with.

Speaker D:


Speaker E:

What are the odds?

Speaker B:

I didn't finish it, but I was I'm already in kind of it's fun to watch. I mean, love the drama.

Speaker E:

Well, speaking of titles, what's the deal with Fuzzy Lips? Is that a labia reference? I couldn't figure it out.

Speaker B:

I don't know.

Speaker A:

Yeah, it was never specified.

Speaker D:

Yeah, because if it was like, a.

Speaker E:

Teenage boy, that would make more sense to me. Because he might have a fuzzy lip because he's pubescent.

Speaker D:

Why are you going to call me out like this?

Speaker C:

I was thinking like the last episode, the guy grows a mustache. He's like, oh, come along, Mr. Fuzzy Lip or something.

Speaker D:


Speaker C:

Why does that have to do with this?

Speaker D:

And she had very little pubic hair.

Speaker E:

Because she had, like, a fucking kid.

Speaker D:

I mean, she had a more gracefully shaved she had like the little patch right on that.

Speaker A:

It did look deliberate.

Speaker D:


Speaker C:

It's more than you'll see him. Most anti.

Speaker D:

Yeah, well, that's the thing. I was like, well, there is a tiny bit of pubic hair. Is that like them being like, look, this is hairy smart. It's rare. We drew six hairs on her mom.

Speaker A:

Does that work for you? We can do less. Let us know.

Speaker D:

Meanwhile, the 70s, we're like, I promise there is a volvo under there somewhere.

Speaker B:

Yeah, I like this shirt. I think it's so soft.

Speaker D:


Speaker B:

And I really didn't like the elf one because it's all so aggressive. One of my notes for it was, this music is going to give me a panic attack. Like the music that plays, like, the first time he's having sex with I think the one named Lucy.

Speaker D:


Speaker B:

It's just really intense and weird music. And then in fuzzy lift, when they're having sex on the ferris wheel, there's like very gentle piano music happening. And it's just like that juxtaposition.

Speaker D:

Yeah. Wow.

Speaker B:

Very contrast.

Speaker D:

So as a person whose limited experience is either like action anime or Japanese jrpgs. And video games, every come shot looks like a finishing move. Every time it happened. It was like similar styling and tropes as like their final attack move that I would always see.

Speaker E:

I guess I like how you portray it because like sometimes in like a live action you can't always tell when someone is coming. Like usually they do try to make it clear with like a so called money shot or whatever, but it's sometimes more subtle. And I liked that it was literally never subtle in any of these.

Speaker A:

You know, the time of the act.

Speaker D:

And the screen freezes and you have like the light.

Speaker B:

Even in fuzzy lips. It's just a big thing in Hentai to have a lot of cum. And even though fuzzy lips is like vanilla and it's not about the cum because in the elf one it kind of is because they're trying to get pregnant. There's still a lot of it.

Speaker D:

Every time there's so much and it.

Speaker B:

Looks like frosting and it explodes which.

Speaker D:

Is out of them. Like he comes in her and then it shoots back out of her before he even takes his dick out.

Speaker E:

What are you going eating? bro.

Speaker D:

What's? Her seat overflows.

Speaker B:

Maybe he's born with it.

Speaker E:

Well, maybe. Think about conflict. There are people who publish like recipes that are supposed to increase the amount of calm that you come and also.

Speaker D:

With and then recipes to make.

Speaker E:

I was thinking about the book that's like a bartender wrote a book about how to mix come into various cocktails and I was like, this would make it much easier because the main reason I've never done that is that it's difficult to gather enough come in one concentrated place.

Speaker A:

I keep a bottle in the back of my fridge when I'm ready for a drink.

Speaker E:


Speaker C:

I mean, that's why they call it a cocktail, right? Easy joke.

Speaker A:

There it is.

Speaker B:

Well, anything else? I mean this was a joy. This is great. I could go on forever.

Speaker C:


Speaker A:

Any final thoughts?

Speaker E:

This experience did not make me want to give up entirely on Hentai as I thought that it might because there were like there were glimmers here and there of things that I found hot. I just don't know if all hentai is as focused on stereotypically male fantasies as these two were then. I don't think I could really get into it that much. But I imagine that there is at least some diversity in subject matter and that I might be able to find something I would be into if I continued looking. So I probably will do that.

Speaker C:

There is some but you will have to sort through a lot.

Speaker E:

Yeah, I'm sure. I mean that's true of porn here too. That's true of just porn in general. I mean, everybody's tastes are different but I would love to see some porn that was not all about come and young girls.

Speaker B:


Speaker D:

Queer shit.

Speaker C:

Mango might be better if you would prefer reading it because it takes much less effort. It doesn't take a full studio to animate A series or something. It can just be one person trawling it all. So that might be an easier way to search for stuff.

Speaker A:

Yeah, especially with yowie and specifically gay stuff where it isn't just straight men having sex.

Speaker E:


Speaker D:


Speaker B:

There is one show called achela rondo and it is four episodes and each episode has different snippets in it of different fantasies. So that one's pretty interesting to watch. They do some really strange stuff at certain points, but yeah, it's an interesting watch.

Speaker C:

There's Monster Massume, which isn't a full blown hentai, but people speculate that each monster girl is a personification of a specific fetish.

Speaker D:

So that might be at least an.

Speaker C:

Interesting one, if not an entertaining one.

Speaker E:


Speaker D:

It's not mad about monster fucking.

Speaker E:


Speaker B:

I love a good monster.

Speaker D:

Yeah. For me, it wasn't that far off from what I had expected or experienced before. But I had a lot of fun thinking about how does this medium change how we can tell sexy stories and what kind of erotic content we can show, and it's just another tool to turn people on. So I was like, oh, what can you do different with this from other things?

Speaker E:


Speaker D:

And I was also just really curious about how much of it, particularly with the elf one, I was like, okay, is this impregnation fetish stuff? Is impregnation fetish stuff just more common in hente? It made me really curious about the trends compared to other stuff. And what about this is weird, long tangent, but I watch people have sex for a living and I see people from all over the world, they submit their videos from wherever they are, and there's a couple that I cannot relate to them. And I'm constantly curious how much of it is where they live because they're one of the only people I know from that place and how much of it is just my own experience and is it weird where they are? So, like, watching this, I had similar experiences of like, all right, well, is this niche where they are? I wanted to see the broad sample size and be like, okay, what is unique to this and what is just a trend in hentai?

Speaker E:

Because there is stuff in American mainstream porn, for example, that is not a universal of human sexuality, but is treated as such because it's so common in these pornos coming on someone's face. This has been extremely normalized in recent years. We've seen a lot more choking and spanking, which creates like, a shitty dynamic in the real world, where it's like, this is assumed to be just a normal part of sex because it's in porn a lot and that's not really cool. I know that's what make love now porn is like trying to address. Yeah, it's interesting.

Speaker D:

I just had a lot of questions about I'm like, okay, as an isolated media piece, I have opinions. How does this fit into the rest of the media and your culture, though?

Speaker E:

Yeah, because that matters a lot and how we analyze it.

Speaker A:

That would be very interesting, comparing it to live action Japanese porn for the Japanese audience and not, like, the American fetish Asian stuff and sort of just seeing the similarities of, like, is impregnation in that as well. Is it carrying over from the culture or just in hentai? It's easier to do because no one's actually going to get pregnant.

Speaker D:

And what's hard about that in particularly, like, sexuality based stuff is like, I can't do one Google search and listen to one psychiatrist in Japan talking about sexuality in Japan and run with it. Whereas I could for maybe some other stuff. Like I could look up someone who could talk about teaching and school systems in Japan and get a pretty basic understanding from wikipedia and a few articles. But if you want to look at the sexuality of a culture or whatever, there are so many people saying so many things, and so much of it is in direct conflict of each other. So much of it is based in their own personal morality and not the society as a whole. It's so much harder to really get a comprehensive understanding of it just because of how taboo it is and who's talking about it and how yeah, it's.

Speaker C:

A deep rabbit hole that's molded specifically to the main character's.

Speaker D:

Dick. Yes.

Speaker A:

All right, well, thank you so much for joining us today. This was thanks for having us. Fun. This is a lot, but enlightenment.

Speaker D:


Speaker B:

I could listen to you guys talk forever.

Speaker D:

Thank you.

Speaker E:

Well, we have a podcast.

Speaker D:

Conveniently. I do talk forever. So yeah.

Speaker A:

Where can people find your stuff?

Speaker E:

Yeah, so the podcast that we host together is called The Dildorks. It is dorky discourse on sex, dating, and masturbating. And we actually, just before this, recorded an episode about erotic hypnosis. We're always doing a lot of weird shit over there. I also have another podcast, which is called Question Box, which I host with my friend Brent Black, who maybe some of your audience knows as Brental floss. So that's the game show podcast of shockingly personal questions. And I also have a sex You can follow me on Twitter and Instagram. At girly underscore juice. And I'm writing a book about kink, which will be out in March 2021.

Speaker D:


Speaker B:

Yeah, put it on my calendar.

Speaker D:

I'm vex. You can find me on The Dildarcs with Kate, your favorite podcast app. I'm also at bex talks sex on Twitter and Instagram. And I was going to say all the socials, but I'm not cool enough. Just Twitter and Instagram and sometimes Instagram.

Speaker A:

All the important socials.

Speaker D:

Yeah, exactly. I'm already an old man that doesn't know how to work the new ones. What's that? I am very adept at TikTok in the way the videos appear on my twitter feed. ah, yes. That is the extent of my understanding.

Speaker E:

Got it.

Speaker D:


Speaker B:

I make cosplay TikTok. I try to remain relevant.

Speaker D:

My 18 year old brother loves it and used to show me stuff on it all the time. And then, like, two years later, the videos showed up on my Twitter feed and I was like, oh, my God, this thing is real.

Speaker B:

It was popular.

Speaker A:

It didn't.

Speaker D:

Yeah. It exists beyond Gen Y. Oh, my God.

Speaker E:

Is there a TikTok for porn? That's called dick. cock.

Speaker A:

Because I just really by the domain name real quick.

Speaker C:


Speaker A:

Episode until the app launches. And if there's a show you would like us to watch, hentai or anime, maybe not so much hentai, but this.

Speaker C:

Is a special episode.

Speaker A:

Yeah, you can send us suggestions. Our email is, the show. You can reach out to us there at rweebeveria on Twitter and Instagram. You can find me on Twitter and Instagram at Mr. Patrick dugan.

Speaker B:

You can find me on Instagram at queen. Period Weebu, and on Twitter at queen underscore weebu and Queen underscore Weebu art.

Speaker C:

You can find me on Twitter at abts. Brendan. It stands for Almost Better Than Silence, which is a video game podcast I sometimes do.

Speaker A:

And thank you to camille ruley for our artwork. And thank you to louie zong for the use of our theme song stories off the album Beats. You can find all of louie's music at Louisong Thank you, and we'll hope you'll join us next week as we learn to live with anime and sometimes hence, mostly hence, I from this point.

Speaker D:

Thank you.

Episode Notes

CW: Sexual Assault, Pedophilia, NSFW Sex/Kink Discussions

Cum one, Cum all! This holiday season, we give to you the gift of aural pleasure and a discussion of Hentai with hosts of The Dildorks Podcast, Kate Sloan and Bex Caputo!

The Dildorks Podcast:

Kate's Twitter: @Girly_Juice

Bex's Twitter: @BexTalksSex

Twitter: @Areweebthereyet

Instagram: @areweebthereyet


Thank you:

Camille Ruley for our Artwork

Louie Zong for our Themesong "stories"

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